Chromantic Durgon <3 |

Okay so I'm homebrewing a campaign and I have a number of NPCs I need to build I've made like 6 major npcs and I'm getting fatigue :P
these builds don't need to be super optimal I'm more looking for kewl signature moves or fancy styles :P
I'm gonna give you the classes and what I need the characters to focus on any help is appreciated from a selected feat line to a full niche build
an Arcanist around level 10 no style in particular in mind.
Hedge witch type character around level 12
level 12 illusionist wizard
level 8/9 transmutationn wizard
level 14 bard, anti caster if possible.
level 6 luck/fluke/chance based sorcerer.
Level ten cleric of Pharasma, specifically not her fate portfolio.
Level 12 transmutation wizard (rival of NPC 3)
So yeah lot of complicated casters lots of kewl things I imagine could be done with them but I don't know what and I'm tired of making NPCS!

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For NPC 5, I'd suggest Arcane Duelist with a whip. You'll get the Disruptive and Spellbreaker feats (normally fighter-only, make it difficult to cast in your threatened area). You also have enough feats to get a decent style together (though it would be painful to work your way through this from level 1).
1 - Weapon Finesse, Arcane Strike (Bonus)
3 - Weapon Focus (Whip)
5 - Slashing Grace (whip)
6 - Disruptive (Bonus)
7 - Whip Mastery
9 - Improved Whip Mastery
10 - Spellbreaker (Bonus)
11 - Combat Reflexes
13 - Improved Counterspell (or whatever)
This gives you a 10ft threatened area and increases the DC to cast defensively within that radius by 4. If a caster fails their concentration check, you get an AoO. And even without Spellbreaker you can take normal AoO.
With a Type II Ring of Spell Knowledge you could also learn Long Arm and increase the reach to 15ft.

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For #6, maybe a halfling sorcerer with the psychic bloodline. Feats of Well-Prepared (Ahah! I just happen to have the perfect trick here...), Deceptive & Cunning Caster (coincidences obviously aren't if you see someone casting a spell first.)
The bloodline spells can handle attack, Blink, Invisibility and Escaping Ward defence, True Strike & Bungle for setting up weird coincidences.

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I'd actually go for the Destined Bloodline for the sorcerer. It sounds at first like it's the opposite of luck but two of the three bloodline powers you get by 6th level grant luck bonuses, and as the GM you could even tweak the first level "touch of destiny" to "touch of luck" and change the insight bonus to a luck bonus (should still be about balanced).
Here are some spell suggestions. The big thing to note is that the 2nd level spells Arcane Disruption and Distracting Cacophony both make it even harder to cast defensively near the NPC, synergising with Disruptive/Spellbreaker. However, Arcane Disruption only suppresses arcane casting and can be negated by a will save, while Cacophony also interferes with the spells of the bard and their allies.
0 - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
1 - 6 of: Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Dazzling Blade, Expeditious Retreat, Identify, Moment of Greatness, Vanish, Grease, Saving Finale
2 - Bladed Dash, Blindness/Deafness, Greater Detect Magic, Enshroud Thoughts; Two of (Silence, Arcane Disruption, Distracting Cacophony)
3 - 5 of: Dispel Magic, Good Hope, Haste, Cure Serious Wounds, Jester's Jaunt, Purging Finale
4 - Break Enchantment, Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, Virtuoso Performance
5 - Greater Bladed Dash, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Heroism

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Three options there for the lucky guy; apparent luck, primal magic, and luck bonuses. Whichever fits your concept best I guess.
Anyway, a 12th level illusionist can do many things, and being a wizard they can choose which to do day-to-day. One such is to create labyrinths with wall of stone/iron, fabricate, illusory wall, permanent image, programmed image, guards and wards and trap spells like symbol. The illusionists' home would be a difficult place to take on even without the guards it likely has. Another is to have the perfect spell for any situation ready (via shadow conjuration / evocation / enchantment) at their fingertips. Then there's nasty battlefield control like phantasmal web just asking to be used. While they likely have transmutation and say evocation as opposition schools remember that it's absolutely possible to prepare and use spells from those schools in downtime, contingency can still be a thing.
E.g. Human wizard, shadowcaster archetype, illusion school, barring transmutation and evocation.
W1: Scribe scroll
1: Spell focus (illusion)
H1: Greater spell focus (illusion)
3: Spell penetration
5: Stylized spell
7: Solid shadows
9: Resilient illusions
11: Quicken spell
Between the archetype, solid shadows, resilient illusions and the spell focus their shadow spells should be impressive. Some of those contribute to making ordinary illusions hard to beat too; phantasmal killer may be worth casting.

