Making Deadpool in PFS (again) #driveby #sorry


Grand Lodge

Well it's not easy. It won't be perfect, but you can come pretty close:

Stats: STR10, DEX18 (human+2), CON14, INT10, WIS10, CHA14
1) Unchained Rogue, TWF, Toughness, Max: Acrobatics, Bluff, Sleight of Hand, Disable, Escape Artist, Perception, Stealth, & whatever you want. You use dual Short Swords for now & you talk a bit of trash.
2) Magus (Eldritch Scion), Destined or Fey Bloodline, Infernal Healing as your level1 spell, accompanied by True-Strike or Vanish. Cast Healing before combat while ridiculing your enemies.
3) Rogue2, firearm training if you can afford a pistol. Weapon Focus: Short Sword or Kukri (while complaining to GM that Katana is not a Finesse weapon). Take some time every few rounds to discuss your opponents apparel.
4) Rogue3, Here's where you start trucking kids & healing through what damage you take. You've bought bluff 4x, so you have a 9 and you use it constantly to make your friends and foes alike suffer. You are insufferably annoying in every way to all around you despite being useful and courageous in your murdering-of-the-bad-guys.
5) Either more rogue or magus. Buy TWD or Dodge to make Wade even more annoying. You want the people at PFS to groan in despair when you sit down at the table, but not outright ban you from the event. #maximumeffort

It's lots of acrobatics, bluff, sleight of hand, and sabotaging-the-talky-parts-of-the-adventure. Suggest you align CG for PFS. Be the Deadpool that desperately wants to be in the Xmen but can't quite fit bc rules are no bueno.

Eventually you might pickup improved feint and more levels of Magus.

You could do deadpool with straight magus & a 14-16 str. Then dual Katanas would almost work (you'd still miss a lot but that just adds to the comedy...). Mostly the rogue rounds out Wade's skillset & general attitude towards society.

Why not stay Rogue and get Inf Healing through Major Magic?

It seems sort of untoward not to tank WIS to 8.

Grand Lodge

Secret Wizard wrote:

Why not stay Rogue and get Inf Healing through Major Magic?

It seems sort of untoward not to tank WIS to 8.

Thank you! I think those are both solid ideas.

Pure rogue could tank both CHA and WIS and have a much higher INT/DEX.

Actually, I generally tank my INT on Rogues since I don't need that many skills :O

But Major Magic requires 11 INT :P



There's also the Int-based prepared caster Rogue using Magus spell progression with the full Wizard list 0-6. Don't think it's been added yet. Butterfly Knives probably work for mini-katanas that can be dual wielded. They got those in PFS? Really, just Deadpool drawing a weapon and splitting it into two weapons is gold. "Order now and we'll throw a second in at no additional charge! Just pay separate ripping and man-handling."

Not sure if I can post a link but if you do a search for knowdirectionpodcast

You'll see a guide for making Deadpool. Another take on it to consider anyway.

Grand Lodge

I was going to Mention a Huaman Unbreakable fighter 1/Spealleater Aberrant Bloodline Bloodrager 11

17, 13, 15, 10, 10, 13
(+1 Con at 4, +1 str at 8 and +1 dex at 12.)

Human: Power attack
1: Fast Healer
Fighter: Die Hard and Endurance
3: Raging Vitality
5: Aberrant Tumor (Hedgehog with Protecter Archetype +2 will saves YES PLEASE better than Iron will LOL.)

At level 6 you are so freaking hard to kill Deadpool would be proud.

You can use the Spell A. Barrier (level 2 spell). It turns damage into non-leathal. You can choose to use SHield other with your familiar. Send half Non-leathal and Leathal damage to the has fast healing 5...Non-leathal damage is healed in equal amount to Leathal damage...Basically this familiar soaks 10 HP a round EASY....then your taking Leathal and nonleathal damage and have fast healing 4 yourself. Basically 18 damage a round is straight irrelivent. Bleed damage? No shits given...He takes a beating and keeps giving it right back.

Sure your not Deadpool uses guns, swords, and anything that will help in that grab a weapon you like. You don't have to be a complete mirror. And your not stuck being a rogue *can taste the vomit in my mouth at the mention of that class*

My opinion would be that he is a sohei 8/ gunslinger pistolero 4. He is not "stealthy" in the least he jumps in combat screaming like a madman guns a lazing and uses katanas which a sohei can flurry with.

Scarab Sages

Jockston wrote:

My opinion would be that he is a sohei 8/ gunslinger pistolero 4. He is not "stealthy" in the least he jumps in combat screaming like a madman guns a lazing and uses katanas which a sohei can flurry with.

Actually, Sohei can't flurry with katanas without a fighter dip. They can only flurry with a weapon they have weapon training in, and Sohei only gets WT in bows, crossbows, monk weapons, polearms, spears, or thrown weapons. Heavy blades isn't on the list.

They can flurry with urumi or nodachis though.

Dark Archive

Scarab Sages

Aeron Solo wrote:

Imbicatus wrote:
Jockston wrote:

My opinion would be that he is a sohei 8/ gunslinger pistolero 4. He is not "stealthy" in the least he jumps in combat screaming like a madman guns a lazing and uses katanas which a sohei can flurry with.

Actually, Sohei can't flurry with katanas without a fighter dip. They can only flurry with a weapon they have weapon training in, and Sohei only gets WT in bows, crossbows, monk weapons, polearms, spears, or thrown weapons. Heavy blades isn't on the list.

They can flurry with urumi or nodachis though.

That's right, just grab a temple sword and call it a katana.

Imbicatus wrote:
Aeron Solo wrote:

It doesn't fit the theme of dead pool at all but the mechanics are really close. I like it

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