[PFS 6-16] Scions of the Sky Key - Part 3: The Golden Guardian (Tier 4-5)


I will run the last part of the three-parter Scions of the Sky Key. If you want in: post below.

I have five spots left, given that I am running this by request. As soon as we have four people in total we will kick-off.

I recommend that you have run parts I and II. Although it is not required for any boons the series is a good one and you will have a better experience if you play them in order. (I know: I am now lessening my chances of getting a table together...)

I look for people that commit to post once a day on weekdays. I know real-life happens and some days you will not be able to.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for offering to run this!

I am the player who requested the game, as I was unable to play part 3 with this character last year. I realize it may be a long shot to make a table, but I wanted to give it a try.

Grand Lodge

I might be interested. Need to see review my chronicles.

Grand Lodge

Actually haven't run any of these, so maybe I'll wait to run the others first. Please do not hold a spot for me. Thanks.

Posted this in the flaxseed lodge recruitment. I hope we can make the table. If we can find one more I am also willing to burn a GM star for a replay, that way we only need one player to make this a legal table.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

GMG wrote:
Posted this in the flaxseed lodge recruitment. I hope we can make the table. If we can find one more I am also willing to burn a GM star for a replay, that way we only need one player to make this a legal table.

Aren't you running the game? You can't both run the game and play in the game. If you have three players you can run a pregen to fill out the table, however.

I meant that if we can find another GM (which is probably easier than recruiting players) I can step down as GM and replay this.

Sorry for causing any confusion

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