[PFS] Gunslinger build advice


Liberty's Edge

Hi, I'm looking for some advice for using my Gunslinger character, I've already used it twice and I'm fairly happy with how it plays, but I just want to make sure I've got him set up good before he hits lvl 2 and everything gets lock in place. I'd like advice for any changes you think would be good for the ability scores, as well as any suggestions for gear that I should buy. I'm using the Pistolero archetype and plan on taking 5 levels in that before taking levels as a Feral Hunter, also I need advice on general combat strategies to stay alive when faced with a GM that has a less than stellar attitude towards Gunslingers (since this is a very combat oriented character I don't mind being a target, but in my last scenario I barely avoided getting pushed off a bridge and this GM is not likely to back down from his "kill the Gunslinger" crusade)
anyway, here are my stats:
dex:17 (+2)
masterwork pistol
dagger pistol
point-blank shot
precise shot
muscle of the society (basic:combat)(taken to improve carry capacity despite the low strength)
criminal:sleight of hand (basic:social)
current armor:
masterwork chain shirt
masterwork buckler
I currently have 201 gold to work with as well as 2 prestige points and 4 fame, my current light carry load is 58 and with my current gear I'm at 51.7, I want to avoid getting into medium encumbrance until I have enough fame and gold to buy a set of muleback straps. thanks for any help or advice you can give

Con looks low. I do not like to have less than a 14.

Charisma seems high. you're not a mysterious stranger so you really don't need this.

kudos for the 14 int, you're a pathfinder you'll need the skillpoints.

If you're worried about weight would a darkleaf cloth studded leather armor cut the weight enough to ditch muscle of the society and pick up reactionary? Going first matters a lot on a gunslinger in PFs' herd of cats parties.

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Any particular reason your Int and Charisma are as high as they are? Taking them down to 12 Int and 10 Charisma gets you a 14 Con, which will do wonders for your survivability. I'd at least shave off enough to get a 12 Con.

Otherwise, the stats look good.

Another option, which may not fit your vision, is to take your second level as a Far Strike Monk. That gets you +2 to all your saves (good for survivability), and Quick Draw and one other ranged feat for free. So at second level, you could have PBS, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload, and Quick Draw, and get Deadly Aim at level 3 to start boosting damage. Plus, the unarmored AC bonus means you can afford to dump Strength a little more to boost Dex or Wis.

Liberty's Edge

I originally took the 12 cha to get a little more use out of skills like intimidate, but I guess I can afford to trade that for 12 con. I really don't want to lower int if I can help it, the last scenario I played was very rp heavy and as it was my character was all but useless with the limited number of skill points and the low bonuses on all the charisma based skills, and I don't want to limit that even more. The darkleaf cloth armor looks good, I'll definitely buy a set when I can afford it. The Far Strike Monk looks like an interesting idea but I'm more of a "screw the rules and get things done my way" type player so I wouldn't really work in a lawful aligned class

Grand Lodge

While a Gunslinger able to skimp on con, particularly on a musket master or long arm GS, I'd suggest a minimum of 12 (with toughness and some FCB) because:

1. You're going to earn the Ire of someone on the other side. You will hit easily, often and thanks to a x4 multiple on some weapons quite nastily. You will EARN attacks quite easily.

2. there will be THAT time when you are having to tank. The main melee guy will be out of spot/dead/dying/a rabbit or something will get to you or the guy you're beside. I personally am the only GS I know of in my PFS lodge who hasn't had to do it. And at 11th level, that surprised me to say it.

There ways to up your intimidate. (Maiden's mask if you have access to the Shattered Star AP) for example.

Just remember the first rule..

Have fun

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the advice so far, I've been looking through my books and working on my overall plan for the character, and I've taken a couple of the suggestions I've gotten. I've upped the con to 14 and lowered int and cha to 12 and 10 respectively, I've also traded the criminal trait for adopted I could take elven reflexes to boost my initiative. While I was working on my leveling plan I decided to take my first Feral Hunter level at lvl 2 so I can immediately get the benefits of Feral focus and the ability to cast hunter spells, plus precise shot as a free feat without needing the pre-recs, that frees up my two level 1 feats for quick draw and something else, I haven't decided on the second one yet

Liberty's Edge

Well, a couple things here. First for the feats, point blank shot is actually one of those feats in a feat tree that isn't usually a feat tax. Gunslingers don't quite need the extra accuracy, but it never really hurts, and you're almost always going to be shooting from less than 30 feet unless you're a musket master, and it looks like you're going pistols. And even if you get precise shot for free, point blank shot is still a pre-req for rapid shot. So you'll likely want to take it as soon as you can. So personally, I would likely still take feats as such:

lvl 1 point blank shot, rapid reload
lvl 2 precise shot
lvl 3 rapid shot
lvl 5 deadly aim, quick draw
lvl 7 clustered shots

Then whatever you want after that. Improved critical is always nice on firearms though.

