DM Crustypeanut |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Welcome to the recruitment thread for the Crustypeanut’s Hell’s Rebels: Flight of the Silver Ravens campaign! Set in the silver city of Kintargo along the northern coast of Thrice-Damned Cheliax, Hell’s Rebels takes noble Kintargan residents such as yourselves and pits them against some of the most diabolical leaders of Cheliax - yes, that’s right, a Thrune has come to town and he’s setting up shop to stay! Or so he thinks.
Hell’s Rebels is a campaign rife with political intrigue, espionage and sabotage, and of course outright rebellion against the powers that be - in this case, Paracount Barzillai Thrune, the Church of Asmodeus, and their lackies. It is a mix of roleplaying and rollplaying, with a great combination of both combat and noncombat encounters, some of which are added or modified by yours truly.
Do you think you have what it takes to rebuild the infamous Silver Ravens of Kintargo? Do you think you have what it takes to fight the Thrice-Damned House Thrune and the Church of the Lord of the Nine Hells? Do you think you have what it takes to avoid turning this into a repeat of the Red Revolution of Galt? And do you think you have what it takes to look absolutely dashing while doing so?
If so, Hell’s Rebels: Flight of the Silver Ravens might just be the campaign for you!
Your character in Hell’s Rebels will be a native of Kintargo, unhappy with the current state of martial law set forth by Paracount Barzillai Thrune. An unfortunate set of events that will occur early in the campaign will set you - and others like you - on a direct path to rebuilding the infamous rebel group known as the Silver Ravens, previously known for defending Kintargo against all attacks during the Chelish Civil War that occurred over eighty years ago before succumbing to the might of the Thrice-Damned House Thrune’s victory during the civil war. All but eradicated, it will soon be time for their return!
Set roughly a week after Paracount Barzillai Thrune’s arrival to the city following a night of arson and murder now known as the Night of Ashes, the campaign will be set entirely in Kintargo and the surrounding Archduchy of Ravounel - a backwater region located along the northern coast of Cheliax, separated by the heartland by the impressive Menador Mountains and adjacent to the southern border of Nidal. The campaign will begin at the largest and latest protest since the onset of martial law, set in front of the famous Kintargo Opera House at Aria Park - known aptly as the Aria Park Protest.
The character creation outline for Hell’s Rebels characters will be as follows:
Rules for character creation marked with a ‘*’ will have additional notes below the overall outline.
Starting Level: PCs will start at 1st level.
Alignment: Any Non-Evil. The campaign is Chaotic Good themed.
Ability Scores: 15 point buy.
HP: Max HP rolls at 1st level. Players will roll for HP or take Average from level 2 onward.
Traits: 2 traits, one of which must be a Campaign Trait. A third “Reason for Protesting” mini-trait will also be required to explain why you are attending the Aria Park Protest.
Drawback: Drawbacks are allowed.
Base Starting Money: Average Starting for your class.
Races*: Any Core, plus Tiefling and Tengu. Other races may or not be allowed at the DM’s discretion, though any beyond the above mentioned ones will carry certain penalties for the rebellion.
Classes: All classes from Paizo Products, including Occult Adventures. Unchained versions are mandatory for those classes that have unchained versions.
Firearms: Firearms are allowed, but operate under the standard rules, and thus are not commonly found in Kintargo or Cheliax.
Crafted Items: Any character able to craft items through a feat may do so at the reduced prices. Characters with craft skills may craft items ahead of time at the reduced price if they can craft the item by taking a 10 and succeed.
Background Skills: All players gain an additional 2 skill ranks per level to be used in Background skills.
Unusual Races: Races that go beyond the above-mentioned choices will see a penalty to the rebellion - most notably, unless steps are taken to hide one’s unusual race, the group’s Notoriety will see a greater increase each time Notoriety is gained, and the organization’s starting Notoriety will be higher for each unusual race.
