Hell's Rebels: Flight of the Silver Ravens Recruitment Thread


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Presenting Avrora Vikta, CG Female Human Warpriest (Liberty's Blade) of Milani

Submissions thus far. Did I miss you? Sorry! Just post below.

Full BAB
Ellina Sensewi - Paladin (Hospitaler)

Three Quarters BAB
Ashess - Investigator
Avrora Vikta - Warpriest (Liberty's Blade)
Darian Aulamaxa - Bard (Arcane Duelist)
Edgar Vashnarstill - Unchained Rogue
Garidan Layafette - Unchained Rogue
Leonardo Vashnarstill - Investigator (Empiricist)

Half BAB
Dred Delgeth - Sorcerer (Shadow)
"Sunset" - Wizard (Spellslinger)

Alriiiighttty I'm going to be checking out everyone's stuff so far and posting comments and feedback, mostly about general ideas and their background/fluff. Mechanical stuff can always be fixed later on, so I'm not going to worry too much about that right now.

A quick note to everyone about the laws about Silvered weapons and substances:

One of Kintargo’s four major exports is silver (with the other three being salt, seafood, and culture). Before Barzillai Thrune came along, Cheliax’s normal laws and regulations on silver were very rarely enforced in Kintargo due to the ease that silver could be obtained and the more free spirited mentality the city and its residents have. Even the Dottari (City guard), were lax on enforcing these. The increased rate of enforcement for these laws has only been going on a week, much to a few people’s chagrin. That being said, the laws ‘were’ technically always there. They just weren’t much cared about - about the only way they were enforced prior to Thrune’s arrival was when someone got caught doing another crime and happened to have some silver contraband on them. Then they could add that to their list of crimes for additional fees/jail time.

Secondly, public humiliation and excruciations were (and technically still are) non-existent in Kintargo - even with Thrune in power, there have not yet been any such punishments, even for the list of crimes I included in the original post. Barzillai has been careful to not rouse the city’s anger ‘too’ much by torturing anyone, and thus has had the Dottari only use imprisonments and fines. (That being said, those aren’t being received well by the public - since the city has always had easy access to silver, having to have their silvered weapons and whatnot being taken away has made more than a few people upset)

Just wanted to clarify this for everyone since I was a little vague about specifics in the original post.

@Garidian Layafette:
Big thing I'm seeing here is there is absolutely no tie in to the campaign at all, except for your campaign trait. All I'm seeing is a backstory about Arcadia and a former associate. How did you get to Kintargo, and how long have you been here? What do you do now that you're here? Why would you care much about opposing the current regime? Stuff like that. Definitely needs something to tie you into the campaign.

While I’m glad that you chose Mialari Docur’s School for Girls, (A location and group that was sadly left out in this campaign, though was intended to play a bigger role at one point during development), you give me very little to work with as far as.. almost everything goes. With guns being a rarity here in Kintargo, how did you come by your knowledge and skill with them? More importantly, where in Kintargo (or elsewhere) are you from? According to what information I have, Lady Docur’s School mostly takes in young half-elven women (which you are disguised as aptly enough) from Cheliax, Molthune, and Isger. Plus, being a protegee of Lady Docur’s School for Girls you might be privy to.. other training.. that might not be known about publicly, which I can message you about if you’d like. As for what you’re currently doing Kintargo, what you have works, although I’m not entirely sure why you’d oppose Thrune. Overall it’s a good start to a background that just needs fleshing out more.

@Leonardo Vashnarstill:
Definitely a great start! Well tied into both the city, the campaign, and why you’d be against Thrune. However, I would like to give you a little bit more information on your father. “Greedy, Sleazy, and Worldly” are the three adjectives used in the book (Not the one you guys have though) to describe him. Focusing on shipbuilding, fishing, and naval trade, I can see him being a penny-pinching merchant lord more than willing to grease the right palms to benefit himself, likely with connections to the black market. That being said, otherwise it looks great!

