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I'd go evangelist cleric and really relish in your performance as a art form. Use the glaive. Always push for the peaceful resolution and believe in the beauty of everything. Even in evil villains. Look to redeem over execute.
With a 14 str and bardic performance and some group buffs you will be hitting on a regular. Use reach tactics with your deities favored weapon and you will do just fine.
I really like to play up Beauty and such. I wear perfumes that smell of roses. I also carry a rose and offer it as a sign of peace. And what ever I do I take very good care not to tango with worshipers of Zon. Always trying to bring them to the light.

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Have ways to settle things without violence. Try to redeem those who can be redeemed.
Make your maps a work of art, such that people want to see the wonders you have captured. Try to find beauty even in places others fail to see it.
Crunch-wise, diplomacy is going to be important. Sense motive can also be useful. I wouldn't be going with ranged attack feats. Try weapon focus (Glaive) instead.
The low skill points of a cleric makes it difficult. Putting your FCB in skill points can help with that.
This is my PFS cleric of Shelyn. I'm looking to trade out Power Attack (don't hit often enough to use it) on him.

Larkos |
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Guided Hand? My friend did a cleric of Shelyn but it wasn't very good. We were all inexperienced. I can tell you based on that to never focus on channeling. It just isn't worth it.
Don't get trapped into healing in combat. An emergency channel here and there isn't so bad but ultimately it won't scale with damage.
Low str, high dex for a combat reflexes reach-focused build for the glaive might work. Guided hand helps with the to-hit. Have a backup mace handy. Keep power attack. Buff yourself accordingly. Even Shelynites aren't afraid to bash in a few faces to save others.

Schrödinger's Dragon |
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Why thank you. I have already started the AP, so changing maybe a bit hard. Any ideas for later levels?
I'm coincidentally playing in a Kingmaker game as a NG human who recently converted to the worship of Shelyn. One of his personal projects (well before he started worshiping Shelyn) was to personally fund the construction of a new district in our capital to be dedicated to fine arts, higher education, and cultural development. IIRC it takes 12,000 GP (3 BP) to build a new district, which is potentially feasible for a high level character and certainly a goal you would have to spend some time working towards. After getting the district built, you'll probably need to let the kingdom itself finance the construction of actual buildings because they're too expensive for a single PC to saddle the cost of unless you've got some crazy income generation going on.

BretI |
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Learn diplomacy when you level? Try to use it untrained until then -- you do have the charisma for it.
Since you don't have selective channel, channeling will be mostly for out of combat. Even if you had Selective Channeling, it wouldn't keep up with the damage dealt by the enemies but it has at times given groups enough to get through a tough battle.
See how it goes with point blank shot. You've got the lightning arc for a close range attack, see how often you even use anything else. If you end up never using it, ask the GM if you can switch it out. Ultimate Campaign has rules for retraining, perhaps they will allow that.
I'm kind of curious why you have read magic selected in both an orison and 1st level slot on the crunch page. I assume that those slots will change once you begin play.

The Guy With A Face |
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You probably already know about it, but the Archives of Nethys have a lot of cool items/feats/traits and stuff related to each deity. Some are less mechanically sound than others, but you might find something you like and can use at later levels.
There's also a little blurb about the code a Paladin of Shelyn would follow. Maybe you could take some ideas out of that?

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This is my warpriest of Shelyn. He's a walking oxymoron: Besides being a pacifist warpriest, he's also a very ugly worshiper of the goddess of beauty.
He goes around handing out little wood carvings of roses that he makes (poorly) to everyone he meets.
In battle, he trips people, and disarms and sunders their weapons, using his reach to do this without provoking AOOs. He'll be getting Improved Trip at level 3. Then he asks his unarmed opponents on the floor to surrender. I'll upgrade his glaive to merciful when he has enough money. He really doesn't want to hurt anyone.

Renegadeshepherd |
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Artist is a profession based off of wisdom so accordingly a cleric who uses high wisdom is needed. A half orc can trade in dark vision for skilled so I would do that just to ease te pain on skills. Fates favored and sacred tattoo are a must in my opinion.
Shelyn has acceptable domains but not great ones aside from luck. So I would advise being a herald caller archetype because of increased skills and your using summons to be your main solution on combat, but still able to support well with luck domains powers, reach weapon, and more.
The roleplay is pretty simple as you can just be an artist who gets into whatever circumstances the GM makes. One fun side note is that you could believe that the creatures you summon are your muses. So you paint them and wield them in battle as well :)
Edit/add on: IMO the best reason to go with a herald caller is because your still free to do anything anyway you want to as long as it isn't archetype specific like an evangelist. Support build, guided hand build, bless equipment, and all kinds of options are still open to you.

Kavalina Norreiys |

Why thanks everyone. I'll see if I can do some quick little changes to the character and work of that. Really, this will be my first character that is a cleric, so I'll be learning as I go.
Thanks Bret for noticing that error in the spell list, I'll fix that accordingly.
Probs won't go Herald Caller but will still do summoning, especially with that idea of them being muses. Tots forgot about sacred tattoo and will adjust accordingly.
Was thinking ranged support but now I've got a lot of idea for that glaive. So far, this has gone way better than the last time I asked for advice on a character (a Kitsune Ninja :( )

Renegadeshepherd |
Ninjas are looked down upon so they get less attention, at least positive attention. One more archetype if mention for you is cloistered cleric. It's not that good honestly but I sense you want more RP than but kicking so I throw it out there. If you have no bard you would be the knowledge monkey and perhaps mouth as well and it would fit well the idea of you being semi reclusive to pursue your being an artist.
One last thing, may be worth a dip of dual cursed oracle for the misfortune hex. This is more thematic than anything but you could essentially make yourself a good luck charm like character who brings fortune in battle rather than being a badass.

