Paladin Martyr's Stigmata

Rules Questions

Stigmata: As a standard action, the martyr can chant
hymns of faith and cause bleeding stigmata to visibly appear
on his body; at 7th level, he can manifest stigmata as a move
action, and at 13th level, he can do so as a swift action. He can
use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his
Charisma modifier at 1st level, plus 1 additional round per
day for each level beyond 1st. While his stigmata are active,
he takes 1 point of bleed damage, which automatically ceases
when he ends this ability but otherwise does not relent, even
in the face of magical healing or Heal checks. His stigmata
assist his allies, duplicating the effect of the countersong,
distraction, or inspire courage bardic performance of a
bard of his paladin level, though both countersong and
distraction use Heal skill checks instead of Perform skill
checks. At 10th level, he can choose to duplicate the effects
of inspire greatness. At 16th level, he can choose to duplicate
the effects of inspire heroics.

I'm curious if this counts as a bards bardic performance. Like, can I pick up extra performance for this?
If not, if I multiclass bard could I have this and a bardic performance up at the same time?

It does not count as a bardic performance, it only duplicates the effects, so you could not get extra performance.

While it would be possible to multiclass bard and have both bardic performance and stigmata active at the same time, it would be useless with the inspire confidence performance because the bonuses provided are of the same type (morale for the saving throws for and competence to attack and damage for both effects) and thus would not stack.

It might be useful to have two inspire greatness, but that would require a level 19 character. It would almost certainly be better to put all your levels in one class.

Chess Pwn wrote:
I'm curious if this counts as a bards bardic performance. Like, can I pick up extra performance for this?

Probably not. It duplicates the effects of Bardic Performances, not all the other properties of same.

If not, if I multiclass bard could I have this and a bardic performance up at the same time?

Sure. The inability to have two Bardic Performances up isn't an effect of Bardic Performance itself, but merely a limitation of the performer.

please tell me this doesn't replace smite evil

CWheezy wrote:
please tell me this doesn't replace smite evil

It replaces smite evil.

Silver Crusade

The Martyr is very much a buffer for his friends.

Charon Onozuka wrote:
CWheezy wrote:
please tell me this doesn't replace smite evil
It replaces smite evil.

I said please

The martyr is a Full bab reduced spellcasting bard. It's not a paladin.

When you see it this way you can make a good evaluation. Because thinking it's still a paladin means it bad at being a paladin.

Grand Lodge

Does the ability end if the martyr goes unconscious? Most abilities like this do, but this one doesn't mention that. If it stays active, the martyr continues bleeding due to this even if otherwise stabilized. Now, it's not entirely a bad thing - there's a not-insignificant chance that the martyr is more likely to survive if his still-conscious allies benefit from the buff - but it's worth keeping in mind.

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