@Ellina Sensewi:
From what I can get out of your backstory, it looks like you were smuggled out of the city by the Bellflower Network - although not a halfling slave, they would have been the most likely organization to have helped you avoid Thrune’s agents. That being said, you’re back in Kintargo - how are you parents doing? Have you contacted them? You said your father was a miner - most likely this would mean a silver miner, as silver ore is one of the city’s major exports.

More to come shortly! Just wanted to get a few of these out for people.

At work on phone.

Ah! I have back more story in an e-mail/pm I sent to another game master seeking players.

Quick run down:
So,'Sunset' was rescued/found/(Bought?) from neighboring city of Vyre at very young age. Am guessing the Girl's school might keep an eye out for such 'Treasures in the rough' at Vyre's slave markets?

Raised at the school and given the 'Normal' training Sunset was posing simply as a 'Barmaid' in another city closer to Alkenstar here her cover allowed her to act as a 'Drop box' or 'Go between' for what ever it was the espionage of the school's affair may have been.

It was here that the song's traumatic events took place and now Sunset is kind of 'Running hom' but is not fully home yet.

Will post more/the other stuff when can.

Hello Crustypeanut. :)

Would you mind if I was completely new to the Paizo forums for this game? As you can probably see, this is my very first post.

I'm a regular over at Myth Weavers (here's a link to my account profile there) and the Tangled Web (another link), but I've never made the jump to these forums. But... I've really been wanting to play Hell's Rebels with a good GM -- hence my lurking -- and you seem like you've really got your act together here! Roll20 and everything...

Would you mind a completely new profile applying?

@Dred Delgeth:
I’ve.. I’ve never heard of a Varisian Intelligence Agency. Care to tell me more? ;) I’m intrigued, so I’m looking forward to seeing more on this character.

@Oyzar: A seeker of patterns rather than a seeker for the Pathfinders is fine, I’ve got no issue with that.

Officially, the Chelish Civil War ended 72 years ago - Kintargo was taken immediately after the war ended. As a result, the Temple of Asmodeus wasn’t yet so, as it was still a temple dedicated to the then-recently slain god, Aroden. I can’t give any more info than that due to Thrune’s aggressive redaction efforts of Kintargo’s History. Secondly, it says that your home was burnt down - only three buildings were burnt down during the Night of Ashes - a music store owned by the famed local performer Shensen, the Thrashing Badger - a tavern on the docks visited by the city’s rowdier laborers and sailors, and the Victocora Estate.

Keeping those things in mind, the character certainly has promise!

@Edgar Vashnarstill:
Excellent! I couldn’t find anything that needs changing. Now get to posting in the prologue gameplay :P

As it so happens, Tieflings are not more accepted in Cheliax. They’re greatly looked down upon and prejudice against them is huge - even in Kintargo (although less here than elsewhere in Cheliax.) They’re effectively second-class citizens and often live in slums (such as in Kintargo). Beyond that, there is very little tie in to Kintargo or the campaign in your background, and as to why you’d be against Thrune - or why you’d be at all interested in the unknown pattern of the Devil’s Bells’ ringing.

@Avora Vikta:
Excellent backstory, except for one detail. This particular bit of information was sadly not put in the Player’s guide so you had no way of knowing. The Hellknight Order of the Torrent is not supported in any way by the church, and in fact is a group dedicated to the rescue of abducted and missing persons. Their membership is at an all time historic low (23 members) and their leader, Lictor Octavio Sabinus, is known to be missing currently. In addition, they have never knowingly admited an evil member into their order. They’re entirely Kintargan in origin (having been created after their founder rescued the abducted son of the Lord-Mayor not long after the civil war) and are often abroad in very small groups seeking abducted or missing persons.

As a result, you would be better off modifying your backstory to either have a different hellknight order (although none were present in Kintargo besides the Torrent until recently), or perhaps the Church of Asmodeus or the Dottari (City Guards). Even one of the other noble families would work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kingside_Bishop wrote:

Hello Crustypeanut. :)

Would you mind if I was completely new to the Paizo forums for this game? As you can probably see, this is my very first post.