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Alright, how about ideas for a lol Cleric of Calistria, 15 PB, starting gear provided by GM. Rp and mechanics please. :D
Evangelist Cleric with Trickery Domain rocking a whip. (you could go with Deception if you prefer the spell Mirror image over the Copy Cat ability....Personally I would.)
Human w/ alternate racial Trading 1st level feat for 3 skill focuses over your career.
Str: 14, Dex: 12, Con: 12, Int: 10, Wis: 16, Cha: 11
(@ 4 bump Cha to 12 to help enforcer. @ 8&12 bump STR. Make sure to buy a headband of Wisdome +2 or +4 if you can reach 9th level spells)
Traits: Blade of Mercy- Yes a whip qualifies
Something that Gives you Intimidate as a class skill and a Bonus to it.
Human: Skill Focus- Intimidate
1: Weapon Focus- Whip
3: Enforcer
5: Whip Master (Pre-req...also in case you need Lethal damage)
7: Improved Whip Mastery
8: Skill Focus- ?? (your choice)
9: Sacred Summoning (cause standard summon + Performance Move action is amazing action economy) or Intimidating Prowess (if you want a higher intimidate) Or Extra Traits
11: Divine Interference
13: Quicken Spell
Perform Oratory- 1
Intimidate- MAX this
0- Create water, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1- Divine Favor, Bless
2- Bull's Strenth (till belt then Bear's Endurance), Mirror Image/Invisibility,
3- Prayer, Summon Monster 3,
4- Blessing of Fervor, Freedom of Movement
9* (if you make it) TIME STOP, Miracle

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What about the rp side, thinking to go more the vengence angle.
RP is completely up to the Player.
Are you the type of person who needs Feats to RP? I do not believe that way and can RP different personalities through the same character sheet. Class mechanics and Feat choices do not effect Role Play all that much if you choose so. Paladin tends to be the major exception but even then the community has different views when it comes to that class.
Calistera uses a Whip...With Enforcer + a Cruel weapon + Skill focus Intimidate you can use your "vengeance" to scare those weak willed people into submitting. You can easily do full Non-leathal damage till they are unconscious and then do what ever you want with them. Crucify them, sell them into slavery...the list goes on and on. Somethings can be worst than death.

Movin |
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a quick shot of googling shows that others have asked similar questions.
Calistra cleric Though it seems to be mechanical advice.
RP wise I'd ask how your character views her god.
The god herself is an unrepentant mishmash of concepts. Doing bad things to worse people and indulging in unrepentant acts of passion because for one who does such actions any day could be their last. Might as well live a little.
I mean if deadpool had a deity I'd bet this one would be a front runner on his list of picks.
Blade of mercy is a religion trait requiring the worship of Sarenrae.
Blade of mercy
So that would not work in this instance as said character is a cleric of another god.
You also can't side step by starting out worshiping her.
-snip from the religion trait list on D20PFSRD--
Religion traits indicate that your character has an established faith in a specific deity; you need not be a member of a class that can wield divine magic to pick a religion trait, but you do have to have a patron deity and have some amount of religion in your background to justify this trait. Unlike the other categories of traits, religion traits can go away if you abandon your religion, as detailed below under Restrictions.

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a quick shot of googling shows that others have asked similar questions.
Calistra cleric Though it seems to be mechanical advice.RP wise I'd ask how your character views her god.
The god herself is an unrepentant mishmash of concepts. Doing bad things to worse people and indulging in unrepentant acts of passion because for one who does such actions any day could be their last. Might as well live a little.
I mean if deadpool had a deity I'd bet this one would be a front runner on his list of picks.@Furian
Blade of mercy is a religion trait requiring the worship of Sarenrae.
Blade of mercy
So that would not work in this instance as said character is a cleric of another god.You also can't side step by starting out worshiping her.
Religion traits indicate that your character has an established faith in a specific deity; you need not be a member of a class that can wield divine magic to pick a religion trait, but you do have to have a patron deity and have some amount of religion in your background to justify this trait. Unlike the other categories of traits, religion traits can go away if you abandon your religion, as detailed below under Restrictions.
D20 does not link it to a god cause it would be unlawful. But "flavor text" can easily be waved by a generous DM. Side stepped
But Changing a trait is not hard bro. There are a TON of traits you can grab in its place. Fate's Favored, Transmuter, Birthmark, ect ect.
My build is just a suggestion to point them in the right way. If something doesn't work for the player or in a home game...axe it and grab something else. I figured its for a home group since its a 15 PB.
My Group drops much of the flavor text crap as it acts like a straight jacket when building a character. We also have 1 DM who gives free power attack, Weapon finesse, and Deadly aim. So I am just posting what works for me in my groups since the advice wasn't specifically asked for PFS.

Movin |
*shrug* We don't know this particular GM's preferences so it is easier and less likely to backfire to pick abilities that don't have table variance.
Or if such adjucation is required it should be prefaced with how such an ability is normally treated in the rules and how such a proposed house rule would change it to work for the concept.
Knowledge domain might also be something to look at. Getting a free knowledge check on something/someone whenever you touch it of 15+wis+Cleric level can make for some fun times.
At the very least you'll know the history of every NPC you shake hands with.
Later on you could play around with a Conductive whip to channel the ability and learn about them when you hit them.
Well that or pick up an item of Spectral Hand to channel the effect. though you might need to ask your GM about how that would work as the touch effect doesn't have a determined spell level which brings into question if Spectral hand would be able to carry it.