Angvar Thestlecrit

d'Anconia's page

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 23 posts (40 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Krisam wrote:
Congratulations to those who got in! DM, please keep Roath in mind if you ever need a replacement character. (Rebuilding him as something else isn't a problem if you prefer a different class.) :)

Same for Rael!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Definitely interested - will be gathering ideas and posting them as they develop!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber



Bookworm trait is indeed what I was going for.

In combat, Rael is more or less a front line fighter. He doesn't necessarily go looking for fights, but if a fight presents itself, he'll jump into the midst of the fray with greatsword swinging (or barstool swinging as the case may be).

Out of combat, Rael has the street skills to Get Things Done for the agency. He's spent much of the last 5 years learning his way around most of the less savory parts of Sharn, but he also had a relatively upper class upbringing, which allows himself to slip between both worlds with relative ease. Add into that his finely tuned perception and street-smarts, and, while he won't be the face of the organization, he can be a heavy lifting part of the team.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Here's my full character sheet

Redblade8 wrote:
My submission will be a drow from Xendrik, and I think he'd figure a quick approach to establishing one's self in a strange land would be to give a stranger a hand. Anyone think their character might have been in a back-alley fight where they received help from a tall dark stranger? :-)

Rael would most definitely fit into this as well. In fact - with what I've seen you post of your backstory, I could definitely see our characters having at least mutual interest in each other. You want to get the item that was stolen from you, and I want to find out what happened to my mother while on an expedition to Xen'drick

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Here's my concept:

Rael Talevera:

Khoravaran Urban Ranger with the Mark of Detection.

Appearance and Personality:
A tall Khoravaran male with brown hair tied in a pony tail, dressed in dark clothes with a two-handed sword usually draped over his back.

Rael is quiet and contemplative, some would say brooding. Growing up he was naturally trusting over others and made friends quickly. The events of the past years have put a bit of a damper on that, and it takes longer to get him to put down his defenses now. Once he has decided someone is a member of "his inner circle" then he is fiercely protective of them and would do anything to help them out in times of need.

Rael is the only child of Rowan Talevera, a 1/2 elf professor archaeology at Morgrave University. He had no knowledge of his father until he manifested his dragonmark (which comes from the House Medani).

Growing up in the hallways and back alleys of Morgrave University was a dream. He generally had the freedom to roam the campus (and other parts of the University and Ivy Tower districts). His 2 closest friends growing up were Ethan and Jayna Chord - whose parents were both also professors at the University, and life long friends of her mother. Ethan was 4 years older than Rael, and Jayna was a year younger.

Rael wanted to learn more about his father, but his mother always refused to give him too many specifics. Sadly - he never got to ask his mother about the Dragonmark. When Rael 18, his mother was killed. She was on an excursion to Xen'drik and during the journey home, the ship she was traveling on was lost at sea in a storm (at least that's the story Morgrave University tells). In addition, Ethan Chord and his parents were on the same expedition and are presumed dead as well. Jayna and Rael had, in one horrible accident, lost both of their entire families. Upon hearing this news, the trauma caused Rael to manifest the Mark of Detection on his shoulder.

Jayna's Aunt helped watch after them afterwards, but Rael and Jayna descended into deep depression and the natural rebellion of youth was only intensified. Rael tried multiple times to join the military, but was rebuffed each time. He attempted once to try to approach House Medani to find out who his father is. Sadly, even though he was able to talk to a few people within House Medani, for some reason, they couldn't (or wouldn't) help him with his quest. Embittered, he eventually returned to Morgrave University to continue his education. He was also committed to discover exactly what happened to his mother's ship on the way back from Xen'drik, as it had remained shrouded in mystery.

He made it through Morgrave by the skin of his teeth (and also by the good graces of a few of the professors there who knew his mother). During his 2 years there, he spent more time in the bowels of Lower Menthis than he did in halls of Morgrave in Upper Menthis. He knows bartenders in taverns across Downstairs (a district in Lower Menthis), can talk his way into clubs and shows throughout Torchfire and has more than his fair share of even more tawdry contacts in Firelight.

After graduation, Rael still had a small amount of his inheritance left from his Mother. For the last 2 years, he's bounced around odd jobs all over Sharn (generally in the Menthis Plateau area, but occasionally elsewhere) while still searching for more information about his father as well as trying to figure out more about the events surrounding his mother's death. Rapidly running out of coin, he jumped when his friends began talking of leasing an old inquisitive firm and opening up a business.

Motivations: To discover twin truths - 1) who inside of House Medani is his father, and why does he want nothing to do with Rael? and 2 - what really happened to his mother's expedition?

Jayna Chord - life long friend and as close as a sister to Rael. Jayna currently helps to manage her Aunt's dinner theater in Smoky Towers.

Professor Aldan Lake - A Ranger and close friend of Rowan and the Chords, Aldan was also a professor of archaeology at Morgrave, but was not on the expedition to Xen'drik that claimed Rael's mother's life. Professor Lake shepherded Rael through Morgrave and helped him survive the devastating death of his mother. In addition, Rael received his initial Ranger training from Aldan and also learned from him how to use the two-handed sword he favors to this day.

