The Monkey's Treefort

Off-Topic Discussions

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Callous Jack wrote:
Is there a complaint box for this thread?

Welcome back, CJ.

So can't wait for my stuff to arrive!!!!!! Game night was awesome almost through book 1of 6 of the adventure Path.

Yikes this day has been long

Scarab Sages

Callous Jack wrote:
Is there a complaint box for this thread?

Well, aren't you just a handsome devil! Hungry Jack swears it's like looking in a mirror.

We are pretty good-looking aren't we?

<jumps into thread excitedly>

Yes! Yes we are!

Oh, you weren't talking about me were you?

<leaves thread, head hanging>

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Malice Jack wrote:
The Lord of the Board who inspired an entire board alias meme. I don't think I've seen you since the last decade.

I never should have made that left turn at Albuquerque.

Sovereign Court

Master Pugwampi wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Is there a complaint box for this thread?

More than happy to oblige! All complaints will find their way somewhere and be considered by someone in an appropriate amount of time.

We pinky swear!


Too many badgers and kobolds, especially when they use the tree as a fire hydrant.

Sovereign Court

Sharoth wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Is there a complaint box for this thread?
Welcome back, CJ.

Thanks all, I was tickled to see many of the old gang posting here.

Heyah boss!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah snow. FHDM your Weather Dominator's internal clock is a bit off. It's March! Time for bunnies ,chocolate , and colored eggs

checks watch

Nope, time for snow.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear local bands: if you want me to tell all my friends about you and shill for you on Facebook, have some media for me to listen to. I'm not going to promote a band that I can't hear. "We're gonna have some songs soon, and they're gonna be good, I pinky-promise," isn't going to cut it, guys.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Meet me down at the rock crusher.

David M Mallon wrote:
Dear local bands: if you want me to tell all my friends about you and shill for you on Facebook, have some media for me to listen to. I'm not going to promote a band that I can't hear. "We're gonna have some songs soon, and they're gonna be good, I pinky-promise," isn't going to cut it, guys.

They should pinkie promise instead.

Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Dear local bands: if you want me to tell all my friends about you and shill for you on Facebook, have some media for me to listen to. I'm not going to promote a band that I can't hear. "We're gonna have some songs soon, and they're gonna be good, I pinky-promise," isn't going to cut it, guys.
They should pinkie promise instead.

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Ah snow. FHDM your Weather Dominator's internal clock is a bit off. It's March! Time for bunnies ,chocolate , and colored eggs

Snow? What's that?

*sigh* I am finishing re-reading Schlock Mercenary... Why there isn't some ten to twenty years of it more?

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Ah snow. FHDM your Weather Dominator's internal clock is a bit off. It's March! Time for bunnies ,chocolate , and colored eggs
Snow? What's that?

luckily a non`event here. It didn't stick. They're predicting seventies for tuesday.

Work in two hours. Midterms next week. CDL permit class next week as well.

[Brody] We're gonna need a bigger brain [/Brody]

I'm hoping that this week goes smoothly. Spring Break the week after. Sadly no Daytona for me. I don't even know if that is still a destination.

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Ah snow. FHDM your Weather Dominator's internal clock is a bit off. It's March! Time for bunnies ,chocolate , and colored eggs
Snow? What's that?

don't worry. It'll be down by you soon enough.

441 am. The ugh hour

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Someone needs sugar and caffeine.

Silver Crusade

Ohmygosh it's Saturday! That means everyone's here!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
niel wrote:
Someone needs sugar and caffeine.

good to see you Niel! Hope all is well with you

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Ah snow. FHDM your Weather Dominator's internal clock is a bit off. It's March! Time for bunnies ,chocolate , and colored eggs
Snow? What's that?
don't worry. It'll be down by you soon enough.

So, that's the new, heat-proof snow? The kind that can stay un-melted in 79 degF?

niel wrote:
Someone needs sugar and caffeine.


Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Ah snow. FHDM your Weather Dominator's internal clock is a bit off. It's March! Time for bunnies ,chocolate , and colored eggs
Snow? What's that?
don't worry. It'll be down by you soon enough.
So, that's the new, heat-proof snow? The kind that can stay un-melted in 79 degF?

I'm working on it.

niel wrote:
Someone needs sugar and caffeine.



I miss caffeine....

hi everyone

a foreigners question to the 2-3-4 jobs disscussion from a few days ago:

can you just start a second job in America if you want to?
In Germany you need the permission of your main employer and you need to prove to him, that your second job will not interfer with your main job, otherwise you can't get a taxation cord for a second job from first employer and tus can not work a second job

Yeah there's nothing like that here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:

a foreigners question to the 2-3-4 jobs disscussion from a few days ago:

can you just start a second job in America if you want to?
In Germany you need the permission of your main employer and you need to prove to him, that your second job will not interfer with your main job, otherwise you can't get a taxation cord for a second job from first employer and tus can not work a second job

No permission needed. Second jobs are pretty common (especially in economically-depressed areas like where I live). I'm currently working at a full-time job, running a small business on the side, and also working at an unpaid internship on certain weekends. One of my coworkers puts in 90 hours per week between three jobs.

