![]() Resurrecting from the grave! Super cool idea that I REALLY wanna implement but I wonder if anyone has suggestions on a few dilemmas I'm having regarding player inclusion. 1.Who does each player control? Does each player pick a few units and rolls for them during the game? 2.How best to disincentivize PCs being active participants in mass combat especially at a high level where they can easily decimate battalions of lower leveled recruits and soldiers? I'm sure I could scrounge up a "they need you elsewhere" excuse here and there but probably not on the order of days which battles are implied to take. Any ideas? Thank you! ![]()
![]() Hi guys, Are there any downsides (either narrative or mechanical) that you might imagine may result from having the Sunken Queen be located under Castle Korvosa rather than in the Mushfens? In my mind having the final showdown in Korvosa seems more dramatically appealing but was looking to see other opinions as well. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Just finished up A History of Ashes, and am about to start Skeletons of Scarwall. Quick question that I'm not sure the source material really covered. My players are pretty savvy and I anticipate they will wanna know how exactly Laori Vaus and Shadowcount Sial managed to discern that Castle Scarwall is such an important destination and that presumably is where the key to recovering Kazavon's Fangs is located. I have a hard time reconciling that Laori and Sial knew about Scarwall all along and are just now interested in exploring the castle with the party at such a coincidentally convenient time (ie now the party knows about the Castle from the Shoanti). Any advice for making this segment of the story and their new proposition of cooperation more cohesive would be appreciated, thanks! ![]()
![]() Hi guys, I'm looking for a premade dungeon that can be modified into a "mind dive" adventure. I'm using the trope of exploring a character's mind to cure a coma by putting together memories. Ie I'm looking for any maps or quests that are Escher, Dali, really trippy-esque. Anyone have any suggestions from adventures or maps that paizo's released? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hey guys, My party made it to the battle with Koriantu and Cinnabar and a whole host of assassins during the assault on Deathhead Vault before deciding to leave due to a player death and severe injuries. Koriantu perished, but Mogmora and Cinnabar both survived. What modifications should I make to the second visit? I was planning on having Cinnabar return to the castle to be reprimanded by Kayltanya and eventually fight alongside her later in the story, while perhaps keeping Mogmora there as he is entrusted to watch the area as part of Planar Ally. How can I "heighten security" besides adding some more mooks in the rooms that they've already cleared and maybe having the Grey Maidens be super prepared for the coming assault? Thanks, any advice is appreciated! ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Was thinking of some ways to try and expand the rebellion against Queen Ileosa near the end of the adventure. I was looking through the rebellion rules for Hell's Rebels (found here perhaps illegally http://www.karzoug.info/srd/campaigns/HellsRebels/Rebellion.htm) and it looks pretty neat but was wondering if anyone has had experience with that AP and whether it would be something that could translate over to CotCT. Any thoughts? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hi guys, Currently running History of Ashes for my players. I was considering how Shoanti language would sound like and thought it would have a pretty neat effect if I RP'd some NPCs speaking the actual language. However I'm afraid of sounding either racist or culturally insensitive by speaking total gibberish. Any thoughts on possible parallels to real world dialects that I could perhaps take words and phrases from? ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, Recently I've been running my players through a number of pre-written modules and adventures of various level ranges throughout the campaign. To accommodate the (often large) discrepancies in intended levels I've been tweaking stat block numbers to try and make the encounters somewhat interesting regardless of how far above the party is in power level. My question is would this ruin immersion for you as a player? For example, encountering a Grey Render wildly above the power level it should be, though technically now somewhat of a challenge. Would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the matter. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Doskious Steele wrote:
THANK YOU! :) Exactly what I was looking for, much appreciated. ![]()
![]() Full disclosure this is an effort to cut down a good amount of work. I've hit a point in my AP where the party can go to a number of different areas in a region and do certain quests. These locations often have a number of paizo material already released based around them, but typically that sort of material doesn't go past lvl 8-9 and my party is around 10. What are some ways to scale up pre-written material for a higher level party without having to look up different monsters or create totally new NPCs? I was thinking templates and adding more enemies to shore up the CR would be a way, but I'd like to here other opinions. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hey there, I like the changes you've done here but had a question about the passive action. The way you write it, it sounds like there's only one a round, meaning if you 5 ft-step you can't use an "always on" swift action thing like Arcane Strike or Studied Target. Is this intentional? Also to clarify for when something gets upgraded from a move action to a swift does it essentially upgrade from 1 action to a passive action? Or to a free action? Thanks ![]()
![]() I was thinking about placing this sojourn like somewhere in the middle or middle-end of the book, ie before they learn their final goal of obtaining Serithtial because I agree with the flow being a lil weird. During the PC's trials of trying to gain favor from the Shoanti it wouldn't be very difficult to insert a resistance member, dead or alive that would indicate to the party that Cressida is looking for you all for some help. Could even be like a secret meeting in a smaller hamlet on the way to Korvosa at which point the party can decide whether they wanna hoof it all the way back to the city and do the dungeon. ![]()
