Armor HP Question

Rules Questions

Would the Hp of mithril celestial plate ( ial-plate-armor ) armor be 75

30: mithril material
30: +3 enhancement
15:5x armor enhancement 3

Or would it be 120

30: mithril material
30: +3 enhancement
60 :5x armor bounus 12

Any Help would be appreciated.

Before we talk about HP, the 1st question should be:

Can a Celestial Armor / Celestial Plate even be made out of Mithril?
► Some say it is specific in all ways, so no differeing material.
► Others say it is just a combo of normal enchantments in a bag, so to say, and thus can be applied to any basic armor you might want.

Guru-Meditation wrote:

Before we talk about HP, the 1st question should be:

Can a Celestial Armor / Celestial Plate even be made out of Mithril?
► Some say it is specific in all ways, so no differeing material.
► Others say it is just a combo of normal enchantments in a bag, so to say, and thus can be applied to any basic armor you might want.

I have already ruled that it could be made for the game I am Gming.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

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Tom Marlow wrote:
I have already ruled that it could be made for the game I am Gming.

So you made a house rule, and you are asking how we should suggest you implement some part of it?

Hit points is 5*AC + 2*enhancement bonus.
Hardness is material.

So a +2 Chainmail would be 4 for chainmail +2 for enhancement = 4*5 + 2*10 = 40 hp

Grand Lodge

Celestial Plate Armor

Plate armor is +9
Celestial makes it have a +3 enhancement
Mithril is hardness 15

+3 adds 6 to hardness, 30 to hit points
Mithril would be 30/inch of thickness, call it one inch for ease of calculation

So, hardness 21 (which is nice, as it means an adamantine weapon no longer ignores the hardness for Sunder attempts), and hit points 60

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

kinevon wrote:

Celestial Plate Armor

Plate armor is +9
Celestial makes it have a +3 enhancement
Mithril is hardness 15

+3 adds 6 to hardness, 30 to hit points
Mithril would be 30/inch of thickness, call it one inch for ease of calculation

So, hardness 21 (which is nice, as it means an adamantine weapon no longer ignores the hardness for Sunder attempts), and hit points 60

That isn't how I read the rules. I played a sunderer to 12th level using this interpretation of the hardness/hit point rules:

Hardness = 15 (from mithril) + 3*2 = 21
Hit Points = 9*5 + 3*10 = 75 hp

Grand Lodge

James Risner wrote:
kinevon wrote:

Celestial Plate Armor

Plate armor is +9
Celestial makes it have a +3 enhancement
Mithril is hardness 15

+3 adds 6 to hardness, 30 to hit points
Mithril would be 30/inch of thickness, call it one inch for ease of calculation

So, hardness 21 (which is nice, as it means an adamantine weapon no longer ignores the hardness for Sunder attempts), and hit points 60

That isn't how I read the rules. I played a sunderer to 12th level using this interpretation of the hardness/hit point rules:

Hardness = 15 (from mithril) + 3*2 = 21
Hit Points = 9*5 + 3*10 = 75 hp

Huh. I could have sworn that 5 was a superscript, not a multiplier. So my mind automagically made it equivalent to a 4, per material.

New eyeglasses? On the list.

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