Starfinder Society?

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 5/5

I came to today to do some forum reading and learnings, and to check additional resources. Lo, and behold a new link appeared on the left side of my screen. What's this?


Tell me more.

So I look at the brief advertisement for Starfinder, due out next August. And I find meself thinking:

Will there be a Society for the new Starfinder Setting/rules Supplement. I doubt we will see as much content. (Scenarios are pretty hard to increase production rate without a loss of quality.)

Still... I see potential.

Are we gonna have a Starfinder Society?

Would anyone play a Society for that setting/rules element?

Since it will have Adventure Paths of its own, will said APs be legalized for normal Society play?


Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

There is already a few Starfinder Society threads. Here is another one.

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

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Those of us who enjoyed Season 6 and enjoyed Iron Gods I look forward to more Sci-Fi in my organized play.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

As a long term participant in PFS. who should be a four star GM soon, I look forward to more PFS and SFS.

Dark Archive 1/5

So who is going to be the venture captain leading the red shirt faction? Remember boys hands at your sides and girls hands on your hips, otherwise you wont port correctly!

Dataphiles 3/5

If SFS happens I would certainly participate. I suspect you wouldn't have to worry too much about the drop in quality of scenarios on either end though as it looks like Starfinder will have its own team working on it as I suspect any OP program would as well.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

William Ronald wrote:
There is already a few Starfinder Society threads.

But this is the first one posted in the PFS Forum ^_^

I was very excited to hear about this at PaizoCon. If there does end up being an Organized Play element, I'll happily jump right in.

Of course, at this time nothing of the sort has been announced. As many have pointed out, it's already difficult enough to produce more content for the existing Campaign; creating a separate entity seems unfeasible given current resources.

From what I understand, Starfinder will utilize a different rules set. There will be rules for "updating" existing characters, monsters, and other rules elements, but it's essentially a different game.

I'm looking at it as Pathfinder 2.0, personally, and that makes me very excited.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Some of the other threads were posted here first, and then moved! I'm wondering if the mods will leave this one, since clearly we'll keep creating threads about Starfinder Organized Play. Many of us are very hopeful that it will happen.

As someone who is currently GMing Doom Comes to Dustpawn, I'm thinking about what a great module it has been as a theme intro to the idea of life on other planets and the possibility of starship travel. Now with Starfinder there is the possibility of actually traveling around on one of those ships, and that makes me very excited.


5/5 5/55/55/5

Trying to ease in/test pathfinder 2.0?

Sounds risky.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Trying to ease in/test pathfinder 2.0?

Sounds risky.

Companies do try out rules sets. Also, if Starfinder has material that would go into a new Pathfinder edition, it would not be without precedent. As I recall, some rules from WoTC's Alternity game appeared in the 3rd edition of D&D.

I suspect that Paizo sees science fantasy as a new genre to tap and reach out to new customers. Are there risks in setting up a new game system? Yes. However, Lisa Stevens and the leadership at Paizo know the problems TSR faced and can avoid repeating them. (I think that Ryan Dancey's article on why TSR died should be studied at business schools.)

Perhaps Paizo can address your concerns, BigNorseWolf, and why they think that a science fantasy game will be a success with new and existing players.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Nefreet wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
There is already a few Starfinder Society threads.

But this is the first one posted in the PFS Forum ^_^

They kicked mine out within the first couple hours it was active. And then they merged it with the other one they kicked out earlier. It can be found here.

Hopefully they'll leave yours here. We are, after all, the larger part of the target audience of any OrgPlay system they set up for Starfinder.

The short version of my post in that thread: I think a Starfinder Corps (that's my favorite name for it, so far) would be huge. I wish they had come out with this game a couple years ago, when 5E was imminent. I think it would have kept Paizo king of the RPG publishing mountain.

Sadly, I've heard that they don't have plans for OrgPlay. I think that's a mistake.

Grand Lodge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
William Ronald wrote:
Companies do try out rules sets.

1. I fully believe that the alternate rules presented in Pathfinder Unchained is a test of possible new rules for an eventual Pathfinder 2.0. They wanted to see player reaction to those before deciding if they are something theyd want to incorporate into a new edition.