When you create a submission, please create a character alias and include your character information in the form of a bestiary stat block like Theodric Rothnt’s Profile. An easily copied and modified version can be found here. Alternatively, Hero Lab format or something very similar to either works as well.
Also, include the following information in your profile:
1) Appearance
2) Personality
3) Background
When reading backgrounds, I’m looking for ways that you as players tie yourselves into Kintargo; Where do you live? Do you have family here? How long have you lived here? Do you have any special haunts that you frequent? Do you have friends or rivals? These sorts of things I’m looking for, and the better tied to Kintargo your character is, the better chance you have at being selected. This also helps me see who has read the player’s guide and the ‘Kintargo at a Glance’ article within it.
For anyone having a hard time coming up with a Chaotic-Good Concept (or something similar), I’d highly recommend this guide as a read. Of course, I’m more fond of this one myself.. but that’s for another time, another place, another campaign.. hu hu hu.
Automatic Bonus Progression: As introduced in Pathfinder Unchained, this campaign will be modified to use the Automatic Bonus Progression system, removing the need for the ‘Big Six’ items. However, the ABP system will see a few minor modifications. First, we’ll be using the optional rules for magic armor/weapons as seen here. I will help players understand these rules better if they are having trouble understanding them once we get to it. Secondly, at 6th, 11th, and 15th, when players are given a +2, +4, or +6/+2 to mental abilities, they may instead choose either mental or physical scores to boost; at the level after, instead of getting a bonus to physical scores, they instead get a bonus to either mental or physical, whichever one they did not choose the level previously.
Words of Power: Players may choose to use Words of Power if they wish to do so. The feats based around them are available as well.
Called Shots: Both players and enemies may use Called Shots if they wish to do so – the feats based around these called shots are also allowed.
Leadership Feat: Players may take the Leadership feat if they wish to do so at the appropriate time. The DM, however, will create and control Cohorts; though the players may specify what they’re looking for in a cohort.
Retraining: Given time and money in an appropriate locale, players may retrain as per the Ultimate Campaign rules.
Downtime: The downtime rules for building teams and organizations will not be in play due to the players’ already having to manage the Silver Ravens. That being said, there will be ample time for downtime activities such as crafting or using skills to make money on their own time.
Background Skills: As mentioned in the character creation outline, Background skills are in effect.
The following rules are potentially going to be in effect - Once I’ve picked my players, I’m going to discuss the rules for these and have a vote on them. In addition, I need to read them in more depth to make sure I understand them properly before applying them.
Dynamic Magic Item Creation: Since the Big 6 magic items no longer exist, greater emphasis will be placed on magic items that provide additional options to players. This ruleset looks interesting at first glance and might be put into effect for non-potions/scrolls/wands.
Alternative Crafting and Profession Rules: A quick read of these rules shows a promising alternative to otherwise bland and complex Crafting rules.
Alternative Diseases and Poisons: I need to take the time to read this in more depth before I decide, but I’d also like player input on these alternative rules. At first glance, however, they look positively grisly.
The following laws and regulations are commonplace in Cheliax, and although Kintargo has always been lax on enforcing these laws, with Barzillai Thrune enacting martial law, the city’s Dottari have begun enforcing them properly to an increased extent.
1: Weapons made up of alchemical silver are proscribed without a license or special permission; licenses can be obtained at government facilities for a price. Failure to uphold this law can result in confiscation of the weapon(s) in violation, fees depending on the weapon in question and possible jail time and/or public humiliation or excruciation.
2: The following alchemical substances are proscribed: Holy Water, Silver Weapon Blanches, and any other sort of substances that are anathemic to devil-kind. Licences to create or carry such substances may be obtained from sanctioned government facilities. Any non-licensed person in possession of said substances can be subject to confiscation of goods, fees, and possible jail time and/or public humiliation or excruciation.
