3rd-Party Character Samples

Advice and Rules Questions

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This is a topic to present characters made with third-party classes. They are either PCs my players built, NPCs I created to use in a campaign or straight villains from modules that I rebuilt as a compatible class version.

The objective is to let other people check them out, comment, clarify any doubts they might have about mechanics, and, mainly, use them.

I hope the abilities are explained enough so that you can place any of them on one of your sessions even without having the necessary third-party books (and enjoy the experience so much you’ll buy them later!). I believe it makes for a fine introduction to compatible material.

These are all snapshots of a character at an exact moment in time. Meaning, he might have a large list of powers, spells, etc, but I’ll describe only the ones he can use/has selected right now.

At the top of each character posted, I have a link for the Google Doc version, where I can make any future corrections; links for the books I used; followed by all the stats blocks; a role-playing part with background, tips for playing said character and combat tactics; to finish, a link to one of my customized third-party class character sheets, a side project I've been developing for quite some time.

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Character on Google Docs

Advanced Race Guide
The Tinker – Master of Modular Mechanical Mayhem
Remedial Tinkering: Rocket’s Red Glare
Remedial Tinkering: Happy Little Automatons
Tinker – Natural Weapon Inventions for Automatons
Hatástalan ____________________________
XP 1,200
Male orc tinker 4
CN Medium humanoid (orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft, Percep +8
DEFENSE _______________________________
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 shield, +1 dexterity)
hp 28 (4d8+8)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0
Defensive Abilities ferocity
Weakness Light Sensitivity
OFFENSE _______________________________
Speed 20 ft
Melee morningstar +4 (1d8+1)
Ranged thrown alchemical weapons +5 (1d6) or (1d8)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Extra Innovation x2.
Skills Appraise +6, Craft (Alchemy) +11, Disable Device +5, Knowledge (Engineering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +6, Perception +8, Spellcraft +8, Survival +3.
Languages Orc, Common, Giant, Undercommon.

Combat Gear alchemist’s fire x10, acid x10, liquid ice x10, bottled lightning x10, tanglefoot bag x10, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x3 (2d8+3); Other Gear morningstar, +1 chain shirt, light steel shield, handy haversack, , 113 gp.

Inventions These are the main feature of the tinker, and used solely when building his robots, via blueprints. Each invention has a build point (BP) cost.

Invention Book (Save DC 14)
Level 1: Arms, Primer Coat, Ablative Paint, Additional Blast Charges, Compartment, Brute Design, Repair Kit, Responsive Programming, Stout Design, Indigo Daubing, Simple Weapon Proficiency (Boar Spear).

Level 2: Iron Claws, Solar­-reactive Paint, Bulky Design, Slow Repair Module, Firework Tube, Burst Firework, Caustic Firework.

Scribe Invention like Scribe Scroll, but only for inventions.

Blueprint 1
The schematics of an automaton, may be re-arranged everyday, after 8 hours of sleep. Has a BP limit according to the tinker’s level.

Innovations (3)
- Kamikaze Directive: the automaton moves to a designated position and self-destructs, causing 2d6 fire damage in a 10 feet radius. Reflex DC 14 for half damage.
- Rapid Orders: Twice per day, may give a directive order as a swift action.
- Binder Study: As a standard action, you apply any paint invention you know to a friendly automaton, 5/day.

Craftsman +2 to all Craft skill checks.

Automaton only one at this level, 4 build points maximum, lasts until destroyed or a new one is deployed.
Inventions: Arms, Iron Claws, Additional Blast Charges, Repair Kit, (Solar Reactive Paint)

Deploy Automaton 4/day. Standard action, may give a directive as a free action on the same round.

Directives as a standard action, give one of the following commands to any of his automatons: attack, defend, follow, go, idle, support, use invention or use skill.

Alpha 9 build points, costs 2,000 gp to replace if destroyed
Inventions: Arms, Simple Weapon Proficiency (Boar Spear), Bulky Design, Repair Kit, Compartment x2, Firework Tube, Burst Firework, Caustic Firework, (Solar-reactive Paint).

Master’s Presence +3 insight bonus to attack rolls, AC, CMD and CMB, if the automaton is within 60 ft.

XP -
- Small Construct
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+1 size, +3 insight)
hp 25
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1
SQ construct traits, repair kit
Weakness No will of his own: can’t make attacks of opportunity or combat maneuvers.
Speed 20 ft
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d3+1)  or slam +5 (1d4+1)
Special attacks Kamikaze 3d6
Str 10, Dex 10, Con -
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 13

- Kamikaze: 3d6 fire damage in a 10 ft. burst. Reflex DC 14 for half damage. The automaton is destroyed.
- Repair Kit: May repair 2d6 points of damage, once.

XP -
- Medium Construct
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +3 insight)
hp 35
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1
SQ construct traits, repair kit
Speed 20 ft
Melee boar spear +5 (1d8+2)
Ranged 3x Burst Firework +6 (1d8)
3x Caustic Firework +6 (1d6)
Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feat Point Blank Shot

- Repair Kit: May repair 2d6 points of damage, once.
- Burst Firework: Targets a grid intersection (AC 5) and deal 1d8 points of fire damage to all creatures in a 10 ft. burst. Range increment of 30 feet.
- Caustic Firework: Targets a grid intersection (AC 5) and deal 1d6 points of acid damage to all creatures in a 5 ft. burst. Creatures hit also take a -1 penalty to AC for 1d4 rounds, with a Reflex DC 14 to negate. Range increment of 30 feet.

All the stats above include the bonuses from Master’s Presence and inventions.

Hatástalan is the most intelligent orc he ever met. He was also one the weakest looking one in his tribe, which proved to be quite a nuisance during his early life. Although quick to learn, he had no talent for the divine arts, so the clerics and/or shamans of his people and nearby settlements soon learned, neither for the unstable sorcery. A wizard might have taken him as an apprentice, but to complete his disgrace, there was none to be found in the region.

He was sure his life had changed when his tribesmen arrived from a raid carrying what appeared to be a spellbook, but alas, the nonsensical words written there did not teach how to toss fireballs and destroy his enemies, but to create... to create mechanical life.

Recovering the remains of broken automatons from where the raid and murdering first took place, Hatástalan started studying his newly found Invention Book, making little progress. But the urge to prove himself lead him on, eventually being replaced for the need to gain companionship - and who better to accept him but his own creations?

Years passed and eventually he built his first automaton, the four legged Agyar, whom eventually gained more and more complex inventions. Sneaking into cities by himself, Hatastálan acquired more knowledge and resources, to experiment and eventually create a truly powerful automaton: his alpha, Pártfogó. Finally having companions of his own, the orc tinker decided he had no more use for his tribe and left, with a single objective in mind: better and better automatons.

In combat, the alpha shows himself up first in front of the enemies, alone. He’ll usually have a weird speech, an attempt to baffle their victims. One of his favorites is “My master made me incomplete! I need more parts to be whole... any parts... yours!”. Then he strikes with caustic fireworks, while Agyar goes after the weakest looking party member, usually from behind the party, while Hatástalan strikes from the sides, tossing his alchemical weapons until it’s no longer safe. He tries never to engage in melee, preferring to give directives to Agyar (including Kamikaze, when he has fewer than 1/3 his hit points) and re-deploying him when necessary. If Pártfogó or himself is ever in real danger, he’ll give the order to run away and regroup. He’ll never fight to death, always preferring to rebuild his friends to losing his life.

He can be used as an ambush, replacing a random encounter (he likes to wander in the wilderness testing his inventions, and has the know-how to survive in the wild, just not very well); or maybe occupying a camping site the players stumble upon, which may or may not end up in conflict; or even fighting a random monster in the wild himself, as a way to introduce the class to the party. He’ll readily accept an alliance where he may gain money or inventions, not caring much for living beings other than his automatons.

Tinker character sheet available for free!

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Character on Google Docs

Core Rulebook
Akashic Mysteries

Dagny Ostog __________________________
XP 1,200
Female human daevic 4
NG medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +2
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+8 armor)
hp 35 (4d10+8)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +7
Speed 20 ft.
Melee scythe +7 (1d6+3)
Ranged mwk chakram +10 (1d8+5), chakram +9 (1d8+5), hands cannon +8 (2d6+2)
Special attacks Immaculate Touch +7 (1d6+1) 3/day per target
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +4, CMB +7, CMD 17
Feats Extra Essence, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Willful Throw (1 essence invested)
Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +6, Climb +7, Craft (Jewerly) +4, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (local) +4, Linguistics +2, Perception +2, Sense Motive +5
Languages Common, Tien, Goblin
Combat gear Alchemist's Fire x2, Holy Water x2; Other gear agile half plate, mwk chakram x1, chakram x10, scythe, ioun torch, handy haversack, 1,937 gp.

Pool of Essence 5 (4 points invested, one left)
The main fuel source of a veilweaver, can be used to power feats, veils, etc, does nothing on its own.

Passion Desire (1 essence invested)
This is the motivation that reflects the connection between the host and a daeva spirit. Should probably reflect on the role-playing.

Veils (DC 13):
- Hand Cannons (1 essence invested): “Massive cylinders of whirling energy surround the arms of anyone wielding this potent veil”. 2d6+2 bludgeoning and piercing damage, range increment of 25 feet. Treat it like any other ranged weapon.
- Daevic Aspect (1 essence invested from Passion): “...a nebulous cloud of akashic energy that acts as a direct channel for a daeva...”. Passive, always on. +2 to ranged attack rolls. Already accounted for in the data above.
- Immaculate Touch (1 essence invested, chakra bound): “...your kind nature manifests itself as pure positive energy”. As a standard action, may heal 1d6+1 hit points 3/day per target, and also cause damage to undead (Will for half). Also, at the beginning of each day, choose one of the following mercies (as the Paladin class feature): Fatigued, Shaken, or Sickened. They can be used whenever the veil is used to cure a creature.

These veils are just Dagny's favorite combo. If you have access to the book, you can change them quite a bit.

Although the Akashic Mysteries book has no mechanics nor fluff about interacting with the Daeva that bonded with the daevic character and fuels her powers so, in my games it actually talks with her. A lot. It manifests as an elegant blue bird always perched on Dagny's shoulder, and it is completely invisible and inaudible to anyone else, making for some quite humorous scenes of dialog between her and her “imaginary friend”. The daeva's name is Bell, and it has an unhealthy obsession with acquiring magic items, specially the wondrous kind. As a being of pure magic (or akasha), it acts like a fish out of water in regular situations, giving good and awful advice in equal amounts. It's very useful when trying to nudge the party into doing something obvious they missed, or sending them into a hilarious wild-goose chase. Since it tends to be many times humorous, these “monologues” may sometime slow the pace of the session, so try to use it carefully. When Dagny's insists on talking too much with it, Bell sometimes acts bored or annoyed, demanding the acquisition of a new trinket to appease her mood.

Dagny herself is quite easy-going, not too eager to create deep bonds with the rest of the party – Bell is her best friend, although it makes her look quite insane. She will accept magic crap as her share of the treasure, just to please her magic blue bird, and will fearlessly engage powerful looking enemies hoping to find magical loot in their pockets. She is from a high class upbringing and it shows in her manners, but the sudden poverty that struck her entire family drove her into the arms of a Daevic that loves material wealth. She prefers to pay for the most expensive daily life services, and is pleased to engage in short conversations with anyone looking wealthy – reminds her of the good old days.

In combat she will always try to stay back and use primarily her chakrams, saving the masterwork one to finish off targets (she lost two of those to a villain that ran away carrying them attached to his body and now is very careful of the remaining one). The hand cannons are usually used against the more verbally aggressive targets, as an attempt to show strength by displaying her only obvious magical attack. She is very proud of her healing power and won't hesitate to help anyone that asks.

Daevic character sheet available for free!

Here we go, a couple of them to start with. I’ll probably post only one at a time from here on, and not all of them will have such extensive backgrounds.

I hope they are useful and/or entertain someone.

These are nice. If nothing, they made me go open Akashic Mysteries and study it a bit. Looking forward to more.

Fantastic Ragi. Keep 'em coming!!!


You want to keep this thread about your characters or are you open to see others' as well?

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necromental wrote:
These are nice. If nothing, they made me go open Akashic Mysteries and study it a bit. Looking forward to more.

That's great to hear. I believe the Daevic is very friendly towards newcomers, with all the passive and weapon-like veils. I have a vizier ready somewhere, but she was still level one... might have to roll something new, after the supplemental part of Akashic Mysteries comes out - use one of the new races at least.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Fantastic Ragi. Keep 'em coming!!!

Sure thing! This is just a coincidence, but I was actually working on a Direlock earlier. Turning out pretty good, and surprisingly heroic.

Char-Gen addict wrote:


You want to keep this thread about your characters or are you open to see others' as well?

That hadn't even occurred to me. I guess if we get more characters in, this could turn out into quite a resource for players and GMs. But it would be nice if the same pattern was used for all entries: linking to books, using all the annoying html formatting and such.

But sure, if anyone wants to share a character, that would be great!

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Back with this week's contribution! My first conversion, first archetype, first psionic, first level 1st. The spoiler tag is there for anyone who might play this scenario in the future, but it doesn't give out much other than “there's a last boss, she'll attack you on this place”.

Character on Google Docs

Ultimate Psionics
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-11: The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters
Xiao Wen________________________________
XP 400
Female half-giant thunderjarl (psionic warrior) 1
LN medium humanoid (human, giant)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, Perception +6
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +1 dexterity)
hp 7
Fort +3 Ref +1 Will +2; +2 vs. fire spells and effects
Speed 30 feet (while psionically focused)
Melee large heavy flail +2 (2d8+8/19-20)
Power Points 4
Psionic powers known (ML 1st; concentration +3)
1st - inevitable strike, stomp (DC 11 or DC 13)
0 (at will, when psionically focused) - blinding flash (DC 12), float
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +0, CMB +3, CMD 14
Feats Psionic Talent, Psionic Weapon, Speed of Thought, Power Attack
Skills intimidate +4, knowledge (psionics) +4, perception +6, profession (sailor) +6, survival +6
Languages common
SQ counts as large when dealing with combat maneuvers and special attacks that involve size
Combat Gear Psionic Tattoo of Vigor (10 temporary hit points); Other gear large heavy flail, kikko, 15 gp.

1st level psionic powers
- Stomp: as a standard action, stomp your feet to cause a psychokinetic shock wave that spreads through the ground in a cone for 20 feet. Creatures caught in this spread that fail their Reflex save fall prone and take 1d4 points of lethal or non-lethal damage, up to the user’s choice. As a half-giant, the thunderjarl can use it as a 1/day power for free (DC 11), or pay 1 power point per use (DC 13).
- Roshan’s Inevitable Strike as a swift action, your next attack roll gains a +5 insight bonus. It also ignores concealment. The weapon being used leaves an after image as a visual display. 1 power point.

- Float as a standard action, you mentally support yourself in water or similar liquid. Gain a 5 ft. swimming speed, or if you already have one, increase it by 5 ft. Lasts for 1 round. Free if you are psionically focused, or 1 power point.
- Blinding Flash as a swift action create a blinding flash of light up to 25 ft. away to dazzle (–1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks) one creature, if it fails a Fortitude save (DC 12). Lasts for 1 round. Free if you are psionically focused, or 1 power point.

Psionic Feats
- Psionic Weapon While you maintain psionic focus, your attacks with a melee weapon deal an extra 1 point of damage. Additionally, if you expend your psionic focus as part of an attack with a melee weapon, that attack instead deals an extra 3d6 points of damage.
- Speed of thought As long as you are psionically focused and not wearing heavy armor, you gain an insight bonus to your speed of 10 feet.


Xiao Wen is the last boss of the adventure The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters, a fun little romp through the continent of Tian Xia, on Paizo’s Golarion campaign setting. The character originally was a human magus 1, and at first I thought I was changing her to a psionic equivalent, but the psionic warrior is much more like a paladin, but with, uh, psionic powers.

She’s the captain of a military ship that attacks the player’s own boat, currently carrying a de-powered artifact. She wants to to destroy them and steal the object and is helped by a posse of three lingshenese soldiers (human monk 1).

When she first boards the player’s boat, she’ll use the 1/day stomp ability to provoke them into coming closer, threatening to destroy the ship while they watch. She’ll then use Roshan’s Inevitable strike as a swift action, and spend her psionic focus on her psionic weapon feat as part of her attack to boost her damage up to 2d8+7+3d6. The following round she uses a full action to recover her focus. And then is back to attacking. She can do this 4 times before running out of power points, when her attack bonus fall really low, and the party’s chances of survival go up.

By the way, she activates her psionic tattoo before entering the enemy's’ ship. It lasts for 20 rounds.

She is a one trick murder pony, being a threat only in close combat, which she’ll try to be in at all times. I strongly advise to have her either take out an animal companion or NPC before going for the PCs. In my game she obliterated an automaton, and after seeing all those dice of damage being rolled, everybody scattered so fast I thought they were going to jump into the water. It made for a very dynamic combat, but also a near TPK.

No sheet his week, since HappyCamper already did them for the Psionics Unleashed classes.

Now for something a little bit higher level, but still easy to build due to all the chaos/random elements of her powers.

Core Rulebook
The Herbalist Base Class
B9: Curse of the Full Moon
XP 3,200
Female halfling herbalist 7
NG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +1; Senses perception +14
AC 19 touch 15 flat-footed 18 (+1 size, +1 dex, +3 armor, +1 enhancement, +2 deflection, +1 natural)
hp 49 (7d8+14)
Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +11; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft
Melee silver sickle +7 (1d4+1), melee touch +6
Ranged thrown herbs +7
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 9
Base Atk +5 CMB +4 CMD 15
Feats extra pot, extra herbs x2, fruit cultivation
Skills acrobatics +3, climb +3, craft (alchemy) +12, heal +10, knowledge (geography) +6, knowledge (nature) +8, knowledge (religion) +3, perception +14, sense motive +7, stealth +7, survival +10
Languages common, halfling, elven, goblin
Combat Gear potion of resist fire 10, potion of invisibility; Other Gear Headband of inspired wisdom +2, ring of protection +2, Amulet of natural armor +1, Cloak of resistance +2, +1 darkleaf wooden armor, +1 silver sickle, 734 gp.

Find Herbs (DC 17)
Each day, roll a d20 and check the number on a table, according to the biome you are currently standing in (in this case, it’s Forest), to see which kinds of herbs you find. At 7th level, you roll four times: 3, 15, 19, 17.
A herb eaten, chewed, rubbed on or applied to a weapon provokes attacks of opportunity just like a potion/oil. They only work if used or administered by the herbalist herself. Cooked herbs must be eaten immediately or lose effect. All actions below are standard, unless noted.
Leftover herbs decay on the next day.