Second thing, if you're looking to trim weight, bucklers can be made of darkwood. It costs around 50 GP more, but weighs half as much. So I'd consider replacing the buckler before second level so you get the full price of the masterwork one back.

EDIT - Also, out of curiosity, are you planning on going mostly gunslinger levels, or taking the usual 5 levels and multiclassing into something else, like taking the other 6 in hunter?

I'd say rapid reload should be your first level feat, and maybe swap quick draw for point blank, since you will be within the distance, or rapid shot. Rapid shot would give you a huge damage boost at low levels.
edit: forgot rapid shot needs both point blank and rapid reload

Liberty's Edge

Deighton Thrane wrote:

Well, a couple things here. First for the feats, point blank shot is actually one of those feats in a feat tree that isn't usually a feat tax. Gunslingers don't quite need the extra accuracy, but it never really hurts, and you're almost always going to be shooting from less than 30 feet unless you're a musket master, and it looks like you're going pistols. And even if you get precise shot for free, point blank shot is still a pre-req for rapid shot. So you'll likely want to take it as soon as you can. So personally, I would likely still take feats as such:

lvl 1 point blank shot, rapid reload
lvl 2 precise shot
lvl 3 rapid shot
lvl 5 deadly aim, quick draw
lvl 7 clustered shots

Then whatever you want after that. Improved critical is always nice on firearms though.

Second thing, if you're looking to trim weight, bucklers can be made of darkwood. It costs around 50 GP more, but weighs half as much. So I'd consider replacing the buckler before second level so you get the full price of the masterwork one back.

EDIT - Also, out of curiosity, are you planning on going mostly gunslinger levels, or taking the usual 5 levels and multiclassing into something else, like taking the other 6 in hunter?

Thanks for the tip about the darkwood buckler, I'm planning on doing just the 5 levels of gunslinger so I can add my dex to damage. I do plan on taking point blank shot at some point, and I may still grab it for one of my first level feats, but I decided against rapid reload at first level because it's weapon specific and I don't want to use up too many feats on something that limited at low levels, I want to get a double barrel pistol and use rapid reload for that, and I might take it again for a dragon pistol when I get one, but for now it would just use up a feat slot that could be used for something that would have more utility at low levels, I already use cartridges so my loading time is already down to a move action and that should be able to keep me shooting most rounds anyway for now

Mean Dean wrote:
Deighton Thrane wrote:

Well, a couple things here. First for the feats, point blank shot is actually one of those feats in a feat tree that isn't usually a feat tax. Gunslingers don't quite need the extra accuracy, but it never really hurts, and you're almost always going to be shooting from less than 30 feet unless you're a musket master, and it looks like you're going pistols. And even if you get precise shot for free, point blank shot is still a pre-req for rapid shot. So you'll likely want to take it as soon as you can. So personally, I would likely still take feats as such:

lvl 1 point blank shot, rapid reload
lvl 2 precise shot
lvl 3 rapid shot
lvl 5 deadly aim, quick draw
lvl 7 clustered shots

Then whatever you want after that. Improved critical is always nice on firearms though.

Second thing, if you're looking to trim weight, bucklers can be made of darkwood. It costs around 50 GP more, but weighs half as much. So I'd consider replacing the buckler before second level so you get the full price of the masterwork one back.

EDIT - Also, out of curiosity, are you planning on going mostly gunslinger levels, or taking the usual 5 levels and multiclassing into something else, like taking the other 6 in hunter?

Thanks for the tip about the darkwood buckler, I'm planning on doing just the 5 levels of gunslinger so I can add my dex to damage. I do plan on taking point blank shot at some point, and I may still grab it for one of my first level feats, but I decided against rapid reload at first level because it's weapon specific and I don't want to use up too many feats on something that limited at low levels, I want to get a double barrel pistol and use rapid reload for that, and I might take it again for a dragon pistol when I get one, but for now it would just use up a feat slot that could be used for something that would have more utility at low levels, I already use cartridges so my loading time is already down to a move action and that should be able to keep me shooting most...

I wasn't aware buckler's could be darkwood, I thought you were stuck with mithral for them, that is good to know.

I take it your plan is to build for firing both barrels for every attack then? if this is your plan I'd be prepared for your GMs to not allow it. RAW it should work, there is that text under free actions saying "there may be a limit to the number of free actions you can preform in a round." Regardless you'd get a nice opening salvo out of it.