Ragnar - dwarven bartender at the Singing Pixies Tavern in Downstairs

Dominique - a courtesan in Firelight.

Justin d'Medani - the one person that would actually talk to Rael when he inquired about his father. Sadly - Justin was no older than Rael and also was unable to get anyone to give him any information on Rael's history. However - Justin won over Rael's trust, given that he was the only member of House Medani that seemed to take him seriously. The slightest spark of a real friendship seems to be emerging between the two - and Justin is the only person in House Medani that Rael feeling anything but Contempt for at the moment.

@GMAest One question I had on Favored Community - what area of Sharn would be appropriate for a selection - I don't think the entirety of Sharn is appropriate. You could go either a single district (Ivy Towers in Upper Menthis). One level up from that would be something like Upper Menthis as a whole and all the districts there, or an entire section, like Menthis Plateau. It seems like the middle one works best, but I wanted to see what you thought. I wouldn't have to worry about that til 3rd level anyways.

I'm going to be working on the stats over the next day or so and will post an update when I have them done.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Pinging for interest.

I've been lurking the boards for a while, but haven't really played in a PBP game in ages.

I'll have something up this weekend.

Archon Adept wrote:
I have a nice big block of uninterrupted time set aside tomorrow for review of character sheets. Will everybody be ready for me to look things over?

Hey guys - I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to bow out. Things have gotten a bit more hectic in real life, and I don't think I'll have the time to give the game the focus it deserves. Hopefully you can get one of the alts in, as I know we had several.


Archon Adept wrote:

Here are some quick notes regarding character creation.

-15 point buy for stats
-Average starting gold by class
-Max hit points
-Select two campaign trait from the PG, and one other from the new traits document

That should get you going. But if I forgot anything, just holler.

Where might I find this "new traits document"? :)

Calixymenthillian wrote:
That's quite similar to my idea - I wasn't planning to be a tiefling, but I was thinking of having her father be one. If you wanted to take the Child of Infamy trait we could be siblings. Two Bards might be a bit much for one party though, so I'd be willing to switch to a Sorcerer.

Also - what does everyone thing about having a Wizard and 2 Bards (or 1 Bard and 1 Sorcerer) in the same party? I ask, because if that's a bit much of an arcane concentration in the party, I could go with a more martial class and still stick with the Conspiracy Hunter idea - Maybe a Rogue or Ranger.

I'm definitely leaning towards a Chelaxian transmuter with the Conspiracy Hunter trait.

Samael recoils a bit from the sudden attack. He then turns to R6 and says, very matter-of-factly, "This is the last mistake you'll ever make" (Oath of Enmity on R6). He then savagely slashes him with his greatsword, while s%*@ing back one space and dragging the unfortunate lad along for the ride. (Overwhelming Strike on R6 - To Hit of 25 and Damage of 6)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hey guys - I'm looking to get back into an active group somewhere around Atlanta. I'm up in Norcross, but I'd be willing to drive a bit if necessary. I've been gaming off and on for about 15 years, but it's been about 5 since I've been in a regular game.


Archon Adept wrote:

And as far as answering the above questions...what Heaven's Agent said. Thanks for the assist, couldn't have said it better myself!

Player's Guide should be downloadable Thursday (if traffic doesn't bring the site to a grinding halt!)

d'Anconia - reporting for duty! As far as character ideas - I'm thinking Wizard right now. I'm downloading the core rules on Thursday (assuming the servers stay up) and will fill in the details once I get them.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Archon Adept wrote:

All right, you lucky six...the moment is at hand.

First dibs to:

Heaven's Agent
Dark Arioch
Calixymenthillian (hereafter known simply as 'Calix' 'cause I ain't typing that name ever again!)

If the six of you would, please pop in quickly and confirm your spot in the game. If you've changed your mind, please state that as well so a replacement name can be drawn.

Thanks to everyone for the massive interest in the game, and my regrets to those who didn't get pulled. Still, don't bury the thread too quickly, in case alts are needed.

Wahoo! Hopefully this isn't too late. Unexpected internet outage yesterday. I'll post over on the Discussion thread also.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'd be interested, depending on the flavor of the campaign. I'm dying to try out the new rules when they come out next week. Currently in one 4E pbp, but nothing with PFRPG.

TGZ101 wrote:

"Yes, that is the gist of it. You help take down the Beggar-King, the Guild helps maintain the status quo, and you....," the eladrin pauses with a smile, "get a wonderfully large sack of gold to disperse amongst yourselves as you see fit. We are willing to give you 500gp for the information and another 500gp if you manage to take him down while you're in there."

The eladrin stranger then leans back with another twisted smile on his face.

"Well - I don't know about you guys - but I'm just about ready to get this party started!" Samael softly says, as a large grin comes over his face. "Anyone object - or are we ready to move out?"