I'm a regular over at Myth Weavers (here's a link to my account profile there) and the Tangled Web (another link), but I've never made the jump to these forums. But... I've really been wanting to play Hell's Rebels with a good GM -- hence my lurking -- and you seem like you've really got your act together here! Roll20 and everything...

Would you mind a completely new profile applying?

Welcome to the forums!

I've got absolutely no issue with a new player to the Paizo forums. Any issues we have because you're new can easily be solved :D

How does holy symbols work for Oracles? Can I carry around a legal holy symbol, but actually worship Desna for example?

You know, I've never really thought about it.

So researching the question, it appears that Oracles may ignore the holy symbol requirements for divine spells.

pfsrd wrote:
Oracles do not need to provide a divine focus to cast spells that list divine focus (DF) as part of the components.

Never noticed that! Granted, I rarely play oracles, but when I have I always bought a holy symbol and played it off as a symbol of religious meaning to the oracle, rather than a symbol of a deity. Guess I didn't need to..

Thanks for ideas! The simplest solution looks to be switching the Order of the Torrent to the Dottari. Would this work well? Is the corrupt magistrate still workable as a supporter of that group instead? I'll update this afternoon.

Avrora Vikta wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

@Avrora Vikta:
The Dottari works better for sure - being the city guard, if anyone would benefit from a corrupt magistrate it would be them.

Ok, so I've decided to submit Varian for your consideration eventually. I took some time to add a few things to his backstory and fix his sheet where needed. He's almost ready, I only need to further tie him to Kintargo using some hooks provided by Kintargo at a Glance, but apart from that he's ready to start. Since I've noticed that you're currently reviewing some of the submitted characters, I wanted to submit Varian now to hear what you think about him, so I can work to further refine him in the next few days according to your feedback.

About me: I'm currenty playing in a couple of PFS games on the boards, and as a player I've been looking for a solid campaign to join for quite a long time now. I'm usually rather picky about which games to apply to, but I appreciate the amount of effort you're putting in this campaign, and this made me decide to apply. The recruitment was laid out perfectly and I see you're regularly posting in the Hell's Rebels section of the forum, thus showing your deep knowledge of the campaign and your passion for it. Those are the things that I'm looking for in a GM!
As a GM, I've accomplished some good results already, even though I'm relatively new to the online community. My players and I managed to successfully close the Crypt of the Everflame module in 30 days and we're now preparing to start the sequel, Masks of the Living God. I also GM a Kingmaker campaign here that has just started.
I don't have any problem to post frequently, even twice (or more) everyday, since I work from home as a Pathfinder translator for my country (Italy). I can guarantee consistency and enthusiasm!

DM Crustypeanut wrote:

Welcome to the forums!

I've got absolutely no issue with a new player to the Paizo forums. Any issues we have because you're new can easily be solved :D

Great, thanks so much. I already have the character written up, I'll just need to move him over to the requested format, which I will do sometime in the next day or two.

At work.

Easy question to ask. Is character page okay?

Dark Archive

O' Hi Varian. It's Artix. :D

Dear GM, I've updated my profile and will check into Gameplay tonight.

Glad you like my character! I still am not set in stone about him being a Rogue, (mostly because I just don't like the class at all!) but the large amount of skills a Rogue gets combined with the kind a training someone would be given to protect a noble just make it fit. If you have any other class suggestions I'd be happy to listen.

I'll get to posting in gameplay soon!

DM Crustypeanut wrote:

A quick note to everyone about the laws about Silvered weapons and substances:

One of Kintargo’s four major exports is silver (with the other three being salt, seafood, and culture). Before Barzillai Thrune came along, Cheliax’s normal laws and regulations on silver were very rarely enforced in Kintargo due to the ease that silver could be obtained and the more free spirited mentality the city and its residents have. Even the Dottari (City guard), were lax on enforcing these. The increased rate of enforcement for these laws has only been going on a week, much to a few people’s chagrin. That being said, the laws ‘were’ technically always there. They just weren’t much cared about - about the only way they were enforced prior to Thrune’s arrival was when someone got caught doing another crime and happened to have some silver contraband on them. Then they could add that to their list of crimes for additional fees/jail time.

