Clarification on Nameless One feat

Rules Questions

Ok, so here's the feat from Arcane Anthology:


What I want to understand is the part about:

In addition, you cannot attempt to impersonate a specific individual by any means, magical or non-magical.

Am I right to assume this means that you are restricted to this only while wearing the mask? If you take it off, you can try and attempt to impersonate another?

No, its always. Only the other stuff is when youre wearing the mask. If you do try to impersonate another youre claiming an identity, even if its not your old one, and thus suffer the consequences.

Another question would be if you could enchant the mask as a magic head slot item.

The feat seems to imply that you cant, but if your DM allows the combining magical items rules you probably could by paying the 1.5 additional price.

While the mask itself isnt magical and it specifically calls out that the effect isnt magical, for balancing purposes they seem to want to treat the mask as a pseudo magical item that takes up that slot.

Open to DM interpretation though.

once you take the mask of wouldn't you be impersonating someone already? your old identity? thus taking that negative?

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Azten wrote:
Another question would be if you could enchant the mask as a magic head slot item.

I've considered taking Nameless One on a Hellknight Signifier.

In theory, I should be able to use the same mask for both.

Snowlilly wrote:
Azten wrote:
Another question would be if you could enchant the mask as a magic head slot item.

I've considered taking Nameless One on a Hellknight Signifier.

In theory, I should be able to use the same mask for both.

I had this same thought, and I love it.

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