Samsaran Magus Kensai Bladebound Build Help


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Hello All,

Please review my character build below for a kensai bladebound Magus. I'd love suggestions. I used the Kensai Build guide out there. I'm looking for the most effective use of the character in combat but don't want to sacrifice any RP stuff or lose my racial spells for having less than 12 Cha (i hate being the 7 cha guy :) ).

But please help with possible skill changes, feats and arcana suggestions. Even stat adjustments.

The goal of the character is to go with into melee, use the standard shocking grasp build with touch of fatigue when not doing grasp. Protect fellow players with bodyguard. Basically I'm mixing the basic build with bodyguard. It seems I'm the main melee so far in the group.

Goal is for evasion tank DPS, basically. I went acrobatics to move through threatened zones when possible to backup other melee characters.

And if you have Mystic Past life spell suggestions, let me know. I don't know how up to date this guide is. Some suggest spells for Mystic Past Life are: Cure Critical Wounds (Bard’s list), Inflict Wounds (Witch’s spell list), Contingency, Heroism or Greater Heroism, Permanency, Touch of Fatigue, Touch of idiocy, Juxtaposition, Protection from Energy, False Life, Mage Armor, Dance of a Hundred Cuts, Haste (From the Summoner’s spell list, making it a level 2 spell) and Bestow Curse.

Used this as a guide: a97s/pub

And yes, I'm married to my Wakizashi chioce for my black blade.

Magus (Kensai & Bladebound Archetype)
20 point build
STR: 8
Dex: 16
Con: 10
Int: 18 (Boosted every 4 levels)
Wis: 9
Cha: 12

Samsaran Mystic Past Life (5 spells): Hasted (2nd level Summoner), Touch of Fatigue (0th), Dance of a Hundred Cuts (4th), Mage Armor (1st), Cure Critical Wounds (4th)

Traits: Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp)
Traits: Rescued (Acrobatics)
Traits: Vetern Jungle Guide (Perception)
Flaw: Overprotective

Kensai Bonus: Weapon Focus (Wakizashi)
L1: Weapon Finesse
L3: Combat Reflexes
L5: Bodyguard
Magus 5: Arcane Strike
L7: Intensified Spell
L9: Elemental Spell
L11: ???
Magus 11: ???
L13: Critical Focus
L15: Staggering Critical
L17: Critical Mastery
Magus 17: Critical Mastery
L19: Extra Arcana: ???

Magus Arcana
L3: Black Blade (replaces choice)
L6: Arcane Accuracy or Wand Wielder (for Truestrike wands)
L9: Whatever wasn't picked at level 6.
L12: Maximized Magic
L15: Quickened Magic
L18: ???

Skills (6 points per level, putting Favored class point into HP)
Knowedge Arcana
Use Magic Device

I would switch the charisma and the strength. You want some reserve strength if you're in a position where you have to drag your charge out of danger.

And bodyguards just need to be dangerous, not charismatic.

Kensai replaces your 9th level arcana, you won't be able to pick one there.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Here's an extended Magus guide.

In brief, it's more effective to boost your attack stat instead of intelligence. A kensai should retrain out of Combat Reflexes at level 11 (because you'll have more OAs than you'll ever need). Arcane strike is not a good pick on a Magus, because you have too many better things to spend swift actions on. You're missing some staple combat feats like Step Up, Lunge, and Blind-Fighting; and some great arcana like Hasted Assault and Familiar. HTH!

And yes, your strength is fine (indeed, it could be 7 without any issue). If anything, move your points from cha to constitution, because 1d8 and 10 con is rather low on a melee character.

swift are used for activating your magic weapon 1 round. Then it's used with magus arcana right? If you don't pick up any swift magus arcana then your swifts are free after round 1 until you get quickened spells right?

I'd switch your DEX and INT stats around. A Kensai is more of a fighter then a caster. You want that DEX to be as high as possible for your to hit and to damage. A 16 INT is about all a Magus really needs.

If going UMD, suggests you grab the familiar arcana and then the Improved Familiar feat. Pick yourself up a familiar that can use wands. Can help you a lot with action economy.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Chess Pwn wrote:
swift are used for activating your magic weapon 1 round. Then it's used with magus arcana right? If you don't pick up any swift magus arcana then your swifts are free after round 1 until you get quickened spells right?

Well, the point is that a number of swift action arcana are much better than arcane strike. And then there's also swift action items (e.g. pendant of the blood scarab, or buffering cap).

Given its action cost, AS is worse than Weapon Spec. And Weapon Spec already isn't great on a Magus.

Kurald Galain wrote:

Here's an extended Magus guide.

In brief, it's more effective to boost your attack stat instead of intelligence. A kensai should retrain out of Combat Reflexes at level 11 (because you'll have more OAs than you'll ever need). Arcane strike is not a good pick on a Magus, because you have too many better things to spend swift actions on. You're missing some staple combat feats like Step Up, Lunge, and Blind-Fighting; and some great arcana like Hasted Assault and Familiar. HTH!

And yes, your strength is fine (indeed, it could be 7 without any issue). If anything, move your points from cha to constitution, because 1d8 and 10 con is rather low on a melee character.

Nice guide. Added some insight.

The whole point of Arcane Strike was to use it with Bodyguard and Gloves of Arcane Striking, which I wouldn't really be using my swift actions. Though after looking at your guide, perhaps giving up the idea of bodyguard though it is a fun concept.

Good chance I'll be the only melee character. Only confirmed party member is a halfling druid with a pet roc.

I don't know if I even need Hasted Assault, since I can get Haste from the summoner table as 2nd level spell. 9th level is a while away and I don't get an arcana then. Earliest would be 9th. not saying it's not useful, it is pretty cool.

Familiar might be an option, never go wrong with it. I'll review some more and post an update build later.

Matt2VK wrote:

I'd switch your DEX and INT stats around. A Kensai is more of a fighter then a caster. You want that DEX to be as high as possible for your to hit and to damage. A 16 INT is about all a Magus really needs.

If going UMD, suggests you grab the familiar arcana and then the Improved Familiar feat. Pick yourself up a familiar that can use wands. Can help you a lot with action economy.

I agree, I'll push more to the Dex side. Sadly, I can't get dex to damage. My weapon is a Wakizashi. With Slashing Grace's, I technically could, I can't cast spells and attack at the same time.

If there's ways around this, I'd love to know how.

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