Paizo Pokemon Go Trainers

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Kolokotroni wrote:
Slothsy wrote:
Is anyone else a bit shocked by how popular this turned out to be? I assumed it was gonna be, like, a nerd thing. Even my friends that don't play pokemon are playing this game.

Video games aren't a 'nerd thing' anymore. Mobile games even less so. Almost everyone plays some kind of mobile game if they have a smart phone. This one is fun, social, and sort of addictive. I think it will appeal to a wide range of people. They might not all strap on a backpack and a red cap before playing, but I think tons of people who aren't explicate pokemon fans will find it fun.

This afternoon during my lunch hour I went for a walk along the water and literally saw hundreds of my collegues playing the game walking along as series of pokestops. This has definitely crossed boundaries.

Yea, I think half of my co-workers all have this app installed now, lol.

Community Manager

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Kolokotroni wrote:
I wonder if the paizo office is a gym....

No, but the Post Office across the street from us is.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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I've been playing over the weekend and I can recognize when the app has frozen and I'm pretty good at restarting it very quickly :P

I've been having quite a bit of fun with it so far and have already found a good running route that hits up a bunch of pokestops.

Currently: Level 12
Top 3 in my collection are 769 Jolteon, 743 Clefable, 705 Vileplume

I've checked in on breaks today and noticed that the post office across the street has changed hands several times already today. I tried one battle at our local park, and lost horribly. I didn't realize that the pokemon they showed you was not the only thing you might be fighting. So I quickly went from "Oh I can take that monster" to "... Well looks like I've lost quite a few HP..."

I have never played any iteration of Pokemon before. This is incredibly fun.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

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My most amusing story so far: Driving to get some late night food with my husband, he was in the passenger seat holding both of our phones grabbing every Pokestop he could as we drove past. We had just made a left turn and were going pretty slow when he yells "PIKACHU! ON YOUR PHONE!" He threw the ball and caught it, but after a shake or two, Pika escaped and ran away. He spent the whole rest of the night apologizing for being the worst husband ever and letting Pikachu get away.

2nd place: Walking around a local park when I walked by a lady who asked "Whatcha doin'?" Turned around to tell her I was playing Pokemon and noticed she had a parrot on a leash. Spent about 10 minutes chatting with her, getting to hold and take selfies with her adorable parrot (who was named TinTin!) and talking about Pokemon.

Scarab Sages

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That husband is the absolute worst for letting a Pikachu get away.

Community Manager

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Karui Kage wrote:
That husband is the absolute worst for letting a Pikachu get away.

Wretched knave. How dare he bring the Adorbageddon one day closer by not getting his wife a Pikachu?!

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

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Me, opening up my PokeDex.

Scarab Sages

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MRW my wife broadcasts my pokemon failure for all of Paizo to see.

Dark Archive

A quick guide to Pokemon Go.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's tough being a Mystic in a Valor town.

But I perform Drive-By Gym attacks to keep those damn, dirty reds on their toes.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Totally saw two guys at the side of the highway last night, battling for the gym at the Pal's.

Since I'm a responsible adult in a smaller city, I haven't had the time or access to do much, and so I'm totally outclassed by whoever controls the gym near me. Is there still a point to going there?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If you are the same team as the nearby gym you can train your pokemon against it.

If not, then defeating even 1 other team pokemon reduces the prestige of the gym and makes it easier for you (or someone on your team) to get control over the gym.

RainyDayNinja wrote:

Totally saw two guys at the side of the highway last night, battling for the gym at the Pal's.

Since I'm a responsible adult in a smaller city, I haven't had the time or access to do much, and so I'm totally outclassed by whoever controls the gym near me. Is there still a point to going there?

You can make progress if you defeat even one enemy pokemon at the gym (you also start from the weakest one defending). In addition to that you bring 6 pokemon to attack a gym. So even if you are outclassed one on one, you can get xp and make progress 6 on 1. The game favors attacking because they want gyms to exchange hands. Its more fun that way.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

My wife and I got the app and went out on our first hunt last night. We were all of 20 feet up the street when a car stopped next to us and the driver said "Are you guys playing Go?". When we said we were, he advised us that he'd spotted a Gloom half a block back, and a Dratini in the school parking lot nearby. Sadly, both were gone by the time we got to those areas. Almost an hour later (how the time flies!) another random stranger asked if we'd caught anything good (didn't even have to ask what we were doing) and advised us that the nearby pond typically had good stuff and he'd caught a Rhydon there a few days ago.