3: The worship and possession of paraphernalia related to these deities is proscribed: Calistra, Cayden Cailean, Desna, Milani, Sarenrae, (and as of recently) Iomedae. Possession of such paraphernalia or proof of worship can result in confiscation of goods and/or property, fees, possible jail time and/or public humiliation or excruciation.
4: The following magical items are proscribed: Weapons aligned to the alignments of the holy and chaotic realms, weapons enchanted with devil-killing abilities, and armor enchanted against devils, as well as any magical item created for the explicit purpose of opposing devil-kind. Licences to carry any such magical item can be obtained via explicit permission by a government body. Failure to comply can result in confiscation of goods and property, fees, possible jail time, and/or public humiliation or excruciation.
5: The summoning, calling, or bargaining with outsiders of the good- or chaotic- realms is proscribed except by licensed practitioners. Licenses may be obtained from either a governmental body or the Church of Asmodeus. Failure to comply may result in fees, jail time, and/or public humiliation, excruciation, and/or the removal of the fingers necessary to the completion of somatic spellcasting components. In the case of those without removable fingers, the tongue may be substituted.
When the campaign begins in earnest (not during the prelude/recruitment period) you will be expected to post at least once every 48 hours (24 preferred) If you are going on a vacation, very busy, or otherwise unable to post just let me know and I will consider you on "standby" for the amount of time specified and you will be DMPC'd for that time.
If anyone disappears for 7 straight days without posting or leaving notice your character will be retired at the earliest possible opportunity - if not outright killed by an unfortunate accident.
I will be selecting six characters to round out the Silver Ravens; each will be expected to fill a single leadership position in the Silver Ravens, although with the Recruiter allowing more than one person, it means not all positions will be filled at all times - not to mention the fact that players may change positions each week as they see fit by using the appropriate organization action.
As far as party composition goes, I will only be looking marginally at team composition; I would much rather pick six excellent characters over a few excellent characters and a few poorer ones that fill out the composition properly. Know this and make sure your character can either be versatile or work as a team with possible overlap. Since retraining is available, this is always an option to help fill out weak points in the team.
In addition, characters who catch my eye yet end up not making it into the campaign may be brought into the campaign as special-guest NPCs with the permission of the players who created them. These special NPCs might see themselves becoming allies or even rivals of the players, depending on circumstances. As a result, any such guest NPC’s player will be invited to keep tabs on the campaign as a guest - should a previously chosen player drop out of the campaign, these guests will be the first to be chosen as replacements should they be interested.
Once you have created and submitted a character (and only one) for consideration, please head over to the gameplay thread and participate in a roleplaying encounter at a local tavern known as the Tooth and Nail. More information on the old, yet popular tavern will be in the gameplay thread. This prelude will take place the afternoon after the Night of Ashes occurred - the very same day Paracount Barzillai Thrune takes office and enacts martial law.
Please refrain from rolling dice or otherwise making any sort of mechanical check during this prelude period, as it is unnecessary. This prelude is to help me get a feel for everyone’s writing style and their ability to interact with others.
The recruitment period for the campaign will run until the 28th of January, at 11:59 PM Mountain Standard Time (Use Google to see what it is for your time zone)
I of course, will be available to answer any and all questions either via posts here or private messages. Don’t be afraid to ask! I won’t bite!
...Much.. maybe just a nibble.. Licks lips.
Garidan Layafette |
need to respec for the campaign but dotting for now. The character is a human unchained rogue, he used to be a paladin but is no longer. here's the fluff of him for now, pre campaign of course.
Growing up in Arcadia, as an orphan. I was taken by the military, specifically I was sent to the knights academy; the vanguard of my village. Normally we scout out and clear the trading routes to the other villages on the other end of the continent, the only other known settlements...
It was soon after joining the academy that I met Kiera, the elven woman who would become my best friend and mentor. Strong and fast, Smart and beautiful.