2. I do NOT think Starfinder is Pathfinder 2.0, as its backwards compatible with existing Pathfinder rules.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Drogon wrote:
Sadly, I've heard that they don't have plans for OrgPlay. I think that's a mistake.

I'm the one who said this based on what the three core folks said at the Starfinder panel at PaizoCon, and I wouldn't quite word it this way. The way I'd say it is that they aren't yet actively planning Starfinder OrgPlay, but they recognize that it's a really good idea that people want.

So, while technically what you say is correct, one should not infer from it that they are planning not to do OrgPlay, because that would be incorrect.

They pointed to the fact that the OrgPlay folks are currently hip deep in convention season, and they thought it was premature to add to their burden with the release of Starfinder still more than a year off.

Of course, I think the OrgPlay people are always hip deep in keeping up with the current stuff. It'll probably require at least one, maybe two more people to get a StarFinder OrgPlay going. Somebody to be the developer (the John Compton) and somebody to be the coordinator (the Tonya Woodbridge). They could probably get by with one, because it won't be as big as PFS to start.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I do not believe at all that Starfinder is a tryout for Pathfinder 2.0.

I think that they're doing Starfinder because they want to do Starfinder. They're going to create the mechanics that they think will work for that game, that genre, and that setting.

If at some point they do a full new edition of Pathfinder (which they may not -- TOZ, among others, argues that we already effective are at Pathfinder 2.0, as all the releases have made it a very different game from when it was just the CRB), yeah, it's possible they may borrow some things from Starfinder. But I very strongly believe that that is not the primary purpose of Starfinder -- nor is it even a secondary purpose.

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Now that this thread has been moved to the Starfinder boards, does that mean it's time to start another in the PFS General forums? :)

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

rknop wrote:
Drogon wrote:
Sadly, I've heard that they don't have plans for OrgPlay. I think that's a mistake.

I'm the one who said this based on what the three core folks said at the Starfinder panel at PaizoCon, and I wouldn't quite word it this way. The way I'd say it is that they aren't yet actively planning Starfinder OrgPlay, but they recognize that it's a really good idea that people want.

So, while technically what you say is correct, one should not infer from it that they are planning not to do OrgPlay, because that would be incorrect.

They pointed to the fact that the OrgPlay folks are currently hip deep in convention season, and they thought it was premature to add to their burden with the release of Starfinder still more than a year off.

Of course, I think the OrgPlay people are always hip deep in keeping up with the current stuff. It'll probably require at least one, maybe two more people to get a StarFinder OrgPlay going. Somebody to be the developer (the John Compton) and somebody to be the coordinator (the Tonya Woodbridge). They could probably get by with one, because it won't be as big as PFS to start.

It should launch concurrent with the book. A delay will have a negative impact on any program they implement later.

After all, they launched PFS before they even HAD a rule book. I know they had 3.5 available, but stil...

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

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In case you check back in here, Chris, you're awesome. (-:

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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For once I'm happy that my comment was deleted!!

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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godsDMit wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
Companies do try out rules sets.

1. I fully believe that the alternate rules presented in Pathfinder Unchained is a test of possible new rules for an eventual Pathfinder 2.0. They wanted to see player reaction to those before deciding if they are something theyd want to incorporate into a new edition.

2. I do NOT think Starfinder is Pathfinder 2.0, as its backwards compatible with existing Pathfinder rules.

From the panel, the backwards compatibility is more of a "You want to give trolls laser weapons, here's how." There will be a conversion document that will explain how to do this.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I want to give sharks laser beams.