- Acorn (x2): chewed. +3 natural armor AC. 7 minutes.
- Baneberry (x3): injury poison. Fortitude or fatigued. 1d4 rounds.
- Black alder (x4): chewed. +4 vs diseases. 1 minute.
- Common yarrow (x4): rubbed. heals 3d8 hit points. Fast healing 1 for 7 rounds. May be used against undead as a melee touch attack that provokes attacks of opportunity. No save.
- Conkers (x2): splash weapon. 4d8 points of damage against a single creature. Reflex for half. 7 points of damage to leather or hide equipment. Only works against creatures made of flesh.
- Destroying angel (x2): injury poison. Fortitude or take 7 damage to Constitution.
- Dryad’s saddle (x2): chewed. +4 alchemical bonus to ride. 7 minutes.
- Elderberry (x1): melee touch attack. Fortitude or become nauseated (unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.). New save roll every round, for 7 rounds. After a successful roll, he’s immune for 24 hours.
- Fool’s parsley (x2): injury poison. Fortitude or throat swollen (mute). 1d4 rounds.
- Hen of the woods (x2): cooked with trail rations or fresh produce, during 10 minutes. Feeds 5 people. +4 enhancement bonus to initiative. 1 hour or until sickened or nauseated.
- Muskroot (x4): rubbed or melee touch attack. Stench causes -2 penalty to attack rolls to target and everything it threatens. 1 minute or until washed off. Doesn’t work on creatures without a sense of smell or immune to poison.
- Puckerberry (x1): weapon oil. +3 acid damage. 7 minutes.
- Venus hair fern (x1): chewed. +3 to saves vs. confusion, insanity and illusions. 1 minute.

Cultivation Pots 3 pots (3 units in each)
You can plant herbs you want to save for another day in your cultivation pots, up to three units of each in a single pot. Once a day you can pick one unit from each pot.
- Black alder (x3) only 50% of yielding a plant, since it’s a fruit and not a herb.
- Common yarrow (x3)
- Venus hair fern (x3)

Preservation Vases 2 vases
Any plant placed in a preservation vase is “frozen” in time, never decaying no matter how long it’s kept there.
- Ubiquitine (x4): replaces one plant in a recipe (see below) increasing the Craft DC by +5. Or mimics the effects of any one other plant in a compress (see below).
- Yellow morel (x1): cooked. Feeds 5 people. +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls, and +2 morale bonus to saves vs. non-magical poison. 8 hours or until sickened or nauseated

As a full round action, create a compress that combines three of her herbs and apply it to a willing creature. Can be used three times a day.

Combines plants into new products, using Craft (alchemy).
- Calamus Oil (x1): spray. One target becomes repulsive to insects and arachnids for 7 rounds. They must pass a Will save (DC 17) or are incapable of attacking him for the duration.
- Heart’s Blood (x1): chewed. Gain 12 temporary hit points, DR 3/- and fast healing 2 for 7 rounds. After its effects end, heals 3d6 hit points.
- Nullmagic Elixir (x1): drinkable. Gain spell resistance 17 for 1d4 rounds.
- Yarrow Paste (x1): rubbed. Heal 3d12. Fast healing 2 for 7 rounds. Can be used against undead, as a melee touch attack that provokes attacks of opportunity, but doesn’t allow a saving throw.

Green Thumb pool 7 points
Renews everyday.
- Bounty of nature: spends all her points to collect all the plants in her cultivation pots. This takes one hour and prevents her from using Find Herbs on this day.
- Extra cultivation: spends 2 points to collect one extra unit of a plant from her cultivation pots, as a full round action. Can be used four times a day without spending any points, to get four herbs. Black alder costs twice as much, in points and free uses, due to it being a fruit and not a herb.
- Potent poison: spends 1 point to increase the DC of one of her poisonous plants by +1, as a swift action. Lasts for 1 minute.
- Focused foraging: spends 1 point to re-roll when using Find Herbs.

Poison Use
The herbalist cannot accidentally poison herself when applying a plant on a weapon.


Aimara is the herbalist in the tiny village of Rooknest, the wise NPC that knows the background surrounding the current adventure the player characters are knee deep in, Curse of the Full Moon. She offers to accompany them on the last part.

She does not have stats in the adventure, since she won’t participate actively in the fight, but it’s mentioned she’s a cleric 3/wizard 3/ mystic theurge 1, with intelligence and wisdom 18.

The coincidence between the character’s profession and one of the third-party classes I own, and also the imagery of an old halfling grandma brewing a weird soup for the party right before the main battle convinced me to adapt her. Not to mention having her moving around plastering the character wounds with weird unguents and making them chew on roots and odd fruits feels very uncanny, just like the whole mood of this module.

Although she could do some damage, I’d stick to the original intention and keep her on buffing and healing duty. Specially if the party is small or at minimum recommended level, she’ll have a lot to do to keep everybody around for the whole of the last conflict.

Herbalist character sheet available for free!

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The theme this week is support, so I got here two characters built to work with a large group of cannon fodder/melee warriors. This first one is more independent than the second, but both wouldn't last long by themselves, so make sure to surround them with allies to maximize their utility.

Character on Google Docs

Advanced Race Guide
Akashic Mysteries
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow
Speaker of Murder________________________
XP 600
Male tengu vizier 2
LE medium humanoid (tengu)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 dexterity, +4 armor, +1 shield)
hp 12 (2d6+4)
Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +3
Special shadowy obscuration 15% (25% in dim light) chance to miss
Speed 30 ft
Melee bite +1 (1d3), 2 claws +1 (1d3)
Ranged 2 riven darts +3 (2d4)
Veils ditchdigger’s armlet (1 essence), riven darts (1 essence, bound), robe of the forgotten deity (1 essence)
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats extra essence, distracting charge (1 essence)
Basic Atk +1, CMB +2, CMD 14
Skills Craft (armor) +6, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (nature) +6, Linguistics +10, Perception +7, Ride +6, Stealth +5
Languages Common, Tengu, Undercommon, Sylvan, Giant, Goblin
Combat Gear potion of Cure Light Wounds x3; fire ward gel Other Gear mwk lamellar (leather), mwk buckler, 335 gp.

Pool of Essence 4
The main fuel source of a veilweaver, can be used to power feats, veils, and charged items, does nothing on its own.

Veils (DC 13)
- Riven Darts (1 essence and bound to a chakra): “Sparks of pure force energy sparkle at your fingertips...”. Standard action, can launch two darts that deal 2d4 points of force damage as a ranged touch attack, with a maximum range of 20 feet. Each dart requires its own attack roll, and they may be aimed at different targets.
- Ditchdigger’s Armlets (1 essence): “These akashic armbands pulse with natural energy...”. Full-round action, deal 2d6 bludgeoning damage to a 10 x 10 feet area of solid surface within 50 feet of range. The creatures inside such area may roll Reflex to take only half damage, and the ground becomes difficult terrain. The veilweaver must wait 1d4 rounds for the veil to recharge before using it again.
- Robe of the Forgotten Deity (1 essence): “...remnants of their umbral essence still suffuses...”. Creatures attacking the user of this veil have a 15% of missing (negated by True Seeing). If in dim light or worse, the chances improve to 25% (bonus negated by darkvision or low-light vision).

These veils are just what seemed the most useful for the current situation. If you have access to the book, you can actually choose between almost 50 different veils at any time.

Mystic Attunement Path of the Seer
Improves base land speed of all allies within 60 feet by +5 feet. Gives the vizier a free teamwork feat of his choice, which may be powered with 1 essence point; this allows the veilweaver to share the feat with one ally within 60 feet. Also lets him share the Riven Darts veil with one ally at its most basic configuration (1 dart, 1d4 damage).


The speaker of murder vizier is a member of a gang of tengu bandits terrorizing a small village out in the sticks. He was originally part of a couple (duet?) of bards giving support to an attacking party of tengu warriors, but he can take a much more active role with this class.

When they first clash, the PCs are defending a barricade they spent days building, after training the peasants to defend themselves (yep, Magnificent Seven and such - and it’s a blast). So they are attached both to the NPCs and to their barricade.

I used the duo of speakers to buff the villains and to undermine the players confidence, targeting the barricade itself in two different ways.

This first speaker of murder, besides increasing everybody’s speed just by being there, attacks the barricade with his ditchdigger’s armlets, tossing wood and whatever else they used to build it up in the air - he hardly will have time to tear it down, but the players sure freaked out when their work started flying all over the place.

While the armlets recharge, he and one tengu warrior use riven darts to attack the spot already damaged and eventually any PCs that get in the way of their tunneling. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang is trying to climb up, with help from the other speaker of murder.

Since he doesn’t run out of juice, he can keep on working the barricade until the PCs decide to target him, only to find out his defenses are nothing to sneeze at, with the 15-25% chance to miss.

I believe he makes for a great demonstration of a vizier, with flashy offensive and defensive abilities.

But he’s still just a minor distraction, compared to his boss.

Vizier character sheet available for free!

Continuing the Dreamscarred Press trifecta, now with a tactician archetype. This one is way more dependent of his fellow criminals to properly work, but if cornered, he can still stand on his own.

Tune in next week for the last boss of this scenario, a tengu harbinger!

Character in Google Docs

Advanced Race Guide
Ultimate Psionics
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow
Speaker of Murder________________________
XP 600
Male tengu amplifier (tactician) 2
LE medium humanoid (tengu)
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception + 7
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor)
hp 14 (2d8+4)
Fort +1, Ref +0 Will +3
Speed 20 ft
Melee deep crystal katana +3 (1d8+1/18-20), bite +2 (1d3+1)
Power Points 8
Psionic powers known (ML 2nd; concentration +4)
1st - Entangling Debris (DC 13), Defensive Precognition
0 (at will, when psionically focused) - Telepathic Lash (DC 12), Detect Psionics, Missive
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Feats expanded collective
Basic Atk +1, CMB +2, CMD 12
Skills autohypnosis +4, climb +5, diplomacy +6, intimidate +6, knowledge (engineering) +7, Linguistics +6, Perception +7, profession (engineer) +4, profession (soldier) +4, sense motive +5, Stealth +2
Languages Common, Tengu, Aklo, Ignan, Orc, Undercommon,
SQ Inevitable Strike
Combat Gear psionic tattoo of natural healing (6 hp) x 3, tanglefoot bag x2; Other Gear mwk lamellar (steel), deep crystal katana, dorje of entangling ectoplasm (43 charges), 340 gp.

Collective 4
As a standard action, mentally connects 4 allies (besides himself) within 120 feet. Leaving or kicking someone out is a free action. If a member of the collective dies, the amplifier must pass a Fortitude DC 15 or lose 1 power point for every hit die of the deceased and be sickened for an equal number of rounds.

Inevitable Strike
5 times a day, the amplifier grants one member of his collective a +5 insight bonus to its next single attack roll (it’s not specified what kind of action this is, but it replaces an ability that uses swift actions).

1st level psionic powers All standard actions, unless noted
- Entangling Debris (1 PP): The amplifier uses telekinesis to manipulate small (less than 25 lbs) and loose objects to converge and entangle all creatures in a 40 ft spread area, at a range of 480 ft. They must pass a Reflex save (DC13) to avoid being caught, but even so can only move at half speed. Entangled creatures can try to escape by making a DC 20 Strength or Escape Artist check, as a full-round action. The effect is in place for as long as the manifester keeps concentrating (standard action), up to 2 minutes. Creatures that have passed their Reflex save or escaped may be targeted again each round.
- Defensive Precognition (1 PP): The amplifier gains a +1 insight bonus to AC and all his saving throws for 2 minutes. The AC bonus isn’t added up to flat-footed and similar situations. When manifested, about a dozen crystal spheres appear and disappear in rapid sequence around the character

Talents (if the amplifier is psionically focused, these powers have no cost, otherwise they cost 1 PP)
- Telepathic Lash: dazes one humanoid creature (with 4 hit die or less) within 35 feet for 1 round, unless it passes a Will save (DC 12). If it is affected, it becomes immune to it for 1 minute. Augmentations: you can spend up to 2 power points to affect creatures with 1 more hit dice per point; you can spend up to 2 power points to increase the duration of the daze for 1 round per point; if you spend 2 power points augmenting this power in any way, the save DC increases to 13. When manifested, the amplifiers head appears to phase in two, while the target feels like its feet are sinking into the ground, both for just an instant.
- Detect Psionics: similar to Detect Magic, but geared towards psionics auras, items, characters, etc. If you use full transparency, it detects magic just as well. When in use, the amplifiers emits a loud buzz and the palms of his hand glow with a blueish color.
- Missive: sends a telepathic message to a creature within 35 feet, of up to ten words. If the targets does not speak the language the amplifier is using, it won’t understand a thing. When used, creatures around the manifester hear a loud “bing” noise inside their heads.

Psionic equipment
- Psionic Tattoo of Natural Healing: as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the bearer of a psionic tattoo may touch the drawing and will it to activate. In this case, healing himself by 6 hit points.
- Deep crystal katana: as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the amplifier can infuse his weapon with 2 power points, increasing its damage by 2d6. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until the first time it does damage.
- Dorje of Entangling Ectoplasm: a 10 by ½ inch crystal that holds psionic powers. It uses trigger activation, as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The amplifiers throws a glob of ectoplasm against one creature of medium or small size, within 35 feet, as a ranged touch attack. If it's a hit, the target becomes entangled for 5 rounds. It can try to break free as a move action, rolling a Strength or Escape Artist check (DC 11)


This speaker of murder is the other part of the duet of bards that originally supported a wave of tengu bandits trying to break through a barricade. But as an amplifier (tactician) he can do a little bit more.

Before his men (tengu) climb up the barricade, he’ll enact the second part of the demoralization of the players’ workmanship. With Entangling Debris, the very barricade starts tearing itself apart and “attacking” the characters. Although it mechanically does not cause any real damage to it, the visual effects really made the players despair for their barrier.

When one tengu actually manages to climb the barricade (the first ones to do so will be the 4 ones in the collective), he releases the power and instead starts buffing them with Inevitable Strike, while alternating between Telepathic Lash against the melee characters and Missive to the long ranged ones, with the message “Run away now and we won’t pursue”. After everybody has been “lashed” or talked to, he turns to his dorje of Entangling Ectoplasm to keep harassing the players.

If/when the wave of tengu is destroyed, he’ll stay away from the barricade and wait for the last boss to show up, re-activating Entangling Debris or using his dorje, only engaging in melee if the PC themselves climb down and attack him. Don’t forget to activate Defensive Precognition and use the last of his power points on the deep crystal katana.

Tactician character sheet for free!

And since I completely forgot about it last week, here's Aimara, the halfling herbalist on Google Docs.

The last part of the Dreamscarred Press trio of villains, after featuring one veilweaver and one manifester, now one initiator.

Besides the usual free character sheet at the end of the post, I also added a sample sheet with some power cards containing all the character's readied maneuvers and known stances.

Character on Google Docs

Advanced Race Guide
Path of War
Path of War Expanded
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow
XP 1,200
Male tengu harbinger 4
NE medium humanoid (tengu)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 dex)
hp 24 (4d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5
Speed 40 ft
Melee mwk nodachi +7 (1d10+3/18-20), mwk sansetsukon +7 (1d10+3/19-20), bite +6 (1d3+3)
Ranged mwk chakram +7 (1d8)
Maneuvers readied (IL 4th)
2nd – Half-Gone, Mockery
1st - Luck Shifting, Copycat Cut
Stances known (IL 4th)
1st - Obsidian Reflection Stance, Circular Stance
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats dark authority, malevolence
Basic Atk +3, CMB +5, CMD 17
Skills acrobatics +7, climb +7, fly +7, heal +5, intimidate +7, knowledge (martial) +7, profession (soldier) +5, perception +6, stealth +9, survival +5
Languages common, tengu, sylvan, undercommon
SQ Dark Claim, Dark Focus (Cursed Razor), Grim News, Massacre, Glide
Combat Gear psionic tattoo of animal affinity (+4 dex/10 rounds), psionic tattoo of force screen (10 rounds), shard of acrobatics +5 (10 rounds or 1 use), potion of cure moderate wounds (2d8+3) x2; Other Gear mwk nodachi, mwk sansetsukon, mwk chakram x5, +1 leather lamellar, cloak of resistance, 207 gp.

After activating his tattoos and shard, his stats change to:
Init +4; AC 23, touch 14; Reflex +6; mwk chakram +9 (1d8); Dex 19; CMD 19; acrobatics +14, fly +9, stealth +11.

Dark Claim
Swift action, the harbinger may claim one visible enemy within 45 feet. It lasts for 2 rounds and he may have 2 enemies claimed at the same time.

Creatures claimed receive the cursed status, suffer a -2 penalty to CMB and skill checks and also suffer a penalty to attack the harbinger equal to the number of creatures currently claimed.

The harbinger recovers one maneuver when he claims an enemy, and 2 maneuvers if a creature is reduced to 0 or less hit points while claimed by him.

Claimed targets also provoke attacks of opportunity when they use the withdraw action to get away from the harbinger, and their position is always known by the harbinger. Creatures that turn invisible automatically have total concealment (50% miss chance), without the need for a Perception roll; regular concealment stays the same. Invisible creatures still ignore the harbinger’s dexterity modifier bonus to AC.

Dark Focus Cursed Razor
+1 competence bonus to attack rolls when using strikes and counters from the Cursed Razor discipline. In this character’s case, it only applies to the Mockery maneuver. He also gains a +1 competence bonus to the save DC of the maneuvers on the same discipline, but none of his readied ones demand a saving throw.

Grim News
Once per encounter, the harbinger may move as a swift action.

Once per encounter, after reducing one opponent to 0 or fewer hit points, the harbinger may use one of his strikes as an immediate action instead of a standard action.

This tengu can make a DC 15 Fly check to fall safely from any height without taking falling damage, as if using feather fall. When falling safely, he may make an additional DC 15 Fly check to glide, moving 5 feet laterally for every 20 feet he falls.