Orthos wrote:
I miss caffeine

Miss Caffeine?

Now there's a stripper name!

Patrick wrote:
good to see you Niel! Hope all is well with you

I seem to be doing well, thank you for asking.

Reasonably well, at least.
An open bottle of decent wine, a new book, and not worrying about work till monday makes today a good day.

Freehold wrote:

Howdy, all.

Seems like a nice place you've got here.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Coworker quote of the week:

The youngest guy on our crew is an excitable 19-year-old college student named Dylan* who works for the company on his breaks from school. He's been on break for the past week, and has been working on the site with us. Finally, with just a couple of days left before school started back up, he moped into the break room one morning and dropped a bombshell:

"I've got a confession, guys. My name's not Dylan. It's Gary. I started going by "Dylan" to make me sound cooler, 'cause "Gary" is, like, an old guy name."

*as always, names changed for anonymity

Coworker quote of the week from a few months ago:

One of the things that still needs to be done is installing all of the parking lot lights. In order for the parking lot lights to be installed, the sidewalks need to be poured, which needs to be done when the ground isn't frozen. Back in November, the construction crew got behind schedule, missed their deadline, and were unable to pour the sidewalks.

Around this time, there were a rash of odd burglaries around the site (I think they were trying to build a spaceship, a la Wilford Brimley in The Thing), and the GC called a meeting to discuss. Near the end of the meeting, they asked us when the parking lot lights were going to get done. To this, one of my coworkers replied:

"I have no idea, but I did notice that we had another burglary last night."

"What are you talking about?" asked the GC.

"Yeah, someone stole all our f%@%ing sidewalks!" replied my coworker.

I hate my job, but I like the guys on my work crew. They're some of the most sarcastic sons of b+$+@es I've ever met.

aeglos wrote:

a foreigners question to the 2-3-4 jobs disscussion from a few days ago:

can you just start a second job in America if you want to?
In Germany you need the permission of your main employer and you need to prove to him, that your second job will not interfer with your main job, otherwise you can't get a taxation cord for a second job from first employer and tus can not work a second job

from what I have heard, there were once laws similar to that in new york, but they have long since fallen by the way side. Unless you have a contract that states otherwise you can have as many jobs as you want.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:

Coworker quote of the week:

The youngest guy on our crew is an excitable 19-year-old college student named Dylan* who works for the company on his breaks from school. He's been on break for the past week, and has been working on the site with us. Finally, with just a couple of days left before school started back up, he moped into the break room one morning and dropped a bombshell:

"I've got a confession, guys. My name's not Dylan. It's Gary. I started going by "Dylan" to make me sound cooler, 'cause "Gary" is, like, an old guy name."

*as always, names changed for anonymity

i don't know whether to laugh or cry.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
niel wrote:

Howdy, all.

Seems like a nice place you've got here.

Thanks! It's been very nice to have some of the old crew come and stop by. I missed the friendly drama-free interaction we used to enjoy in FAWTL once upon a time.

I enjoy BSing with my virtual buds. It also encourages me to stop by Paizo more often, which also helps me inject a bit of energy into my PbPs.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:

a foreigners question to the 2-3-4 jobs disscussion from a few days ago:

can you just start a second job in America if you want to?
In Germany you need the permission of your main employer and you need to prove to him, that your second job will not interfer with your main job, otherwise you can't get a taxation cord for a second job from first employer and tus can not work a second job

Yeah my main job isn't too happy with me getting a second job. But, since they won't give me enough shifts to pay my bills, it's really their fault. I'm not going to sit around and hope someone calls in sick. If I decide school bus driving is a better fit I might relegate the security job to a shift a week status. Per diem is a two-edged sword. Don't expect loyalty if you don't give any.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
... (I think they were trying to build a spaceship, a la Wilford Brimley in The Thing)...

I was just putting together a thingummy to test my diabeetus.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:
aeglos wrote:

a foreigners question to the 2-3-4 jobs disscussion from a few days ago:

can you just start a second job in America if you want to?
In Germany you need the permission of your main employer and you need to prove to him, that your second job will not interfer with your main job, otherwise you can't get a taxation cord for a second job from first employer and tus can not work a second job

Yeah my main job isn't too happy with me getting a second job. But, since they won't give me enough shifts to pay my bills, it's really their fault. I'm not going to sit around and hope someone calls in sick. If I decide school bus driving is a better fit I might relegate the security job to a shift a week status. Per diem is a two-edged sword. Don't expect loyalty if you don't give any.

very well said. Bravo.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Don't expect loyalty if you don't give any.

The current Northeastern United States job market in a nutshell.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Stupid f%#$ing question of the week: "hey, y'all don't have t.v.'s for your car do ya"

Me: this is a toy store.

Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:

Stupid f$*@ing question of the week: "hey, y'all don't have t.v.'s for your car do ya"

Me: this is a toy store.

Reminds me of my late, unlamented sojourn as a convenience store manager

Kevin Smith sums it up perfectly here

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