>>>Ask Conservative Anklebiter Questions and other stuff<<<

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Hello. This is a place to ask me questions and things. Goblin things.

Are you my mother?

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How did you escape the Galtan Fun-Timey Reeducation Through Labor Supercenter?

[Takes notes in order to improve Fun-Timey Supercenter]

No. Maybe father, but I don't remember relations of the avian kind.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

How did you escape the Galtan Fun-Timey Reeducation Through Labor Supercenter?

[Takes notes in order to improve Fun-Timey Supercenter]

For me to know and you to find out.

Stabbyface escapeses from those rotten Paladins.

But not before burning thems and their s$+~sholes orphanage to the grounds.

That orphanage is sort of bad. Where did the Paladin touch you?

At leasts I founds the bookses with the burny words. So now Stabbyface burns alls the rotten Paladins he findses.

Conservative Anklebiter wrote:
That orphanage is sort of bad. Where did the Paladin touch you?

No touching, they makes me read bookses and "manners" whatever thoses are.

Even worses they kills my whole family, and just as I was the firsts in my cages to not dies.

Edit: Stabbyface is the comic relief for Our Hell's Vengeance campaign. A goblin baby who was "rescued" by Paladins and sent to an orphanage to be reformed, it didn't take, and he found some old spellbooks and mixed that with his natural fighting skill to become a magus and burn the whole place to the ground. Now he does all the s&+% that Tammy won't do.

Stabbyface, Orphaned Goblin wrote:
Conservative Anklebiter wrote:
That orphanage is sort of bad. Where did the Paladin touch you?

No touching, they makes me read bookses and "manners" whatever thoses are.

Even worses they kills my whole family, and just as I was the firsts in my cages to not dies.

Edit: Stabbyface is the comic relief for Our Hell's Vengeance campaign. A goblin baby who was "rescued" by Paladins and sent to an orphanage to be reformed, it didn't take, and he found some old spellbooks and mixed that with his natural fighting skill to become a magus and burn the whole place to the ground. Now he does all the s*#@ that Tammy won't do.

What order of Paladin's hurt you?

Why Anklebiter?

Why not Shinibbler, or Kneechewer?

Calfmuncher perhaps?

For i am Comrade's more handsome twin brother, and depending on whom you ask, evil or good.

I forget, are we identical or fraternal twins?


BTW, my hours are generally US EST.


What boat?

THE boat! The I.G.S. Funbreaker!

No idea what that is, next question.

Perhaps you are sister twins, not brother twins

Where does an impressionable young goblin go for insightful Conservative commentary these days? Seems most of what passes for "conservative" has gone from William F. Buckley, Jr. to Sarah Palin. Is real Conservative thought dead, or does it just smell funny?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Imaginative Conservative is a good place to find what you may be looking for or something.

{squints suspiciously} So are you guys like a Dr. Ankle & Mr. Biter split-in-twain thing, or is one of you from the Mirror Universe Golarion?

CrystalSeas wrote:
Perhaps you are sister twins, not brother twins

I hadn't considered that. If so, Comrade/Don Juanita AB would be lesbian... which fits the whole Mirror Universe thing. {goes back to coloring "Intendant Kira Nerys' Kinky Adventure" coloring book}

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:

{squints suspiciously} So are you guys like a Dr. Ankle & Mr. Biter split-in-twain thing, or is one of you from the Mirror Universe Golarion?

CrystalSeas wrote:
Perhaps you are sister twins, not brother twins
I hadn't considered that. If so, Comrade/Don Juanita AB would be lesbian... which fits the whole Mirror Universe thing. {goes back to coloring "Intendant Kira Nerys' Kinky Adventure" coloring book}

Whatever you feel like works for you.

*Does Goblin Jig*

Conservative Anklebiter wrote:
*Does Goblin Jig*

<peers closely at his ankles (but not too closely)>

Isn't that a hornpipe? You're doin' it wrong

*Continue his dance*

Be back Saturday.

Stabbyface, Orphaned Goblin wrote:

Even worses they kills my whole family, and just as I was the firsts in my cages to not dies.

Edit: Stabbyface is the comic relief for Our Hell's Vengeance campaign. A goblin baby who was "rescued" by Paladins and sent to an orphanage to be reformed, it didn't take, and he found some old spellbooks and mixed that with his natural fighting skill to become a magus and burn the whole place to the ground. Now he does all the s+$+ that Tammy won't do.