Secondly, public humiliation and excruciations were (and technically still are) non-existent in Kintargo - even with Thrune in power, there have not yet been any such punishments, even for the list of crimes I included in the original post. Barzillai has been careful to not rouse the city’s anger ‘too’ much by torturing anyone, and thus has had the Dottari only use imprisonments and fines. (That being said, those aren’t being received well by the public - since the city has always had easy access to silver, having to have their silvered weapons and whatnot being taken away has made more than a few people upset)

Just wanted to clarify this for everyone since I was a little vague about specifics in the original post.

** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks, when I wrote him, I actually had no idea the takeover of house Thrune was so recent. I was thinking the takeover had been done nearly a year in advance. (no idea where I got that.)

My thoughts on the silver is that being from the family he is in, and his father being “Greedy, Sleazy, and Worldly” he has greased many palms in the guard and merchants alike. So when Leonardo has skirted the law by buying silver and working with it in his experiments. It was his thoughts that those laws only applied to the commoners. Leo is intended to be very young and very naive, but he is also very clever. Naive to the ways of the world, but not easily lied to.

GM, would you be okay with the Arcane Trickster prestige class? I think it's the direction I'd like to take Edgar.

Just got off work a little while ago, and I'm tired as hell. Need a nap (my sleep schedule is completely out of wack) and then I'll get to answering questions.

Luckily starting tuesday I have three days off in a row. Weee

Still 'tweaking' the build in HeroLab.

1st level is pretty much set.. Just working out how the character is going to 'progress' and what classes I'll be adopting as things level up....

... Making the huge assumption the choice even gets that far. :P

More back ground:

In the city of Khintargo, in the Archduchy of Ravounel, is the of 'Mialari Docur's finishing school for girls'. Mistress Docur's school is known as a prestige establishment and who's work at giving Half-Elfs a safe place to grow up and learn a trade has been lauded. That said establishment is also said Mistress' training ground for her own hand picked sisterhood of spies.

Sunset was a foundling. Retrieved (Or bought) from the nearby city of Vyre her true heritage is unknown (Possible plot hook for DM). Her rather unique gifts being found later (Her Aasimar heritage) as she matured.

It was while being an operative away from the school that she had her altercation which changed her outlooks and views on life (The theme song I link to) and the reason for her developing attitudes and skills.

Mistress Docur had arraigned for a mission to another country to keep tabs on developments their in. The events of the song took place, deeply traumatizing poor Sunset and she has returned to Kintargo... only to find political turmoil and the gates/doors of the school closed.

Sunset will eventually be a 'lead' figure but it is her 'Squire' (Torch bearer Feat) who is actually the channel for information to pass, via a circuitous route, back to Mistress Docur in her demesnes about what is happening with the city and the Silver Ravens.

I'm thinking of having Sunset and her as yet un-named side kick each wielding single shot,

Description=> Double Hackbut

Weapon stats=> Double Hackbut

Shooting from a prone position for no penalty or from a kneeling/crouching position for a -2 penalty.

While adding a 'Clock-work' firing mechanism (inspired by the real life workings of,

Chassepot Rifle [/ur]

and the,

[url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyse_needle_gun"]Dreyse 'Needle' gun

(Mechanically, just something to lower the 'firing rate' down to possibly a 'Move action' while adding a bit more expense, say and extra 500 Gp and a +1 to miss-fire?)

Sunset's main 'thing' will, of course, be her 'Spell slinger' abilities.

The Side-kick will be armed normally with just a pistol and short sword.

So, the problem of,

A) The character having a 'Co-hort' at only 6th level

Are maybe the issue I see yourself not being happy with. Also.. my possible erratic message.

Wishing you and yours all the very best.

A hasty edit of a previously sent missive to another Dm seeking entrance into another game.

I definitely have contributions I want to make to the gameplay thread, but work has me too tied up. I'll get involved interacting ASAP.

