What are your Favorite Martial Feat Trees?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Two-weapon fighters and sword and shield fighters have a million feats to take, but if you're a two-handed fighter you eventually run out. I'm curious; after you've 'covered your bases' as it were with power attack, weapon specialization and other essentials, what feats do you like taking?

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Skill Focus (profession [gardener]).

I value the step up line of feats, especially as a GM. as magic users are your bane as a fighter, makes sense to me that a lot of fighters learn to prevent them from taking the 'five foot step, destroy you' action

The step up line
Furious Focus + Dreadful Carnage
Martial versatility/mastery

If a race with darkvision, Deepsight
If a cha focused class, eldritch heritage line
If human or half-human, improvisation line

Step Up is great.

I like the Moonlight Stalker feat chain, at least ending at that feat, esp for 3/4 BAB martials that can more efficiently get concealment via Blur or Mist.

Liberty's Edge

Cornugon smash.

All the trip feats (improved/greater, fury's fall,...) with a reach weapon in combination with either:

- the whirlwind attack line + lunge

- the combat patrol line

Right now, I'm enjoying the whole Intimidate grouping of Feats (thought, they all aren't on one tree). {This character has sneak attack dice from an archetyp.}

Power Attack
Weapon Focus
Dazzling Display
Cornugon Smash
Shatter Defenses
Disheartening Display
Furious Focus
Dreadful Carnage

I love Side-step/Imp Side-step. You can remove yourself from being flanked, move into a flanking position with a buddy, put yourself next to that archer/caster that thought they had a safe 5' buffer, or all three at once in some very memorable cases :)

Combat expertise
improved dirty trick
greater dirty trick
quick dirty trick

and then two weapon fighting for more dirty tricks.

Several different trees I've done:

Improved Critical, Critical Focus and the high-level crit-amplifying feats. Nothing like debuffing targets 1/3 of the times you hit (assuming an 18-20 crit weapon, of course). Hello, fauchard!

Save-boosting feats (come on, you're a two-handed fighter, doing enough damage to annihilate most monsters in the Bestiary, of course enemies are going to throw save-or-die stuff at you rather than get in range.)

SF: Intimidate, Dazzling Display, Corngon Smash, Shatter Defenses, Deadly Stroke. More causing of fear to foes and friends.

Lunge. Because 15' reach beats 10' reach any day of the weak.

Combat Reflexes and tripping stuff. Won't help against huge or colossal foes given their very high CMDs, but really handy against anything smaller.

Pointblank Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, and Deadly Aim. Because some enemies will be too smart to get close with you. Reach out and touch them!

Dark Archive

I don't have a "favorite" so much as a "flavor of the week" based on synergy with recent content and whatever character theme I happen to be dreaming up.

The current featured flavor comes from a medium rare Avenger Vigilante Steak generously marinated in Snake Style Sauce.

Shield Slam is a favorite, for giving a neat TWF option and martial control options.

Dirty Trick line+Mobility+Underfoot. It lets the halfling rogue be the party buffer (for added effect mix unchained rogue and Vexing Dodger.

Shield Brace+Combat Reflexes is cool for tank builds, giving Sword&Board and reach (and 2 handed damage) all in one package.

The following is a bit intensive but Bodyguard, In Harms Way, and Enforcer is pretty cool to throw on the brawler class. You get to tank by applying debuffs, and buffs, and you don't sacrifice any damage or AC options since you can use martial flexibility to pick up offensive/defensive options as needed.

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