Silver Crusade 5/5

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So, if/when we get Starfinder Society, here is my personal wish. Starfinder Society gets it's own interactive special for Paizo/Gen Con. But Mitch, you ask, how would that work? Fleet battles with ship-to-ship combat, that's how. For example, the Future Eoxians have a weapon that can turn all of the intelligent life on a planet undead, and are getting ready to target Castrovel so they can secure the Aiudara in an attempt to discover Golarion's whereabouts and only the Starfinder Society/Corps (personally I like Corps more because it sounds more spacey!) can stop them in time! For combat we could have ship v. ship combat, or boarding parties to capture or destroy larger ships (or we could get boarded and have to defend our ship) for people that want traditional mano-a-mano combat! For skill checks we could have to handle a myriad of shipboard problems/malfunctions, or diplomacize various other factions like the Vercites into assisting our cause. We could even have a trench run to destroy the big Eoxian superweapon (kudos to Lucas Servideo for the idea of a trench run!). Successes could be managed in a mostly similar fashion to current PFS interactives.

Silver Crusade 5/5

For a long time Paizo has said that they will focus on Golarion and develop Golarion. From what I understand they wanted to avoid what sunk TSR's boat, namely the splintering of their customer base by having lots of campaign settings.

Will Star finder splinter Paizo's customer base between a fantasy setting and a science fantasy setting? Would an organized play Star finder program draw people off of Pathfinder society?

I Know people will most likely play both.

Will the Star Finder adventure path cut into the customer base for the Pathfinder Adventure path?

Anyways those are some questions I have.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5

There's a middle ground where spending some development time on a slightly different setting is actually a good thing in slowing the pace of new Pathfinder books. I like really good fluff, but digesting the new hardback rules heavy supplements takes awhile and I could go for a slower pace with some resources spent on a distinctly different setting thematically that might also increase the customer base. The setting bloat ran away from TSR, but in many ways that was because it lead them to multiply the number of products they were selling rather then because the options were poor.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/55/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.
rknop wrote:
I want to give sharks laser beams.

message approved by druids local 704, which supports the right to arm bears.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.
rknop wrote:
I want to give sharks laser beams.

You sir, are a madman. I have nightmares were I get eaten by large fish with rows and rows of teeth. Please do not tempt fate by giving ancient, eating machines that predate and survived the fall of the dinosaurs by giving them a means to cook their food from a distance, thank you and good night.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/55/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Lord Laird Bates wrote:
rknop wrote:
I want to give sharks laser beams.
You sir, are a madman. I have nightmares were I get eaten by large fish with rows and rows of teeth. Please do not tempt fate by giving ancient, eating machines that predate and survived the fall of the dinosaurs by giving them a means to cook their food from a distance, thank you and good night.

What you should really be worried about is the lasers ability to MINE, not cook. With these systems we can systematically mine under the cities and spring forth toothy vengeance wherever we want.. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Flutter wrote:

message approved by druids local 704, which supports the right to arm bears.

Don't even joke! Proof that all bears are really zombies and need to be killed with fire!

5/5 5/55/55/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lord Laird Bates wrote:
Flutter wrote:

message approved by druids local 704, which supports the right to arm bears.
Don't even joke! Proof that all bears are really zombies and need to be killed with fire!

In irresen, bear hits your car...

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Flutter wrote:
Lord Laird Bates wrote:
rknop wrote:
I want to give sharks laser beams.
You sir, are a madman. I have nightmares were I get eaten by large fish with rows and rows of teeth. Please do not tempt fate by giving ancient, eating machines that predate and survived the fall of the dinosaurs by giving them a means to cook their food from a distance, thank you and good night.

What you should really be worried about is the lasers ability to MINE, not cook. With these systems we can systematically mine under the cities and spring forth toothy vengeance wherever we want.. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!

+5 Nightmare Fuel

My buddy gave a good answer about why people might not jump onto the Starfinder Society bus. IT mostly has to do with time, and older people already have 4-5 characters invested in PFS, so if another campaign shows up, it will split their time up.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have an argument for how Stafinder Corps might attract a bunch of NEW players: Shadowrun Missions.

Those guys are already playing a "science fantasy" game, and participating in OrgPlay. But their gaming time is infrequent and unreliable. Give them something solid with steady support from the company who publishes the game and I'll bet they switch over.

Also, if this were available *right now* I would simply add another table to my PFS nights. That would allow players to mix and mingle as they wished, which I think would go a long way to help the growth of both campaigns.

hotsauceman wrote:
My buddy gave a good answer about why people might not jump onto the Starfinder Society bus. IT mostly has to do with time, and older people already have 4-5 characters invested in PFS, so if another campaign shows up, it will split their time up.