Recording her “Statistics” was something I had avoided doing for years. After all she was my friend, why would I ever need to know her weaknesses. My guess was some part of me knew I could never give her a biased recording, to much emotion getting in the way. As I put my pen to paper, the door swung open.
“Garidan what are you doing? We have a mission”called familiar silvery voice of Kiera, she was the only person in the village I could stand. She was beautiful, but I never told her: hair and eyes the color of ice, and a honest heart unlike my own. She held the same passiveness I learned to love over the years.
“Just recording a few things, knowledge is power after all.” I shut my book, put on my my red and gold robes, bracers and gloves. I grabbed my traveling gear, I turned expecting to see Kiera waiting, only to see her reading my book.
“Your finally getting to recording me I see.” she smiled, I blushed snatching the book from her. She always loved teasing me, I guess that's why I never told her... she already new.
“Let's go” She lead me out of my room and down the hall of the academies living quarters, we passed Arkus and his band of Orcs . They were part of the academy as well, however they were knights. The academy was separated into different organizations, Kiera and I were part of the Paladin sect which operated as the vanguard of the village. Arkus and his band part of the knights, the main force of the military. The two sects never got along, both vied for praise among the villagers.
“Hey look fellas, it's the shining knight and her honor-less mutt” Arkus snarled, the others laughed. Kiera gripped my hand tightly and shook her head.
“Ignore them” she whispered pulling me forward. I slipped out of her grip, walking over to the band.
“You know Arkus, your right I am honor-less” I pretended to accidentally drop a vial in between them, “You wanna hand that to me Arkus” He grabbed the vial, crushing it in his hand, “Oh well” I smiled turning around to rejoin Kiera.
As we continued down the hall, “What was in that vial” Her voice took a harsher tone.
“Nothing you should worry about”, It was a vial containing a poison, enough to get them sick and hurting but not enough to kill. I smirked, I could hear coughing from them already.
“you can't be doing that, you will end up hurting someone” She shook her head in disappointment, nothing I hadn't gotten used to. Arkus and his group deserved what i gave them, bullies the lot of them, they think they can just pick on people all I do is give them a taste of their own medicine.
We reached the general's office, I waited in the hall as Kiera retrieved the papers for our assignment. We were to secure one of the trade roads, there were reports of attacks on them. We reached the area by nightfall, there was a clearing signs of attacks, ransacked carts nothing I hadn't expected. The area suddenly was lit aflame, I couldn't past the fire and shadows, javelins flew out of the darkness.
“Run Garidan! Now” She was serious, She drew her shield and longsword. I listened... I turned tail and ran through the forest leaving her behind like a of the few times I chose to listen. I ran back to the village, found it on fire to. Kiera was one of the best fighters in the village, I one of the weakest.
I didn't help anyone, I quit being a paladin, I wasn't worthy. Kiera had died that day, so did everyone else except me...I ran. I Left for one of the nearby villages, and caught a boat who knows where I just hoped it was far away.
Garidan wears a chain-mail shirt underneath his clothing, a black shirt and a red scarf. He keeps a small locket with the picture of a woman on his person. Blond hair and grey eyes.
Garidan personality wise is kind of a smart ass. He is used to being alone and has little experience making friends as most people dislike him are put off by his rather blunt attitude. He's honest to a fault, he doesn't lie to make people feel better, he tells them things they may not want to hear. He keeps many journals on himself for the purpose of recording data, he can be kind of obsessed when it comes to recording these statistics. He does so as it helps him gauge difficulty and find weaknesses in friend or foe.
Random Garidan quotes
Everyone loves a hero. They cheer for them, scream their names, and years later they'll tell how they stood for hours in the rain just to get a glimpse of the one who told them to hold on a second longer. I believe there's a hero in all of us, that's why people need to learn to rise to the occasion and fight for themselves become their own heroes. I won't fight their battles for them, i'll help if their's something in it for me but saving individuals isn't my priority destroying the greater evil is.