By the end of the night, I'd caught a Pidgey, a Spearow, and a Rattata. Lost a Pidgeotto to a server crash. My wife got a Pidgey, Spearow, and Nidoran. We'd spent a good chunk of the evening chasing Gastly and Drowzee all over creation, but never found them.

This morning, my wife was in the passenger seat on my drive into work, and was scooping up new pokemon left and right. Don't even know everything she got. Totally jealous.

We'll see how my lunch break goes.

Dark Archive

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
A quick guide to Pokemon Go.

I wish I was enterprising as this at age seven.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

It's tough being a Mystic in a Valor town.

But I perform Drive-By Gym attacks to keep those damn, dirty reds on their toes.

Fire and Blood you mystic hippie. In all seriousness I wish you luck in your insurrection. I am sure the valor players enjoy crushing your feeble pokemon beneath their boots after your incursions.

All kidding aside, nintendos stock has gone up 33% and they are already pulling in more revenue then clash of clans or candy crush, have more active users the twitter, and they are doing it by encouraging people to excersize and socialize, while making their money through small transactions across their player base without specifically targeting or relying on high spending 'whales'.

This really could be something special in gaming history.

Look, everyone knows Instinct is the best. Mystic is acceptable.

Nobody likes Valor. Pretty sure all you Valor folks don't either, it's just some weird kind of self loathing. =p

Sundakan wrote:

Look, everyone knows Instinct is the best. Mystic is acceptable.

Nobody likes Valor. Pretty sure all you Valor folks don't either, it's just some weird kind of self loathing. =p

Valar Zalatas (I am pretty sure this translates to all men must burn, my Old Valaryan isn't great)

And I assure you Valor is perfectly content with itself. Its you Instincts that seem to be overly introspective and full of self doubt.

Team Valor: We will take what is ours with fire and blood! ;)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Caineach wrote:
So anyone else collecting a ton of some uncommon type of pokemon? I have so many eevees I don't know what to do with them. I thought they were as common as rattata until people started telling me how jealous they were. I talked with someone else for whom dodo were like that, and I haven't seen one of those.
There seems to be some areas that certain pokemon are more common. There are a lot of eevee and nidoran near my house (and a few bulbasaur), but I don't see either of those anywhere else.

Don't forget, some Pokemon only appear in blue and some in red. Once you join a side maybe some of them become harder to find.

Dark Archive Software Developer

The help site indicates that Pokemon can be found near their habitats. So, lakes, rivers, streams for Water types, etc.. Your team doesn't have an effect on what you can find, but trainer level seems to play a role. I've seen steadily better Pokemon as I've gained levels.

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At level 16 now I can say that pokemon get significantly better as you gain levels, to a pretty ridiculous extent. Its actually a little annoying because it means that ones you train up are inferior to ones you just catch randomly. I really have to wonder about the game design choices they made for this game.

Christopher Anthony wrote:
The help site indicates that Pokemon can be found near their habitats. So, lakes, rivers, streams for Water types, etc.. Your team doesn't have an effect on what you can find, but trainer level seems to play a role. I've seen steadily better Pokemon as I've gained levels.

There are also specific locations that have a higher likelihood of spawning certain kinds of pokemon. For instance, there are a ton of Abras In city hall park in Manhattan. If such a location is where you normally play you could easily rack up a lot of an uncommon pokemon.