And that's really okay. For Paizo the point of introducing this is as much to attract NEW players who aren't keen on the standard fantasy setting of Golarion. Which is another reason to remove the world from the game. Though I suspect the main reason is not to have to provide Starfinder updates for all of the setting material created for it. GMs who want Golarion in thier fantasy space can do the grunt work themselves.

Dark Archive 1/5

Drogon wrote:

I have an argument for how Stafinder Corps might attract a bunch of NEW players: Shadowrun Missions.

Those guys are already playing a "science fantasy" game, and participating in OrgPlay. But their gaming time is infrequent and unreliable. Give them something solid with steady support from the company who publishes the game and I'll bet they switch over.

Also, if this were available *right now* I would simply add another table to my PFS nights. That would allow players to mix and mingle as they wished, which I think would go a long way to help the growth of both campaigns.

What can you tell me about the ShadowRun missions? I remember hearing about them, but no idea what they are

Psyblade wrote:
Drogon wrote:

I have an argument for how Stafinder Corps might attract a bunch of NEW players: Shadowrun Missions.

Those guys are already playing a "science fantasy" game, and participating in OrgPlay. But their gaming time is infrequent and unreliable. Give them something solid with steady support from the company who publishes the game and I'll bet they switch over.

Also, if this were available *right now* I would simply add another table to my PFS nights. That would allow players to mix and mingle as they wished, which I think would go a long way to help the growth of both campaigns.

What can you tell me about the ShadowRun missions? I remember hearing about them, but no idea what they are

As I recall, Shadowrun Missions is the Shadowrun version of PFS, only smaller in size and player base. I'm not even sure it has any corporate backing. Only place I've ever seen it in conventions is by individuals who volunteer and run it in the Open Gaming sections.

Dark Archive 1/5

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Psyblade wrote:
Drogon wrote:

I have an argument for how Stafinder Corps might attract a bunch of NEW players: Shadowrun Missions.

Those guys are already playing a "science fantasy" game, and participating in OrgPlay. But their gaming time is infrequent and unreliable. Give them something solid with steady support from the company who publishes the game and I'll bet they switch over.

Also, if this were available *right now* I would simply add another table to my PFS nights. That would allow players to mix and mingle as they wished, which I think would go a long way to help the growth of both campaigns.

What can you tell me about the ShadowRun missions? I remember hearing about them, but no idea what they are
As I recall, Shadowrun Missions is the Shadowrun version of PFS, only smaller in size and player base. I'm not even sure it has any corporate backing. Only place I've ever seen it in conventions is by individuals who volunteer and run it in the Open Gaming sections.

Interesting... Shadowrun should work well for a society type of play tbh... not sure how much it changed over the years

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Nope, no corporate backing other than an official stamp of approval. Although, they *have* collected seasons of missions together and published them as adventure campaigns. So, kind of corporate, in that regard. But admin, development, and writing is handled by an independent wing of people.

And, yes, it's a much smaller and more loose organization as a result.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Psyblade wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Psyblade wrote:
Drogon wrote:

I have an argument for how Stafinder Corps might attract a bunch of NEW players: Shadowrun Missions.

Those guys are already playing a "science fantasy" game, and participating in OrgPlay. But their gaming time is infrequent and unreliable. Give them something solid with steady support from the company who publishes the game and I'll bet they switch over.

Also, if this were available *right now* I would simply add another table to my PFS nights. That would allow players to mix and mingle as they wished, which I think would go a long way to help the growth of both campaigns.

What can you tell me about the ShadowRun missions? I remember hearing about them, but no idea what they are
As I recall, Shadowrun Missions is the Shadowrun version of PFS, only smaller in size and player base. I'm not even sure it has any corporate backing. Only place I've ever seen it in conventions is by individuals who volunteer and run it in the Open Gaming sections.
Interesting... Shadowrun should work well for a society type of play tbh... not sure how much it changed over the years

ANY roleplaying game can work for a network campaign. The only barrier is all the work that has to be put in setting it up and keeping it going.. very much a non-trivial task.