If that's the route you want to go I say go for it, but get your double barreled pistol, rapid reload soonest. You should be able to get the double barreled pistol by level three so this should work

lvl 1 point blank shot, deadly aim
lvl 2 precise shot
lvl 3 rapid reload
lvl 5 rapid shot, quick draw
lvl 7 clustered shots

Liberty's Edge

Neils Bohr wrote:
Mean Dean wrote:
Deighton Thrane wrote:

if you're looking to trim weight, bucklers can be made of darkwood. It costs around 50 GP more, but weighs half as much. So I'd consider replacing the buckler before second level so you get the full price of the masterwork one back.

I just looked up the Darkwood buckler and it's not actually a buckler, it's a light wooden sheild so I wouldn't be considered having a hand free to reload with, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.

Mean Dean wrote:
Deighton Thrane wrote:
if you're looking to trim weight, bucklers can be made of darkwood. It costs around 50 GP more, but weighs half as much. So I'd consider replacing the buckler before second level so you get the full price of the masterwork one back.
I just looked up the Darkwood buckler and it's not actually a buckler, it's a light wooden sheild so I wouldn't be considered having a hand free to reload with, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.

light shield: You strap a shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand. A light shield's weight lets you carry other items in that hand, although you cannot use weapons with it. (emphasis mine)

You might be able to get away with reloading with it from that text, but be prepared for someone to say no.

*puts a garbage can lid on their arm and tries to reload a musket*

Yeah i'm gonna say no...

Liberty's Edge

so after looking through this thread and thinking about how I want this character to play this is what my level progression and feats look like so far
1-G1: Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Reload (pistol)
2-G1/H1: Precise Shot (precise summoned animal bonus feat)
3-G2/H1: Rapid Shot
4-G3/H1: no feat
5-G4/H1: Quick Draw, Rapid Reload (Dragon Pistol)
6-G5/H1: no feat
7-G5/H2: Deadly Aim
8-G5/H3: Outflank (H3 teamwork feat)
9-G5/H4: Clustered Shots
10-G5/H5: no feat
11-G5/H6: ?????

Liberty's Edge

Mean Dean wrote:
I just looked up the Darkwood buckler and it's not actually a buckler, it's a light wooden sheild so I wouldn't be considered having a hand free to reload with, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.

Huh, you know I brought this up the first time I saw that. Talked to a number of PFS GMs, who all ruled it as a buckler, despite what the description text said. One even showed me in the Gamemastery Guide where it says that bucklers can be made out of wood or metal. Considered the issue solved. But googling it, looks like there's quite a bit of contention still, so maybe stick to masterwork or mithral, just to avoid table variation.

Liberty's Edge

Deighton Thrane wrote:
Mean Dean wrote:
I just looked up the Darkwood buckler and it's not actually a buckler, it's a light wooden sheild so I wouldn't be considered having a hand free to reload with, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.
Huh, you know I brought this up the first time I saw that. Talked to a number of PFS GMs, who all ruled it as a buckler, despite what the description text said. One even showed me in the Gamemastery Guide where it says that bucklers can be made out of wood or metal. Considered the issue solved. But googling it, looks like there's quite a bit of contention still, so maybe stick to masterwork or mithral, just to avoid table variation.

I figured that'd be the best course of action. Given that this character is going to be a guaranteed target I don't want to risk any situation where I have to choose between Armor Class or using my primary weapons

Liberty's Edge

Another question for anyone that plays a Gunslinger, how much Grit do you have and how much do you use per session on average? Right now I just have 2 from my wisdom modifier, is it worth it to take the extra 1/4 Grit for the human favored class bonus and should I invest in the Extra Grit feat?

I've only seen gunslingers use grit for quick clear. I'm a PFS gm and have had little over a dozen sessions with a gunslinger in it. So not the largest sample, but it's my experience with the class.

Liberty's Edge

Chess Pwn wrote:
I've only seen gunslingers use grit for quick clear. I'm a PFS gm and have had little over a dozen sessions with a gunslinger in it. So not the largest sample, but it's my experience with the class.

I see, I've used the up close and deadly deed a couple of times, I was just curious how others manage their grit to make sure they always have some available for emergency uses like quick clear

BigNorseWolf wrote:

*puts a garbage can lid on their arm and tries to reload a musket*

Yeah i'm gonna say no...

If you are able to hold an object in that hand you would certainly be able to hold a musket and stabilize it while you loaded it with your shooting hand, which is the typical procedure. You wouldn't be able to shoot a musket with a shield on your arm though.