The harbinger knowns 7 maneuvers but can only have 4 of them readied at this level. He always starts combats with all 4 of them available, and may recover one maneuver as a standard action, or using her dark claim ability (see above). There is no concentration needed when using maneuvers.
- Half-gone (counter): as an immediate action, when suffering one attack, make an opposed stealth check against the attacker’s perception check; if you succeed, you become incorporeal against that particular attack. This can also be used against area attacks, making a stealth check instead of a reflex save. Veiled Moon discipline.
- Mockery (strike): as a standard action, make a melee attack against one target. If you hit, deal an additional 1d6 points of damage, or 3d6 points of damage if the target is cursed. Cursed Razor discipline.
- Luck Shifting (boost): as a swift action, you gain +1 luck bonus to AC for each cursed opponent within 140 feet, up to a maximum bonus of +5. This effect lasts for one round. Cursed Razor discipline.
- Copycat Cut (strike): as a standard action, make a melee attack against one opponent. If you hit, deal an additional 1d6 points of damage, and you can copy the result of any attack roll made by that opponent in his next turn and use it as an attack roll on your next turn. If you strike the same target with the copied attack roll, deal an additional 3d4 points of damage. This maneuver does not cause critical hits. Shattered Mirror discipline.

The harbinger also knows the following maneuvers: Sands of Time Approach (strike), Dimensional Strike (strike) and Scything Strike (strike).

Unlike other maneuvers, stances known are always available to the harbinger, and may be activated as a swift action, and have no time restriction. Changing stances or just ending one is also a swift action.
- Obsidian Reflection Stance: emanate an aura of 20 feet centered on the harbinger that may give one of the following effects, decided on the beginning of each round, to all creatures in range, including the user: +2 circumstance bonus or -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Shattered Mirror discipline.
- Circular Stance: with this instance, the harbinger is never considered flanked. It also prevents sneak attacks from characters of level 7 or less. Scarlet Throne discipline.


Kwankhonu, the only named villain of this scenario was originally a cavalier riding an axe beak. But instead of keeping the theme of co-op battle, I decided to go for a damage dealer with interesting powers. It had to be a martial initiator from Path of War, but the regular classes didn’t quite fit the role: I needed a strong warrior but crappy leader, since he has to fail on his invasion of the little village being protected by the PCs. So, the emotionally driven harbinger stood out like nobody else.

He is the main foe of the last battle, going at the player characters followed by some leftover tengu (with any luck, maybe one of the speakers of murder from the previous encounter, or even both). With his acrobatics +14 he jumps over the 6 feet high barricade (DC 24), glides to the middle of the village and starts murdering nameless NPCs while his henchmen start climbing and engaging the PCs (I’d just hand wave the jump - if he doesn’t make it, it’s gonna be just another fight at the same place, not as exciting as the alternative). If they don’t split up and go after Kwankhonu while still protecting the barricade, I’d threat one of the named PCs they met earlier, perhaps even the one that is obligatory to complete the scenario. If they all leave the barricade, the henchmen (henchtengu?) just climb over and mayhem ensues in the “town” square.

During the fight the strikes certainly got the players worried, but it was the counter that really made them mad. It was the most recovered maneuver during the whole battle, really pissing off the daevic player, who kept losing her masterwork chakrams, that just flew right through him.

The novelty of the maneuvers just kept the players on their toes during the whole struggle, and they really felt like accomplishing something when he finally dropped.

It was one of the more entertaining battles I have GMed, although keeping track of the maneuvers turned kinda messy in the middle. To help out a little bit with that, I made some maneuver cards I wish I had with me back them, and you can download them below.

Harbinger character sheet for free!

Kwankhonu maneuver cards for download!

This week I'm back to original creations instead of adaptations. The antipodist is a shadow/light magic user with two pool points and quite a variety of options – damage dealer, support, debuffer, weird effects, it's all there.

Quite enjoyed writing the story of this one and her sister, I believe it turned out entertaining enough.

Character on Google Docs

Ultimate Antipodism
Core Rulebook
Ysadora Stainton__________________________
XP 800
Female elf antipodist 3
NG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +2 ; Senses low-light vision, Perception +9
AC 12, touch 12 , flat-footed 10 (+2 dex)
hp 15 (3d6)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 60 ft
Melee rapier +1 (1d6/18-20/x2)
Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/x3)
Loci Known (PL 3rd, concentration +5)
1st - photic burst (DC 13), bright omen, puppeteer's flick (DC 13), polarity shift, sandman's kiss (DC 13), sunkiss.
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Deeply Philosophical x2
Skills Acrobatics +7, Fly +7, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +9, Sense motive +6, Spellcraft +9
Languages Elf, Common, Celestial, Draconic

Combat Gear Potion of Cure Light Wounds x3, Potion of Mage Armor x3, Potion of Shield of Faith x3; Other Gear Rapier, Longbow, Cloak of Resistance +1, Ioun Torch, Boots of the Cat, 450 gp.

Radiance Pool: 8
Shadow Pool: 8

Loci All standard actions, unless noted in the descriptions below. The cost in radiance or shadow points appears before the nome of the locus.
- 0 Photic Burst (Sp, Light): creates a 10 feet radius burst that causes 1d4+1 points of damage, with a fortitude save for half. 110 feet range, cost of zero radiance points (see below). Affected by spell resistance.
- 1 Bright Omen (Sp, Light): the next damaging locus causes an extra 2d4 points of damage of the same type. It’s wasted if that locus does not cause damage. Lasts for 1 round, and it’s not affected by spell resistance.
- 1 Puppeteer's Flick (Sp, Dark): target attacks itself once with his own weapon or natural attack, with a Will save to negate. If the creature has 2 HD or less, it takes a -2 penalty on its save, if it has 4 HD or more, it get a +2 bonus to the save roll. 40 feet of range and is affected by spell resistance
- 1 Polarity Shift (Su, Light, Dark): pay one extra point of shadow or radiance to change a locus type damage from fire to cold or cold to fire.
- 1 Sandman's Kiss (Sp, Dark): one target is fatigued and takes 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage every round for 2 rounds, with a fortitude save to negate the fatigue and halve the damage. If the target falls asleep while under this locus, immediately convert each round remaining (if any) into 1d8 points of damage. This does not wake up the target. Range of 30 ft.
- 1 Sunkiss (Sp, Light): all metallic weapons of a willing target do 2 extra points of fire damage for 3 rounds. Range of 30 feet.

Dark Loci Save DC: 13
Light Loci Save DC: 13

Well traveled locus Photic Burst
Cost reduced to zero, but treat philosopher level as half what it actually is, except for the save DC.

“Antipodism is the family business. We have been at it for generations. My mother is the best, and I am pretty good. She has been training disciples for centuries before I was born. Elves and other races interested in harnessing the pure power of radiance and shadows, manipulating the very duality of nature to our will, balancing it to do our bidding. No old books and tall towers with bearded old humans, just pure practice and results. Some were better at light, some at dark, and plenty at both, just like me and her. The forest of *redacted* was famous because of us.

When she got bored of father and decided to travel through the rest of the world, I could not blame her. Remaining still in the same place does not equal balance; one should know and experience and outside as well as the inside.

When she married a human and gave birth to a new daughter I understood her motives. After a cold relationship with a noble elf, a passionate romance with a charismatic human was reasonable. I loved my little half-sibling ever since she was born, an adorable little half-elf.

She did not have the talent for antipodism, and that became pretty obvious as she grew up, unbelievably fast. As likeable as her father, and with a knack for violence, our art did not seem to fit her very well - but there were plenty of options. Radiance and Shadow can also be used to power one’s brawling, and mother even advised some of her less talented apprentices to follow such path, of the edgewalker or edgeblade.

But she failed to make an effort. To my great disappointment, she went away, with our parent’s blessing and came back trained as something else. Still close to the shadows, but completely different from us, not controlling, not harnessing, but instead blending, almost becoming a thing of the dark.

How could she just turn her back to her family like that? Does she hate us that much?I know it was hard but she could have been so much more, so much... in control. Now she is wasting her life but can not even notice it.

She just does not get it.”

Ysadora fights from very far away, having very little defenses to anything that comes closer. She’ll usually have at least one good melee warrior between her and anything dangerous, and if forced to be in melee, will use her potions to increase her armor class - while trying to escape or reposition.

Her favorite combo is Bright Omen + Photic Burst against multiple targets. Puppeteer's Flick against enemies that seem physically strong or carrying a menacing weapon, usually just once. Sandman’s Kiss kicks in when she runs out of radiance points. Sunkiss (with Polarity Shift if necessary) to power up an ally against a enemy obviously weak against fire or cold. If out of points, spam Photic Burst while running away.

Sister of Dayana Stainton.

Antipodist character sheet for free!

Dark Archive

These are nice. Very nice indeed. I'm wondering, though, are the rest of us allowed to create characters for this thread? I ask because I feel like whipping up a Kitsune Onmyoji (Interjection Games' awesome class, not the Paizo spirtualist archtype) in the spirit of all things Japanese mythology.

Takhisis wrote:
These are nice. Very nice indeed. I'm wondering, though, are the rest of us allowed to create characters for this thread? I ask because I feel like whipping up a Kitsune Onmyoji (Interjection Games' awesome class, not the Paizo spirtualist archtype) in the spirit of all things Japanese mythology.

Thank you! And sure thing, I had adressed it before:

The Ragi wrote:
Char-Gen addict wrote:


You want to keep this thread about your characters or are you open to see others' as well?

That hadn't even occurred to me. I guess if we get more characters in, this could turn out into quite a resource for players and GMs. But it would be nice if the same pattern was used for all entries: linking to books, using all the annoying html formatting and such.

But sure, if anyone wants to share a character, that would be great!

That'd be quite amusing, since I also have a kitsune onmyoji on the pipeline. She's going to be an evil character though, obsessed with fortune-telling/controlling her fortune, with a cartomancer side-kick. But so far I only have the concept and the "Advice of Kuebiko" petition defined, haven't got to the mechanics yet.

It's an onmyodo standoff. And a sign we need more japanese folklore playable races.

Dark Archive

Yes, and classes, too. I'm actually working on a whole slew of Japanese-mythology themed spellcaster classes and archtypes, since I feel that, while the game has plenty of eastern options for martial characters (Monk, Samurai, Ninja) it's lacking the same options for casters. So I'm making a Kanushi/Miko class(which is a virtually unheard of d6 HD divine caster. It has some nice elements, such as using ofuda/talismans in place of (non-expensive) material components and divine foci and the ability to "petition the Kami" using the diplomacy skill, expanding the spells available to them to prepare in a way similar to 3.5e's sha'ir!), a Kitsune-tsukai (which gets an interesting debuff mechanic that is loosely based on the medium's spirit possession, using the Tsukai's fox spirit to possess enemies and make them suffer penalties or risk being dominated.) and several archetypes. The archetypes include a Yamabushi archetype for clerics, another stab at the Onmyoji (this time as an arcanist archetype), exorcist and marital/gish archetypes for the Kanushi/Miko and several Kitsune-tsukai archetypes that swap the theme(including several class features) from foxes to another type of mythology-fitting animal. (Snake, Toad etc...)

I'm not intending to ever publish any of this in the near future, but...if I mannage to playtest it a bit, polish it, and ever get it in a position I feel is worthy for mass release I may put it out for free in a nice pdf through a site like GiTPG or ENworld, and if anybody here wants to help with the BETA-phase and playtesting of all this materal please let me know!

This is an awesome resource and I wanna help it grow, so here's the first one I've got to offer up! In the future, I'll include my one other PC, a PC present in the Carrion Crown campaign I run, and NPCs I have customized in that campaign.

Buhmehdeht is the character I play in the Mummy’s Mask AP. His fellow adventurers, collectively known as the Swords of the Crypt Creepers, include Esma, the hobgoblin rogue, Makkar, the half-orc reanimator alchemist, and Sarturius, the half-elf warpriest of Sarenrae. In the statblock below, I’ve retooled him to have average hp after 1st level, a standard NPC array of ability scores, and brought his wealth down to the by-level guidelines, bringing his CR to 4. I’ve also removed any Mummy’s Mask-specific items to avoid spoiling loot for anyone who has yet to play the AP. If you want to see Buhmehdeht as he exists in that campaign (and therefore, with minor spoilers), you can follow the link to his Hero Lab printout HERE.

Character on Google Docs

Class Expansions - Hybrid Elemental Bloodlines
Remarkable Races - The Obitu
Spheres of Power

ضمادة (Buhmehdeht)_____________________________
XP 1,200
Male obitu incanter 4
CG Medium humanoid
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +0
13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 dex)
hp 14 (4d6)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4; +4 vs. disease and poison; +1 vs. Enchantment and Illusion spells
Resistance negative energy 7; Immunity sleep
20 ft.
Melee +1 longspear +5 (1d8+4/x3), mwk longspear +4 (1d8+3/x3), light mace +4 (1d6+2), dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged +1 longspear +6 (1d8+4/x3), dagger +5 (1d4+2/19-20), sling +5 (1d4+2), ranged touch +5
Special Attacks channel positive energy 6/day (2d6, DC 15), disrupt magic 6/day, spell points 11

Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Cantrips, Extra Spell Points(B), Improved Initiative(B), Selective Channeling
Skills Craft (cartography) +9, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (Planes) +11, Knowledge (Religion) +11, Linguistics +8, Spellcraft +11, Use Magic Device +0; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Escape Artist, +2 Sleight of Hand
Languages Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Halfling, Ancient Osiriani
SQ casting (caster level 4), casting drawbacks (focus [mask], somatic, verbal), fossil fortitude, magic talents, specializations (channel energy, sorcerer bloodline [dust])

Combat Gear alchemist’s fire x4, potions of cure light wounds x4 (1d8+1), potions of cure moderate wounds x2 (2d8+3), potions of lesser restoration x3, 10 sling bullets; Other Gear +1 longspear, apprentice’s cheating gloves, artisan’s tools, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, burner, candles x10, chalk, dagger, flint & steel, folding pole, fuel pellet, grappling hook, hammer, iron pot, light mace, mask, masterwork longspear, mess kit, pitons x4, rope, silver holy symbol of Isis, torch x10, trail rations x5, traveller’s outfit, waterskin, 801 gp, 5 sp, 3 cp

Casting Buhmehdeht is a high-caster, capable of combining his spheres and talents to create magical effects. He uses Intelligence as his casting ability modifier. He has a caster level of 4 when using his sphere abilities and has the following drawbacks.

Focus Casting (Mask): He needs to wear his bonded mask, which occupies the head slot, to cast spells. If he tries to cast without his mask, he must make a concentration check (DC 20 + ½ caster level) or the spell fails.
Somatic Casting: He must gesture to cast spells, needing at least one occupied hand. He can cast unhindered.
Verbal Casting: All sphere abilities require speaking in a loud clear voice, alerting others and effectively breaking stealth.

Magic Talents Buhmehdeht has the following spheres (and associated magic talents): destruction, nature (earth geomancing), protection (armored magic), time, wrap (quick teleport, ranged teleport). These take a standard action to perform unless otherwise noted.

Destruction - Destructive Blast: Deliver this spell as either a melee or ranged touch attack (within 35’). If successful, he deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage that bypasses DR/magic. He can spend 1 SP to increase the damage to 4d6.
Nature - Geomancing (Earth - Bury): Must be used on sand. Target a 5’-radius (centered within 35’); creatures within must make a Reflex DC 15 save or become unable to move. Those who succeed can move normally, but must save again at the end of your turn if they have not moved out of the area. Creatures affected can, as a move action, make a Strength or Escape Artist against DC 15 to free themselves, but each subsequent round they do not free themselves, the DC increases by 1. If a creature is knocked prone in this area and fails their save, they begin to suffocate. Requires concentration (which requires him to remain within range), but as a free action he may spend 1 SP to allow it to last for 4 rounds without concentration.
Nature - Geomancing (Earth - Dust Storm): Must be used on sand or loose dirt. Target a 10’-radius (centered within 35’); this area grants concealment. If a creature within attempts to attack someone outside this area, targets also gains concealment against their attacks. Requires concentration (which requires him to remain within 35’), but as a free action he may spend 1 SP to allow it to last for 4 rounds without concentration.
Nature - Geomancing (Earth - Tremor): Must be used on dirt or stone. Target a 5’-radius area (centered within 35’), making a single trip attempt at +7 against creatures in that area. This attempt does not provoke AoOs except for using casting as normal, and he cannot be tripped for failing his CMB.
Protection - Aegis (Armored Magic): Expend 1 SP and touch a creature to grant it a +3 armor bonus or +1 shield bonus to its AC for up to 4 hours. An unwilling target can make a DC 15 Will save to resist.
Protection - Deflection (Armored Magic): Expend 1 SP and touch a creature to grant it a +1 deflection bonus to its AC for up to 4 hours. An unwilling target can make a DC 15 Will save to resist.
Protection - Ward (Barrier): Create an unmoving ward centered on himself with a radius up to 30', and which remains as long as he concentrates. He may expend 1 SP to allow a ward to remain for four rounds without concentration. A barrier ward is a force effect which stops attacks, movement, breath weapons, and any spells or sphere effects which must travel through the area of a barrier ward. His barrier has 8 hit points, and a DC 17 break check. If an attack is directed at a target through his barrier, the attack first damages the barrier, with any remaining damage after destroying the barrier being dealt to the original target. While concentrating to maintain a barrier, its hit points renew each round.
Time - Alter Time (Haste): Touched creature gains an extra attack at their full BAB when they make a full attack; this does not stack with similar effects. Requires concentration (which requires him to remain within 35’), but as a free action he may spend 1 SP to allow it to last for 4 rounds without concentration.
Time - Alter Time (Slow): Touched creature must make a Will DC 15 save or become staggered. Requires concentration (which requires him to remain within 35’), but as a free action he may spend 1 SP to allow it to last for 4 rounds without concentration.
Warp - Teleport: Teleport himself, or a willing creature within 35’, and up to a heavy load to anywhere within 35’ of himself. Buhmehdeht can spend 1 SP to increase this destination’s range to 140’; he can also spend 1 SP to cast as a move action instead.

Specializations Buhmehdeht can channel energy and possesses a sorcerer bloodline, but he uses Intelligence in place of the usual attribute for calculating DC, uses/day, etc. Additionally, he does not gain the bonus spells or bloodline arcana of the bloodline he selected.

Dust Bloodline This bloodline grants Knowledge (history) as a class skill.

Disrupt Magic (Su) As a standard action, reduce the duration of a magical aura originating within 30’ by the equivalent of 1 caster level (eg, bull’s strength lasts for 1 minute/level, and would have its duration shortened by 1 minute). If this aura is a magic item or permanent spell, this has no effect.
Alien Mind (Ex) Gain +1 insight to saves against Enchantment and Illusion spells.

Cantrips Create a variety of magical effects as a standard action, within 35’, that are either instantaneous or last for up to 1 hour. He can mimic acid orb, breeze, dancing lights, ghost sound, jolt, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, and spark in this way, as well as do the following:
With a ranged touch attack, deal 1d3 fire damage to a target.