Yous says the pallywackers didn't reforms Stabbyface? Oh, but Goblinoid Pedantic Pundit, The thinks the palladiums did. You gots book, and reads! THEY SWALLOWED YOURS SOUL! THEY SWALLOWED YOUR SOUL!

Goblinoid Pedantic Pundit, The wrote:
Stabbyface, Orphaned Goblin wrote:

Even worses they kills my whole family, and just as I was the firsts in my cages to not dies.

Edit: Stabbyface is the comic relief for Our Hell's Vengeance campaign. A goblin baby who was "rescued" by Paladins and sent to an orphanage to be reformed, it didn't take, and he found some old spellbooks and mixed that with his natural fighting skill to become a magus and burn the whole place to the ground. Now he does all the s+$+ that Tammy won't do.

Yous says the pallywackers didn't reforms Stabbyface? Oh, but Goblinoid Pedantic Pundit, The thinks the palladiums did. You gots book, and reads! THEY SWALLOWED YOURS SOUL! THEY SWALLOWED YOUR SOUL!

What he say.

Any other topic. How about video games?

<nobody home> All is Pokemon catching

<Nintendo sales dept> All is Pokemon. Cha-Ching!

Very true indeed. I like it, it's a cute idea and surprisingly fun. Just got Dragon Age Inquisition. Really liking it too. I have strange relations with Biosafety products.

Hmm, feel like I should put up links to conservative news articles, but feel like it knowing the obvious response. Just not in to talking about politics full time on these boards or the internet itself for that matter. Too busy often.

How to get the better armor?

Skyrim Bumbling lucky7 wrote:
How to get the better armor?

Buy from the best that can be afforded.

*Giggles* Fun being on these boards. XD

Any wanna talk about RWBY.

Trump's new hairstylist?

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Trump's new hairstylist?

I tried to catch The Hair in a Pokeball, but it stung me.

Liberty's Edge

Don't watch RWBY. Have you seen One Punch Man?

I like One Punch Man. I also got three RWBY shirts.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Trump's new hairstylist?
I tried to catch The Hair in a Pokeball, but it stung me.

Hey yous, leaves my wife alone! It not her fault she don't fit! All this bad mouthing makes her stress-eat (her children mostly). She getses enough problems from the presses as it isses working on the Trump hairline. If all youses slanderers keep at its, she'll nevers comes out of her cocoon and becomes the social butterfly she really isses!

And 'sides, she not fat, she just fluffies!

Conservative Anklebiter wrote:
I like One Punch Man. I also got three RWBY shirts.

Dids you bringz enough for the rest of the classes? Because me knowz it's a rule! Goblinz can never have too many shirts to eat, and ruby is my wife's favorites flavorglug. Her furry sheens could use a little darkening, as her goldenz color is takinging attentions away from her current client.

Goblinoid Pedantic Pundit, The wrote:
Conservative Anklebiter wrote:
I like One Punch Man. I also got three RWBY shirts.
Dids you bringz enough for the rest of the classes? Because me knowz it's a rule! Goblinz can never have too many shirts to eat, and ruby is my wife's favorites flavorglug. Her furry sheens could use a little darkening, as her goldenz color is takinging attentions away from her current client.

Sorry, I don't give handouts.

Conservative Anklebiter wrote:
Goblinoid Pedantic Pundit, The wrote:
Conservative Anklebiter wrote:
I like One Punch Man. I also got three RWBY shirts.
Dids you bringz enough for the rest of the classes? Because me knowz it's a rule! Goblinz can never have too many shirts to eat, and ruby is my wife's favorites flavorglug. Her furry sheens could use a little darkening, as her goldenz color is takinging attentions away from her current client.
Sorry, I don't give handouts.

Do you own a bootstraps buy-here-pay-here store?

Conservative Anklebiter wrote:
Sorry, I don't give handouts.

Checks Goblins alignment in the beastiary... Neutral Evil.

Hmmm, the "Sorry" part sounds more Lawful, but the rest makes sense.

Sovereign Court

Do goblins have elections? If so, are they anything like the debacle the USA is currently experiencing? If not, would they be?


On broadcast TV tonight, the choices include:
The Passion of Ayn Rand
Braddock: Missing In Action III
The Republican National Convention

Please rank these from Most to Least Conservative. Thank you.

Note: The Ayn Rand movie is the edited for television version, not the X-rated directors cut.

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