claudekennilol |
7 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Wayfinder (at a 50% discount for 250 gp; see page 299 of
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide)
However, listed in the guide itself used to be the wayfinder's statblock. I see that's missing from season 8. Is it intended that players must now have the Inner Sea World Guide or Seekers of Secrets to make use of a wayfinder? Or is having access to an older guide still sufficient?
Nefreet |
Access to an older Guide would not work for characters making a purchase after August 4th.
Much like the older Faction Traits are no longer available for characters created after those Guides were replaced.
Though if you already have a Wayfinder, and a copy of the older Guide, that would work.
Just like using an older Guide to reference your Trait.
But I do really hope that the team puts it back into the edited Season 8 Guide.
My future CORE characters will be sad otherwise.
claudekennilol |
My future CORE characters will be sad otherwise.
That's something I hadn't even thought of. I was moreso thinking of "what about new players that don't have these books yet?" My thinking that a wayfinder is a pretty standard piece of equipment for a pathfinder and that easy access for everyone was intended.
Hmm Venture-Captain, Minnesota |
Murdock Mudeater |
I'll be flabbergasted if this is the new policy rather than an oversight from cleaning up the guide
This being core characters can't have way finders on their always available list
I was teasing. I agree, definitely seems like an accident. Though that said, all the wayfinder upgrades are presently non-core, so perhaps we're waiting on an upcoming remake of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: PFS guide (which is overdue anyway).
Wink, wink, paizo. I love to see that old PFS guide for sale again in print. Especially with updated faction options (all the other content is solid). Selling it in print means I can support my local hobby store when I purchase it. Plus I like hard copies.