Dust off those copies of Rise of the Runelords, Season of the Runelords will be here Soon.
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Check out even more information here.
Relevant quote -
Season of the Runelords Launch
Keith, Mike, and Tanis have had a blast crafting Season of the Righteous for you. We just can't stop coming up with delicious ways to take the game we've made and spin it into new stories. There's been a lot of clamoring for a return to our original Base Set, Rise of the Runelords, and we aim to please. Season of the Runelords will debut at Winter Fantasy in fabulous Fort Wayne, Indiana from February 3-7, 2016.
That week, we'll release the first scenario in Adventure 1 of Season of the Runelords, as we've been calling it internally. Winter Fantasy attendees will get the chance to play through all of Adventure 1 and Adventure 2 well in advance of their release dates, so come freeze your toes off with us in February!
Who ya gonna play? I thought perhaps Darago.
I've been wanting to play one of the CD Barbarians since, oh, PaizoCon or so, so probably her :)
James McKendrew wrote: Who ya gonna play? I thought perhaps Darago. THERE YOU GO, SON.
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Mike Selinker wrote: James McKendrew wrote: Who ya gonna play? I thought perhaps Darago. THERE YOU GO, SON. Aw yeah... Puttin' the "romance" back in "Necromancer"!
Hmm, I wonder who I should play. For Season of the Shackles I played Valendron, then Arueshalae for Season of the Righteous. So many characters to choose from...
I am interested in attending this event, but when I looked up the event grid list I did not see any availability of season of the runelords. Is it sold out already ? only saw season of the righteous.
Just curious
Doc76 wrote: I am interested in attending this event, but when I looked up the event grid list I did not see any availability of season of the runelords. Is it sold out already ? only saw season of the righteous.
Just curious
The Winter Fantasy blog calls the event "Season of the Runelords Open Play" as opposed to "Season of the Righteous Organized Play" but I can't check ticket stock. Ping the baldman at @baldmangames to get a quick response.
TriOmegaZero wrote: Hmm, I wonder who I should play. For Season of the Shackles I played Valendron, then Arueshalae for Season of the Righteous. So many characters to choose from... I'm in favor of Amiri myself. :)
Tanis O'Connor wrote: I'm in favor of Amiri myself. :) Subscriber problems, I tell ya.
We were discussing this; we have 3 people in our group that have the Druid deck and 2 people who have the Paladin deck. 1 has the Monk deck.
I did play Amiri during my RotR run, but it really depends. The other person in our 4p group wants the Gunslinger deck actually, but that won't be out for a while.
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... Need ... to ... wait ... for ... witch ... deck ... to ... select ... character...
... Need ... to ...
May the force help me ...
Witch and Gunslinger are well worth the wait, but tricky if you want to jump right into Runelords as it hits. I'd have recommended them otherwise :)
Druid, Monk, Paladin, Barbarian sounds like a great 4p kickoff party.
Thinking about playing Enora for Runelords. Going to make a solo run of it again, and I haven't really tried soloing with a character who can't get Cure.
I mean I have these character unlocks, might as well try them out. The actual arcanist deck is likely a long ways out.
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Keith Richmond wrote: Druid, Monk, Paladin, Barbarian sounds like a great 4p kickoff party. Gah! Now I can't stop imagining Gronk, Koren, and Sajan backin' up Brielle to a techno dance beat. Gronk sings, "Come on, Barbie, let's go party!"
It goes downhill from there.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Oracle all the way man - at a minimum I'll be playing Skull & Shackles Alahazra through this Season, unless there's an Oracle that catches my eye more in the Oracle Class Deck.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to back to obsessing how there's only 3 days until Mystery Hunt.
This should be soon... Any last minute spoilers or hints? ;-)
Have been waiting this product From the day I bougth RotR and find out that there is organized play system!
Expect an Oracle preview next month. :)
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Tanis O'Connor wrote: Expect an Oracle preview next month. :) In all honesty, if you were really an Oracle, you wouldn't need an Oracle preview.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
So ... Any interesting news from Winter Fantasy about the Season of the Runelords?
Yeah I'm very curious about this!
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Adventure 1 premiere/extended playtest went very well, and once I get back to the office and enter the small number of changes we made, I expect SotRu to launch next week.
Will the ACG Guide changes be put out next week as well?
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