Fossil Fortitude (Ex) Buhmehdeht gains a +4 racial bonus to saves against disease and poison.

Sleep Immunity (Ex) Instead of sleeping, Buhmehdeht enters a trance to rest, remaining aware of his surroundings. He’s also immune to magical sleep effects.

Obitu are a skeletal race created through the spread of the vivification virus, which infects corporeal undead. A fledgling obitu often wanders mindlessly for the first few years after it’s created, indistinguishable from an animated skeleton save for its glowing green eyes. When Buhmehdeht finally awoke, he found himself wandering near Oxjaw Falls, terrifying the ferrymen and draped in the wrappings of his previous form: a mummy. He came under the protection of local human oracle Kufu El Hiba, who found his form fascinating. Under his tutelage, Buhm was encouraged to seek his origins in hope of further understanding his new life and condition, and it was in these travels that he found religion in the forgotten deity Isis. While learning of her in some ancient tomb, he stumbled across the lost secrets of spherecasting. He chose to follow this path of magic, learning to channel his new magic through the wrappings inlaid in his mask.

Buhmehdeht now travels with the Swords of the Crypt Creepers, an adventuring party aligned through mutual study into the mysteries of life and death. Though he wears heavy clothes and conceals his face with his magical mask, it doesn’t take keen eye to see that no common humanoid hides in that disguise. And when he speaks, he is undercut further by both a lack of social decorum and the rattling croak that is his voice. This troubles Buhm greatly - he seeks to be accepted as those around him are. He considers his fellow adventurers his closest friends, for though their deeds are sometimes repulsive, they are competent warriors and have always accepted Buhmehdeht despite his true nature.

In combat (after dropping his backpack), Buhmehdeht ensures that he has an armored magic aegis up, and then focuses primarily on buffing allies. When traveling with the Swords of the Crypt Creepers, he tries to first warp ('skeleport') allies to put the rogue into flanking (using his move and standard actions if necessary), and then uses alter time: haste on whoever’s still in touch range/most likely to make good use, given circumstances. He normally concentrates on the haste, but as needed, spends the SP to either heal allies with channelling, or go on the offensive himself with destructive blast ('skelefist').

White Unggoy wrote:
This is an awesome resource and I wanna help it grow, so here's the first one I've got to offer up! In the future, I'll include my one other PC, a PC present in the Carrion Crown campaign I run, and NPCs I have customized in that campaign.

Welcome aboard!

I was very impressed with the obitu race, just checked them on d20pfsrd and read Endzeitgeist review - I added the book to my wishlist and probably will grab it next month.

This is my first time seeing a character from the very popular Spheres of Power (it's on my list, just waiting for a sale to pick it up). Initially the amount of at-will abilities took me by surprise, but they seem to be very balanced with the expenditure of spell points to remove limitations/improve results.

And congratulations on making such a fine-tuned character to the campaign, with the sand powers and former mummy background. If I can squeeze in some desert-themed adventure in the future, I'll drop your guy in as a NPC - and make sure to lose his mask after he befriends the PCs! Maybe getting it back will be part of the plot... My players have this tendency to always distrust intelligent monsters, and it has caused them quite some trouble... maybe I'll shake them a little.

Thanks! I didn't even realize when I first rolled Buhm up how excessively on the nose I made him (used to be a Mummy, casts magic using a Mask). And yeah, the many at-wills do seem a little overwhelming, but then you realize its all pretty low-key, and/or requires concentration. My impression lines up with the general consensus - boosts casters at the low-levels, gives them utility throughout the day... but keeps them reasonable at higher levels - especially if you forbid advanced talents, which grants you the plane shift, resurrection, and other obstacle-circumventing stuff. When I post my other character (a paladin, 3PP race), that's one where I asked the GM about spherecasting, but gaining 2 magic talents and 4 spell points at 4th level looked pretty OP standing next to the traditional bloodrager.

And as for Obitu, well...skeletons, man! 'Nuff said. I'm excited to see all Interjection Games stuff you're dropping - as a Strange Magic backer and a member of his Patreon, I can't get enough. And necromental's sentiment is one I echo - it's one thing to flip through the Akashic stuff; it's another to see it put in a statblock.

My six players are currently 10th level, so I don't think any in the thread so far could show up in adversarially without being curbstomped, but when another campaign inevitably begins, I'll certainly be coming back here. You know, I always wanted to start a blog like this thread...but between three games a week, 50 hours of work + commute, and playing in a band, I spread myself pretty thin. So thanks for getting this ball rolling!

Well yes, I do have classes from more than two companies! This time debuting Ascension Games' Path of Shadows and its thorough exploration of shadow magic. The Nightblade combines arcane spells with an unique usage of shadows, often times fueled by a charge system similar to a psionic focus.

These "point pool vs vancian casting" shadow sisters are some of my favorite characters/combos.

Character on Google Docs

Path of Shadows
Core Rulebook
Dayana Stainton__________________________
XP 800
Female half-elf nightblade 3
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, darkvision, Perception +8
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 dexterity, +1 dodge, +1 natural armor)
hp 24 (3d8+6)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft
Melee bonded earth breaker +5 (2d6+2/x3), +1 shadow scythe +5 (2d4+3/x4)
Ranged mwk short bow +4 (1d6/x3)
Nightblade spells known (CL 3; concentration +6)
1st (4/day) - Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall (DC 14), Mount, Umbral Assistant (DC 14), Blurred Movement (DC 14), Obscuring Mist
0 (at will) - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Spark (DC 13), Snuff.
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Martial Weapon (Earth Breaker), Dodge, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +6, Intimidate +9, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +9.
Languages Common, Elven

Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds x3; Other Gear mwk chain shirt, mwk short bow, amulet of natural amor +1, 410 gp.

Nightblade Path: Darkened Fortress each path gives access to a unique set of abilities. This one specializes in creating stuff from shadows.

Path Power: Shadow Armament once a day, as a move action, may create a +1 scythe made of shadows that lasts for 3 minutes. The first time a target is hit by such weapon, it makes a Will save roll (DC 14) to realize its illusionary nature. If successful, it only takes half damage from the shadowy weapon.

Path Technique: Shadow Bond the nightblade has a bonded earth breaker, that allows her to cast an extra known spell per day. It can meld with her shadow as a move action, where it cannot be targeted by effects or combat maneuvers. Otherwise it works just like the wizard’s arcane bond.

Shadow Surge as a standard action that causes attacks of opportunity, the nightblade can store shadow energy as one shadow surge that last until it’s spent. It can be used as a free action when making a Stealth check to roll twice and take the better result; and as an immediate action to turn her shadow into a solid barrier that grants her cover against the next attack from one enemy (+4 to AC and +2 to Reflex). There’s no limit to the number of surges the nightblade may gain and spend in one day, but she can maintain only one at a time.

Evasion on a successful Reflex roll, the nightblade takes no damage instead of only half damage.

Nightblade Art
- Warp Strike: as a swift action, spend a shadow surge to increase the reach of all her melee attacks by 5 ft. during her turn. May also be used to reduce penalty due to distance on ranged attacks by 2.

Nighteye gains darkvision 30 ft.

New Spells
- Umbral Assistant: creates a vaguely human solid shape made of darkness, that acts just like an unseen servant. It has AC 15, 15 hit points, speed 30 ft., Strength 6, and the same saves as the caster. It may be commanded once (as a standard action) to charge at a creature within 30 ft., sacrificing itself to cover the target in shadows; if it doesn’t pass a Fortitude save (DC 14), it’s blinded for 1d4 rounds. Standard action, uses visual, somatic and a vial of invisible ink worth 10 gold pieces as componentes. The assistant can be summoned up to 30 ft. of distance, and lasts for 3 hours or until destroyed. It is affected by the spell resistance of a target it’s trying to charge.
- Snuff: Extinguishes a single non-magical light source within 30 ft. Doesn’t work on anything bigger than a campfire. Standard action, uses visual, somatic and a bit of soot as components. No saving throw allowed, and not affected by spell resistance.

“I love my family. My folks, my sister. Well, half-sister, as she prefers it. Not criticizing, just being accurate, she says.

She and mum are unbelievable - they manipulate shadows and light like nobody has ever seen. Even elder wizards and wise clerics are surprised by their range and creativity with magic. But dad is more like me - we know how to hurt stuff and people, and we are great at it. I still use the same earth breaker he gave me when I turned into an adult, and it never leaves my side.

Still, I wanted to pay homage to my family and somehow use magic like mum and sis - but I have no talent for their art whatsoever. I just couldn’t give up, so dad told me to go train with an old friend of his, a powerful nightblade. A warrior of the shadows. She is so cool. And she taught me how to amplify my fighting with shadow magic, just like she does.

I came back so happy, just dieing to see their reactions when they saw what I could do. Mum liked it - she always likes everything I do, just like a mom - but my sister was so disappointed. I could see the sadness and regret for me in her eyes. It was ridiculously painful. Can’t she understand all the effort I had to put into this, just to become a little bit more like her?

She just doesn’t get it.”

Dayana is a straight bruiser, preferring to target single powerful opponents with her earth breaker (kept melded with her shadow when she is not in combat), using the shadow scythe only if they have damage resistance against bludgeoning weapons.

Power attacks are used if she’s having an easy time hitting her targets - she doesn’t have a lot of bonus to attack rolls, and would rather not take any penalties.

Her spells focus on utility and to protect herself when attacked by multiple enemies. Her shadow ability is more obvious with the surge powered shadow barrier. If the target is menacing enough to requires its use, she might keep recharging her surges and blocking him while others do some damage.

She’s a team player and will do her best to protect long ranged companions.

Sister of Ysadora Stainton.

Nightblade character sheet for free!

This week we have a Cantor, one of four classes from Ultimate Composition, created by Interjection Games. The concept of music as a resource in battle is broken apart, enhanced with three different types of song pieces, and stitched back together offering a plethora of new effects – with some spell casting to boot.

The race is also from the same company, a very complete exploration of benign humanoid oozes, whose civilization is based on magical crystal technology.

Ultimate Composition
The Puddlings
XP 1,600
Genderless puddling cantor 5
NG Small humanoid (puddling)
Init +1; Senses darkvision, Perception +8
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 armor, +2 shield, +1 dexterity, +1 size, +1 natural armor)
hp 32 (5d6 +10)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6; +2 vs. transmutation spells and effects.
Speed 20 ft
Melee Sickle +3 (1d4)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC 15, 2d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +7)
6/day— +4 acid dart (1d6+2)
Cantor spells known (CL 5th; concentration +7)
1st (1/day each) - Shield of Faith, Sanctuary (DC 14), Magic Weapon, Cure Light Wounds
0 (1/day each) - Detect Magic, Create Water, Light, Spark
Domain Earth
Cantor scores prepared (Composer Level 5th)
Score 1st (12 rounds/day): Powerful Note, Inspire Accuracy (x2), Flaming Invective.
Score 2nd (8 rounds/day): Powerful Note, Elegy for the Yet Living, Rejuvenating Coda.
Score 3rd (8 rounds/day): Powerful Note, Music Given Life, Anthem of the Superior (DC 15), Warding Finale.
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Springy Peptidoglycan Membrane, Favored Score, Sudden Inspiration
Skills Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Nature) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +7, Linguistics +4, Perception +8, Perform (Conducting) +11, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +5.
Languages Puddling, Common
SQ dilute form
Combat Gear Wand of Cure Light Wounds (12 charges), Wand of Shield of Faith (49 charges); Other Gear heavy wood shield, sickle, pony (combat trained), humongous hat, amulet of natural armor +1, handy haversack, composition book.

Dilute Form unlike other puddlings, Jauche does not produce acid that damages equipment, nor has acid resistance.

Scores (DC 15)
As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the cantor starts a score, activating the effects of both his intro and his melodies. He can keep the score going each round as a free action, and may end it in two ways: as a free action, without further consequences; or as a standard action, activating his outro. A score can’t be interrupted unless the cantor is prevented from using a free action. Only one score can be active at any time.

Once per day, when he starts to conduct a score, Jauche may replace one of the melodies from a score with another melody he knows. In his case, it’s usually Music Given Life.

Score 1st
- Powerful Note (intro): doubles the radius of effect of his melodies for 1 round.
- Inspire Accuracy (melody) x2: allies within 35 ft. gain +2 competence bonus to attack rolls.
- Flaming Invective (outro): allies’ weapons within 30 ft. deal an extra +2 fire damage for 1 round.

Score 2nd
- Powerful Note (intro): doubles the radius of effect of his melodies for 1 round.
- Elegy for the Yet Living (melody) x2: once per round, as a free action, fire a ray against one target, within 35 ft., as a ranged touch attack, causing 2d3 points of damage, and healing himself by the same amount.
- Rejuvenating Coda (outro): heals a single ally within 30 ft. for 1d6 points of damage per round the score was conducted, up to a maximum of 2d6.

Score 3rd
- Powerful Note (intro): doubles the radius of effect of his melodies for 1 round.
- Music Given Life (melody): summons a small creature made of sound within 35 ft.
- Anthem of the Superior (melody): when a creature hits the cantor in melee, it must roll a Will saving throw or be shaken for 1 round.
- Warding Finale (outro): all allies within 30 ft. receive temporary immunity to one element (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic) for 1 round or until they receive 15 points of damage from said element, whichever comes first.

Spell casting
A cantor can cast each divine spell he knows once per day, including orisons.

A cantor chooses only one domains, and he does not gain bonus spells from it - only powers.
- Acid Dart (Sp): As a standard action, throw an acid dart against one target within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This acid dart deals 1d6+2 points of acid damage and can be used 6/day.

Channel energy
As a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, channel positive energy capable of healing ou causing 2d6 points of damage, 4/day. Will save DC 15 to receive only half damage.

+1 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks when dealing with creatures of similar beliefs.

Spontaneous Casting
Replace any of his known spells use of the day for a cure spell of the same level or lower.

Musicae Sacrae
Once per day, as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the cantor may conduct each of his musicae sacrae (in this case, only one). It lasts for 8 rounds (unless stated otherwise below) and can be maintained or stopped as a free action.
- Requiem: all allies within 60 ft. gain fast healing 3 for 5 rounds.

A Creature Made of Pure Sound___________________
XP -
N Small outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size)
hp 13 (2d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +0
Defensive Abilities air mastery; Immune elemental traits
Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee slam +6 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks whirlwind (DC 12), deafening (DC 11)
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +7, Escape Artist +7, Fly +17, Knowledge (planes) +1, Perception +4, Stealth +11
Languages Auran

Deafening foes that take damage from the melee attacks of this creature will be deaf for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed in a Fortitude (DC 11) save.

If the creature is ever more than 35 feet away from the cantor, it is unsummoned immediately. The score has to be stopped and restarted to bring it back.

Jauche is a puddling, a race of underground beings born from the corpse of a god, meant to work as keepers of a prison to another divine being. Stuff happened, and after a while they started to branch off, and some of them even leave their home to travel, acquiring new experiences to be brought back to the rest of the puddlings, in the form of some sort of magical crystal (I might be simplifying things a little).

He always had a knack for music, studying crystals with songs from all sorts of races. He truly enjoyed making covers in puddle, the language of his race, which is pretty much based on projecting light from his ooze-like humanoid body. Eventually he reached a level of expertise he deemed enough to perform in front of other beings, instead of just his family. He even combined his music with divine powers, to better prepare for his world tour, becoming a cantor.

When he went to the surface, disaster obviously struck - a flashing ooze with legs was definitely not popular among commoners, who would rather run away screaming instead of trying to appreciate his niche style. The combat aspect of his art proved successful between more open-minded adventuring groups though, even if they don’t quite care about the quality and originality of his “visual songs”.

Now he adventures around the globe (or flat disc), trying to build up a reputation as a hero, so one day he may eventually be accepted as an artist, when he reveals his true nature to his fans.

There isn’t a whole lot to Jauche’s strategies in combat, having being built to be a healer/support. His first score is used when the group is having trouble with the enemies AC; the second score, least used, is his combat mode: use his ray while spitting acid darts for two ranged touch attacks in the same round, one even helping him heal a bit; the third one is for boss battles, where his summon helps flanking, aiding others and deafening foes.

If his third score runs out of rounds before the battle is over, pick the one that has more rounds left and replace one of the melodies with Music Given Life (this can be done once a day).

Healing is done by channel energy, wand of cure light wounds, and his musicae sacrae.

Cantor character sheet for free!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh yeah, character available on Google Docs.

I'm considering posting these on the commentaries of the products themselves as well.

Would seeing an example of a class help possible customers when deciding to buy a book?

Scarab Sages

The Ragi wrote:

Oh yeah, character available on Google Docs.

I'm considering posting these on the commentaries of the products themselves as well.

Would seeing an example of a class help possible customers when deciding to buy a book?

I think that's an awesome idea!

Those sisters are pretty neat! And I never did check out that puddling race, but I'm digging that visual musician. Keep it up The Ragi.

I've got another submission now - a freedom-loving anthropomorphic eagle paladin!

Arvid is my second character for the Emerald Spire Superdungeon, as my triaxian cleric 1/inquisitor 1 suffered two critical hits from crossbows simultaneously, and went from near-full health to dead. He is joined in adventures by a half-elf bloodrager, sylph magus (utilizing a 3PP ranged archetype), and undine investigator. The player with the human brawler is on a temporary hiatus - our gnome bard took more permanent leave. As with Buhmehdeht, I’ve rebalanced Arvid to match WBL guidelines and a standard NPC array, bringing his CR to 6. If you want to see the Arvid I play, you can view his Hero Lab printout here - though be aware, attacks assume that you are using Power Attack.