![]() Long and short of it, I think Laori's great, but I have a Paladin in my party. Don't wanna railroad anything obviously but I'm a lil biased in the sense that I wouldn't mind if she allied with the party with certain limitations. Any ideas for ways to spin this? Ie can a Paladin (of Iomedae) realistically NOT immediately smite the f out of her? ![]()
![]() Also may I ask if there are certain concrete points during the campaign where the settlement stats change? I searched the hardcover but just found mentions of conditions in the city at any given point but never any "at this point treat Korvosa as having the "x" variant of it's settlement stats as seen on page "y" " Is it just up to the GM's discretion in what condition the city is currently in? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Lemartes wrote:
My interpretation was the "double damage and critical" clause refers to strictly the weapon damage. Ie instead of the weapon normally dealing 1d10+4 due to enhancement and bastard sword base damage, it will instead do 2d10+8, or essentially an extra 1d10+4. I see the critical clause as an extension of that, ie that extra 1d10+4 makes it x3 weapon damage on a crit, without multiplying any other static bonuses. I saw this interpretation in a previous thread and thought it was significantly more reasonable than full on double damage including static bonuses ie crit on hit for every undead. Even with this ruling it's still a powerful weapon IMO. Snowlilly wrote:
When it mentions how the light continues to expand each round, does that mean the user must continue to use a standard action on subsequent rounds to swing the sword above its head and cause the light to expand outwards? Or does it do so naturally without an extra action? ![]()
![]() Hey all, I know the light and darkness spells can get a little wonky with interacting with each other. Per the Sun Blade entry: The Blade also has a special sunlight power. Once per day, the wielder can swing the Blade vigorously above his head while speaking a command word. The sun Blade then sheds a bright yellow radiance that acts like bright light and affects creatures susceptible to light as if it were natural sunlight. The radiance begins shining in a 10-foot radius around the sword wielder and extends outward at 5 feet per round for 10 rounds thereafter, to create a globe of light with a 60-foot radius. When the wielder stops swinging the sword, the radiance fades to a dim glow that persists for another minute before disappearing entirely. Consider the situation where a Deeper Darkness spell is affecting a room, creating supernatural darkness. What would happen should the sword wielder decide to use this secondary effect? Would it create a zone where neither the Darkness or Light are present and thus it returns to ambient light? (Also side note, the "swinging vigorously," would that count as a standard action? Or merely the user has to make swings while using it?) Thanks! ![]()
![]() Sorry about that, totally blew over the part where it was 3rd party material. What my original question was do the percentages "stack" or add? For example using shadow conjuration, which is only 20% as effective should the Will save be successful, will it then be 10% as effective (50% as effective as normal) if a Will save is successful when cast by a Shadow-traced creature. Thanks for the input! ![]()
![]() Hey all, Please see for reference: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/shadow-traced-c reature-cr-2 In it is a trait that lists magic as being 50% as effective if foes make a Will save for this type of creature. How does this interact if the spell being cast is a shadow illusion spell like shadow conjuration or shadow evocation where there already exists a will save to disbelieve for reduced effect? Thanks! ![]()
![]() With the shadow-traced template, does the 50% effective spell thing stack with other shadow spells, like shadow conjuration/evocation where they already have a decreased effectiveness should a Will save be made? I was considering combining that template with a Shadow mystery oracle but wasn't sure how the two interacted. ![]()
![]() I'd like to try and stay away from the synthesist summoner only because of its reputation as being a really powerful archetype/banned in PFS. I feel a little disingenuous throwing an NPC like that at my players. But it does fit the flavor to a tee regrettably. As far as level goes, the adversary will eventually be a late game threat, level 15+, but I plan to scale him down for a fight earlier in the planned story line. Of note, the character is a ratfolk and as such I was planning on having a more magic-y character build than a fighter or rogue type. What class would go well with Shadow-Traced? ![]()
![]() Hey all, I'm currently running a game where a character's personal adversary is a family member that was trapped in the Shadow Plane and essentially is on the hunt for the PC. Flavorwise, my initial idea was to try to build him in the same vein as other "shadow users" in media where the main character's movements are repeated or copied by a much larger, superimposed ghostly/shadow creature which does the actual damage. For JoJo's Bizzare Adventure viewers, somewhat like a Stand. Closest thing I could think of to this idea would be a Summoner of some sorts. Any ideas for particular archetypes that would fit this theme? Or any other classes besides summoner that would make a good shadow mage themed adversary? Thanks! ![]()
