Life shaping,(homebrew intrest check)- Custom Races


Dark Archive

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i want to do a campaign where you can use your own custom race. now the details are't down tightly, but what I'm thinking is that your characters are stranded on an island(as normal people... ish.) and on the island they find a powerful artifact that changes them into completely different things. now, it's going to be less than 20RP races only.

here's how it'll go: you wake up changed, a whole new race. what you where before is gone, save for some select memories that seem odd to you, but for some reason you cant remember any details of your past.

now, I want to see some suggestions before i decide to open this as a real recruitment.

I have a few race that are above 20RP that i will allow others to play if they wish, but they are powerful in a sense that their exessive RP comes from things like more than 2 arms of the ability to fly.

But here are some rules for race generation: no more than 2 spell-like abilities(not including ones from special traits), you may rename or alter traits all you wish, but make sure you state what it is altered from. altering includes changing the traits's effect/result. such as changeing the effect of lightbringer from creating the light spell to creating the dancing lights spell. just make sure you keep the spell on the same level.

other than that, lets get cranking!

Dark Archive

Yea, I'll write something up.

Dark Archive

well, at least i have someone X.X

this threat seems to have died almost instantly

Yea things can move slowly on the boards sometimes, developing a race can be a bit of work, luckily i don't mind. i make my own races all the time

So i have some interest, a question first this will be a campaign right?

I've actually already made a custom race for a tabletop campaign with some friends, so I could just import that. I'm a little hesitant to post it in full, though, since, as per the terms of service agreement, I don't really want Paizo to have the ability to claim it as their own and not credit me.

I'm a bit fuzzy about what all this is. I can whip up a custom race in Hero Lab quickly enough, but how much do you need beyond stats? Also, what else are we talking about in building the character?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

The Muartan

Vaguely human, with long arms and reddish hair, they are an intelligent, monstrous humanoid that culturally hate magic. The live high in the mountains.

RP 19:
Monstrous Humanoid 3 RP (Total: 3)
Normal speed
Ability score modifier: Standard [+2 CON, WIS][-2 DEX]
Language: Standard

Defense traits:
Spell Resistance, Greater (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level. (Total: 6)

Hardy (3 RP): Prerequisite: The race has at least a +2 racial bonus to Constitution; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities. (Total: 9)

Movement Traits:
Climb (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants. (Total: 11)

Expert Climber (4 RP): Prerequisite: Climb racial trait; Benefit: Members of this race can cling to cave walls and even ceilings as long as the surface has hand- and footholds. In effect, members of this race are treated as being constantly under the effects of a nonmagical spider climb spell, save that members of this race cannot cling to smooth surfaces. This trait doubles the normal +8 racial bonus on Climb checks normally granted to creatures with a climb speed (to a total +16 bonus). (Total 15)

Offense traits:
Magehunter (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify a spell being cast and a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against arcane spellcasters. Members of this race only gain this bonus against creatures that use spells, not against those that only use spell-like abilities. (Total of 19 RP)

So say i wanted to use a race based of Kokiri that i made a while back, would that be alright?

Dark Archive

Here is my race I created

The Flowiads
Type: Plant, Humanoid
Size: Medium
Speed: 30' (6)
Lang.: Common, Sylvan
(Aquan, Terran, Gnoll, Auran, Giant, Elven)

Ability Mods:
+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str

Immune to Paralysis, Sleep, Poison, Polymorph
Low-Light Vision
Immune to mind affects

Lesser Spell Resistance: 6+lvl

Scavenger: +2 Appraise/ Perc for traps and spoiled food

Tree Speech: Continuous "Speak with Plants"

Object of Desire "Pretty Flowers": +1 CL Charm Person

Seducer: +1 Enchantment

Spell Like Ability, Lesser: Nereid's Grace 1/ a day

RP Cost: 20

Description: A race of light, green skinned people with soft features and often happy and cheerful personality. Often, colorful flowers will grow from there black or golden hair.

Grand Lodge

interested...will see what i can come up with when back at computer...

Ditto. I love making races =^^=

But only back tomorrow at my pc. (I hope)

Base idea/build

Tiny Outsider (water) (cold)

Tiny 4rp
Outsider 3rp
Avarage score 0rp
+2 dex
+2 cha
-2 wis

Normal speed 0rp
Language normal 0rp

Flight avarage 50ft 8rp
Greater magic resist 3rp
Immunity to cold 4rp
Vulnerability to fire -2rp
Delicious -1Rp
Elemental Afinity 1rp


Dark Archive

Ammon Knight of Ragathiel wrote:
So say i wanted to use a race based of Kokiri that i made a while back, would that be alright?

sure, this is just an idea page

if/when i actually develop the basis of the story, i could open real recruitment right up.

this is mostly to see if you show interest....

as for loving to make races, what i have on my alias are only the ones that i made for my home brew stuff. I have a huge stack of lined paper with one page races on them.

my favorite races to make are aberrations and plants

-_- but don't use that as a way to get me to pick you! I want to see good concepts :)

here is one of my favorites:

The Quillick :
This race is thin, bipedal, and aquatic. Its head is elongated, with large black eyes.four tentacles hide a sharp beak for its mouth. Females have large frills on their spine, collar, tail, and underside of their limbs. Males lack these frills.
Quillick are a logical and understanding race. Most lack social skills, but are smart and quick. Females dominate the society, being treated as royalty. They are treated as such due to the role of bearing children.
They get along well with elves, but find humans and dwarves as stubborn and slow. Gnomes are viewed as curious beings who tend to be self-destructive. Halflings are rarely in relation with quillick.
Quillick live in freshwater, particularly large lakes where they can build their cities.

