Building a Half Minotaur


I have player that wants to play a Minotaur. So far I trying to build it for him. This what I got

Stats change

Str +2
Wis +2
Int -2
Cha -2

Natural Weapons - Horns 1d6 gore

Weapon familarity- Axes and Maces / Hammers

Vision - Low Light vision

Languages - Common and Sylvan but can lean dwarven, gnoll, goblin and giant.

+2 Perception but Scent.

Am I missing anything

Looks good so far.

For the statline, I might have gone for a +4 Strength, +2 con, -2 int, -2 cha as it would bring it closer to the Minotaur...but that's just me.

Were you considering making it large or towards the high end of Medium size?

Minotaur has darkvsion so why did you choose to give the half-minotaur low light vision?

Maybe add a +1 or +2 natural armour bonus (VS the minotaur +5 natural armour.)

And maybe a weaker version of Natural Cunning: Say Give them a bonus against maze spell rather then being immune to it. And a bonus against getting lost rather then never getting lost. a +2 or +4 bonus might work here. Half-minotaur could still be caught flat-footed but there also maybe give a +2 bonus or something along those line.

They going to be medium on the high scale since they are 3/4 human . the player is big WoW fan wanted something simular to the Tauran Race. The low light since the race wanted let them see better then humans but no as good Half Orc since they got the Gore attack.

Natural armor would fit to +2

Natural Cunning could work as +4 against maze spell.

The question is, which half is human and which half is a minotaur?

There's a third-party PDF on this site, "In the Company of Minotaurs", that has rules and such for both full-blooded Taurians and lesser Meretaurs, which make good half-bloods.

Well basiclly appear more human but with minor details of the Bull on their face and feet. So they use horseshoes as their shoes.

Yep, that would be a Meretaur.

Ah, here it is.

Jem'Nai wrote:

They going to be medium on the high scale since they are 3/4 human . the player is big WoW fan wanted something simular to the Tauran Race. The low light since the race wanted let them see better then humans but no as good Half Orc since they got the Gore attack.

Natural armor would fit to +2

Natural Cunning could work as +4 against maze spell.

Ok that make sense if they are build along the line of the Tauran the low-light and sylvan language makes a lot of sense.

Looking forward to the completed version.

Was always a big fan of Dragonlance minotaurs as a PC race. In terms of fluff, mainly. I've always wished they had a presence in other worlds.

I actually did like the 2nd Edition build of +2 STR and CON, -2 CHA and I think INT, because I liked the obvious martial bent, but I'm not sure how well it'd jive coming over. WIS seems like the right mental stat to bump up, though.

Anywho, like the looks of what you have so far.

I post the finish product with favored class options to

Building a half minotaur? First, how are you going to cut the minotaur in half, and second, how are you going to sew it to another creature?

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