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Thinking about the illusionist's rival - you want to make them as distinct as possible, right? Maybe the transmuter is a brawling type who polymorphs into huge monsters in order to tear his enemies apart. Decent physical stats, he needs his headband to prepare 5th-6th level spells though. Add a familiar to give him a buddy to fight with too but bar illusion and conjuration - the first because his rival uses it, the second to keep there from being too many bodies on the field.
Half-orc wizard, spirit binder archetype, transmutation school / shapechanger subschool, illusion and conjuration as opposition schools.
1: Improved unarmed strike
3: Dragon style
5: Flyby attack
7: Improved familiar?
9: Lunging spell touch
11: Quicken spell

Chromantic Durgon <3 |

few things.
As to the Sorcerer I was actually expecting someone to suggest destined but I liked your idea I was just wondering why the psychic bloodline is particularly favored
as for the illusionist and transmuter suggestions, thanks I love them both! and it will be kewl for the group to fight such distinctly different wizards should they end up fighting them. I'm just dreading setting up the illusionists defenses xD
because she's apprenticed to an arcane caster.
thanks a lot for that list, you're a star!

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A very rough Cleric for NPC 7, its missing plenty, but is a little bit better than bare bones.
It still needs some feats and gear plus some abilities need to be added.
Gender Human Cleric 10
N Medium Humanoid(Human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +7
AC ; Touch ; Flat-Footed ; (armor specfics)
HP 55(10d8+10)
Fort +8; Ref +3; Will +10
Speed 30ft
Space 5ft; Reach 5ft
Special Attacks Channel Positive Energy (5d6 DC 18)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10)
At Will - Lorekeeper
Bleeding Touch (6/day)
Remote Viewing (10 rounds/day)
Spells Prepared (CL 10, Concentration +13)
5th Break Enchantment, Slay LivingD (DC 19)
4th Death WardD, Neutralise Poison, Restoration, Sending
3rd Dispel Magic, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Speak with DeadD (DC 17)
2nd Calm Emotions (DC 16), Detect ThoughtsD (DC 16), False Life, Lesser Restoration (2), Make Whole
1st Bless, Comprehend LanguagesD, Deathwatch, Detect Undead, Sanctuary (DC 15), Shield of Faith
0 Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read Magic
Domains: Death, Knowledge
Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 13
Base Atk +7; CMB +6; CMD 16
Feats Selective Channel, Improved Channel, Extra Channel,
Skills Heal +17, Knowledge (Arcana) +15, Knowledge (Religion)+15, Linguistics +6, Perception +14, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +15
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling

avr |

'Level 12' and 'Hedge witch type' don't want to stick together in my head. By level 12 you should be a pretty well known hero or villain, you don't gain 11 levels sleeping under hedges and curing scrapie.
Assume the hedge witch type just means the archetype. Maybe they're someone with a strong link to their community and traditions; a community in a very dangerous area given they've made 12th level living there. They're not leaving or learning the skills of a better archetype because IT'S MAH HOME AND MAH FAMILY'S TRADITION!
Ahem. The focus then will be on enabling the communities' warriors to fight off dangerous enemies via buffs and debuffs. Soothsayer + Fortune hexes will buff directly, Cauldron + Witch's Brew creates potions for them, Beast Eye enables safe scouting. The Healing patron keeps your warriors alive when they suffer effects other than hit point damage.
For feats,
Human: Toughness (just remove if she's another race/species)
1: Spell Focus (evocation)
Cauldron hex: Brew Potion
3: Chilling Amplification
5: Rime Spell
7: Persistent Spell
9: Craft Rod
11: Selective Spell
Her debuffs are mostly cold spells, augmented by a metamagic rod and/or chilling amplification. Occasionally also persistent mind-affecting spells.

avr |

NPC 1 - we don't have a pure blaster yet, do we? And it's recently been pointed out how to do this most effectively. As an arcanist no less.
NPC 4 - Maybe they're a master merchant using Conversing Wind to organise their business and polymorph effects for sneaky stuff rather than being a bruiser. They might even have the Arcane Trickster prestige class. If so, perhaps
Half-elf rogue 1 / wizard 4 / arcane trickster 3-4, transmutation school, barring necromancy and abjuration.
Wizard 1: Scribe scroll
Half-elf: Skill focus (linguistics)
1: Orator
3: Point blank shot
5: Accomplished sneak attacker
7: Precise shot
9 (if 9th level): Spell penetration