Size: Medium
Speed: 30ft land, swim 30ft (2RP)
Abilities: +2Int, +2Dex, -2Cha
Language: Aquan, Common. Bonus: Elven, Teran, gnome, Draconic, Infernal, Dwarf
Lesser spell resistance(2Rp):6+hitdie
Aquatic Camouflage:(1RP) +4 to stealth in/under water.
+4 to swim checks.
Toxic flesh(1rp): the blood and flesh is poisonous: Weakening Venom: Injury or ingest; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the user's Hit Dice + the user's Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.
Water sense:(1RP)Members of this race can sense vibrations in water, granting them blindsense 30 feet against creatures that are touching the same body of water.
Amphibious:(2rp)Members of this race are amphibious and can breathe both air and water.

RP total:12

the Chitian:
Aberration (3RP)
Abilities:+2 Dex,+2Wiz,-2Cha
Languages: xenophobic(0RP): Chitian,bonus:Common, Aklo, Dwarven, Elvish
Natural armor:(3RP)+2 Natural armor.
Jungle camouflage(1RP):+4 to stealth in forest or jungle
Nimbleness(2RP): gains weapon finesse as bonus feat
Mind thrust: cast mindthrust II 1/day with CL=Hitdie
Incectile climb(6RP):Constant spiderclimb on non-smooth serfaces.+16 to climb checks
Sting: have a sting natrual weapon as a secondary attack. (1d4+1/2xstr)
Minesight (2 RP): Members of this race have darkvision 90 feet; however, they are automatically dazzled in bright light and take a –2 penalty on saving throws against effects with the light descriptor.
4-armed(8RP): have four limbs that act as arms


the second one is one of the races that i would allow even though it has 24 RP

as for the campaign: this is an interest check. i won't post requirements for character creation until i have enough interest to justify it.

my idea is that you where "normal people" who shipwrecked on an island. the island is full of strange creatures and beings. a group of them captures you and takes you to their artifact, a huge ever-changing statue. the artifact changes all of you into your custom race, and wipes most of your memory. the goal of the campaign is to find out how to get off the island, how to get back your memories, and/or to accept what you have become.

well this looks like a fun idea. and i've always wanted to design/play a race similar to tibbits.

would we be able to run a custom racial archetype and/or prestige class by you as well?

Dark Archive

Alright, I'll check in regularly.

Just an idea for a more melee type race:


Humanoid: Giant (0)
Size: Medium (0)
Speed: Normal (0)
Lang Group: Normal (0)
Race Language: Giant (0)

Ability Scores: Advanced (4)
+2 Physical
+4 Charisma
-2 Intelligence

Advanced Strength +2 (4)
Darkvision 60' (2)
Fast: +10' (1)
Flexible Bonus Feat (4)
Gatecrasher: +2 Str check to break objects & sunder (2)
Light Sensitivity (-1)
Lucky, Lesser: +1 saves (2)
Natural Armor (2)

Total 20 rp

Wait, we're allowed to create our own races to bring? Because I have a fairy race I'd love to use.

Dark Archive

cuatroespada wrote:

well this looks like a fun idea. and i've always wanted to design/play a race similar to tibbits.

would we be able to run a custom racial archetype and/or prestige class by you as well?

well, my idea and the fact that an archetype involves training from the beining, i don't think it would work out, but you can go ahead and send me you idea...

well, it seems like i'm getting enough intest now to begin recruitment... i will have a post with the requirements soon. at most tomarrow

Sounds interesting, I'll start brainstorming.


RP 20

Nematoids are large, fat creatures that live underground. They lack any form of pigment and are therefore a cream color with red eyes. Their bodies are bulbous and segmented like an earthworm. Despite having a less than ideal appearance, Nematiods are incredibly strong and hardy.

Aberration (3)
Size: Medium (0)
Speed: Normal (0)
Language: Standard (0)
(Undercommon, Common, Dwarven, Drow)
Specialized (1)
+4 Con (including another 2 from traits)
+4 Str (including another 2 from traits)
-2 Cha

Advanced Constitution (4)
Advanced Strength (4)
Bite 1d4 (2)
Burrow 20' (3)
Darkvision 120' (3)

ill keep my race to myself for now at least until the actual recruitment thread pops up

Silver Crusade

This sounds interesting.

Dark Archive

I'm sorry to all, My schedule isn't open enough for me to start another game.

I'm going to have to postpone this until further notice.

I'm glad everyone showed interest though!

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