Zhyth |

To my knowledge, there are no feats that provide such a benefit. In the unlikely chance that you're playing in a campaign where you can commonly find Technological Items, the Railgun does precisely that. Otherwise, the only way I know of to shoot through someone without using magic is to be a 19th level Fighter with the Crossbowman archetype, but even that requires getting a critical hit first.

zainale |
is it this magic item thing
Price +2 bonus; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight —; Aura moderate evocation
This weapon special ability can only be placed on ammunition. A creature struck by a piece of penetrating ammunition must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or the ammunition proceeds to travel into another creature in line. The attacker must be able to trace a line starting at her space and passing through both targets to make this additional attack. The second attack is made at a –4 penalty, in addition to any modifiers for added range.
Cost +2 bonus; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells mirror strike

Xethik |

There definitely is for hand crossbows. I can't remember if it is was in Dirty Tactic's Toolbox or Blood of Shadows or what... But it was a Drow-themed ability. Digging around for it.
EDIT: I remembered the name being Grazing Shot and I came up with this:
Grazing Shot Rogue Talent
Unfortunately, it doesn't deal much damage and is tied to the Rogue class.

Wonderstell |

magic weapons must first have a +1 enhancement bonus before you can add magical abilities to them, so you must make your arrows +1 Penetrating, which has a cost equal to a +3 enhancement bonus. (18000 gp)
That price is for 50 arrows, which also must be masterworked.
Basically, you would need to pay 363.1 gp per arrow, if I'm not mistaken. (155 for 50 masterworked arrows, + 18000, divided by 50).
And even so, I'm not sure you can buy seperate arrows or if you must buy a batch of 50.
So, probably not worth it to fire these babies every round, but having one or two for that perfect moment could be fun.

Wonderstell |

is it this magic item thing
Price +2 bonus; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight —; Aura moderate evocation
DESCRIPTIONThis weapon special ability can only be placed on ammunition. A creature struck by a piece of penetrating ammunition must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or the ammunition proceeds to travel into another creature in line. The attacker must be able to trace a line starting at her space and passing through both targets to make this additional attack. The second attack is made at a –4 penalty, in addition to any modifiers for added range.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTSCost +2 bonus; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells mirror strike
There is a +1 special ability that saves missed arrows (Conserving), but enchanted arrows are most often not worth it. If you're to chose between a good bow and good arrows, then you should always chose the bow since you can upgrade or sell it later while the arrows are destroyed.
Conserving is only worth it if you're only firing special arrows, which you really don't want to do. And when you're not using special arrows, the Conserving ability doesn't give you anything noteworthy.
Basically, instead of buying a +1, conserving longbow for like 8360 gp, and fifty +1, Penetrating arrows for 18155 gp, you should just buy a +3 bow, and keep some Penetrating arrows in your quiver for the perfect opportunities.
Only firing special arrows is bad.
Conserving enchantment is bad.
A great bow is good.
A great bow and a few special arrows is good.
oh, and the weapon enchancement bonus from the bow and the arrows doesn't stack, so firing +1, Penetrating arrows from a +1, Conserving bow would only grant you +1, Penetrating against enemies.

![]() |
With your DM permission, you should be allowed to buy magical ammunition in single units.
+3 amunition is 18300 for 50, but you could argue you could buy 1 for 366. Or 10 for 3660. Then you have options without an over-committal of money into consumables.
Plus, if you can convince your DM to let you buy specific ammo individually, you can then have a quiver of utility arrows. Bane being the special ability to look at.

Cuup |

If it's just a matter of avoiding the cover creatures get from ranged attacks for being behind other creatures, the Lob Shot feat seems to do exactly what you're trying to do, as long as you take additional attacks, which is any Ranged attacker's m.o. anyway. Or wait for level 11 for Improved Precise Shot.

Gisher |

my dm tends to throw way to many npcs at us when we fight. and it takes forever to get through a fight i just want to speed up the processed of killing the 15-20 npcs.
If you have access to the Ranger or Sorcerer/Wizard spell lists, then the Arrow Eruption spell might help you speed things up.

Wonderstell |

Has anyone considered putting magic on durable arrows? Would that work?
These arrows are tightly wrapped in strands of some kind of alchemical glue.
Benefit: Durable arrows don’t break due to normal use, whether or not they hit their target; unless the arrow goes missing, an archer can retrieve and reuse a durable arrow again and again. Durable arrows can be broken in other ways (such as deliberate snapping, hitting a fire elemental, and so on).
Drawback: If crafted with magic (such as bane), the magic only lasts for one use of the arrow, but the nonmagical arrow can still be reused or imbued with magic again.
Nah, it wouldn't.

Ckorik |

Ckorik wrote:Has anyone considered putting magic on durable arrows? Would that work?Durable Arrows wrote:Nah, it wouldn't.These arrows are tightly wrapped in strands of some kind of alchemical glue.
Benefit: Durable arrows don’t break due to normal use, whether or not they hit their target; unless the arrow goes missing, an archer can retrieve and reuse a durable arrow again and again. Durable arrows can be broken in other ways (such as deliberate snapping, hitting a fire elemental, and so on).
Drawback: If crafted with magic (such as bane), the magic only lasts for one use of the arrow, but the nonmagical arrow can still be reused or imbued with magic again.
blah. It would be nice to see 'arrow only' enchants that were actually... reasonable in cost.

Byakko |
i would love to know what feat or archetype that is byakko because facing 10 or more monsters per fight scene takes forever when you have only one attack per round and it takes several rounds just to kill one and god forbid you miss.
Found it.
It's the Fighter Archer archetype. Unfortunately, they get the ability at a fairly high level:
Volley (Ex)
At 17th level, as a full-round action, an archer can make a single bow attack at his highest base attack bonus against any number of creatures in a 15-foot radius burst, making separate attack and damage rolls for each creature.
This ability replaces Weapon Training 4.

Gisher |

Take the Arcane Archer PRC or I believe they have an archtype for the magus that makes it an archer build. Then you can start having fun launching spells with your arrows.
There are two such Magus archetypes: the Myrmidarch, which is better suited to a switch-hitter build, and the Eldritch Archer, which is best for a full archery build.