Kolokotroni wrote:
Christopher Anthony wrote:
The help site indicates that Pokemon can be found near their habitats. So, lakes, rivers, streams for Water types, etc.. Your team doesn't have an effect on what you can find, but trainer level seems to play a role. I've seen steadily better Pokemon as I've gained levels.
There are also specific locations that have a higher likelihood of spawning certain kinds of pokemon. For instance, there are a ton of Abras In city hall park in Manhattan. If such a location is where you normally play you could easily rack up a lot of an uncommon pokemon.

anyone else notice a change in what is common for an area? The past few days eevee and nidoran were common at work, now drowzee and clefairry are spawning all day.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

So... I get that supposedly you can find pokemon near their typical habitat, with the go-to example being to hunt lakes and rivers for water-types. But what about, say, fire-types? My wife is hoping to find a Vulpix and/or a Ponyta, but we have no clue where to go for our best odds.

Also, is there a way my wife and I can trade with each other? Or battle each other?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Jiggy wrote:

So... I get that supposedly you can find pokemon near their typical habitat, with the go-to example being to hunt lakes and rivers for water-types. But what about, say, fire-types? My wife is hoping to find a Vulpix and/or a Ponyta, but we have no clue where to go for our best odds.

Also, is there a way my wife and I can trade with each other? Or battle each other?

We have about a dozen coal and/or gas-fired boilers here at work. Planning on cruising around for fire and electric types. I'll let you know.

So far, you can only battle at gyms, and there's no trade function, but it's in the works for updates. We're still pretty much on a kind of beta version.

Jiggy wrote:

So... I get that supposedly you can find pokemon near their typical habitat, with the go-to example being to hunt lakes and rivers for water-types. But what about, say, fire-types? My wife is hoping to find a Vulpix and/or a Ponyta, but we have no clue where to go for our best odds.

Also, is there a way my wife and I can trade with each other? Or battle each other?

I have seen a vulpex near my house and caught one at a restaurant. Found a growthie near that restaurant. So far they seem to be random and rare.

I've only seen fire types from eggs.

So, I wonder what team the people at Paizo have chosen? ;)

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I've seen a vulpix and a ponyta in regular grassy suburban areas. But both only once, I figure they're pretty rare. Besides those two, if you're lucky you can get a flareon from an eevee relatively easily. I've also heard charmanders spawn more frequently in fire stations, though I haven't visited one find out so I can give no guarantees.

Paizo Employee Developer

Matrix Dragon wrote:
So, I wonder what team the people at Paizo has chosen? ;)

I know!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Didn't know until today that it was available, so I only just now downloaded the app. Any pointers from more experienced (by 4 days) players ?

Also, going to Disney - Orlando first week in August. I bet that place is is a Pokemon Park and full of everything (unless Disney paid to have them taken off).

Wait....there are better Pokeballs?

I have only seen the normal ones so far. Maybe they appear at a higher level? (Currently 7)

Krell44 wrote:

Wait....there are better Pokeballs?

I have only seen the normal ones so far. Maybe they appear at a higher level? (Currently 7)

I think every ten levels you unlock better pokeballs. The levels are standard, great, and ultra I think. I've heard of Master, but I don't know what they do or if they are real.

I'm at level 16 and currently have great balls. I wish they came out of the stops more often though!

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

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Matrix Dragon wrote:
So, I wonder what team the people at Paizo have chosen? ;)

We are not all on the same team. I'm pretty sure some friendships are already falling apart because of this.

Charles Scholz wrote:

Didn't know until today that it was available, so I only just now downloaded the app. Any pointers from more experienced (by 4 days) players ?

Let's see....

1. When you throw a pokeball, try to wait until the circle around the pokemon is small.

2. Collect a lot of pokemon of a single type to get candies and evolve one of them.

3. The display that shows what pokemon are available show the distance by the number of footprints are next to the pokemon. The fewer footprints, the closer the pokemon.

4. If you take over a gym, you can get rewards on the store page.

5. Don't 'Power Up' pokemon until you find one that is fully evolved and has a high power potential. The half circle above the pokemon shows how close to its current max it is. You will run out of dust quickly.

Thankfully everyone at my work is Instinct. Except the one Mystic guy.

We're all united in our fist waving at the Valor guys who clearly paid to win since on launch day they had a 700 CP Flareon.

Matrix Dragon wrote:
Krell44 wrote:

Wait....there are better Pokeballs?

I have only seen the normal ones so far. Maybe they appear at a higher level? (Currently 7)

I think every ten levels you unlock better pokeballs. The levels are standard, great, and ultra I think. I've heard of Master, but I don't know what they do or if they are real.