Character on Google Docs

Animal Races: Clan of the Raptor

Arvid Pahana__________________________
Male eagle clan saurian paladin 6
CG Medium humanoid (garuda, shapechanger)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Perception +0
Aura courage +4 (10 ft.), good
22, touch 13, flat-footed 20 (+7 armor, +1 deflection, +2 dex, +1 natural, +1 shield)
hp 39 (6d10+6)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +8
Immunity disease, fear
20 ft.
Melee +1 battleaxe +10/+5 (1d8+4/x3) or +1 battleaxe +8/+3 (1d8+4/x3), +1 short sword +8 (1d6+2/19-20), bite +7 (1d6+1), 2 talons +7 (1d4+1)
Ranged shortbow +8/+3 (1d6/x3) or throwing axe +8 (1d6+3)
Special Attacks divine bond 1/day (6 mins), smite evil 2/day
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th)
At Will - detect evil (move action)
Spells Prepared (CL 6th)
1st - bless, magic weapon
16, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 21
Feats Multiattack, Raptor Clan Heritage (improved bite, talons), Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Linguistics +1, Spellcraft +1
Languages common, azlanti, garuda, strix
SQ change shape 1/day, channel energy 3d6 (DC 16), eagle clan, lay on hands 6/day (3d6)

Combat Gear potion of air bubble x2, potion of cure serious wounds x2, potion of protection from evil, scroll of mending, wand of cure light wounds (50 charges)

Other Gear +1 agile breastplate, +1 battleaxe, +1 short sword, arrows x9, backpack, bedroll, belt of giant strength +2, belt pouch, flint & steel, holy text of Horus, ioun torch, mess kit, pot, ring of protection +1, rope, shortbow, soap, throwing axe x4, torch x9, trail rations x3, traveler’s outfit, waterskin, wooden holy symbol of horus, 125 pp, 111 gp, 17 sp, 102 cp

Change Shape (Su) As a standard action, Arvid can change into an eagle of Medium size. He remains in this form for up to 6 minutes unless he changes back as a standard action. His speed is reduced to 10 ft., but he gains Fly 60 ft. (average). He additionally loses all natural attacks except bite, talon, and wing attacks. The bird he changes into is identical between uses of this ability.
Eagle Clan (Ex) Determines ability score bonuses. Additionally, eagle clan saurians may become paladins of CG alignment, and when gaining a mercy, can select the Raptor Clan Heritage feat instead.
Raptor Clan Heritage Arvid takes this feat to unlock more racial abilities. His choices have increased his bite damage from 1d4 to 1d6, and has granted him two talons as primary attacks. He can take this feat a total of six times to unlock different abilities.

Arvid comes from the forests of Nirthamas, where his clan of warrior-brothers resides. Arvid looks like a short, lean muscular man with the head of a bald eagle. In truth, his head appears as that of a golden eagle, but he wears a white feather wig, as the bald eagle is a symbol of freedom. Not the smartest, Arvid has a tendency to keep talking when he’d be better not sharing his opinion. Even the upperclassman at Lepidstadt University, who left a long scar across Arvid’s face in a duel sparked by an injured pride, only taught Arvid to lower his voice, not quench it. Arvid is a firm believer in Horus, the only begotten son of Osiris, born of the virgin Meri. In this faith, he always seeks to protect the freedoms of the weak and be a righter-of-wrongs. Though not bloodthirsty, the clergy of Horus places holy combat in high esteem, and thus is the first instinct Arvid has when presented with a conflict. He, however, believes in dignity. If an enemy is taken prisoner but has shown that their wickedness will not be changed, that enemy is stood up and handed a weapon, their bonds loosed, and allowed to die fighting. Arvid adventures to learn more of the wider world, such that he may better protect freedom and goodness in it.

Arvid plays pretty close to a regular paladin, with the exception that getting his full-attack in is pretty crucial. He tends to save most of his lay on hands for himself, dropping his shortsword as necessary to accommodate it, though he'll channel energy when necessary. His spells, however, usually go to his allies. He will change shape in an emergency, but he's actually pretty terrible at flying, so it's always a last ditch. For roleplay effect, speak with a bad southern American drawl.

On the Hero Lab character sheet, one might notice that Arvid too many feats. Where does this extra feat come from? The Animal Races series includes in most of their products a new type of trait, the Heraldic trait. Arvid has the following Heraldic trait:

Haga You gain Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat, but you take a -1 trait penalty on Will saves.

Having gotten that as a bonus feat from 1st level, that frees up a slot, which he used to take Power Attack.

Ssalarn wrote:
I think that's an awesome idea!

So I did start that. I hope it helps move some copies around, spread the word, give people a more practical idea of what the classes look like when rolled out.

It just occurred to me - how does it feel to see other people characters made from your classes?

"Why didn't he pick up that power, it's way better!", "This guy has no clue what he's doing", "Ah, that's a nice exploit, glad someone caught that", something like that?

White Unggoy wrote:


Animal Races: Clan of the Raptor

Ah, I have a couple of those books listed to pick up later on. As an old school Breath of Fire player, I always thought Pathfinder needed more anthropomorphic races. I can't believe there's no official dogfolk!

Scarab Sages

The Ragi wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
I think that's an awesome idea!

So I did start that. I hope it helps move some copies around, spread the word, give people a more practical idea of what the classes look like when rolled out.

It just occurred to me - how does it feel to see other people characters made from your classes?

"Why didn't he pick up that power, it's way better!", "This guy has no clue what he's doing", "Ah, that's a nice exploit, glad someone caught that", something like that?

Actually, I always think it's fun to see what people come up with, particularly with the akashic classes, which are so versatile and mutable. Your tengu rebuild is pretty close to my "classic wizard" vizier build, though with different feats because of the race you chose and its abilities. I have yet to see two different players come up with the same build, even if they're using the same class and path.


White Unggoy wrote:


Animal Races: Clan of the Raptor
Ah, I have a couple of those books listed to pick up later on. As an old school Breath of Fire player, I always thought Pathfinder needed more anthropomorphic races. I can't believe there's no official dogfolk!

Have you checked out the Supplemental playtest for Akashic Mysteries? There's three anthromorph races in there (camel, falcon, and crocodile), along with variants for something like 6 additional races (ibis, vulture, elephant, rhinocerous, tiger, snapping turtle) that use alternate racial traits to modify them off the 3 main races. I keep hoping to get the e-mail that we've finished layout and are ready for release, because I really like how the art for the gamla (camelfolk) turned out.

Also, Rite's "In The Company of Hengayokai" includes a race of hound henge, which is basically a race of dogfolk (that's also a really fun supplement if you don't own it already).

Ssalarn wrote:

Have you checked out the Supplemental playtest for Akashic Mysteries? There's three anthromorph races in there (camel, falcon, and crocodile), along with variants for something like 6 additional races (ibis, vulture, elephant, rhinocerous, tiger, snapping turtle) that use alternate racial traits to modify them off the 3 main races. I keep hoping to get the e-mail that we've finished layout and are ready for release, because I really like how the art for the gamla (camelfolk) turned out.

Also, Rite's "In The Company of Hengayokai" includes a race of hound henge, which is basically a race of dogfolk (that's also a really fun supplement if you don't own it already).

I have seen them - I'm just waiting for the content to be added to the WiP to come up with some characters using it - I'm definitely saving the guru for an akashic race. For some reason I believed there was a were-giraffe in there for a while - dunno where I got that idea.

Just looked at that book, the reviews and commentaries. Looks pretty amazing - another one for my list; now also checking their classes...

Scarab Sages

I may have actually had a giraffe variant of the gamla and then dropped it for not being mechanically unique enough from the camels.

I'm going to try and get one or two sample characters put together for this thread as well; I have a lot of 3pp materials in addition to the stuff I've written. I'm actually playing an entobian battle lord using a race from Alluria's Remarkable Races line andy battle lord class from Liber Influxus that could be a good start.

Or my Arcane Mind psion who uses metamorphosis powers on his wallaby familiar....

Time to break out the first character from Ultimate Ethermagic, the ethermancer. Inspired by the old warlock, this fella can blast rays of ether all day long (along with some other abilities), restricted only by a quickly regenerating pool point. But no two blasts need to look the same, since you can attach all sort of secondary effects and damages to it, as long as you pay the extra cost.

Character on Google Docs.

Ultimate Ethermagic
Advanced Race Guide
XP 1,600
Male catfolk ethermancer 5
CG Medium humanoid (catfolk)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Perception +7
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 dexterity)
hp 37 (5d6 +15)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.; climb 20 ft.
Melee spiked glove +2 (1d4) or morningstar +2 (1d8)
Special Attacks lesser blast +4 (5d3+2)
Ether points 12; regenerates 3/round
Etherhearts known (CL 5th; concentration +7)
Lesser Blast, Alteration, Bestow.
Manifestations known
- Lesser Blast: Atrophy the Mind (DC 14), Conical Shaping (DC 14), Extremes of Infinity, Scale Model of the Galaxy, Raw Ether (DC 14), Energetic Leavings, Wide Arc;
- Alteration: Ethereal Reflexes, Kinetic Deflection, Gravitational Lensing, Stellar Vitality;
- Bestow: Burning Comet (DC 14), Luminescent Spheres (DC 14).
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats ethershapping, etherheart focus (lesser blast), favored manifestation (energetic leavings)
Skills Climb +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +0, Knowledge (engineering) +0, Knowledge (geography) +0, Linguistics +3, Perception +7, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +4, Survival +3
Sq Aberrant Form
Languages Common, Catfolk, Puddle
Combat Gear psionic tattoo of vigor, potion of water breathing, potion of remove curse x2, potion of neutralize poison x4; Other Gear chain shirt, handy haversack

Cat's Luck (Ex): Once per day roll a Reflex saving throw twice and take the better result. Decide to use this ability before the saving throw is attempted.

Etherhearts & Manifestations (Sp)
The ethemancer has five etherhearts, which are pretty much base “spells” which he slightly modifies with manifestations specific to each. Each etherheart has a basic cost in ether points (EP), that increases depending on the manifestations added to them. At level 5, Drewan has access to only three etherhearts, 12 ether points maximum, and regenerates 3 ether points each round, at the beginning of his turn.

Activating an etherspell (the resulting combination of etherheart + manifestation) is a standard action that causes attacks of opportunity. Once activated, the etherspell runs its full duration, even if the effects are cut short before that (you can only change this using specific feats). Changing the manifestations on an etherheart before using it is a free action.

If the ethermancer applies more than one manifestation with a save DC, use the highest one. The same goes for different casting times.

Lesser Blast etherheart
Fire an ether powered blast that causes 5d3+2 points of damage (you may decide between bludgeoning, slashing or piercing type), targeting ranged touch AC, up to a range of 35 ft. This blast is affected by spell resistance and costs 2 EP. You can use from zero to three manifestations with this etherheart, but only one shape manifestation each time.
- Atrophy the Mind (1 EP): deal 1 point of ability damage to either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma, with a Fortitude DC 14 to negate. If the etherspell has a shape manifestation that allows for a Reflex to receive half damage, use that save instead to negate this one.
- Conical Shaping (2 EP): shape. Change the blast to a 15 ft. cone effect. Roll a Reflex DC 14 save for half-damage.
- Extremes of Infinity (1 EP): change the etherspell damage to fire or cold.
- Scale Model of the Galaxy (2 EP): cover the ground in a 10 ft. radius around the target with spheres that make creatures walking over them fall prone (Acrobatics skill check DC 17 to negate) unless they move at half speed. Any bonus against a trip maneuver can be added to this skill check. The spheres last for 5 rounds.
- Raw Ether (2 EP): the target hit by this etherspell becomes entangled for 1 round, with a Reflex save DC 14 to negate. If the etherspell has a shape manifestation that allows for a Reflex to receive half damage, use that save instead to negate this one.
- Energetic Leavings (1 EP): creatures hit by an etherspell with this manifestation take an extra 2d3 points of damage of the same type on the next round. The target may negate this after effect by dropping prone and rolling as a move action.
- Wide Arc (3 EP): shape. If the etherspell hits a creature, it can also target a second creature between 20 ft and 30 ft away from it, if still in line of sight of the ethermancer.

Alteration etherheart
This etherheart can only be used on the ethermancer himself, and it must have one manifestation to work. It costs 2 EP and has a duration of 5 minutes. Only one alteration can be active at any time.
- Ethereal Reflexes (1 EP): +1 insight bonus to Reflex saves.
- Kinetic Deflection (2 EP): whenever the ethermancer suffers physical damage, he takes twice that amount in lost ether points instead. The etherspell ends if his EP reach 0.
- Gravitational Lensing (4 EP): creates a image of the ethermancer in the same square he occupies. When hit by a single target attack or spell, there’s a 50% chance the image is destroyed instead of him being affected. It is immune to area effects and effects that do not require an attack roll, and also can’t be pierced by True Seeing or similar spells. Once the image is destroyed, the etherspell ends.
- Stellar Vitality (4 EP): gain 1d4+5 temporary hit points. You can’t use another Alteration until this one runs its course, even if the extra points are lost before that.

Bestow etherheart
This etherheart can only be used on other creatures, and it must have one manifestation to work. It’s activated via melee touch, lasts for 5 rounds (it starts counting on the first round the ethermancer uses it, even if he misses the target) and costs 1 EP. While it’s active, the maximum amount of EP the ethermancer can use is reduced by an amount equal to the cost of the etherspell.
- Burning Comet (4 EP): the creature affected gains the ability to toss a comet at a single target within 30 ft., as a ranged touch attack, causing 3d6 points of fire damage and also dazzling it (Fortitude DC 14 to negate). After the comet is used, the etherspell ends.
- Luminescent Spheres (4 EP): the target affected glows, dazzling the closest creature(s) for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude DC 14 every round to negate while in proximity). Dazzled enemies attacking the target suffer an extra -1 penalty to attack rolls.

Multiuniversal philosophies
Hedonist: while under the effect of an Alteration etherspell, the ethermancer receives a +1 insight bonus to Fortitude, and gain a +1 enhancement bonus to hit.

Aberrant Form
10% chance to ignore sneak attack and other precision damage.

Drewan Phi used to live in a catfolk village at the top of a mountain - a community of people like him, dedicating their lives to the study of ethermancy and astronomy, magical and scientifical versions of a similar topic.

He was one of the more dedicated students of ethermancy, but perhaps a little bit too dedicated; he was known to be the more trigger happy ethermancer of the village, always blasting away when the opportunity arose. He didn’t do it out of a fascination with violence or ethermagic though, he just did what he thought was right - if there was a threat to his people and he had the means to defend himself, he’d use them, and use them with no hesitation.

His eagerness to employ his talents worsened the fragile relationship between his tribe and inhabitants of neighbour mountains, like the civilized aellars or more monstrous harpies and such. It came to the point that either his exile or his head was demanded as a prerequisite for a truce, and that’s where he now stands: roaming around the world, proud and free.

This is a straight damage dealer ethermancer - always have an Alteration (preferably Stellar Reflexes) on to collect the multiuniversal philosophy bonus and start blasting away as soon as combat starts, usually with Energetic Leavings to improve the damage. Conical shape is in play when the target has high touch AC - it’s better to stay away from groups. Start attacking the targets further away from your companions, to avoid penalties, and use Wide Arc if possible. Atrophy the Mind is another favorite one, if you still have plenty of EP left.

Ethermancer character sheet for free!

Ssalarn wrote:

I may have actually had a giraffe variant of the gamla and then dropped it for not being mechanically unique enough from the camels.

I'm going to try and get one or two sample characters put together for this thread as well; I have a lot of 3pp materials in addition to the stuff I've written. I'm actually playing an entobian battle lord using a race from Alluria's Remarkable Races line andy battle lord class from Liber Influxus that could be a good start.

Or my Arcane Mind psion who uses metamorphosis powers on his wallaby familiar....

I actually found some art on humanoid giraffes (I blame One Piece) and saved it for future use - I was baffled when the race didn't actually show up anywhere. Weird. Still no idea where it came from.

Please do - they are starting to pile up nicely, and we got over a dozen now. I'd love to see all this become a useful resource for the 3pp community.

I also have a concept for a battle lord lined up - a veteran soldier transformed into a forgerborn battle lord and used against his own army. A heavy blow to morale!

Edit: Just found the mentioned entombian. As a long time fan of the thri-kreen, this race really interested me - and it seems to go way beyond the Dark Sun mantis.

Liberty's Edge

Here is my Hill Giant character as I left him in a recently finished Giantslayer AP game. He was a blast to play and worked really well as a tank.


"Runt" Borum
Male jotun jotun paragon 17
NG Huge humanoid (giant)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 33, touch 12, flat-footed 31 (+8 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 luck, +13 natural, -2 size)
hp 264 (17d8+170)
Fort +21, Ref +11 (+4 when using Rock Catching.), Will +9 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion effects)
Defensive Abilities fortification 25%, rock catching
Speed 60 ft. (45 ft. in armor)
Melee (L) longspear +15/+10/+5 (1d8+25/×3) or
2 slams +20 (4d6+22/19-20 plus 2d6 vs. Giants)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks grab (Gargantuan), rock throwing (170 ft.)
Jotun Paragon Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th; concentration +17)
11/day—greater shout
Str 37, Dex 14, Con 26, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +12; CMB +23 (+27 grapple); CMD 41
Feats Extra Elemental Power, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack (slam), Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Power Attack, Stomp, Toughness
Traits deft dodger, free agent, student of giantkind
Skills Acrobatics -1 (+3 to jump), Climb +26 (+32 while in hills terrain), Diplomacy +5 (+6 vs. giants), Intimidate +11, Perception +6 (+12 while in hills terrain), Sense Motive +8, Stealth -9 (-3 while in hills terrain), Swim +23; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Common, Giant, Giant
SQ elemental affinity (elemental power [earth]), elemental blow (knocked prone), elemental powers (elemental arc, elemental bellow, elemental blow, energy resistance/immunity, grab, great hug, terrain mastery [earth] +6), oversized weapons
Combat Gear jingasa of the fortunate soldier[UE], potion of bull's strength (3); Other Gear +2 light fortification agile breastplate[APG], longspear, +1 giants-bane amulet of mighty fists, belt of physical might +4 (Str, Con), boots of striding and springing, cloak of resistance +3, ring of protection +1, 135,290 gp
Special Abilities
Elemental Arc 1d6+8 (11/day) (Sp) Deal energy damage as a ranged touch attack.
Elemental Blow (11/day) (Su) Creature damaged by attack must make Fort save or be affected by a special effect.
Elemental Blow (Knocked Prone, DC 31) Creature damaged by attack must make Fort save or become knocked prone.
Extra Elemental Power Prerequisites: Elemental Power class feature, Jotun Race

Benefit: Select one additional Elemental Power for which you qualify. You gain the use of this additional Elemental Power.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple ti
Fortification 25% You have a chance to negate critical hits on attacks.
Grab (Gargantuan) (Ex) You can start a grapple as a free action if you hit with the designated weapon.
Great Hug (Ex) Pin your opponent in a hug that does double slam damage plus 1.5x Str.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Oversized Weapons (Ex) You can wield Gargantuan weapons without penalty.
Power Attack -4/+8 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rock Catching (Ex) You can catch rocks you could throw.
Rock Throwing (170 feet) (Ex) You are an accomplished rock thrower.
Stomp (DC 23) As std act, cause creatures to fall prone (Acrobatics check negates).
Terrain Mastery (Earth, Hills) (Ex) Bonus to Perception, Stealth and Climb while in selected terrain.