DM Crustypeanut |
Any consideration for a 20 pt buy instead?
I've been playtesting it with a 15-point buy and it has been going great - I feel that any more points eventually leads up to rather large power levels later on, plus the adventure paths are designed with 15 point buys in mind.
I would rather make every bonus and boon count for more with a standard point buy than have players innately more powerful. Makes every accomplishment taste that much sweeter in the face of danger. :D
Plus since players don't have to worry about buying +# armor and weapons or belts/headbands of attributes, you are able to buy gear that helps in other ways to overcome any short-falls. More options over bigger numbers.
Garidan Layafette |
i'm fine with the 15 point buy, but personally i believe player power shouldn't come from gear of any kind but their abilities and base stats.
that said monks aren't really viable for anything below 20 point buy due to how MAD they are.
that said i also have no issue's with challenge so long as it's fair challenge
Garidan Layafette |
the problem with unchained monk is it invalidates all of the monks archetypes. it's better but the issue is it removes all of the options that monk had before.
I personally don't like it that much, although it is clearly better.
Also so people no my general build idea
Smart melee guy...using elven branched spear...It's pretty odd but the idea is he was adopted by an elf and taught to fight by one, and basically he is human with several traits that describe and work with the concept. long story short this will lead to Elven battle focus.
he's does melee and skills, i have an idea point being, just making class decisions
DM Crustypeanut |
This is too cool. I would love to get in on this but I am new to pbp and about 100 different players are gonna sign up. It will take some configuring but I have a Tiefling Rogue with a thing for brewing his own spirits. Count me dotted.
Don't be discouraged! My first play-by-post ended up being hugely popular with players and I still got in. With a Chelish Marine, former pirate hunter of the Chelish Navy in fact. Ah one of my favorite characters.
Also everyone, the gameplay thread is officially up! Feel free to post in it when your character is done.
Edgar Vashnarstill |
I was incredibly excited by Hell's Rebels when it was announced, but have yet to have a chance to play it. I have this character built for Hell's Rebels. His backstory may change a little, but is pretty much set in stone. I created him when Hell's Rebels was first announced and added on to him as I learned more about it. As such I may end up changing his crunch around a bit after reviewing him. Still I am posting him here as my submission.
I do find 15 point buy to be a bit restrictive (though not for this specific character) if only because it makes creating monks, clerics and the like a daunting and perhaps discouraging prospect.
"Sunset" |
Offering Sunset (Spell-slinger).
1) Not sure how the DM is feeling towards 'Guns'.
2) Will be a ranged character with some support type spells.
Initially, casting ranged spells through the pistol.
Eventually (Money allowing and DM's discretion) will be branching out into rifle and longer ranged attacks.
Robert Henry |
wow, talking about dotting with a capital "D" I've got a couple of ideas brewing for a backstory, definitely going with a chaotic good bloodrager with the celestial bloodline that way his very hidden existence is an affront. He will either be a soldier who is returning home or he will be a local tradesman who cannot tolerate the new regime. I will start working on which idea to pick.
Rennaivx |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Aww, man...I'm really tempted. But I'm going to be leading Hell's Rebels myself once my group finishes our current campaign, so I've been eagerly reading it as it's been coming out, and I'd rather give the chance to some folks who get to enjoy it unfolding as it happens. :) To whoever's picked, though, you're in for a treat. It's a quite good campaign. Good luck, to GM and players!
DM Crustypeanut |
@Sunset: Firearms are fine. They're not common in Kintargo, but they exist in the world and I allow them without issue.
@Hymenopterix: They're fine, but like Aasimar, you do not need to spend a feat to get it. Devil-born Tieflings are likely the most common non-standard type of tiefling in Cheliax (and thus Kintargo) with Kyton-Spawn the second most likely due to the proximity of Nidal.
As for their alternate abilities, roll a d100 three times and pick which one you want out of those three.