Here is a quick dot and a few minor questions.
I am not sure yet what my submission will be and i have a lot more reading to do but here are a few of my ideas.

A human fighter with a shield. He was a city Guard who was on duty during the night of ashes and indeed he was ordered to guard Barzillai during the act. Now resentful to the new regime and regretting his involvement, he will quickly desert his post and join the freedom fighters.
1: does/did the town Guard/leaders support Barzillai's acts? (Haven't yet read the guide, that might answer my question)
2: would you allow me to shield bash with a tower shield? (Normally no, but shields need some loving!)

A human Mindchemist. He would have lots of head knowledge and writing would be a big focus for him. This is a rehash of an oldie but goodie of mine.
1: would taking scribe scroll as my first feat as an Alchemist be alright?
2: there seems to be a lot of Alchemists and rogues, so maybe not for this campaign.

Next idea is a human poisoner rogue. He specializes in contraband and not-quite-legal substances and poison. At level 2 he will take the Black Market Connections talent.
1: would it be OK if I could also buy/sell poisons through the Black Market Connections talent?
2: again, rogues, and I would have to see about his in-combat abilities.

So i'm thinking of rolling a Calistria-inspried Oracle of fire (focussing on the revenge aspect) who developed her powers following the fire at the Victocora Estate, where her twin sister died,... To make this work though, I want to take the Child of Kintargo trait (and be a member of the Victicora family who escaped the fire).

Quick question is, how long ago did the fire take place??.. Does this rough outline work?


To Horde.

Have you perused the threads/forum and viewed the Captain Andoran (America) sheild fighter build?

Just a thought. :)

Presenting Aleanya Deterion, a human sorcerer (Maestro) who had dreams of being in the opera.

Could you have a look at Eusebios and tell me if something is missing, GM?

Working on getting feedback written up, I'll have it up shortly

@Varian Tanessen:
Excellent! I honestly couldn’t find anything that needed changing - and although my first impression of another, if small, rebel group was iffy at best, I do believe it’s a good idea after all - basically, they’re similar to the Silver Ravens but effectively an unknown and no where near as well known - plus they effectively no longer exist except for (possibly) a few members. It’s a good hook that I can probably use later on.

I’ll look into a few possible alternatives, but after I get other people’s feedback posted. Have you looked at the various Occult classes? Had a friend who was thinking of joining this campaign as a Mesmerist, but decided not to due to a too-busy work schedule. Might work for you. Also, I have no issue with that PrC.

@Gobo Horde:
1) Yes, especially considering that their leadership was recently appointed by Thrune himself - the rank and file troops are effectively loyal to the leadership, even if they are generally natives of Kintargo themselves.

2) Nope, no shield bashing with tower shields ;)

3) I don’t believe Alchemists can cast from scrolls since it requires spell completion (unlike wands). Spell completion expects you to know how to cast the spell in question - alchemists don’t cast spells, even if they have a caster level. As a result, Scribe Scroll won’t work for them unless you can find proof of me being wrong on this. If you can find proof otherwise, then I’ll take it.

4) Yeah skill-types are looking to be quite popular, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be one! I did mention that party composition was playing a backseat to excellent characters. (Plus there are six PCs, so you got a bit of room for overlap)

5)Don’t see why not. I’ll have to figure out how it works exactly if it comes up in play.

One week prior to when the campaign starts. As far as the prelude goes, it happened the night before the prelude.

As far as the Victocora family.. they’re not available as a player choice for various campaign reasons, so you’ll have to pick another family. I’ve got no issue with a Calistran worshipper, however. If you want to go with the route that someone perished in a fire during the Night of Ashes, a family member who was at the Thrashing Badger would work best - as there were likely a few patrons there during the fire (though not necessarily).

@Aleanya Deterion:
Looks great! Glad to see someone going the opera-star-hopeful route, as the Opera is huge in Cheliax - even in Kintargo.

Profile looks good, but I don’t get how you have so many traits - you get two normally (one of which is a campaign trait), plus two from your Additional Traits feat. In addition, you can have no more than one of each type of trait - one combat, one magic, one faith, etc. One more trait can be taken if you take a Drawback, subject to the rules of one per type above.