Mean Dean wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
I've only seen gunslingers use grit for quick clear. I'm a PFS gm and have had little over a dozen sessions with a gunslinger in it. So not the largest sample, but it's my experience with the class.
I see, I've used the up close and deadly deed a couple of times, I was just curious how others manage their grit to make sure they always have some available for emergency uses like quick clear

I like having at least three grit points, it let's you use one to start with so you have an opening of you crit or kill shot, and two in reserve for the if you have one point deeds and for quick clear.

Personal recommendation is you can put off rapid reload for a while. Just use alchemical cartridges. Between gunsmithing they are a far better deal than buying the bullets and powder too anyway.

Something like

1 PBS Deadly Aim
2 Precise Shot
3 ???
5 Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot

That 3rd level feat could really be anything.

Liberty's Edge

I've more or less decided on my feats at this point, but now I need some advice on what to do when I level up. I'm planning on taking at least 1 level as a Feral Hunter as soon as I hit level 2, but I need a little help choosing what spells to take

At the early levels abundant ammunition would help greatly, assuming it works with paper cartridges.
Hunter's howl, longshot, and longstrider could be useful.

edit, hunters don't get favored enemy.

Liberty's Edge

I'm not sure abundant ammunition would work, I've looked at the forums and can't find a definitive answer but I'm going to assume not since they are technically "alchemical" cartridges. I'm looking at Longshot for sure, but I'm not sure about my second lvl 1 spell or my 4 lvl 0 spells

being used as ammunition for something does not make it "ammunition"

Liberty's Edge

Chess Pwn wrote:
being used as ammunition for something does not make it "ammunition"

Not really sure what you mean by this, especially since I doubt anyone would classify firearm bullets and cartridges as anything other than ammunition. At any rate the way I understand the spell it wouldn't work for the cartridges, and because of the discount Gunslingers get on ammo it doesn't matter all that much anyway

Mean Dean wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
being used as ammunition for something does not make it "ammunition"
Not really sure what you mean by this, especially since I doubt anyone would classify firearm bullets and cartridges as anything other than ammunition. At any rate the way I understand the spell it wouldn't work for the cartridges, and because of the discount Gunslingers get on ammo it doesn't matter all that much anyway

It definitely is ammunition, it is classified that way in ultimate combat and ultimate equipment. It even goes so far as to differentiate it from other types of ammunition in respect to retrieval.

It's also not magical, so abundant ammunition should work.
I put the assumption in there because some GMs might not see it that way. Even with the discount alchemical cartridges are expensive, so at early levels this would be huge.

ultimate combat wrote:
Ammunition: Firearm ammunition takes two forms: either black powder and shot (either bullets or pellets) or cartridges. Unlike other types of ammunition, firearm ammunition is destroyed when it is used, and has no chance of being retrieved on a miss. No part of a cartridge can be reused to create new cartridges. Firearm ammunition cannot be treated with poison, unless you are using a pitted bullet.

I'm sorry, I got my threads mixed up. I was thinking this was the thread about splash weapon launcher and how the splash weapons were ammunition for that weapon. You all are correct. Carry on.

Liberty's Edge

Neils Bohr wrote:

It definitely is ammunition, it is classified that way in ultimate combat and ultimate equipment. It even goes so far as to differentiate it from other types of ammunition in respect to retrieval.
It's also not magical, so abundant ammunition should work.
I put the assumption in there because some GMs might not see it that way. Even with the discount alchemical cartridges are expensive, so at early levels this would be huge.

ultimate combat wrote:
Ammunition: Firearm ammunition takes two forms: either black powder and shot (either bullets or pellets) or cartridges. Unlike other types of ammunition, firearm ammunition is destroyed when it is used, and has no chance of being retrieved on a miss. No part of a cartridge can be reused to create new cartridges. Firearm ammunition cannot be treated with poison, unless you are using a pitted bullet.

While they aren't magical they are listed in Ultimate Combat specifically as "alchemical cartridges" which still conflicts with abundant ammunition

Ultimate Combat wrote:
When cast on a container such as a quiver or a pouch that contains nonmagical ammunition or shuriken, (including masterwork ammunition or shuriken, but not special materials, alchemical attributes, or nonmagical treatments on the ammunition), at the start of each round this spell replaces any ammunition taken from the container the round before. The ammunition taken from the container the round before vanishes. If, after casting this spell, you cast a spell that enhances projectiles, such as align weapon or greater magic weapon, on the same container, all projectiles this spell conjures are affected by that spell.