@Rennaivx: Right? I was surprised upon first reading just how awesome this campaign is. Prior to that I had iffy thoughts on it, and was much more interested in Hell's Vengeance. Now one might say my thoughts are switched, as I've played enough evil characters, even if I generally have to keep them in-check. I'm going to be a player during Hell's Vengeance provided I can find a group, but for this one I get to play as my favorite evil organizations of all time (House Thrune and the Church of Asmodeus) so its awesome!
Rennaivx |
Right? I just love how complex it is. It'll be fun for my group because they tend to be more used to dungeon-crawl, kick-in-the-door, special-forces campaign styles. There's certainly enough of that in Rebels, but it'll be interesting to see how they do with a more subtle, political bent introduced. Of course, they'll probably just go for a Security focus with the Ravens and play as smashy as possible anyway. :)
What's also cool is that my husband's former character in our current campaign was a Milanite cleric from Cheliax, sent to Varisia to drum up support for her family's planned revolt against House Thrune - and she was thought up before Hell's Rebels was even announced. So his next character's going to be said cleric's brother, caught in Kintargo when Barzillai took power because he was stationed there to meet people and send them on to Egorian.
And of course, what's he going to do when someone suggests fighting a member/agent of House Thrune, even if it's not the fight he was planning on? It worked out way too perfectly. The cleric's probably even going to get included as a cohort - she retired from the current campaign at just the right point to make her way back and show up in Kintargo at the right cohort level about the time Leadership's likely to be introduced.
I hope you don't mind if I look in on the campaign from time to time - Rebels will be my first time GMing a live game (I've only GMed PbP before), and I could use all the ideas I can get. :)
oyzar |
Really sad to see 15 PB, I feel like it limits options way too much. MAD builds become even less viable despite in general being weaker than sad builds. I understand the unwillingness to alter the powerlevel of the AP, though given this I can help but question wanting 6 players. Allowing 50% more players is going to shift balance way more than slighly adjusting PB. Don't you need to adjust powerlevel due to that anyway? That said I might still submit a character though...
DM Crustypeanut |
I'm not having 6 players to balance the powerlevel due to a 15 point buy. I'm having 6 players to allow players to cover each other better and to fill all six roles in the rebellion.
As it happens I'm going to be modifying the campaign to include 50% additional Exp worth of encounters to make up for the 50% increased power of the group, since I already have to modify it to include the Automatic Bonus Progression rules.
I'm currently playtesting the campaign with 4 PCs at a 15-point build and they haven't had *much* issue yet except at a few parts, and I blame myself more than the encounter for not having a better mix of abilities in my group. I did the same when I ran my Iron Gods campaign here on the boards - four (five temporarily at one point) players with 15 point builds and it went swimmingly. Groog only nearly died once (Ask Darian Aulomaxa, he was in that campaign)
I've also tried 20 and 25 point builds and I find that players focus more on completely wrecking everything and its not nearly as fun for anyone (This includes me, as my monsters die horrible deaths without getting to even challenge the players). This includes skill challenges.
Plus all adventure paths, possibly barring Rise of the Runelords, are designed with 4 PCs at 15-point builds in mind. MAD builds become tougher, but they're still doable. I'm not trying to penalize or discourage anyone by having a 15 point build - It'll work out well in the end, trust me! :D
Garidan Layafette |
Took a look at campaign traits I'm using Historian of the Rebellion as it fits his knowledge seeking and knowing everything personality.
Historian of the Rebellion
You’ve long been interested in the legacy of the Silver Ravens—a group of freedom fighters that rose to prominence in Kintargo during the Chelish Civil War. There’s frustratingly little information today about the group, and you suspect that most of what was recorded about the Silver Ravens has long since been redacted or destroyed by government agents, but you’ve managed to pick up a tidbit here and there. Most of your knowledge isn’t so much about the Silver Ravens specifically, but more about general histories of rebel groups and freedom fighters who have fought against oppressive governments throughout history, both in Cheliax and beyond.