I'm at level 16 and currently have great balls. I wish they came out of the stops more often though!

Master balls have a 100% capture rate. Traditionally, in the original Nintendo games, you were given one before encountering the main legendary pokemon at the climax of the game. I'm not sure how and even if master balls will be implemented in Pokemon Go. I imagine they will be though.

Sundakan wrote:

Thankfully everyone at my work is Instinct. Except the one Mystic guy.

We're all united in our fist waving at the Valor guys who clearly paid to win since on launch day they had a 700 CP Flareon.

Honestly, a 700Cp Flareon the first day wouldn't have been that hard. I had a 500 Jolteon day 1 and was hitting 700 with some of the others day 2. Eevee is really common in some areas and only costs 25 to evolve.

Matrix Dragon wrote:
Charles Scholz wrote:

Didn't know until today that it was available, so I only just now downloaded the app. Any pointers from more experienced (by 4 days) players ?

Let's see....

1. When you throw a pokeball, try to wait until the circle around the pokemon is small.

2. Collect a lot of pokemon of a single type to get candies and evolve one of them.

3. The display that shows what pokemon are available show the distance by the number of footprints are next to the pokemon. The fewer footprints, the closer the pokemon.

4. If you take over a gym, you can get rewards on the store page.

5. Don't 'Power Up' pokemon until you find one that is fully evolved and has a high power potential. The half circle above the pokemon shows how close to its current max it is. You will run out of dust quickly.

If you see a pokeball in the top left, that means that something is thinking. If you cannot connect to the server, it will just stay on. If you notice this, kill the app and reopen it.

Katina Davis wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
So, I wonder what team the people at Paizo have chosen? ;)
We are not all on the same team. I'm pretty sure some friendships are already falling apart because of this.


Luckily I was able to get everyone at my job and almost all of my friends to join red team, lol.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Just found out that two of my brothers are Team Instinct. Having not reached level 5 yet, I haven't picked, and I'm now torn between joining them and betraying them.

Is there any actual difference between the teams, whether mechanics-wise or identity-wise?

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1. Better pokeballs are unlocked as you level up, I get great balls and ultra balls from pokestops at level 21.

2. Character level is king. You want to focus on leveling your character not your pokemon. Just leveling your character will give you better pokemon and more rare/uncommon pokemon.

3. Learn to throw the curve ball. It gives more xp, and has a better chance of catching the target.

4. Don't power up your first bunch of pokemon. Save the candy for evolutions and as you get multiple copies drop your weaker ones with transfers for extra candy (keep an eye on the attacks though those vary and you might want different types of attacks when you start going after gyms).

5. Disney is LOADED with poke stops and gyms. Its comparable to the best locations in manhattan, which since the game bases pokestops off cultural locations and landmarks and spawns off of cell traffic density you can imagine is friggan high.

6. Focus on Poke stops. You will find pokemon around the stops. The stops give you items. Items let you keep playing longer.

7. Find a dense 5-10 minute pokestop loop. Pokestops reset every 5 minutes or so. If you find a dense loop that takes 5-10 minutes to walk you can get a ton of poke stops (and xp) quickly.

8. Save your evolutions for when you have lucky eggs running. You will get some lucky eggs just from leveling up. Use one before you do evolutions and do them in groups to maximize xp gain.

9. Put your 2km eggs in your infinite egg incubator and your 5 or 10km eggs in limited use ones. You want to get the most out of each incubator that is limited use. Put the longer duration eggs in there when the option presents itself.

10. Work on hatching your eggs. Eggs give you really good shots at great pokemon and significantly more candy then catching one gives you. And you can only hold 9 at a time. So get walking (or slowly biking) and get your eggs hatched to make room for more.

11. Bring water, Sunscreen, comfortable shoes, more water, some granola bars (or other transportable non-heavy snacks), and maybe a first aid kit. This is an outdoor activity, be reasonably prepared.

12. If taking a pet for a walk, pay attention to them, its summer in many places the game released. Make sure they are well watered and keep an eye on them.

13. PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE YOU ARE GOING. Don't walk into traffic or wander into a gated community. Stay out of private property, poke stops should only be on public property. If there is one that is on private property, report it with the bug link in the app. Alsp be as alert as you normally would going out into the world. If going out at night make reasonable judgement calls about safety. Traveling in groups is not only fun, its also a good idea to avoid issues that can pop up when traveling through parks and other secluded locations at night.

14. Be respectful of other pokemon trainers. Its dead obvious who else is out there playing. Super obvious. That does not inherently give you the right to someone elses time or space. If they are looking around for others and giving signals they are looking to socialize say hi. If they are not, consider leaving them alone. We don't need the game to turn into a tool/excuse for harassment. Also, though team rivalry is all in good fun, remember its just a game. If someone takes your gym, take it back that's it.

15. Did I mention pay attention to where you are walking?

16. Cars will struggle to hatch eggs. The apparent limit is about 12mph for registering the distance (this can vary slightly depending on how good/bad your phones gps is). Go faster then that and eggs wont hatch and pokemon spawn less frequently (has to do with how the game determines your location). Even a moderate pace on a bike can go faster then that. Keep that in mind when choosing modes of travel. Foot is best, but a bike can also work if you take it slow.


17. Don't ignore friendly controlled gyms. Parking your own pokemon to defend them (Maybe after leveling it to get a new spot there) can get you gold every 21 hours. Training at a friendly gym increases its prestige which makes it harder to take away. Also gives descent xp.

18. You don't have to hold a gym long, just long enough. If there are a couple gyms close by, grab them then go to the shop and claim your reward. You can only claim it once every 21 hours. So you don't need to be holding your gym all the time to reap the rewards. But if you take a gym after you have already taking the rewards from the shop you have to wait until the 21 hour timer finishes. Time this well if possible.

Jiggy wrote:

Just found out that two of my brothers are Team Instinct. Having not reached level 5 yet, I haven't picked, and I'm now torn between joining them and betraying them.

Is there any actual difference between the teams, whether mechanics-wise or identity-wise?

There are already definite identities forming for the 3 teams. In terms of rules, it is likely that during events it will matter, but for the moment the only difference is who helps your gyms and who attacks them. You can get coins for free every 21 hours for defending gyms. You get xp for attacking gyms.

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I now have a picture of a Magnemite in front of a William Coolidge Fellowship Award plaque. My day is complete.

Jiggy wrote:

Just found out that two of my brothers are Team Instinct. Having not reached level 5 yet, I haven't picked, and I'm now torn between joining them and betraying them.

Is there any actual difference between the teams, whether mechanics-wise or identity-wise?

Mechanics-wise, no, identity-wise sort of.

In-game it basically goes: Valor is the "Gryffindor" of the group, Mystics are the brainy scientists, and Instinct are the "Be friends with Pokemon and raise them well and they'll be strong!" group.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Sundakan wrote:
Jiggy wrote:

Just found out that two of my brothers are Team Instinct. Having not reached level 5 yet, I haven't picked, and I'm now torn between joining them and betraying them.

Is there any actual difference between the teams, whether mechanics-wise or identity-wise?

Mechanics-wise, no, identity-wise sort of.

In-game it basically goes: Valor is the "Gryffindors" of the grup, Mystics are the brainy scientists, and Instinct are the "Be friends with Pokemon and raise them well and they'll be strong!" group.

I've also been hearing these teams referred to by color names...?

Valor's red, Mystic's blue, Instinct's yellow.

They also correspond to one of the Legendary Birds: Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos respectively.

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Kolokotroni wrote:
13. PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE YOU ARE GOING. Don't walk into traffic or wander into a gated community. Stay out of private property, poke stops should only be on public property. If there is one that is on private property, report it with the bug link in the app. Alsp be as alert as you normally would going out into the world. If going out at night make reasonable judgement calls about safety. Traveling in groups is not only fun, its also a good idea to avoid issues that can pop up when traveling through parks and other secluded locations at night.

My work has 8 pokestops and 3 gyms on private property. No way I'm reporting it.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Okay, so Red Gryffindor, Blue Ravenclaw, Yellow Elves. Got it.

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