Better_with_Bacon |

Good Evening Fellow GAmers,
My group is looking for a GM.
There are currently 6 of us, and we're looking at someone who can accommodate players in multiple countries over roll20.net . Right now, we play about 1 weekend a month, typically from 6-7pm on a friday or saturday night to allow the two players in Japan to participate (our sessions are usually around 6 hrs long).
Normally I am the GM, but I'd like to spend some time on the other side of the screen with my friends as a player.
I'd be willing to offer compensation for your time (which can be negotiated) I am on shift work, so I would need someone who could be compatible with my schedule (with usual times outlined above) for the available weekend(s)
Any interested parties?
Very Respectfully,

LeesusFreak |

Honestly, I'd try posting in Reddit's Looking For Game subreddit, I don't think this belongs on this board, at the very least.

justaworm |