Your familiarity with rebel groups allows you to grant a +2 bonus on an Organization check of your choice once the party reestablishes the Silver Ravens during the first adventure. You can change which check you assign this bonus to once at the start of the rebellion’s Upkeep phase. Your time preparing for joining the Silver Ravens has also honed your skill at remaining unseen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a class skill for you.
DM Crustypeanut |
Ah you know what, I forgot to mention something in first post.
Contraband Rules:
As far as silvered weapons or illegal substances goes, players may start out with one such piece of illegal equipment/substance if they can afford it and choose to do so - do note of course that being caught with said item will not end well for you.
Illegal Holy Symbols do not count against this one-illegal-item limit, but of course being caught with one will still see the associated punishments.
Generally, a mentioned fine is equal to 10% of the object's value (50% for holy symbols), not to mention confiscation of the item. Generally, failure to pay the fine results in imprisonment for 1d4 days, although that is just a guideline and individual crimes may warrant other punishments.
Of course.. if you want to try your hand at a Linguistics check to forge the proper paperwork, you can do so. I'll roll specific numbers for the attempted forgery if you are chosen.. in secret of course.
Varian Tanessen |
I would like to join this game very much, as the GM appears to be very passionate about it and he has gone to great lenghts to provide us with a good and detailed recruitment thread. The only thing I have doubts about is the 48h posting rate. It's an extremely slow posting rate, and if one wants to be realistic, a PbP Adventure Path would take about 4-5 years, if not more, to be completed in such a way. GM, are you setting to close the AP or just planning on running, say, the first two modules?
"Sunset" |
Azata-blooded aasimar (musetouched) wizard (spellslinger) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 84, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 74)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Hero Points 1
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d6+3)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Wizard (Spellslinger) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +1)
. . 1st—shocking grasp
. . Opposition Schools Conjuration, Divination, Illusion, Necromancy
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Additional Traits, Gunsmithing[UC]
Traits adopted, almost human, finding haleen, magical lineage, unblemished barrel, wayang spell hunter
Skills Craft (alchemy) +5, Craft (firearms) +2, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +3 (+7 on checks to pass as human), Perception +1; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ arcane gun, hedonistic, hero points, mage bullets
Special Abilities
Arcane Gun (One Arcane Gun) (Su) Imbue firearm with magic; spells cast thru firearm have x3 crit multiplier.
Conjuration You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Conjuration school.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white .
Divination You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Divination school.
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Hedonistic If you do not gain a reward in a day, you are fatigued for 4h the next day (Fort DC 20 negates)
Illusion You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Illusion school.
Mage Bullets (Su) Sacrifice a spell to grant an enhancement bonus or special ability to arcane gun.
Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp) A chosen spell counts as 1 level lower when metamagic feats are applied to it.
Necromancy You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Necromancy school.
Unblemished Barrel It takes 30 min to remove the broken condition from a firearm.
Wayang Spell Hunter (Shocking Grasp) Reduce spell level increase from metamagic for chosen spell by 1.
The two magic traits are both focused on Shocking grasp, since that's the spell the character will be most pushing through the gun with the meta magic feat 'reach spell'.
DM Crustypeanut |
I would like to join this game very much, as the GM appears to be very passionate about it and he has gone to great lenghts to provide us with a good and detailed recruitment thread. The only thing I have doubts about is the 48h posting rate. It's an extremely slow posting rate, and if one wants to be realistic, a PbP Adventure Path would take about 4-5 years, if not more, to be completed in such a way. GM, are you setting to close the AP or just planning on running, say, the first two modules?
Realistically I hope to see posts much more frequently than once per 48 hours. That is mostly just a guideline to allow a bit of wiggling room for those who are working and/or have children to take care of or whatnot.
A few of my regulars have busy jobs and children to take care of, thus can't always post daily, even if its preferred that they do.