Wow that looks pretty awesome :o I need to dig up my npc folder and post a few.

Oh man, lots going on since I last took a peek in here. I was wondering when we'd see you post an Ethermancer (I knew it was coming), thanks for that! And Ssalarn, thanks for reminding me about those playtest races. They've been in the back of my mind, but I forget about this stuff until it's saved in a folder on my computer - I have the same problem with the new Spheres of Power stuff - but I'm gonna go check those out again after I hit submit. Runt is pretty cool J-Bone, I'd love to hear a little more about the roleplay behind the statblock, if you'd want like to post that write up (spoilers-free, of course).

My two favorite things from the Animal Races series is, for one, the ability to advance animal abilities through feats, rather than class levels - and that depending on the race and class, they can select abilities using their usual customization options. The vulture clan, from that same PDF, can nab the feat instead of witch hexes, just as Arvid can with mercies. The second is the Heraldic traits: I can never get enough feats, so getting a bonus feat with a permanent penalty to another score (to my knowledge, they've all been either a save or initiative) is sweet. The series also includes art for each of these heraldic symbols, and it's not limited to the Animal Race - they're intended for any character.

I've got an assassin NPC from the Carrion Crown AP I've recently reworked using Legendary Rogue, but I'm in the throes of trying to put together my first PbP game, so it may not make the thread for a little while. I'm really happy with how he turned out though, and I hope to show him off soon.

J-Bone wrote:
Here is my Hill Giant character as I left him in a recently finished Giantslayer AP game. He was a blast to play and worked really well as a tank.

From In The Company of Giants, by Rite Publishing, if anyone is wondering.

White Unggoy wrote:

Oh man, lots going on since I last took a peek in here. I was wondering when we'd see you post an Ethermancer (I knew it was coming), thanks for that!

My two favorite things from the Animal Races series is, for one, the ability to advance animal abilities through feats, rather than class levels - and that depending on the race and class, they can select abilities using their usual customization options.

I got ideas for the other two "ether" classes also, but that's going to take a while longer.

Between Animal Races: Clans, Rite's In the Company of... and Dreamscarred Press new book of monster classes, it seems like a trend. Reminds me of the old D&D days, when elf was a class. How long until someone remakes something like that - maybe it's already out there.

This thread is making me want to buy more 3pp races.

This week we have one of the most complex classes I've seen so far, the Direlock, from Forest Guardian Press. It dispels magic, absorbs magic, casts magic, has aura powers with buffs and penalties, can dip into other arcane classes, transfers conditions and even tentacles show up, with pretty much everything tied up to a point pool. And I also threw in a psionic race from Ultimate Psionics and a feat from Path of War, to make things a little... weirder.

Character on Google Docs

Direlock Base Class
Ultimate Psionics
Path of War

Inspired by:
The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson
Sveksa Cold of the Last Redoubt_______________
Xp 2,400
Genderless dromite direlock 6
LG Small humanoid (insectoid)
Init +2 ; Senses scent, perception +11
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+1 size, +1 natural armor, +2 dexterity, +4 armor)
hp 42 (6d8+2)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5
Resist cold 5
Speed 20 ft
Melee +2 adamantine spiked chain +9 (1d6 +4/x2)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +8 (1d6/19-20)
Power Points 2
Dire Pool 9
Psi-like Ability (ML 3rd, concentration +7)
- 1/day - energy ray (3d6+3 cold)
Direlock Spells Prepared (CL 3rd, concentration +5)
1st - Bane (DC 13), Bungle (DC 13).
STATISTICS ______________________________
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +4; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Wild Talent, Weapon Finesse, Deadly Agility (PoW), Extra Dire Pool, Deflect Arrows.
Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +1, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (planes) +4, Perception +11, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +10, Survival +6.
Languages Common, Dwarven, Terran.
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Light Wounds x4; Other Gear +2 adamantine spiked chain, mwk light crossbow, headband of alluring charisma +2, mwk chain shirt, grimoire, 250 gp.

Energy Ray (psi-like racial ability)
Once per day, as a standard action, launch a 3d6+3 cold energy ray, with a range of 30 feet, against one target’s touch AC.

Dire pool (Su) 9
Pool of magical energy that fuels some of his powers. And also has the following uses:
- Swift action, spend one point to gain a +2 morale bonus to damage with a dire weapon for 4 rounds.
- Swift action, spend one point to gain a +2 morale bonus to all saving throws against spells, spell like abilities and hexes cast within his dire zone for 4 rounds.

Dire zone (Su)
The direlock is surrounded by a 10 ft. radius aura that is used in some of his other powers. As long as he has 1 point in his dire pool, he has a +2 morale bonus to saves against fear, and his enemies within the zone suffer a -2 penalty to such saves. Enemies lose immunity to fear while inside the dire zone.

Dire weapon (Su)
The direlock chooses one melee weapon as his dire weapon (in this case, a +2 adamantine spiked chain). He must be using it to activate his first dire pool ability, and any inimica or incunabula (see below) that require a weapon.

As an immediate action, he may try to use his weapon to counterspell a spell directed at him, cast within his dire zone, by spending one point from his dire pool per level of the spell (instead of casting a spell himself). Otherwise, it works as a regular counterspell: make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell's level). This check is a free action. If the check succeeds, you correctly identify the opponent's spell and can counter it. After using this ability, his inimica (if active) is suppressed until the next turn.

As long as his dire pool isn’t empty, his weapon is immune to the broken condition, and he has a +10 competence bonus to his CMD against disarm and sunder maneuvers directed at his dire weapon.

Fell regalia (Ex)
His odd armor gives him a +3 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks, but also a -3 to Diplomacy and Handle Animal checks.

Inimica (Su) 2/day
As a swift action, the direlock may activate his Inimica by spending 1 point from his dire pool. It’s a power that works inside his dire zone and lasts until the end of the combat he’s currently participating. He must choose from one of the effects below when first activating it, and may change it using a swift action. It only works for as long as his dire pool isn’t empty.
- Harrowing Steps: enemies who leave the dire zone of their own initiative take 2d6 points of force damage, with a fortitude save (DC 17) for half damage.
- Pain Threshold: enemies who move into the dire zone of their own initiative take 2d6 points of force damage, with a fortitude save (DC 17) for half damage.
- Sluggish Movement: enemies treat the dire zone as difficult terrain, with a fortitude save (DC 17) to negate the effect.
- Unlucky: attacks against the direlock have their critical threat range is worsened by 1 step; if already 20, the multiplier is worsened; if already x2, the enemies has no bonus to damage when hitting with a critical.
- Penetration: ignore 2 points of DR.

Dire sense (Ex)
+2 bonus to his flat footed AC against one opponent within his dire zone. The opponent can be changed at the beginning of his turn as a free action.
+1 to AC against melee attacks from invisible creatures within his dire zone.

Fearsome Slough (Su)
As a swift action, spend 1 point from his dire pool to try to transfer a condition he’s suffering to an adjacent creature. First make a new saving throw against such condition (if you don’t get to make one in the first place, it can’t be transferred), this time with a +10 morale bonus; if successful, the condition is transferred; the target can attempt to roll a saving throw itself to avoid being affected; if he fails, the transfer is completed, otherwise, the condition just vanishes. Only one condition can be transferred per round, and each creature can only suffer one transferred condition at a time

The conditions that can be transferred are: dazzled, deafened, fatigued, shaken, staggered, frightened, sickened and cowering.

Dire mantle (Su)
The direlock can use his armor to absorb spells of up to 4th level and store them as magical energy. When he’s directly targeted with a spell, roll a spellcraft skill check (DC 15 + level of the spell) as an immediate action; if successful he can try to absorb it. If an ally is casting the spell, there’s no need for a spellcraft check.

He can maintain the equivalent of 4 levels of spells in his dire mantle (four 1st level spells, or two 2nd level spells, etc), where they last for 24 hours. Or he can spend spend this energy as a swift action, in the following ways:

From 1 to 3 stored spell levels at once, each spell level awarding the direlock:
- +2 insight bonus to his next concentration check;
- +1 enhancement bonus to attacks with his dire weapon for 1 round;
- +1 deflection bonus to AC for 1 round;
- +2 insight bonus to one skill roll for 24 hours or until used.

3 stored spell levels for one of the effects:
- gain 1 point for his dire pool;
- gain 10 temporary hit points that last for 6 rounds;
- increase the DC of one of his spells by +2.

You can’t absorb and use a spell level in the same round, though you can use and absorb different spell levels. If he doesn’t have room to absorb a spell but succeeds on the spellcraft check, he gains a +1 circumstance bonus to any saving throw against that spell (if possible).

It can also be used to absorb spell-like abilities and psionic powers (if augmented, use the formula PP+1 divided by 2 to calculate the equivalent spell level), if the GM allows it.

As long as his dire pool isn’t empty, his armor is immune to the broken condition. Dire mantle doesn’t work if he’s off his armor or has an empty dire pool.

Incunabula (Su)
Direlock powers that dramatically change the class or boost him in combat; they can be exchanged for exclusive direlock feats, but to better portray the class, I picked up incunabulas only.
- Dread Assault: make one extra attack with his dire weapon, at a cost of 1 point from his dire pool, using his level as his BAB. Also, if more than one attack hits, gain a +1 circumstance bonus to confirm critical hits. This incunabula must be used as part of a full round action.
- Proliferation: spend one point from his dire pool and extend the radius of his dire zone by 5 ft. for 4 rounds.

Spells known (DC 12 + spell level)
1st level: Bane, Bungle, Cause Fear, Lesser Confusion, Deathwatch, Doom, Hideous Laughter, Touch of Fatigue, Ventriloquism.

Eldritch tendrils (Su)
Once per day, as a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity, create an invisible eldritch tendril coming out of his body and working within his dire zone. Then, as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, attach it to an ally, or make a ranged touch attack to attach it to a foe. It lasts for 6 rounds.

If the attached creatures moves away from the dire zone, it takes 4d4 points of damage and the connection is gone.

It has two uses:
- Against an enemy, you can use the Fearsome Slough ability (see above) through it, instead of needing to be adjacent to the target.
- With an ally, as a swift action you can drain one of these temporary conditions: cowering, dazzled, shaken, sickened and staggered, converting each round of duration it had left into 1 hit point.

The tendril has AC 20, hardness 5 and 15 hp.


The world is almost over.

After the sun disappeared from the sky, all the creatures that hid in the darkness took to the surface and started consuming the people, destroying everything there was.

All that is left of civilization hides inside the Last Redoubt, a massive metallic pyramid, surrounded by a circle of pure energy that protects it, keeping the monsters away in the night land.

But that energy is starting to falter, and small imperfections started to appear. These allowed Crawling Things to seek entrance through almost forgotten tunnels, near to the underground farming lands. And to fight them off, patrolling by themselves in areas where no full party of guards could fit, are specialized hunters like Sveksa, capable of holding back this infiltration of malicious creatures, bent on decimating the inhabitants.

While the remaining of the world prepares to flee through portals to other dimensions, created by the wise monstruwacans, Sveksa and the others like him will remain behind until the last moment, protecting all they can, for as long as they can. They’ll be the last ones to leave.

As an anti-magic warrior, this direlock waits for his opponent to attack first - you never know what’ll crawl through a crack in the wall, and what powers it has. His most likely strategy is to dispel their spells or spell-like abilities with his dire weapon, than absorb the next one with the dire mantle to replenish his dire pool. He’ll use both the eldritch tendril and the harrowing steps inimica to really hurt the enemy in case it tries to escape. The dread assault incunabula also comes into play, but I’d watch out for the heavy loss of points from his dire pool. He’d probably use his spells and psi-like ability first, before risking running low.

These strategies presume a once-in-awhile battle with a hideous monster made of pure evil. For more regular adventuring activities I suppose the dire mantle is more used than anything, since it has no cost, and lots of benefits. But if you really want to go wild with his dire pool, I’d try a little exploit: give an ally a cheap level 1 wand and have him cast its spells on you, absorbing everything through the dire mantle ability and restoring 1 point for every three spells - that’s 16 points per wand! It’s costly, but allows for a more powerful performance.

Direlock character sheet for free!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very nice Ragi, though I am unfamiliar with the inspiration/source material, from reading the wikipedia entry it definitely feels right.

I'm liking the psi-lock (;P) mix you have going on there, the direlock (and thus the dire mantle) specifically works with psionic power points too, so having your allies spam you with power points works a treat also...

Thanks for making these available to the fanbase,and for all your work on creating character sheets for 3PP classes...

Dark Archive

This thread has a few characters written up using classes (such as Death Mage, Time Thief and Vanguard) and other options (such as races, spells, feats and / or items) from Super Genius Games / Rogue Genius Games.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Continuing my psionic archetypes only series, here's the Harnesser (vitalist), from the Psionics Augmented book that deals with the dead. And what an odd place to find what I was looking for. Bleu's theme is a character whose aggressiveness is cut short due to being trained in the most benign class possible – for that, I wanted a vitalist that was even more heal and support focused than the regular version. Curiously, the main book has no such archetype, with all five having more or less variations on the class few fighting abilities. But the harnesser from Seventh Path actually replaces the early one with a bonus against death, making her a full supporter until level 14. This might make her a little monotous to play, if you aren't all that interested in healing, but she'll really help keep a party from dieing.

Ultimate Psionics
Psionics Augmented: Seventh Path
Advanced Race Guide
Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Favored Class Options
Bleu Beaumont___________________________
XP 1,600
Female merfolk harnesser (vitalist) 5
NG medium humanoid (aquatic)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +1 dexterity, +2 natural armor)
hp 37 (5d6+15)
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8
Speed 20 ft; Swim 30 ft.
Melee mwk longspear +3 (1d8/x3)
Ranged mwk underwater light crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks Transfer Wounds 6/day (2d6+5)
Power Points 32
Psionic powers known (ML 5th; concentration +)
3rd – Battlesense
2nd - Lanis’s Animal Affinity, Resist Toxin
1st - Natural Healing, Vigor
0 (at will, when psionically focused) - Detect Psionics, Halt Death, Sense Poison.
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 10
Feats Craft Power Stone, Scribe Tattoo, Craft Dorje
Basic Atk +2, CMB +2, CMD 13
Skills Autohypnosis +8, Heal +8, Perception +9, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +9
Languages Common, Aquan, Aboleth
Combat Gear power stone of detect compulsion, power stone of body equilibrium, power stone of sustenance, psionic tattoo of vigor (25 hp) x5, dorje of natural healing (15 hp) 50 charges, dorje of natural healing (9 hp) 50 charges; Other Gear +1 lamellar (leather) of quickness, mwk underwater light crossbow, mwk longspear, cloak of resistance +1, 350 gp.
Sq Mender method

Powers Known
The harnesser may change his powers known after resting for any power available in the vitalist power list. This combination below is just Bleu’s favorite. And don’t forget the main rule: a manifester may spend only up to his level power points in a single round.
- Battlesense: 5 PP, standard action, targets 5 creatures, lasts 5 rounds, range of 30 ft. All affected creatures can use Aid Another as an immediate action. They also get one of the following bonuses: +1 circumstance to attacks; +1 circumstance to AC; +2 circumstance to damage; or +5 circumstance to speed.
- Lanis’s Animal Affinity: 3 PP, standard action, 5 minutes. Grants a +4 enhancement to one ability score of your choosing. Can be used via the collective on other members, and augmented by spirit of many.
- Resist Toxin: 3 PP, standard action, 5 hours. Temporarily immune to poison while it lasts. Augment: +2 PP to try to cure all diseases, by rolling 1d20+5 against the DC of each disease affecting the target - the duration of this power changes to instantaneous. Can be used via the collective on other members, and augmented by spirit of many.
- Natural Healing: 1 PP, standard action. Heal 3 hit points. Augment: heal an extra 3 hp for each additional PP spent. Can be used via the collective on other members, and augmented by spirit of many.
- Vigor: 1 PP, standard action, 5 minutes. Gain 5 temporary hit points. Augment: gain additional 5 temporary hp for each PP spent. Can be used via the collective on other members, and augmented by spirit of many.
- Detect Psionics: Focused or 1 PP, standard action, 60 ft cone, concentration up to 5 minutes. Similar to Detect Magic, but powered by psionics. Augment: spend 2 extra PP to gain a +10 enhancement bonus to Spellcraft checks to identify magic items, but the duration changes to 18 rounds.
- Halt Death: Focused or 1 PP, standard action, one creature, 30 ft. Stabilizes a dying member of the collective.
- Sense Poison: Focused or 1 PP, standard action, 1 creature, 1 object or a 5 ft cube area, range of 35 ft. Determines if a creature or object is poisonous or has been poisoned. Make a DC 20 Wisdom to find out the type of poison; failing that, you can also try a Craft [alchemy] DC 20.

Psionic Gear
Activating a power stone is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Tapping a psionic tattoo to activate it is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Activating a dorje is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
- Detect Compulsion: one creature, 60 ft. Detects if the target is under a compulsion or charm.
- Body Equilibrium: personal, 10 minutes. May walk normally on any solid or liquid surface. Halves damage from falling.
- Sustenance: personal. Go without food or water for 1 day.

Collective (Su)
As a standard action, mentally connects 5 allies (besides herself) within 160 feet and line of sight. Leaving or kicking someone out is a free action. If a member of the collective dies, the amplifier must pass a Fortitude DC 15 or lose 1 power point for every hit die of the deceased and be sickened for an equal number of rounds.

Collective Healing (Su)
As a free action, if the target is willing, may redistribute any healing of hit points and ability damage between other members of the collective.

Transfer Wounds (Su)
6/day, as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, may touch a target and heal it for 2d6 points of damage, taking in herself the same amount of points as non-lethal damage. The target is also cured by an extra 5 hit points that does not transfer to the harnesser.

Guardian Spirit
As a swift action, may check the hit points of allies within the collective. May also make a Heal DC 15 check, as a standard action, to determine if they are diseased, poisoned, possessed or cursed.

Spirit of Many (Su)
When using a power with the network descriptor on one of the members of his collective, she may use it on other members paying 1 extra power point per target. These powers can also be used even if the target is beyond the normal range, or if he’s usually immune to them.

Warden of Souls (Ex)
Members of the collective gain +3 bonus to saves against death effects and effects that require a soul. They also gain a +3 extension to the negative constitution score that marks their death.

Telepathy (Su)
Everybody within the collective can communicate with each other, even if they don’t speak the same language. Can be turned on and off as a swift action.

Request Aid (Su)
As a standard action, members of the collective may request healing from the harnesser, whom, as a free action outside of his turn, may spend up to 5 power points, healing 3 hit points per point. The harnesser may also heal someone like this without the request, as a standard action. This ability may be used 6/day.