Unless I’m mistaken, you have one too many traits - or at least, you accidently picked a normal trait instead of a campaign trait. You did pick a mini-trait for why you’d be at the protest, but not a normal campaign one listed from the Player’s Guide.

I don’t see much of any difference from before - did you read my previous feedback for your character?

Ah....... nuts.....

Didn't realise there were 'Normal' adventure path traits. Nor notice the DM's caveate of needing/must have one. Will tweak when I can

Of note is that 'Adopted' kind of swaps itself out and turns into a racial trait.

Might have to settle for less starting moneys.... *Ponders*

Yeah I almost didn't spot the adopted trait adding another trait to replace it - but thats fine! Before I noticed that I was wondering how you had a Wayang Spell Hunter trait..


Hey.... she's a travelled gal. Even if she's running from her past. ;)

Edit:Question: Could the campaign version of 'Child of Kintargo' be adjusted to reflect the notable 'Docuri School for girls' ?

That would give the 'Oomph' for Sunset's starting peice.... possibly...

Worked on my background to better fit in the campaign.

Dred's profile has been updated to include a background, appearance, personality and religion sections.

Searched up Captain Andoran, it was quite entertaining to read, however it was a little off for what I am looking for as it mostly deals with unarmed attacks and throwing shields :)
I am looking for a town guard with a really big shield and a "common" weapon in his other hand, such as a shortspear or a longsword.
So my first and main idea is to go for a Fighter (Phalanx Solder). Then if I wanted to I could give him a really big weapon as he levels up, or just a longspear.
Other ideas I had to try and get this theme was to go Ranger with the Sword and Board style. Get Urban favored terran and human/devil favored enemies. I would have to go with a heavy shield but it could twf and shield bash really well.
I thought about the shield Champion brawler but again, no tower shields and unarmed strikes :(

Mostly I have been trying for years to make an effective tower shield user but there is a lot of limitations for them :( -2 to hit, no shield bashing, no shield spikes, wood only, most feats/abilities only work with light/heavy shields :(
So I think that I will make a standard-ish fighter with a tower shield, and thats what I am going to focus on for here :)

Ah... *Nods*.

Well.. my build for 'Big shield/Big weapon' is rather cheezy... but here goes.

1) Play an Elf or maybe Half-Elf. (Proficiency in Elven curved blade)

2) Take two levels in "Titan Mauler" then wield said 2H sword ONE handed with only a -2 penalty.

3) Then take Fighter and the "Tower Shield" archetype/specialist. This will eventually remove the penalty for wielding a tower shield.

*Optional extra: If you can stay "Lawful" long enough for a long dip into Torrent Hellknight, that prestige class plus it's armor will take away a lot of the penalties for full plate.

That's my preferred 'Combat build' in home games.. I seem to...um... garner a lot of negative attention when I mention it on the boards.. (>_>)

No idea why....

I also some times opt for this build.

1) Again, Elven or Half-Elven fro curved blade.

2) Again "Titan Mauler" for swinging that wicked sharp blade around.

3) Thence all the levels in Magus you require. Because a four foot piece of razor sharp steel can only be improved with magic, right?

Basically.. an Elven "Calyistran Saracen". A magic wielding defender of the faith as opposed to a 'Paladin' of the faith. So, priests/Priestesses wear yellow and black. The Saracens wear reed and black. :)

Hope the ideas help some.

I like this avatar as an example of the Calystran Saracen. An Elf lass with black hair and red stripes. :)

Alright, here she is. Tell me what you think.

