FLite Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento |
Knock: 1. A sorcerer/wizard spell that opens doors, and has no material component. 2. A rogue spell that opens doors, and uses masterwork lock picks as the focus component. 3. A barbarian spell that opens doors, and uses an adamantine earthbreaker as the focus component.
Minor correction. If it is not used up, it is a focus.
Socalwarhammer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Boom Stick= any firearm, which must be proceeded by, "This is my..."
Blaster= an arcane caster designed to do as much damage as possible with spells, most often destroying a large area and numerous enemies, as well as the occasional PC.
Dice Monkey= The player who sits next to his best friend. That friend coaches (pushes) them through every aspect of the game... repeating the following phrase, "Don't worry about that, just roll the 20 sided die."
Auto-Pilot= a scenario that appears to drive the characters in a particular direction, no matter how often they really screw it up or try to go off on a tangent.
Fromper |
Auto-Pilot= a scenario that appears to drive the characters in a particular direction, no matter how often they really screw it up or try to go off on a tangent.
I've usually seen this described as a railroad. You're not allowed to take the scenario off the tracks, no matter how hard you try.
Validorn |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |
Errata| That magical event where changes result in: gutted items having to be sold back, feats being retrained, and whole builds or characters being orphaned/abandoned/forsaken. This is often accompanied with intense debate on the forums of 'why can't we have nice things?' or 'that was so broken and you munchkins know it!' along with much praise for John Compton and campaign management for their understanding and assistance during this difficult time.
Kurald Galain RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
Ascalaphus Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden |
Gwen Smith |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
geek soduku: Finding which geeks can play at which table at which times. with which characters to balance party numbers, party compositions, who wants to play which character at which level and play the faction relevant scenarios.
Synonyms: Table tetris, geek tetris, mustering (archaic).
Ascalaphus Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden |
Michael Meunier wrote:Famous Last Words: "Sure, I can make the save" OR "I have a high AC, come at me.""Go ahead. I have Evasion."
Remember, you might be able to cope with the save DCs of a relatively unoptimized NPC, but surviving a tricked out PC's DCs is a whole different story.
thaX Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville |
DM Livgin |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Primary Success Condition: If you survive and do what you are told, you will get this.
Secondary Success Condition: A reward to a hidden objective. That hidden object varies wildly but often includes: being a good person, being a jerk, looting everything, not looting everything, killing the dragon, not killing the dragon, Cooperating, Exploring, Reporting.
DM Livgin |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Don't Trust the Teleport: If you are getting teleported into a stretch of empty wilderness; don't trust it, the wilderness isn't empty. Travel loaded for bear (there might be a bear were you land).
Edit: Who am I kidding, if you are senior enough to get teleported around you will run into something far worse than a bear.
Kurald Galain RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Knowledge(Religion) : Everyone laughs when you tell them that a skeleton has DR/Bludgeoning. No one laughs when a ghost is possessing the paladin.
Knowledge (Local): you know all the local gossip, tourist attractions, and where the best bars are. Even if you are in a country you've never been before. For some reason, you also know everything about gnolls and cloud giants, which the more sagely-inclined characters have no clue about.
Merisal The Risen |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Knowledge (Local): you know all the local gossip, tourist attractions, and where the best bars are. Even if you are in a country you've never been before. For some reason, you also know everything about gnolls and cloud giants, which the more sagely-inclined characters have no clue about.
That's because all the pathfinders that go to all the far flung places gf Golarion keep sending picture cards of all the best taverns where they are to the Wounded Wisp/Pigs Paunch
Starglim |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'm waiting for We Be Runelords. ;)
Choose from these pregenerated characters:
Aroden, a wandering swordsman
Ceyanan, the Shepherd
The Day of Death
Time crisis! By tremendous magic, Zutha, Tar-Baphon and Geb conspire to bring to Golarion the staff of the ferryman, an object shaped from a cosmic superstring infused with negative energy. If they succeed, they will unite themselves as the new Horseman of Death, withering the planet into the same state as Eox.
Belimarius refuses to help. Krune doesn't answer. Sorshen's price is too high; the allies have called up a former queen in her place.
Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild: The chronicle sheet from this adventure may be applied to any 19th level character.
Wei Ji the Learner |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Pretty nice, Starglim, but it needs some editing, imo
Choose from these pregenerated characters:
Aroden, a wandering swordsman
Ceyanan, the Shepherd
The Day of DeathTime crisis! By tremendous magic, Zutha, Tar-Baphon and Geb conspire to bring to Golarion the staff of the ferryman, an object shaped from a cosmic superstring infused with negative energy. If they succeed, they will unite themselves as the new Horseman of Death, withering the planet into the same state as Eox.
Belimarius refuses to help. Krune doesn't answer. Sorshen's price is too high; the allies have called up a former queen in her place.Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild: The chronicle sheet from this adventure may be applied to any
19th17th level character.
EDIT: Removed all the hanger's-on to give a TRUE Runelord experience. A special mechanic will be incorporated to allow all of the Runelords to participate in this scenario without murdering each other -- even though they really, really, really want to.
Z...D... Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Hagerstown |