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I am posting this because I am unable to reply to the original post here - http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2tf7o
So what is UP with this season's release schedule??? It has been absolutely all over the place. It has now been 7 WEEKS since the last PDF release. #2-4 was supposed to start two weeks ago, but #2-3 PDF hasn't even landed yet.
At your current release rate, we will not see #2-6 PDF until February 15, 2017.
What's UP Paizo???

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I understand that they are super busy, but it's not like they couldn't have predicted the summer con season in advance when they posted that tentative release schedule. (Which now seems to be gone)
Partly I'm frustrated because, since we don't have a concurrent AP release, this is all I have to wait on for new material. The last two seasons I've generally bought in a big chunk once I finished the AP, and usually played through it in about a month between sets.
Not mad, just disappointed. I'm to the point where I check the Season of the Runelords section every weeknight to see if it has shown up - and I've been at that point since late May.

Fire41 |

I am getting very frustrated with Paizo and the Pathfinder Adventure Card game...you start by promising us a new OP for Runelords and post a release schedule. Now we have been waiting...and waiting...and waiting and weeks after the scheduled release date we are still waiting. We are now being told that you are too busy with PaizoCon and GenCon to live up to your promise. GenCon is 2 months away, so what, we have to wait til then?
I am very close to telling Paizo to...well if I say what I am truly feeling, this post won't see the light of day.
Hurry up with this.

Doppelschwert |

Sorry for the rant that is going to follow, but this is getting annoying.
What's the point of having a release schedule when it is not binding at all?
You might as well just set up a newsletter and send an email around when new content is being released instead of announcing and delaying a release several times in a row and letting people down.
Just having finished RotR when the season started, my friends and me were super excited to play the season as a follow up. In the original release schedule, we would have had to skip our game night every 4 weeks in order to wait for the new adventure, which stung a little but was understandable. At least, that is what we planned around.
Soon after that, we had to abandon that plan in the second adventure because of the delays and just stopped playing the season altogether. We're playing WotR now instead, but I'm not sure I'll even get them to go back to this season afterwards.
I'm still interested in this season, even if it is just to play through it myself in the end, but this could be a lot smoother.

Hannibal_pjv |

Time tables Are difficult in creative Jobs like this. Sometimes there Are problems that causes delays, it is no good to release bad product just to keep timetable.
So it is alway good to have plan B for season games because of possible delays. In our Group we play paraller adventures. If new season pack get released we play that, if not we continue our box adventure.

Doppelschwert |

Time tables Are difficult in creative Jobs like this. Sometimes there Are problems that causes delays, it is no good to release bad product just to keep timetable.
So it is alway good to have plan B for season games because of possible delays. In our Group we play paraller adventures. If new season pack get released we play that, if not we continue our box adventure.
No one wants them to rush out the product in order to hit the timetable but rather to communicate things more clearly.
Today, I can understand that they have a lot on their plates right now. I did not know they were working on their kickstarter and several companies to deliver products to, and as an average customer, it should not expected from me to know this to make of sense of all this.
If a company gives me an official release schedule, I expect them to stick with it or at least communicate things clearly in a timely manner. For all I know, they could've already written up all of the season in advance and just release it on a monthly schedule to better space out the organized play.
Look at the answer that Vic gave me last week:
That answer was great, because it didn't promise anything and didn't raise any expectations on my part, but also gave me some time window in which I could check back. I know things are done when they are done, and I don't mind waiting for stuff as long as I'm told that there will or might be delays.
The revised schedule on the official thread however raises expectations. I'd rather wish they did not give any dates if they are not binding instead of letting me organize something around a date which then just falls flat.
The reason I was angry is, that I will move away next year so my board game nights will fall flat. Every week that we skipped at the beginning of the season because of the delay is a week lost that could've been easily saved by ordering WotR directly if it was just communicated more clearly.

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Theryon Stormrune wrote:Adventure 2-4 is now available.Mmm, yes… Obviously, the "Subscribe to new products in Rise of the Runelords" feed on this page doesn't do what it says it does.
As a VO, I still get a bit of early notification. But I kept checking the PFS ACG page for Season of the Runelords before I said it was available. Once it was available to the public, I posted.

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Weirdly enough, it wasn't actually in my downloads when you said it was available (though it showed up shortly thereafter) :)
Honestly, I don't know how Chris (or Liz) push through the downloads to those that should receive them (like VOs and retail stores). I assumed that she processes a list that pushes out the emails and makes the links appear in our download libraries. In any case, I wasn't about to announce they were available until they were to everyone through the store.

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Honestly, I don't know how Chris (or Liz) push through the downloads to those that should receive them (like VOs and retail stores). I assumed that she processes a list that pushes out the emails and makes the links appear in our download libraries.
That's pretty much it, except that the "list" is really a database operation. And it's usually Chris, but Liz did it this time.

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Unsure. I need to get together with Tanis to incorporate feedback from Gen Con, but like much of Paizo, she got caught in the Deltapocolypse.

Doc76 |

Both 2-5 and 2-6 were a ton of fun.
I was able to finish the adventure path with Grazzle.
I gave some feedback to Tanis.
There were two especially harsh scenarios in 2-6. I will be interested to hear how everyone approaches them.
I have retired grazzle (Tier 8) as I played that character in the special also.

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We finished Adventure 4 last night! Granted, we will need to replay it for the next (at least) 2 weeks to catch people up, but the option to justleave our friends behind andblaze on through adventure 5 is tempting.
Cuz our friends can't play adventure 5, and if they can't play adventure 5, then they're no friends of mine ;-)

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Theryon Stormrune wrote:Is 2-5 going to be available this week? (PLEASE!)It's not looking like it. The versions of 2-5 and 2-6 at Gen Con were not finalized, and we have some parts we're waiting on before they are up to snuff to put on sale.
I think you weren't watching the store. Goblins got out.