eldritch archer


hello there everyone i saw the recent magus archtype the eldritch archer and im rly excited to try it out. i have never asked the forums to help me build a character before so i decided to try this out.

so i would like to hear all the different builds you guys have. the main things i want to know is race, traits, stats, and feats.
please tell me how you would build this character and why.
thank you and

I'd imagine unless you're using a composite bow or a thrown weapon, you'll really only care about Dex and Int to any major capacity, so you'll want to set your highest ability score rolls into them when you're creating your character. Con and Wis are still somewhat useful since they contribute to saves (and HP in Con's case), while Str and Cha are doing the least for you. Similarly, races that increase at least one of these without decreasing the other would be good, with elves and wayangs being especially ideal.

As for feats, it's a little hard to say since I don't know the specific direction you're going, but I could suggest point-blank shot and precise shot, since both are pretty standard to character who heavily rely on hitting with their ranged weapons. Traits aren't huge enough bonuses IMO to really stress too hard on, but I would recommend looking at either cross-disciplined or malleable magic, since those are both magus-specific traits.

At the end of the day, don't stress too badly what you're doing. Just research it a little, figure out what you want form the character, and go for it. IMO it's better to have a character who's fun to play but isn't perfect versus having one that basically came out of a factory mold. Ask your DM and more experienced fellow players for advice if you're really struggling on a decision, and I'm sure they'll try and guide you in the right direction.

Onyx Tanuki wrote:
I'd imagine unless you're using a composite bow or a thrown weapon, you'll really only care about Dex and Int to any major capacity, so you'll want to set your highest ability score rolls into them when you're creating your character. Con and Wis are still somewhat useful since they contribute to saves (and HP in Con's case), while Str and Cha are doing the least for you.

Non-composite bows still lose damage from low STR, nevermind that "non composite bow-user" is a non-existant thing.

Thrown weapons can now get some nice things going, which may also shift your DEX/STR priorities one way or the other.

You'll care a lot less about INT than you are suggesting, since your enemies don't roll saves against your stuff usually.

One thing to mention is guns being an actually pretty okay option, especially if you dip into spellslinger.

Also, pick up named bullet. You can prepare them ahead of time, and then have guaranteed spell crit (possibly multiple times a turn!) on hand. Combine with disintegrate and spellslinger for massive damage.

one thing i found was a cool idea to make an Eldritch Archer with a dip of kineticist for the ability to spellstrike on EVERY shot

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

You can't actually spellstrike with Kinny abilities since they're not spells. Also, a straight Magus can spellstrike with cantrips, so he can still do it on every shot. Ray of Frost is the obvious choice here.

Kurald Galain wrote:
You can't actually spellstrike with Kinny abilities since they're not spells. Also, a straight Magus can spellstrike with cantrips, so he can still do it on every shot. Ray of Frost is the obvious choice here.

Its debateable since SLAs function as spells do and Mark Seifter has said before that things that apply to spells but don't change their spell level apply to spell-likes

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

(1) You're going to need a source for that claim, and

(2) Spellstrike gives you one attack per spell cast, not a free added spell per weapon attack, so a kinny dip on Magus would still not do much. If you want to tack on dice to your attacks, dipping one level of rogue is much better (with acc.sneak attacker feat).

Not to mention it only applies to magus spells. So even if it was considered a spell it still wouldn't work

Hazrond wrote:
Kurald Galain wrote:
You can't actually spellstrike with Kinny abilities since they're not spells. Also, a straight Magus can spellstrike with cantrips, so he can still do it on every shot. Ray of Frost is the obvious choice here.
Its debateable since SLAs function as spells do and Mark Seifter has said before that things that apply to spells but don't change their spell level apply to spell-likes

Could you please link to Mark's statements on this?

Here is what Mark Seifter had to say. It's not anywhere near the blanket statement Hazrond was describing - he actually lists things such as bloodline arcana as "strongly on the side of not working" with spell-like abilities (although that part seems counter-intuitive to me). He also specifically states twice that this is just his personal opinion, not an official ruling of any sort.

Spellstrike, however, definitely does not work with spell-like abilities.

Spellstrike wrote:
At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack.

The Eldritch Archer's Ranged Spellstrike does not include this text, but it is simply an alteration of spellstrike and seems to rely on the base spellstrike rules for all aspects of the ability that the archetype doesn't change.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Avoron wrote:
The Eldritch Archer's Ranged Spellstrike does not include this text, but it is simply an alteration of spellstrike and seems to rely on the base spellstrike rules for all aspects of the ability that the archetype doesn't change.

It does rely on the base rules, as it says "This ability alters spellstrike." If it didn't rely on them, it would say "this ability REPLACES spellstrike" instead.

Avoron wrote:
Here is what Mark Seifter had to say. It's not anywhere near the blanket statement Hazrond was describing - he actually lists things such as bloodline arcana as "strongly on the side of not working" with spell-like abilities (although that part seems counter-intuitive to me). He also specifically states twice that this is just his personal opinion, not an official ruling of any sort.

That's why I wanted to see the quote. I couldn't believe Mark had actually said what Hazrond seemed to think he had said. Thanks.

Kurald Galain wrote:
Avoron wrote:
The Eldritch Archer's Ranged Spellstrike does not include this text, but it is simply an alteration of spellstrike and seems to rely on the base spellstrike rules for all aspects of the ability that the archetype doesn't change.
It does rely on the base rules, as it says "This ability alters spellstrike." If it didn't rely on them, it would say "this ability REPLACES spellstrike" instead.

Fair Enough, i was wrong. (i always forget that restriction)

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Back on topic; the eldritch archer looks like it has an even greater problem with nova'ing than the standard magus. If you attack with shocking grasp and miss you still have the charge to attack with next round, if you do the same with snowball tough luck. A couple of possibilites; put everything into trying to make one attack hit, or concentrate on buffs/area debuffs instead and do the usual maximising the number of attacks.

If you're doing the former you might look at a one-level dip in gunslinger or similar so you can get touch attacks back. A goblin for the +4 dex bonus (and mudball) might work. Point blank shot, precise shot, weapon focus are necessary feats. You're probably also going to want extra arcane pool (for spell recall and/or fuelling arcane accuracy).

The latter probably wants to be a human for the extra feat. You're aiming for rapid shot, deadly aim, & manyshot besides the feats above, and it might just be worth picking up reach spell to try and frostbite all your enemies. Fatigued enemies can't charge.

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