Updated Listing

Full BAB
Ellina Sensewi - Paladin (Hospitaler) of Iomedae

Three Quarters BAB
Aada Bladotter - Cleric of Calistria
Ashess - Investigator
Avrora Vikta - Warpriest (Liberty's Blade) of Milani
Darian Aulamaxa - Bard (Arcane Duelist)
Edgar Vashnarstill - Unchained Rogue
Garidan Layafette - Unchained Rogue
Leonardo Vashnarstill - Investigator (Empiricist)
Varian Tanessen - Cleric (Hidden Priest) of Milani

Half BAB
Aleanya Deterion - Sorcerer (Maestro)
Dred Delgeth - Sorcerer (Shadow)
"Sunset" - Wizard (Spellslinger)

There is a good chance I will be changing Edgar into a Mesmerist, I think it's a much simpler way to get the flavour of an arcane trickster without the bother of a prestige class.

@Sunset: Yeah that’s fine

That’s better!

Dred Delgeth:
Not bad! Although you are a first level character, so having been a team lead is a biiiit over the top, isn’t it? :P Anyhoo, looks good!

@Aada Bladotter:
Officially, there were no executions on the “Night of Ashes” - in fact, there have been no executions (or excrutiations [which are forms of public torture, often non-lethal but not always so) at all since Thrune’s appointment as Lord-Mayor. Thrune hasn’t officially been linked to the events of that night.

@Edgar: Sounds good!


*Runs off to 'adjust' starting moneys/equipment...*

@DM I changed some of Leonardo's background. I altered it knowing with the information you gave me and some new information on the city. I also incorporated my minitrait into the backstory.

I'd love to join this game

I read the Kintargo primer in the first part of the AP and based on that I have a question:

How would you feel about me playing someone related to the Victocora family? The idea is that he's a nephew of the baroness that got killed during the Night of Ashes.

He'd have come to Kintargo both to honor his deceased family members and to figure out what exactly happened.

The plan is that his mother is the younger sister of the baroness and the two had a falling out when my character's mother married a man from House Napaciza and became a devout Asmodean.

He'd be sent by his mother who, despite everything, still loved her sister. Part of this is also because she has started to doubt her past choices.

My character himself would never have taken to the faith in Asmodeus in the first place and instead has always identified with Ragathiel, a wayward son of Hell.

Alright. I'll change her backstory to fit. Would her husband being taken weeks before as a Asmodean sacrifice work better, not connected to the governance of Thrune, but the church?

I suppose it could work, but I had already told another applicant that he couldn’t be related to the Victocoras - that being said, he/she wanted to be an immediate member of the Victocora family that escaped the night of ashes, whereas you’re a more distant relative. That’s the main reason why I’d allow yours and not allow the other person's. Also, its possibly likely you don't have the Victocora name anymore - your mother would have likely taken her husband's name due to her falling out with her sister.

@Aada Bladotter:
It would work better, certainly. That being said, the Temple of Asmodeus in Kintargo always played a more background role in both politics and the day to day affairs of the city - never far from the minds of its citizens, but never dirtying its hands managing the city or really trying to affect it. At least before Thrune came along, after which the Temple now assists in helping keep the peace. Perhaps your character’s husband somehow pissed off a priest though, and was secretly abducted, which would work and explain why he was taken before Thrune ever came along (Giving you a good hatred of the church - of which Barzillai Thrune is a high ranking member)

He would indeed have his father's last name, so Napaciza. He's also likely to only have seen his aunt a few times in his early childhood, so it's only the knowledge she's his mother's sister that connects him. It's something that closely ties him to Kintargo and it's well being beyond just a desire for freedom.

Another reason few would connect him is that his father's family actually consists mostly of Thrune supporters. This also makes the whole thing even more personal as supporting the rebellion more or less means breaking with his family and his past.

As far as the character goes all I'm sure of is that he'll be an archer. I'm not sure whether that'll be as a Hunter, a Magus(Eldritch Archer) or a Fighter (probably Lore Warden).

Here is Nissim Siverto's application. He's an apothecary by trade and a Witch (Alley Archetype).

His personality and background are not yet complete, but I figured that since DM Crustypeanut is giving individual and precise feedback on characters (and thank you for doing so!) I should go ahead and submit Nissim before I get too fine grained in his creation.

Thanks for the help. I'll fix her background up a bit more. That angle is way better. I will also add in when I get back from work Aada's equipment and carry stats. Anything else that may need a "touch up"?

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