Dark Archive 1/5

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Psyblade wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Psyblade wrote:
Drogon wrote:

I have an argument for how Stafinder Corps might attract a bunch of NEW players: Shadowrun Missions.

Those guys are already playing a "science fantasy" game, and participating in OrgPlay. But their gaming time is infrequent and unreliable. Give them something solid with steady support from the company who publishes the game and I'll bet they switch over.

Also, if this were available *right now* I would simply add another table to my PFS nights. That would allow players to mix and mingle as they wished, which I think would go a long way to help the growth of both campaigns.

What can you tell me about the ShadowRun missions? I remember hearing about them, but no idea what they are
As I recall, Shadowrun Missions is the Shadowrun version of PFS, only smaller in size and player base. I'm not even sure it has any corporate backing. Only place I've ever seen it in conventions is by individuals who volunteer and run it in the Open Gaming sections.
Interesting... Shadowrun should work well for a society type of play tbh... not sure how much it changed over the years
ANY roleplaying game can work for a network campaign. The only barrier is all the work that has to be put in setting it up and keeping it going.. very much a non-trivial task.

If they ever do it for White Wolf in that regards I will be all over that... WW fanboi for life!

But I agree, every game is doable!

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

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Shadowrun Missions Link

Dark Archive 1/5

Drogon wrote:
Shadowrun Missions Link

cheers, looks interesting

Drogon wrote:

Nope, no corporate backing other than an official stamp of approval. Although, they *have* collected seasons of missions together and published them as adventure campaigns. So, kind of corporate, in that regard. But admin, development, and writing is handled by an independent wing of people.

And, yes, it's a much smaller and more loose organization as a result.

It's got a *little* more corporate backing than that. The SRM coordinator is a Catalyst Game Labs employee, and the missions are published by said developer, with many written by the same folks writing the rulebooks. Conventions receive prize support and free copies of adventures.

That said, yes, the SRM team is largely left to their own devices most of the time. Hell, the Shadowrun Missions FAQ/Errata document is used widely by folks as 'official' errata since the SRM team is far more responsive and up to date than the parent publishing company.

Also, the info on the Shadowrun Missions website linked above is in placed massively out of date. It's generally best to head over to the Missions section of their forums as that part is updated regularly - the SRM team has access to the forums but the website is under control of the parent company so it takes ages for that to get updated.


Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Hm. And I thought the Internet mantra was Google Knows All.

I guess that goes to show why SRM players are ripe for the plucking: Catalyst can't even keep their own website at the top of the Google search for "Shadowrun Missions."

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

Drogon wrote:

Hm. And I thought the Internet mantra was Google Knows All.

I guess that goes to show why SRM players are ripe for the plucking: Catalyst can't even keep their own website at the top of the Google search for "Shadowrun Missions."

I think that short missions and scenarios like Pathfinder Quests (ideally playable by people using their own and pre-generated characters) has much to recommend for attracting new gamers.

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

Drogon wrote:
I think a Starfinder Corps (that's my favorite name for it, so far) would be huge.

Sorry Drogon, according to this article it will be Starfinder Society. Starfinder Corps does sound cooler though.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tamec wrote:
Drogon wrote:
I think a Starfinder Corps (that's my favorite name for it, so far) would be huge.
Sorry Drogon, according to this article it will be Starfinder Society. Starfinder Corps does sound cooler though.

That awesome...

Pardon me. I have to geek out for a little while. I'll be back in a bit..,

Scarab Sages 2/5

Now, with Starfinder being Pathfinder compatible, do you think there will be a unique Paizocon boon that would let someone have a "timelost" Starfinder Society member for PFS?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Tamec wrote:
Drogon wrote:
I think a Starfinder Corps (that's my favorite name for it, so far) would be huge.
Sorry Drogon, according to this article it will be Starfinder Society. Starfinder Corps does sound cooler though.

WHY do web designers set the body text of articles to a font size smaller than the default size the user has chosen for their browser? WHY????

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