If and when they move out of earshot of the Eladrin, Samael will say "I'd love to spend some more time on the streets in Smoke to see if we can put any more pieces of this puzzle together. Who knows - maybe some of our contacts know a bit more about this."(Streetwise check, maybe?)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Also very interested. I'm currently in one other PBP that's just getting underway - TGZ's Sellswords of Punjar, and would love to jump in on a Pathfinder game.

Ok - the final version of Samael has been posted on Obsidian Portal. I've also added several contacts that he's made in the city as well as both his publicly known "cover" background as well as his true story, known only to Samael and Michael. I've also finalized the Justicia entry in the wiki (TGZ - let me know if any of that doesn't fit).

We still on track to start this week after the CB updates?

I'm almost done updating the Justicia entry on the Wiki - just have a few more entries to work up.

Also - I'm still tweaking my character a bit. I'm curious what everyone thinks about the Multiclass feats? I'm leaning pretty heavily to taking Sneak of Shadows, as it fits my character's backstory pretty well. I was first going to just grab the feat which allowed me to have the thievery skill, but then I noticed that SoS gives me that as well as 1/encounter sneak attacks. What's the general consensus on those?

TGZ - I'll be sending you one more (minor) update to the background, as well. Nothing's changing, I'm just fleshing out a few more pieces of the story.

Looking forward to getting the ball rolling!


Alright - I'm pretty set on going with Samael - a Deva Avenger. Jovial, yet aloof at once - Samael is 3 years into his current incarnation on Aereth. Not terribly pious, he offers prayers to whatever god seems appropriate given the situation at the time. If anything, he favors Neshti a bit more than others, venerating her mainly for her thievery and trickery aspects, as well a somewhat misguided view of her vigilantism aspect. Unable to remember any of his past incarnations, he spent the first several months cursing the cosmos and whatever power put him into this forsaken place. He came to embrace the city overtime, and decided to make the most of it - adopting a "let's roll the dice and see what happens" attitude.

More background to come as it's created.

I've also added a bit to the campaign Wiki - Offerings of Flame, a "religious" candle shop located in the Bazaar of the Gods. It's owner, Father Michael Aember, is one of Samael's closest confidants. In fact, he considers Michael somewhat of a mentor, as well as the closest thing a Deva could have as family.

TGZ101 wrote:

d'Anconia has confirmed via e-mail so we now have our official party together now!

Pat - Kenneth the Human Bard
Fin - Dannad the Halfling Rogue
Rev - Dagobert the Dwarf Invoker
Fabes - Vanis the Human Battlerager
d'Anconia - Deva Avenger, possible Halfling Sorcerer (still working out details)

Look for the game to get started next week after I make some updates to the Wiki.

I'm going to go with the Deva Avenger. I'm thinking about worshiping another deity though, as the whole "defender of civilization" gig might not be the best approach for Punjar. Can you give me a brief rundown of the pantheon for this world? Or is it online anywhere? I'll have a detailed backstory emailed to you tonight.

During the day, I won't be able to get online much - email is better then. At nights, I'll be much more available particularly after 8:30 (EST) or so. Just so you know what to expect!

--Edit-- Never mind about the pantheon - I just saw it up on the wiki!

Got room for one more?

If so - I'm thinking about an Isolating Avenger - is there a custom pantheon or is it the core one? I envision d'Anconia serving the God of Civilization (Erathis or whomever that should be) and working from the shadows of Punjar to neutralize threats to civilization and constantly striving to keep chaos at bay.

How's that sound?

I will warn you this would be my first 4E game (long time gamer though - it's just been about 3 years since I've played regularly), so I might have a rules question or two. But - I've got the books, and have been reading over them, and think I have a good grasp on most of the basics.


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
d'Anconia, level 1
Deva, Avenger
Build: Isolating Avenger
Avenger's Censure: Censure of Retribution
Background: Geography - Urban (+2 to Streetwise)

Str 10, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 11.

Str 10, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 11.

AC: 17 Fort: 11 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
HP: 25 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6

Religion +11, Perception +9, Streetwise +7, Stealth +5

Acrobatics, Arcana +4, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance, Heal +4, History +6, Insight +4, Intimidate, Nature +4, Thievery, Athletics

Level 1: Auspicious Lineage

Avenger at-will 1: Bond of Retribution
Avenger at-will 1: Overwhelming Strike
Avenger encounter 1: Avenging Echo
Avenger daily 1: Temple of Light

Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Adventurer's Kit, Greatsword, Holy Symbol, Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Looking for a pbp game to jump in on. This would be my first time trying out the PFRPG rules, but from what I've seen, they look great. I've played D&D for over a decade, but have fallen out of the habit for the past 2-3 years. Although I've still kept up with everything online, I just haven't actually been in a game for a while. Life has calmed down a bit, and I thought a pbp would be a good re-entry into an active game.

So - if anyone's looking for another player, I'd happily toss my hat into the ring. Just know, that you might have to explain some of the rules nuances that others might have already picked up on.