As a strongtailed merfolk, Bleu stood up between her peers, and soon was targeted by the more jealous of her female colleagues. Not one to be a victim, she always fought back, eventually realizing some sort of natural talent to defending herself whenever her emotions took over.

This was also noticed by an ancient, gigantic and wise, slightly evil-looking, fish-like monster that resided near Bleu’s merfolk underwater city. It offered to teach her how to control and use her psionic powers, as it had done with other merfolk before, as part of a truce between it and the locals.

Unbeknownst to her, it trained her to become the more benign type of psionic manifester it possibly could, completely repressing her aggressive instincts with motivational speeches and a little psionic push here and there. She became one of the best healers of the region, eventually departing to improve her skills by adventuring.

By doing so, she furthers the plan of the creature, focused on neutralizing any potential enemy that arises in his vicinity, before it eventually takes over the whole merfolk city. But it’s taking it’s sweet time doing so, and some might wonder if the monster hasn’t grown soft after all these years tutoring its neighbors.

Bleu is built to support to a fault, leaving her little to do in combat other than buffing and eventually healing. Start with Lanis’s Animal Affinitty, that can be given to 3 collective members for the cheap price of 5 power points, and activate Battlesense if the combat seems particularly dire - the immediate Aid Another actions can probably do some damage against the enemies, if the party is near each other. If she has time to prepare and it seems necessary, Vigor to buff some allies is a good call - by spending 5 PP, she can give 20 temporary hit points to 2 members of her collective, or 15 temporary hp to 3 people. After that, she pretty much crossbows enemies until she needs to heal someone - I’d suggest using Natural Healing 3 on a target, augment it with other 2 power points to spread to other 2 characters, and then divide as necessary the resulting 27 hit points of healing.

All those homemade psionic items are for personal use, but the tattoos can be given to other party members at the beginning of an adventure, especially the more frail ones, to use by themselves in emergencies.

Vitalist character sheet for free!

This time around I'm picking a character from an old third-party classic, from the previous decade – Adventuring Classes: A Fistful of Denarii, by Tripod Machine. One of my players loves to control pets (in any kind of game) but just couldn't care to keep up with all other secondary systems that come with the regular pet classes, like spells, temporary or permanent improvements, daily abilities, etc. So I found her the perfect class in the Beastmaster, a barbarian that gives up rage to pack in all sorts of animal-related powers, allowing one to talk, calm and win over almost any pet you encounter, along with having an animal companion and the option to get more of them via a feat (although I'll probably limit this one, to keep from cluttering combat too much).

Adventuring Classes: A Fistful of Denarii
Book of Heroic Races Compendium
Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive
Millazanrianodriladira (Milla)________________
Xp 1,600
Half-faerie dragon beastmaster 6
CG Small female humanoid (draconic)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, scent; Perception +7
AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +4 dexterity, +1 size, +2 natural armor); +2 dodge against traps
hp 47 (6d12)
Fort +6 Reflex +10 Will +3; +2 vs. sleep and paralysis, +2 Reflex vs. traps
Speed 20 feet
Melee mwk scimitar +7/+2 (1d4/18-20)
Ranged +1 longbow +12/+7 (1d6+1/x3)
Special Attacks Breath Weapon
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +6/+1, CMB +5, CMD 19
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Endurance, Additional Animal Companion
Skills Acrobatics +10, Craft (animal clothing) +7, Fly +8, Handle Animal +12, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +7, Ride +13, Stealth +8, Survival +9
Languages Common and Draconic
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Light Wounds x 4, Oil of Cure Light Wounds x4; Other Gear +1 grinding kikko armor, mwk scimitar, +1 longbow, 50 silver arrows, 50 cold iron arrows, 10 adamantine arrows, 100 blunt arrows, cloak of resistance +1, 160 gp.

Breath Weapon (Su)
1/day, exhale a 10 ft. cone of euphoric gas. Creatures within the area are staggered, sickened and immune to fear for 1d6 rounds. A Fortitude save DC 13 negates.

Animal Companion
Just like the druid’s nature bond, with the beastmaster level equal to the druid level when calculating the stats of the animal.

Wild Empathy (Ex)
Pretty much like Diplomacy, but for animals. Roll 1d20 + 9 to try and change the attitude of an animal within 30 feet. It usually takes a minute to use it, but the duration varies according to the situation. It can also be used against magical beasts with intelligence 1 or 2, with a penalty of -4.

Calm Animals (Ex)
6/day, can try to calm animals just like the druidic spell. As a standard action, with range of 40 feet, make docile 2d4+6 hit die of animals (with intelligence of 1 or 2) of the same kind, within 30 feet of each other. The effect lasts for 6 minutes. They can roll a Will save DC 16 to negate the effect.

Speak with animals (Ex)
Just like the spell, but works all the time. It can probably become very annoying and/or troublesome.

Uncanny dodge and Improved uncanny dodge (Ex)
Can’t be caught flat-footed or flanked. Can suffer sneak attacks due to flanking only if the attacker is level 10 or more.

Battle Roar (Ex)
4/day. Shouting gives allied animals within 60 feet a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves versus fear, if they can see or hear the beastmaster. All other animals become frightened, with a Will save DC 16 to become only shaken. The effects last for 1 minute.

Panda Bear______________________________
Xp -
N Small animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1
AC 24 touch 13 flat-footed 22 (+5 armor, +6 natural, +2 dex, +1 size )
hp 45 (6d8+12)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5; +4 to will vs. enchantment.
Speed 20
Melee bite +8 (1d4+3) 2 claws +8 (1d3+3)
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 9
Base Atk +4, CMB +5, CMD 17
Feats armor proficiency (light), iron will, armor proficiency (medium)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +5, Swim +4
Sq Evasion
Tricks Attack x2 (DC 20), Defend (DC 20), Down (DC 15), Guard (DC 20), Seek (DC 15), Stay (DC 15), Flank (DC 20), Flee (DC 20)
Other gear mwk kikko armor, amulet of mighty fists +1

Xp -
N Small animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 20 touch 14 flat-footed 17 (+3 armor, +3 natural, +3 dex, +1 size)
hp 24 (3d8+6)
Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3; +2 vs. continuing effects.
Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee bite +6 (1d4+1), 2 talons +6 (1d4+1)
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats armor proficiency (light), weapon finesse
Skills Fly +9, Perception +6, Stealth +11
Sq Evasion
Tricks attack x2 (DC 20), down (DC 15), sneak (DC 15), watch (DC 15), flank (DC 20), detect (DC 25), hunt (DC 20)
Other gear mwk parade armor, aegis of recovery.

Just like a typical half-faerie dragon, Millazanrianodriladira is a fun-loving, nature embracing, full of life creature. But unlike the rest of her peers, she prefers the company of her pets to that of other rational, humanoid beings. Although this doesn’t make her a total social recluse, she has strong views on her lifestyle and doesn’t mind preaching it to others who show any interest in it: vegetarianism, preservation of nature, and whatever may pass as the low-tech equivalent of sustainability in a fantasy world. She can be as obnoxious about it as the GM/player deem necessary, keeping in mind that she pretty much has a point, but forcing it upon others doesn’t seem to be a problem to her.

But to compensate her preachiness, she’s quite an asset in the battlefield. Her pets engage and flank the enemy, while she turns it into a pincushion from afar. If any of the two lose more than half of their hit points, she breaks formation for healing before doing anything else. Her variety of arrows can prove to be very useful against enemies with damage resistance, and the trio’s high AC makes them a good replacement for any tank. Engaging in melee is typically avoided, but if her pets are in danger, she won’t hesitate to do so and protect them.

Ah, and always use blunt arrows for non-lethal damage when fighting regular animals.

Beastmaster character sheet for free!

I said I'd be back sooner or later...

Excited after reading Endzeitgeist’s review of Legendary Rogue by Legendary Games, I bought it and immediately re-statted one of the upcoming encounters in my Carrion Crown campaign. Don’t follow the Google Doc and don’t open the spoiler below if you’re playing that AP. :-) Legendary Rogue allows you a LOT of customization with characters - trapfinding & danger sense are now an options rather than assumed parts of the build. Similarly, abilities exists for defense outside of evasion, such that a heavy-armored rogue is a viable concept. I have not included part-and parcel every ability, so in some places, the math might not work out as you would expect.

Core Rulebook
Pathfinder Adventure Path #46: Wake of the Watcher
Legendary Rogue

Clanartus Viliras___________________________
XP 12,800
Human assassin 4/legendary rogue 8
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +12; Senses Perception +14 (+19 to notice hidden creatures or determining surprise)
20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 86 (12d8+32)
Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +5; +3 vs. fear & mind-affecting effects, +2 vs. poison
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved uncanny dodge
30 ft.
Melee +2 sneaky dagger +17/+12 (1d4+4/19-20) or
+2 sneaky dagger +15/+10 (1d4+4/19-20) and mwk dagger +14/+9 (1d4+1/19-20)
Special Attacks advantageous attack +1, critical sneak +6, death attack (DC 15), powerful sneak attack +6d6 (+8 bleed), overcome resistance 5, telling blow +6 (2/round), true death (DC 19)
14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +11 (+13 dirty trick); CMD 25 (27 vs. dirty trick)
Feats Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Quick Draw, Shadow Strike, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger)
Skills Acrobatics +19, Appraise +16, Bluff +19, Diplomacy +15, Disable Device +16, Disguise +25, Escape Artist +19, Knowledge (local) +10, Perception +14 (+19 to notice hidden creatures or determining surprise), Sense Motive +11, Sleight of Hand +19 (+23 to hide weapons on body), Stealth +19
Languages Common, Necril
SQ hidden weapons, poison use, pretender, rogue talents (assault leader, bleeding attack +6, redirect attack, weapon finesseI, weapon training)
Combat Gear dust of darkness, potion of cat's grace, potion of shield of faith +4, large scorpion venom (4); Other Gear +1 mithral shirt, +2 sneaky dagger, mwk dagger (2), amulet of natural armor +1, disguise kit, thieves' tools, 5 pp

Advantageous Attack (Ex) Whenever Clanartus’s opponent would be denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (whether it actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when he flanks an opponent, Clanartus gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that opponent.

Assault Leader (Ex) When Clanartus misses with an attack on an opponent he flanks, he can designate a single ally who is also flanking the target that his attack missed. That ally can make a single melee attack against the opponent as an immediate action. Clanartus can use this ability once per opponent per day.

Celerity (Ex) Whenever Clanartus rolls for initiative, roll twice and take either result.

Critical Sneak (Ex) When Clanartus deals sneak attack damage that is also a critical hit, she deals +6 damage. This additional damage is multiplied by the critical hit.

Elusive Moves (Ex) Clanartus gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity.

Imperceptible (Ex) +3 to DCs of checks made to find/follow Clanartus’s tracks. When he has concealment or total concealment, the miss chance increases by 10%.

Offensive Defense (Ex) When Clanartus with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage, he gains a +3 circumstance bonus to AC against that creature. Any situation or effect that causes him to lose his Dex bonus to AC against this creature also causes him to lose this circumstance bonus. This circumstance bonus stacks with itself up to a maximum total bonus of +6. This effect has a duration of one round.

Overcome Resistance (Ex) When a rogue deals sneak attack damage with an attack, this attack ignores up to 5 points of damage reduction or hardness. This does not apply to damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/—). When a rogue deals sneak attack damage with an attack that deals acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, that attack ignores up to 5 points of acid, cold, electricity, or fire resistance, as appropriate.

Powerful Sneak (Ex) When Clanartus deals sneak attack damage he treats all 1s on the sneak attack damage dice as 2s.

Pretender (Ex) If Clanartus is targeted by detect thoughts or a similar mind-reading effect which reveals surface thoughts, he can make a Bluff check opposed by the thought reader’s Sense Motive check. If the Bluff check succeeds, Clanartus may choose what thoughts are detected. If the Bluff check fails, his surface thoughts are revealed as false.

Redirect Attack (Ex) When Clanartus is hit with a melee attack, he can redirect the attack to strike at an adjacent creature. The creature targeted must be within melee reach of the attack that hit Clanartus, and the creature that made the attack against him must make a new attack roll against the new target. Clanartus cannot use this talent against the same opponent’s attack or against the attack of any creature who observed the redirection for the next 24 hours.

Telling Blow (Ex) Clanartus can choose to take a –2 penalty to her AC against a specific opponent and gain a bonus on the damage roll from his next successful attack against that opponent made before the start of her next turn. The bonus damage is an amount equal to his’s number of sneak attack damage dice. He must choose to use this ability before making an attack roll and the penalty lasts until the start of his next turn. Clanartus can use this ability twice per round. These uses reset at the start of his turn. The penalty to the rogue’s AC against a specific creature does not stack with itself.
This bonus damage does not apply to splash weapon damage or effects that do not deal hit point damage. He only adds this bonus damage to ranged attacks if his target is within his sneak attack range (normally 30 feet). This bonus damage is not precision damage and is multiplied on a critical hit. While using this ability, if an attack made by Clanartus deals sneak attack damage, he deals the sneak attack damage instead of this bonus damage.

Clanartus is meant to stop the PCs in their pursuit of the Whispering Way’s dark riders. Masquerading as the master of a livery stable, word reaches the PCs (if they don’t approach him directly) that he has information related to their quest. He asks for their help putting a wheel back on wagon in exchange, requiring two PCs to set down their weapons and lift the wagon. It is at this moment that he springs the trap - four mohrgs with legendary rogue levels (originally ghouls with unchained rogue… my party of six is fairly powerful) jump out and attack the party, while Clanartus attempts a death attack against an enemy in flanking. After this, he continues to make sneak attack attempts, prioritizing enemies who have not yet succumbed to mohrg paralysis, so that when he misses, he can use Advantageous Attack to give them another chance with their tongues.

I meant to condense the language in that post a bit but it slipped my mind until two days later. Oops.

Anyway, Ragi, what do you think about providing characters that use public playtest material, as Dreamscarred Press often has? I've got an ambush hunter ranger in the works, from the Path of War 2 expanded archetypes playtest. I could see a want to encourage people to buy existing products, and having characters remain forwards compatible with their releases, as examples of good arguments against. Since it's your thread, I'll defer to you.

I do actually have at least one character in mind with a yet to be released race, so I understand the interest in creating such ones.

But I'd keep in mind comparing both the playtest version and the released one, possibly making adjustments when the later comes out. And in some cases, even thrashing the character all together, since some classes vary widly between test and release - PoW:E is a good example of that.

This week I bring a new installment from the Antipodism system, this time geared towards a martial character: the edgeblade. He's a bruiser with a lot of utility powers that fuel finisher moves. Meaning, if you want those extra die of damage, you better do something in combat other than swinging that big sword around round after round.

Character on Google Docs

Ultimate Antipodism: Drawn from Light and Darkness
Advanced Race Guide
Xp 1,200
Male samsaran edgeblade 4
NG medium male humanoid (samsaran)
Init +0; Senses low-light vision, Perception +8
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor)
hp 29 (4d10)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +7; +2 vs. death and energy effects.
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk greataxe +7 (1d12+3/x3), mwk greatclub +7 (1d10+3), mwk ogre hook +7 (1d10+3/x3)
Radiance Pool 8
Shadow Pool 8
Waypoints known
- Black Wind (DC 15), From the Shadows, Radiant Eruption (DC 15), Reflection
Light Residuum 2 maximum
Dark Residuum 2 maximum
Residuum abilities prepared
- Wreathed in Lingering Shadows, Moteshock, Essential Oneness
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +4, CMB +6, CMD 16
Feats Power Attack, Cleave
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +6, Heal +4, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (engineering) +4, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +8, Perception +8, Sense Motive +7, Survival +8, Swim +6
Languages Common, Samsaran, Draconic, Infernal, Giant, Goblin, Orc
Combat gear Tanglefoot Bag x2; Other gear steel lamellar, mwk greataxe, mwk greatclub, mwk ogre hook

+2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points.

Radiance Pool 8
Shadow Pool 8
These pools recharge fully each morning. They can be used to activate waypoints, one of the main powers of the antipodism system.

Waypoints (DC 15)
- Black Wind (Su): Standard action, a 30 foot cone causes all targets within to become shaken for 1 round. Will to negate. 1 shadow point.

- From the Shadows (Su): Standard action, create a 20 foot Darkness (like the spell) area around the character, that follows him for 3 rounds. The edgeblade can see through it normally. 1 shadow point.

- Reflection (Su): Standard action. Become invisible like the Vanish spell, for 4 rounds. 1 radiance point.

Light Residuum 2 maximum
Dark Residuum 2 maximum
Every time you use a waypoint you generate 1 residuum. Shadow waypoint, dark residuum; Radiance waypoint, light residuum. They can build up to 2, and if you don't gain nor spend residuum for 1 minute, they diminish to a minimum of 1. You begin the day with 0 residuum. These points activate Residuum abilities or can be spent on Finisher Waypoints.

Residuum abilities
- Moteshock (Su): Standard action or part of a full-attack action, throw a ball of light that causes fire damage as a ranged touch attack. Range of 30 feet, damage equal to twice the amount of light residuum he currently has. Add the enhancement bonus of weapon or shield to the attack and damage roll. Doesn’t cost residuum.

- Essential Oneness (Ex): Swift action, turn 2 points of one type of residuum into 1 point of the other type.

- Wreathed in Lingering Shadows (Ex): at the beginning of each turn, gain temporary hit points equal to the amount of dark residuum he currently has. These last for 1 round. Doesn’t cost residuum.

Arioch also has Deadening Darkness, Shadow Runner, and Dawn to Dusk residuum abilities, but the ones above are what he prepared for this day. For more details on those other powers, check the book!

Finisher Waypoints (Save DC 15)
- Radiant Eruption (Su): Standard action, throw a glob within 60 feet of range that causes 1d6 points of fire damage in a 10 feet burst, also lighting on fire everyone caught in it for 1d4 rounds, causing additional 1d6 points of damage each round. Reflex save for half damage and only 1 round of being on fire. Costs 2 Light Residuum points.

Arioch is the standard mysterious character, with a dark past and few words to say (yep, the player is at that phase). He won't voice his opinion unless consulted, and is happy to follow orders until the combat starts. Then he will try to rush the enemy leader as fast as possible, by creating a distraction with his waypoints (either turning invisible or being hidden in a cloud of darkness) and maneuvering around obviously less important foes. He wants the glory of defeating the boss, and sometimes will get in a tough spot trying to do so. While not obviously heroic, he recognizes his role as the main melee fighter in the party, and won't hesitate to protect his companions, even though he's not built to tank at all.