In addition, whenever I'm not busy, I'm lurking on Roll20 (Which is what we'll be using for maps - another thing I forgot to mention in the original post), and in the rare event that everyone is online and can hop on roll20, we can post in real time. (This is amazing for combat) This allowed us to blow through the first half of Iron Gods (granted the roleplaying was horrendous, but we weren't really trying for a very serious campaign, especially if you consider the party at the time) in record time.
That being said, play-by-posts are slow as a norm no matter what you do. I've learned how to speed it up with a few shortcuts here and there, but I hope to see posts far more often than once every 48 hours. I myself will be posting daily at the minimum, and since my video card is shot and I can't even play any games, Pathfinder is about all I have to entertain myself right now. Work, Sleep, Eat, S!!~, and Pathfinder, hah.
Leonardo Vashnarstill |
Presenting Leonardo Vashnarstill (crunch is in the profile)
Leo is very young, and a bit spoiled. He hates what the city is becoming and just wants to live his life free. He has almost no combat experience, but his father did make sure he could at least use a sword.
Leonardo Vashnarstill was born the third son of Baron Sendi Vashnarstill. Leo never grew a passion for fishing or boating, but loved the family’s vast library and the many merchants they traded with. Leonardo developed a quick love for Alchemy and his father encouraged it. His father gave him a decent stipend to encourage his new-found love. The only thing Leo found agitating was the Thrune restrictions on his every order.
Leonardo grew up as a rich, spoiled boy with a noble title and a good heart. He has lived free and given the chance to be his own man by a very encouraging and loving father. Leonardo has never had a lot of love for house Thrune. Leo is a fairly good person, so the public torture and executions are awful to witness. Thune’s ridiculous proclamation that he and his family must purchase the right to wear proper clothes, but what really drives him mad is the laws that directly affect him. Alchemical supplies seemed to come under the greatest scrutiny. While many things called for silver, Leo was not allowed to order it in bulk. They even had the audacity to attempt to arrest Leo once because a foreign merchant could not make proper change for a platinum piece spent and gave him too much silver in change. Only after showing the signet ring, a long explanation, the merchant’s verification, and purchase order receipts was he finally sent home.
Now with rumors starting of Thrune burning nobles homes that don’t fall in line. Leonardo’s rebel heart has finally been awakened. A secret worshiper of Milani, Leo has taken to carrying a rose in view on his pocket, hoping a local resistance will notice him. He claims worship to Shaelyn when questioned by proper authorities, but he can’t quite find a start to fan the flames of the new-found rebellion.
As far as posting goes. I work 5 am - 1:30 pm CST. I can post from work anytime. I also keep up with my cell phone, but posts will be more condensed.
Ellina Sensewi |
Ellina Sensewi |
DM Crustypeanut |
So does Tieflings get the Fiendish Heritage feat for free, or do they roll to replace the normal SLA? Tiefling just seems perfect for this game. I'll see what the dice shows.
Aasimar can also roll to replace their SLA right?
The feat just doesn't exist - you don't need to have the feat to choose an alternate heritage or roll for alternate SLA. The feat was created during an early version of Pathfinder, and when they got around to adding alternate Aasimar stuff, they didn't go with the same route, so I figure it should be the same for the poor devil-spawn.
As for rolling for Aasimar alternate SLAs, yep!
I have work shortly, so when I get back in about ~7-8 hours, I'll start looking at everyone's characters in earnest who've posted so far and offer suggestions/feedback.
And Sunset, no need to roll for anything in the gameplay thread. Its purely roleplay :P
oyzar |
Would you allow me to take the Oracle Archtype "Seeker" as a seeker of patterns rather than as a member of pathfinder society? I'm thinking a Heaven's Oracle, though I'm not sure about the race yet. An Oracle doesn't have to follow a deity, although following Desna would be incredibly fitting. That might be hard to pull off without sleight of hand though.