andreww |
Just a quick question and seeking a rules clarification.
Can the Ring of Spell Knowledge be used to learn the mesmerist level 1 spell Mental Block?
I have a 4th level Wizard and was just curious if this spell list would would be included. Thanks in advance.
Rings of Spell Knowledge only work for spontaneous casters such as sorcerers, oracles and bards.
Mental Block is a level 2 psychic spell. In general I would avoid trying anything which involves using lower level spells from 4 and 6 level spellcastters. The precedent from the guide is that we use the lowest level from the wizard, cleric or druid list for things like wands, potions and scrolls. You generally only look to other lists where the spell doesn't appear on those. I would anticipate doing the same thing with psychic caster only spells.

BigNorseWolf |

All of them are useful only to spontaneous arcane spellcasters.<----
Even with an arcane bonded item, thats not a wizard.
Arcane spells that do not appear on the wearer’s class list are treated as one level higher for all purposes (storage and casting).
School divination [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, mesmerist 1, psychic 2
So a sorcerer would have to treat it as a bard 3 spell to learn it (since mesmerist and psycic are psychic spells, not arcane)
I think you're wizards out of luck, sorry :(

PolydactylPolymath |

Also, the ring has been clarified to work only with Arcane spells. There's an FAQ out somewhere, but all I could find was this messageboard post.

MadScientistWorking |

Also, the ring has been clarified to work only with Arcane spells. There's an FAQ out somewhere, but all I could find was this messageboard post.
Technically speaking Mental Block is an arcane spell so that point is moot.

Cevah |

Also, the ring has been clarified to work only with Arcane spells. There's an FAQ out somewhere, but all I could find was this messageboard post.
The ring came out in UE. The FAQ page for UE does not list any FAQ. Therefore, there is no official FAQ. Nor is there any PDT post.

![]() |

The ring came out in UE. The FAQ page for UE does not list any FAQ. Therefore, there is no official FAQ. Nor is there any PDT post.
I'm not following your point.
Mental Block is arcane sorta, due to being a 2nd level Bard spell.
It'd use up a 3rd level slot in the ring.
It'd only work for sorcerer and bards (or some other arcane spontaneous caster.)
What errata are you wanting to see from UE?

Cevah |

PolydactylPolymath thought there was a FAQ, and said he only found a post.
Well, that post is not clear, since the link does not point to a post.
For a FAQ, it should be in the book that the item in question comes from. Since that FAQs for that book do not mention anything relevant, I surmise there is no FAQ.
For what I was wanting, ask PolydactylPolymath. He is the one claiming some developer comment.