Chromantic Durgon <3 |

'Level 12' and 'Hedge witch type' don't want to stick together in my head. By level 12 you should be a pretty well known hero or villain, you don't gain 11 levels sleeping under hedges and curing scrapie.
Assume the hedge witch type just means the archetype. Maybe they're someone with a strong link to their community and traditions; a community in a very dangerous area given they've made 12th level living there. They're not leaving or learning the skills of a better archetype because IT'S MAH HOME AND MAH FAMILY'S TRADITION!
Ahem. The focus then will be on enabling the communities' warriors to fight off dangerous enemies via buffs and debuffs. Soothsayer + Fortune hexes will buff directly, Cauldron + Witch's Brew creates potions for them, Beast Eye enables safe scouting. The Healing patron keeps your warriors alive when they suffer effects other than hit point damage.
For feats,
Human: Toughness (just remove if she's another race/species)
1: Spell Focus (evocation)
Cauldron hex: Brew Potion
3: Chilling Amplification
5: Rime Spell
7: Persistent Spell
9: Craft Rod
11: Selective SpellHer debuffs are mostly cold spells, augmented by a metamagic rod and/or chilling amplification. Occasionally also persistent mind-affecting spells.
I see what you mean about the level 12 hedge witch, I can explain her position in society if that helps you.
She is the chief magical adviser to a kingdom based in the largest forest area of the campaign setting (at least until they move continent) she puts on this image of a hedge witch, wise potion crafting medicinal magic type character who is trying to stabilize the two main waring houses of the kingdom.
However that is all a disguise to cover the fact that actually she is the one pulling the strings and the lords are having a kind of cold war as a front.
NPC 1 - we don't have a pure blaster yet, do we? And it's recently been pointed out how to do this most effectively. As an arcanist no less.
This is a brand new group I'm working with and I'm not really comfortable making this guy a super optimized blaster since their is probably a 50% chance they'll be fighting about level 8 and he could potentially wipe them
NPC 4 - Maybe they're a master merchant using Conversing Wind to organise their business and polymorph effects for sneaky stuff rather than being a bruiser. They might even have the Arcane Trickster prestige class. If so, perhapsHalf-elf rogue 1 / wizard 4 / arcane trickster 3-4, transmutation school, barring necromancy and abjuration.
Wizard 1: Scribe scroll
Half-elf: Skill focus (linguistics)
1: Orator
3: Point blank shot
5: Accomplished sneak attacker
7: Precise shot
9 (if 9th level): Spell penetration
Now this is awesome just wondering if you have any kewl ideas for weaving some enchanting in their anywhere. He has sort of taken control of a colony of pech through trickery so the orator sneak thing works well :P

avr |

For #4? Enchantment isn't one of his opposition schools and he's a wizard. Or if you meant enchanting items just take one more level of wizard, one less of AT and use the bonus feat accordingly.
I'll think of another idea for #1 and get back to you.
For #2 the hexes are good, we just need to change the feats. For serious manipulation she's likely to want something more like
Human: Deceitful
1: Spell focus (enchantment)
Cauldron hex: Brew potion
3: Subtle enchantments
5: Cunning caster
7: Silent spell
9: Persistent spell
11: Quicken spell
You could stick with the healing patron for the medicine point, or go with portents to stay informed (important for large scale manipulation), or enchantment for narrow scale manipulation.

avr |

NPC 1 is a 10th level arcanist. They could be a master of counterspelling, but that needs a party with a couple others on offence to be effective. Likewise someone who polymorphs others. A blaster is out. There's enough stealthy casters in the list that one more variant won't stand out. But... except for the illusionist, who isn't a specialist, there's no summoner yet.
Human arcanist, occultist archetype. Charisma about equal to intelligence. Constantly in need of money due to his scroll smoking habit (consume magic items).
Human: Scribe scroll
1: Spell focus (conjuration)
3: Augment summoning
Arcanist exploit 3: consume magic items
5: Summon {good, neutral or evil} monster
Arcanist exploit 5: school understanding (divination: forewarned)
7: Superior summoning
9: Evolved summoned monster

Chromantic Durgon <3 |

For #4? Enchantment isn't one of his opposition schools and he's a wizard. Or if you meant enchanting items just take one more level of wizard, one less of AT and use the bonus feat accordingly.
you make a good point.
I'll think of another idea for #1 and get back to you.For #2 the hexes are good, we just need to change the feats. For serious manipulation she's likely to want something more like
Human: Deceitful
1: Spell focus (enchantment)
Cauldron hex: Brew potion
3: Subtle enchantments
5: Cunning caster
7: Silent spell
9: Persistent spell
11: Quicken spellYou could stick with the healing patron for the medicine point, or go with portents to stay informed (important for large scale manipulation), or enchantment for narrow scale manipulation.
Got any particular spells in mind she'd be quickening. Other than Ill Omen obviously. :P
NPC 1 is a 10th level arcanist. They could be a master of counterspelling, but that needs a party with a couple others on offence to be effective. Likewise someone who polymorphs others. A blaster is out. There's enough stealthy casters in the list that one more variant won't stand out. But... except for the illusionist, who isn't a specialist, there's no summoner yet.Human arcanist, occultist archetype. Charisma about equal to intelligence. Constantly in need of money due to his scroll smoking habit (consume magic items).
Human: Scribe scroll
1: Spell focus (conjuration)
3: Augment summoning
Arcanist exploit 3: consume magic items
5: Summon {good, neutral or evil} monster
Arcanist exploit 5: school understanding (divination: forewarned)
7: Superior summoning
9: Evolved summoned monster
ooo summoning I like would rather mitigate the old One enemy vs a party problem.

avr |

Got any particular spells in mind she'd be quickening. Other than Ill Omen obviously. :P
Or obscuring mist for a quick defence, or glitterdust to add a debuff as a swift action. Less regularly, quickened spells are something that it might be easier to squeeze into a conversation because they're so quick - quickened silent sow thought seems like it might be something that this manipulator might want to use.
But yeah, quickened ill omen is really good.