![]() In the multiclass rules it states: Note that there are a number of effects and prerequisites that rely on a character's level or Hit Dice. Such effects are always based on the total number of levels or Hit Dice a character possesses, not just those from one class. The exception to this is class abilities, most of which are based on the total number of class levels that a character possesses of that particular class. I'm a little unclear as to how this applies. Let's say you have 10 levels of fighter, then multiclass into slayer. At 1st level you gain studied target, which in the description states is upgraded at level 5,10,15, etc. Does this mean a fighter 10/slayer 1 starts off with an upgraded studied target (ie +3 attack and damage), because the total level is 11? Or does the final clause of that paragraph apply here where it's technically class levels of a particular class? ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Wanted to run my players through a relatively stand-alone dungeon related to Zon-Kuthon and/or elements of the Shadow Plane. Ideally to save time I was hoping to try and "jury-rig" i.e. use another pre-made dungeon module that could be re-flavorized to be related to the above topics. Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on good ways to do this or specific examples that could be particularly easy to convert. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Turelus wrote:
Very cool entries so far Sleepy. Just to give my 2 cents to Turelus, I'm running a CotCT campaign as well, currently at the very beginning of Book 3. I placed House on Hook Street in the interim between Book 2 and Book 3. Following the events at the Temple of Urgathoa, I used the PFS Scenario The Green Market as a quest to make the cure for Blood Veil. I ran it so Zeeva Foxglove (the quest giver for the scenario) was the key to the cure due to her Foxglove blood, i.e. the party needed her blood to make the cure. Hopefully your party doesn't end up murdering her for it hence bypassing that whole quest haha. I then ran House on Hook Street afterwards, with the hook being Cressida Kroft's sister, a recent conscript of the Grey Maidens had deserted and disappeared into the Old Korvosa garrison in search of a spider cult rumored to be responsible for some grisly murders in the Bridgefront district. The Field Marshal requested help from the party and off they went. Essentially I just made the module into an extraction/save NPC type quest, who coincidentally was found in the final dungeon of the quest. You're free to insert any NPC you'd like and tailor their motivations for investigating the murders as you see fit. In retrospect however I'm not sure I would have run both of those back to back, since it did detract pretty heavily from the main overarching plotline. That being said the interim between Books 2 and 3 is great for adding stuff since there's no real impetus to get the Book 3 plot started as soon as possible after 2. Hope my input helps. ![]()
![]() Master Elodin wrote:
Not sure I understand what you mean by assigning stats via the Harrow reading? From what I recall each Harrowing gives bonuses to stat based checks based on the book; can't readily remember it ever affecting a PC's statblock ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Ah, yea that makes a lot more sense ![]()
![]() *Rob's CotCT group be spoiled at your own risk if you're reading this :)"
My PCs were separated and are now trapped in the Shadow Plane. This is intended to of course be temporary and I'm using the overall ambiguity of the plane itself to be fairly "anything goes" with my ruling of the scenario. My idea was to have the PCs slowly regroup and find each other before finding a way out but I wanted to pick forum-goers brains for any neat and flavorful encounters that could occur on this plane. I'd like to keep CRs pretty low since the now-level-8 PCs may be encountering obstacles while alone or with one other person. Any suggestions welcome! ![]()
![]() The former is basically within a big enough city you can buy most wondrous items without a ton of effort. The latter is a certain number of magic items are available in a city depending on rarity with occasional influx of new items. To me it seems like a question between convenience and immersion. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Just got the hardcover edition for Curse and was wondering whether the big city map with all the locations and key is appropriate to show players (like the one on page 400 in the appendix). On quick glance it doesn't look like there's anything overly bad about it but just wanted to know people's thoughts. Thanks! ![]()
![]() GirthTanin wrote:
Hey there! APs are essentially pre-made campaigns that take characters from levels 1-15+. So you'll be able to start your friends and family with level 1 characters that'll eventually get all the way to high levels in this AP. ![]()
![]() Air-Alan wrote: First thing, with rolling a Warpriest you can't get Stealth and Perception skills to get the Mantis Archetype Sorry if I wasn't very clear, but I meant the character is an assassin of the Red Mantis, not necessarily that he has to have the Red Mantis Assassin Prestige Class if that makes sense, which is why I mentioned the different build options. ![]()
![]() For context this will be an endgame nemesis for a PC; not final boss but penultimate territory. Thus the build will be at level 18-19, with a human base. I have a few general build ideas floating around in my head from prior feedback - 1. Arcane Trickster -> Full casting will ensure a high power level as a villain. 2. TWF Slayer with a dip into Mantis Zealot Warpriest -> Solid STR-TWF with a few key Mantis traits 3. TWF Mantis Zealot Warpriest all the way through -> Probably the best with regards to a consistent flavor 4. Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest -> Probably a superior melee build to the Mantis Zealot Warpriest but mechanically lacking in the Assassin flavor. Any thoughts and feedback are appreciated! ![]()
![]() Declaring minute and sometimes routine actions, mostly in character. A lot of players I've been with, for whatever reason, sort of step out of the RP role when talking about going here, doing this, checking this door, riding this lift etc. I think it really adds a lot to the experience if you RP your character outside of just dialogue with NPCs, which some players I've been with have been really reluctant to do. I play mostly online and there have been many times where I describe a room in detail and while it's sort of assumed where the party goes next if there's only one way forward I always leave it up to the players to declare hey this is where we're going. I really enjoy that sort of agency but some of my friends are really passive about that kind of thing. |