(Emphasis mine)

Even though paper cartridges don't have any special alchemical effects beyond improving reload speed I'd assume they would be treated the same. And even with special material cartridges still costing a lot of gold even with the 50% off individual bullets would only cost 10% so I could use loose bullets and powder for special materials. It may reduce my reload speed to a move action but that's something I'm willing to accept to keep costs down when I'm in a situation where I need to use special material bullets

Mean Dean wrote:
Neils Bohr wrote:

It definitely is ammunition, it is classified that way in ultimate combat and ultimate equipment. It even goes so far as to differentiate it from other types of ammunition in respect to retrieval.
It's also not magical, so abundant ammunition should work.
I put the assumption in there because some GMs might not see it that way. Even with the discount alchemical cartridges are expensive, so at early levels this would be huge.

ultimate combat wrote:
Ammunition: Firearm ammunition takes two forms: either black powder and shot (either bullets or pellets) or cartridges. Unlike other types of ammunition, firearm ammunition is destroyed when it is used, and has no chance of being retrieved on a miss. No part of a cartridge can be reused to create new cartridges. Firearm ammunition cannot be treated with poison, unless you are using a pitted bullet.

While they aren't magical they are listed in Ultimate Combat specifically as "alchemical cartridges" which still conflicts with abundant ammunition

Ultimate Combat wrote:
When cast on a container such as a quiver or a pouch that contains nonmagical ammunition or shuriken, (including masterwork ammunition or shuriken, but not special materials, alchemical attributes, or nonmagical treatments on the ammunition), at the start of each round this spell replaces any ammunition taken from the container the round before. The ammunition taken from the container the round before vanishes. If, after casting this spell, you cast a spell that enhances projectiles, such as align weapon or greater magic weapon, on the same container, all projectiles this spell conjures are affected by that spell.

(Emphasis mine)

Even though paper cartridges don't have any special alchemical effects beyond improving reload speed I'd assume they would be treated the same. And even with special material cartridges still costing a lot of gold even with the 50% off individual bullets would only cost 10% so I could use loose bullets and...

You're right, I went by an old version of the spell that didn't include that wording, and just stopped after "including shuriuken" rather than the errata version in the PRD.

Liberty's Edge

Neils Bohr wrote:
Even with the discount alchemical cartridges are expensive, so at early levels this would be huge.

You're right about the cartridges being expensive, with a plain paper cartridge costing 6 gold for a gunslinger, but once I get into higher level scenarios that pay more gold it won't be as big an issue. The bigger issue will be special materials like Adamantine and Cold Iron, with cartridges costing 36 and 12 gold respectively, or loose bullets costing 6.1 gold and 2 silver. And I'm not sure how to price Silver ammo because Ultimate Combat lists loose Silver Bullets at 25 gold (before discount) but Ultimate Equipment lists Alchemical Silver as adding 2 gold to the cost of the ammo

Scarab Sages

Mean Dean wrote:
And I'm not sure how to price Silver ammo because Ultimate Combat lists loose Silver Bullets at 25 gold (before discount) but Ultimate Equipment lists Alchemical Silver as adding 2 gold to the cost of the ammo

Read the description. A loose "Silver Bullet" (a bullet made entirely of silver) auto confirms Crits against lycanthropes and presumably bypasses DR, though the description doesn't expressly say so. An alchemically treated bullet (not entirely made of silver) only bypasses DR. They are two different types of ammunition. That's the difference in price.

Liberty's Edge

burkoJames wrote:
A loose "Silver Bullet" (a bullet made entirely of silver) auto confirms Crits against lycanthropes and presumably bypasses DR, though the description doesn't expressly say so. An alchemically treated bullet (not entirely made of silver) only bypasses DR. They are two different types of ammunition. That's the difference in price.

That makes sense, thanks for clearing that up

Liberty's Edge

For my spell list for my first Hunter level I was thinking something like this:
Lvl 0:
Create Water

Lvl 1:
Cure Light Wounds

If I end up taking a second Hunter level I'd add virtue and Produce Flame

Liberty's Edge

Time to try and bring this post back from the dead.

I just hit lvl 2 and I was hoping for a little advice on where to go next, I'm multi-classing Pisolero with Feral Hunter (doesn't get an animal companion but can keep the animal focus bonuses active indefinitely) and need help choosing spells and skills.


Alignment:Chaotic Neutral


lvl 0:
Create Water

lvl 1:
Cure Light Wounds

I have 7 skill points to spend and I would appreciate any suggestions for where to focus those (I was planning on the knowledge skills available to me as class skill in order to slightly increase out of combat usefulness) and if you have any suggestions for different spells that you think would work better I'd be glad to hear them

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