Very useful as a character for the player that is a bit shy during the talking parts of the session, but likes to show off during combat.

Edgeblade character sheet for free!

And it seems I completely forgot to add the Google Docs links for:

Bleu Beaumont - Merfolk Harnesser (Vitalist) 5


Millazanrianodriladira (Milla) - Half-faerie Dragon Beastmaster 6

With today's edgeblade that's 15 characters so far. I'll probably start looking into making this a free pdf compilation once I reach the 20 mark.

My newest installment on the psionic archetypes series is here, this time addressing the psionic answer to a ranged martial, the marksman. This is probably my most obvious example of a “solar hero”, a champion of good and justice with no obvious flaws or hidden dark side. I believe it's a very easy character to pick up and play or use as a misunderstood antagonist – someone so good that they could misinterpret the PCs actions as evil, at least for a little while. As a regular NPC he'd probably be a little flat, with little insight to anything except on how to give advice towards being better people. A nice dude, overall.

Character on Google Docs

Ultimate Psionics
Xp 3,200
Elan spearman (marksman) 7
LG medium male humanoid (aberrant)
Init +3; Perception +11
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +3 dex, +1 natural)
hp 46 (7d10)
Fort +3, Ref+9, Will +8
Speed 30 feet
Melee +1 deep crystal longspear +12/+7 (1d8+5/x3)
Ranged +1 deep crystal shortspear +12/+7 (1d6+5/x2), mwk shortspear +12/+7 (1d6+4/x2)
Special attacks Wind Reader +2 (10/day), Split Shot (5/day)
Power Points 27
Powers Known (ML 7th; concentration +9)
2nd - Defy Gravity, Dissolving Weapon, Sonic Blast
1st - Inevitable Strike, Offensive Prescience
Str 16, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +7/+2 CMB +9 CMD 22
Feats Psionic Talent, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Returning Throw, Psionic Shot, Knockdown Shot, Psionic Meditation, Fell Shot
Skills Acrobatics +10, Autohypnosis +9, Escape Artist +10, Perception +11, Profession (soldier) +9, Sense Motive +9, Survival +9; -1 to any Charisma based skills when dealing with non-elans.
Languages Common
Sq Volley style
Combat gear Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x3 Other gear +1 mithral chain shirt, +1 deep crystal longspear, +1 deep crystal shortspear x2, mwk alchemical silver shortspear, mwk cold iron shortspear, belt of giant strength +2, Amulet of natural armor +1, Cloak of resistance +1, 2,900 gp

Resistance (Su)
Immediate action, spend 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus to all saving throws until his next action.

Resilience (Su)
Immediate action, reduce damage taken by the ratio 2 points of damage per 1 power point.

Repletion (Su)
Spend 1 power point to go without drink or food for 24 hours.

Wind Reader (Su)
While maintaining psionic focus, as a swift action 10/day, gain a +2 competence bonus on ranged attacks until the end of the round.

Psionic Spear
Can also use Psionic Shot and Fell Shot feats with a spear, longspear or shortspear when attacking in melee; usually they can only be used in ranged attacks.

Style Technique
May spend psionic focus as part of a full attack with ranged or thrown weapons to gain an additional attack. Does not stack with similar effects.

Style Mantra
While maintaining psionic focus, gain a +2 competence bonus to initiative and reflex.

Returning Throw (Ex)
If the character moves at least 10 ft before throwing his spear, add +8 to the damage roll (instead of +4) and ignore the first range increment penalty of his first attack on this round.

Split Shot (Su)
5/day, split a ranged attack to strike two targets. The second target must be within 15 feet of the first, and you use the same attack roll for both, but the damage is split in half.

Spear Expert
The spearman may use his spears to cause bludgeoning damage in melee, and may also do non-lethal damage without penalty to his attack rolls.

Psionic Feats

- Returning Throw: If you maintain your psionic focus, your thrown weapons return to your hand just before you start your next turn - catching them is a free action. If you spend your focus as part of a thrown attack, the weapon immediately returns to your hand, allowing you to attack again using the same weapon until the end of your turn.

- Psionic Shot: If you maintain your focus, your attacks with a ranged weapon deal an extra point of damage. If you spend it as part of a ranged attack, you deal an extra 2d6 points of damage.

- Knockdown Shot: Spend your psionic focus and make a single ranged attack. If it hits, deal normal damage and the target must make a Reflex save DC 15 or be knocked prone.

- Psionic Meditation: Gain your psionic focus as a move action, instead of a full action.

- Fell Shot: Spend your psionic focus as part of a ranged attack - now it targets touch AC instead of regular AC.

2nd level psionic powers

- Defy Gravity (3 PP): Standard action. The spearman can levitate up or down 20 feet per round as a move action. Trying to fight while defying gravity causes a -1 penalty to attack rolls, increasing by another -1 for each attack till a maximum of -5. He can spend a full round to stabilize and start over at -1. The power lasts for 70 minutes.

- Dissolving Weapon (3 PP): Standard action. Your weapon causes 4d6 points of acid damage in a single successful attack. Augment: increase the damage by 1d6 for every 2 additional power points.

- Sonic Blast (3 PP): Swift action. Your weapon causes an additional +1d6 points of sonic damage in a single successful attack. If your target was hit and makes an attack on its turn, you can spend your psionic focus to make a free trip combat maneuver against him. This trip doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity and doesn’t knock you prone if you fail, but is affected by power resistance.

1st level psionic powers

- Inevitable Strike (1 PP): Swift action, you gain a +5 insight bonus to your next attack roll, if it’s made before the end of the next round, and ignore miss chance due to concealment. Augment: if used as a standard action, this power increases the bonus to +20; gain an extra +2 bonus for every additional power point spent. The total bonus cannot exceed +25.

- Offensive Prescience (1 PP): Standard action, gain a +2 insight bonus to your damage rolls. Lasts for 7 minutes. Augment: gain an extra +1 for every 3 additional power points spent; use it as a swift action if you spend 6 additional power points.

Aurelius is a hero, a champion of light and good. He’s an spokesperson for the Elan race, an example to shut down anyone who wonders about the mysterious origins of his people. He helps the needy, defends the weak and provides for the poor. As such a good guy, he doesn’t have much room left for personality, except for the eventual nervous tick or twitching of an eyelid due to built up stress. Feel free to explore this seeming hidden anger, but I don’t really see him blowing up, maybe being a little overtly aggressive against a particularly evil outsider or a construct with even less personality than him.

In combat he prefers to throw his shortspears at enemies, recovering them before the next round due to his psionic feat returning throw, eventually spending 2 power points as a free action to charge his deep crystal (since it’s free, I suppose he can charge both of them) weapons for +2d6 damage; if left with only one spear, he spends his focus to power Psionic Shot for another +2d6, gaining it back on the same turn as a move action and (probably, check with your GM) still enjoy the advantages of returning throw. Don’t forget to use inevitable strike a lot also, but if the enemy has low AC, Sonic Blast is a good alternative (both are swift actions).

Marksman character sheet for free!

Today I bring the first character and also leader of what I call “The Kitsune Gang”, a group of more or less evil doers bossed around by the NPC below, the kitsune onmyoji Motoko, or “Lady Kitsune”. I gathered five classes from 3rd party companies that deal with the theme of luck, chance, fortune, randomness, etc, and organized them into a coherent-ish posse that turned out quite fun to develop. This is also the beginning of the last leg of this particular thread, which will culminate into the previously mentioned pdf compilation.

Character on Google Docs

The Onmyoji: A Japanese Occult Diviner
Advanced Race Guide
Xp 4,800
Kitsune onmyoji 9
NE medium female humanoid (kitsune; shapechanger)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 dex, +1 deflection, +2 shield, +1 natural )
hp 47 (9d6+9)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +11
Speed 30 feet
Melee luck fighting fan +2 (1d4+2/x3), bite +4 (1d4)
Ranged needles +6 (1 piercing +1 bleed)
Spells prepared (CL 9th; concentration +9 )
Cantrips - Detect Magic, Light
Orisons - Mending, Guidance
Spirit Pool 13
Prayers known (12/day)
Byouki Heyu, Protection from Antipodes, Spirit Promoter, Foresight, Fukashi, Censured Warding, Enmusubi
Petitions known
Raijin’s Thunderclap (DC 18), Fujin’s Wake, Advice of Kuebiko, Militia of Spirits, On the Spring Breeze, Lucky Day
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 18
Base Atk +4, CMB +4, CMD 15
Feats Extra Prayer, Extra Petition x2, Ally of the Kami, Favored of the Great Kami (Militia of Spirits).
Skills Acrobatics +4, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist +5, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (geography) +3, Perception +10, Perform (odori dance) +6, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +5, Spellcraft +3, Swim +3, Use Magic Device +16.
Languages Common, Sylvan
Sq Change Shape, Fast Shifter
Combat gear potion of cure moderate wounds x3, wand of cure light wounds, wand of mage armor, wand of identify; Other gear Ring of Protection +1, +1 Blinding Light Wooden Shield, Luck Fighting Fan, Belt of incredible dexterity +2, Robe of needles, Headband of alluring charisma +2, Amulet of natural armor +1, Cloak of resistance +1, 707 gp.

Change Shape (Su) and Fast Shifter (Su)
A kitsune can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. Using this ability is a move action.

The onmyoji has a kami bound in an origami body at her service (see stats below). If destroyed, it can be replaced after 1 week, at a cost of 1,800 gp and a 8-hours ritual.

Aid of the Minor Kami
As long as the onmyoji is within 40 feet of her shikigami, she may use her cantrips and orisons at-will. She also gains the same benefits a familiar of the same type would give to her wizard.

Spirit Pool (Su)
The onmyoji has a point pool that can be used to activate her petitions and also do the following power-ups for her talismans, by spending 1 spirit point for each effect:

- Reach of the Spirits: swift action, increase her reach to place talismans by 45 feet, lasts for 1 round.

- Lingering Blessing: swift action, increases the duration of a talisman by 5 rounds. It must be within 60 feet of her.

- Iron Talismans: swift action, all talismans within 60 feet gain an additional +2 enhancement bonus to their hardness, lasts for 1 round.

- Spiritual Beacon: swift action, increase the radius of effect of a o-fuda talisman by 5 feet, for as long as the talisman lasts. It must be within 60 feet of her.

Talismans (Su)
12/day the onmyoji may write down a prayer into a talisman that lasts for 12 rounds and place it. They do not allow for saving throws, have a hardness of 3 and 27 hit points. And they come in two types:

- O-fuda: these must be placed in a solid unoccupied 5 ft square threatened by the onmyoji, as a standard action. Once there, it affects a 10 feet radius area around it and can’t be moved. Melee attacks against it are automatically successful, and ranged attacks target an AC of 9. They also take damage from area effects;

- Omamori: these must be placed in a creature threatened by the onmyoji as a standard action if the target is willing, or as a melee touch attack if unwilling - a failed attack provokes an attack of opportunity but does not consume a daily use of a talisman. Once there, they affect only the creature wearing it and can’t be removed. Melee attacks against an omamori talisman are automatically successful if the wearer wants it destroyed, if not, they are made against his touch AC +2. Ranged attacks are made against an AC of 9 if the wearer wants it destroyed, if not, they are made against his touch AC +2. They also take damage from area effects if their wearer rolls a natural 1 on his saving throw or intentionally fails it.


- Byouki Heyu: (O-fuda) all allies in the area of effect gain fast healing 2. (Omamori) User has fast healing 3.

- Censured Warding: (O-fuda) creatures that enter or begin their turn in the area of effect take 1d8+9 points of damage. (Omamori) None.

- Enmusubi: (O-fuda) whenever a creature attacks an ally due to a charm or compulsion, it may immediately roll another saving throw; if successful, that effect ends. (Omamori) Whenever the wearer is attacked by a creature because of a charm or compulsion, that creature may immediately roll another saving throw; if successful, that effect ends and both the wearer and the former aggressor gain a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for the duration of the talisman.

- Foresight: (O-fuda) +4 insight bonus to their next attack roll. (Omamori) +10 insight bonus to its next attack roll.

- Fukashi: (O-fuda) invisibility just like the spell. (Omamori) Invisibility just like the spell.

- Protection from Antipodes: (O-fuda) +3 deflection bonus to AC against creatures of opposing alignment on one or both axis. (Omamori) +3 deflection bonus to AC and +3 resistance bonus to saving throws against creatures of opposing alignment on one or both axis.

- Spirit Promoter: (O-fuda) none. (Omamori) gain 1 temporary spirit point, if capable of using a Spirit Pool.

Petitions (Su)

- Advice of Kuebiko (2 SP): casting of 1 round, summon the scarecrow god Kuebiko to ask for his advice about the short term results of one action in the next half an hour. He has four probable answers: good, bad, good and bad or nothing. This petition requires scented straw and clothing worth 25 gp.

- Fujin’s Wake (1 SP): standard action, all allies within 30 feet, lasts for 9 minutes. Gain a +15 enhancement bonus to base speed. If a target affected by this petition charges, it gains a +4 bonus to damage.

- Lucky Day (4 SP): casting of 1 minute, lasts for 24 hours or until used 3 times. As an immediate action, the onmyoji may reroll any d20 roll just made before the consequences of such roll are revealed. She has to use the result of the reroll, even if it’s worst than the original.

- Militia of Spirits (1 SP): casting of 1 round, summon an elemental (air, earth, fire or water) within 60 feet that lasts for 9 rounds and attacks the onmyoji’s opponents. She can summon either a large one, 2 medium or 3 small ones, of any of the elements above.

- On the Spring Breeze (1 SP): standard action, targets one willingly creature within 60 feet and lasts for 9 minutes. The subject is covered by a whirlwind of cherry blossoms and gains a fly speed of 40 feet with good maneuverability, leaving behind a trail of petals wherever he goes.

- Raijin’s Thunderclap (1 SP): standard action, one creature within 120 feet. Deal 9d4 points of electricity damage, with a Reflex save (DC 18) for half.

Xp -
Shikigami carp
N Small Construct
Init +2; Perception +7
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+1 size, +2 dex)
hp 42 (5d10)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Sq Hardness 3, Improved Evasion
Speed 20 feet, fly 30 feet (perfect)
Melee slam +4 (1d3-2) bite +4 (1d4-2)
Spirit Pool 7
Str 6, Dex 15, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Powerful Spirit, Friends in High Places (Militia of Spirits), Friends in High Places (Raijin’s Thunderclap)
Skills Fly +18, Perception +7, Stealth +12
Sq Powerful Bond, Share Talismans, Speak with Master

Linked Endurance (Su), Powerful Bond (Ex) and Share Talismans (Su)
If within 40 feet of his onmyoji, the shikigami gains hardness 3 and may place talismans just like her owner (except their duration, which is reduced to 8 rounds), consuming daily uses from the onmyoji.

Speak with Master (Ex)
The onmyoji and her shikigami can talk between themselves in a language others don’t comprehend without magical means.

Spirit Pool (Su)
The shikigami can enhance his talismans using a Spirit Pool, and also using the following petitions, due to his feat choices.

- Militia of Spirits (1 SP): casting of 1 round, summon an elemental (air, earth, fire or water) within 60 feet that lasts for 5 rounds and attacks the shikigami’s opponents. She can summon only a small elemental..

- Raijin’s Thunderclap (1 SP): standard action, one creature within 120 feet. Deal 5d4 points of electricity damage, with a Reflex save (DC 12) for half.


Motoko’s earliest memory is of a pinwheel. It escaped her hand while she was crossing a bridge in a carriage with her parents. She can’t remember exactly how, but she went after it, dodging screaming travelers and other vehicles. After catching up with it, she turned around and realized that most of the bridge had fallen apart, carrying her mother and father with it, down the river a hundred feet below, into a strong current.

She didn't feel sad or afraid, only stunned. What if that pinwheel hadn’t escaped her at that exact moment? How could her entire life depend entirely on a little paper toy?

Since then, she became obsessed with luck, chance, fortune, and how someone could control their own fate, and eventually it all. She’s using the inheritance her family left to collect magical and mundane artifacts (objects she calls god-touched, which happened to be important in a world-changing event, but have no magical aura at all), researches, papers, fables, rumors, anything.

At first she would go after them using buyers or participating in auctions; but criminal methods proved much simpler and efficient. In the underworld she’s known as Lady Kitsune, an employer of people of dubious means in her quest to acquire knowledge and evidence.

She can be used in a campaign as a seemingly benevolous NPC hiring the party to collect some worthless artifact, as an opponent trying to take away some odd object from the PC’s loot, as someone manipulating complex schemes from the shadows, and at later levels, I envision her performing some dangerous and potentially lethal to a lot of civilians ritual to try to acquire a form of godhood, specifically from the prophecy pantheon.

In battle, unless completely caught by surprise, both Tomoko and Carp will have mage armor on (not included in the stats above). She and her shikigami usually start out with Militia of Spirits, summoning different elementals (perhaps using that petition more than once in the same battle, if needed) and attacking from far away with Raijin’s Thunderclap. She is usually surrounded by nameless henchmen, whom she doesn’t quite care for - so she mostly reserves talismans for herself. She’ll never fight to the death, it goes completely against what she believes. So make sure to do everything possible to escape, including disappearing in a cloud of cherry petals that seem to blow away from the enemy, and/or using her shikigami as bait.

As part of her “luck” theme, she tries to speak with the scarecrow god Kuebiko everyday (I suppose she must envy him a lot) and also have Lucky Day always working, unless she’s preparing for a specially complicated situation, where her spirit pool would be more useful if unspent.

Although she prefers to employ random people in her schemes, Tomoko actually has a close group of companions, all belonging to a similar theme: a blue cartomancer servant, recruited during a raid in a goblin village; an ox clan enlightened scholar also obsessed with luck; a dhampir luckbringer chasing who or what destroyer her House; a suqur corbie that supervises all martial operations and is her oldest ally. They usually operate independently and hardly you’ll catch all five in the same place; if that happens, something big is about to go off.

Onmyoji character sheet for free!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Part 2 of 5 from the Kitsune Gang is here!

The cartomancer can choose between all its basic powers at the beginning of the day, but get a random (yet a bit controllable) way of using them; it also has a couple of subsystems and a ton of class specific feats. Paired up with all the “fate” themes, it's a perfect match for this group of villains. While not an obvious type of spell caster, he's definitely someone you would notice working his cards during combat, making enemies roll twice to attack, correcting an ally's missed roll, healing someone who has just been injured near to death, plus some direct attacks and other types of debuff.

Character on Google Docs

The Cartomancer: A Deckbuilding Diviner
Ultimate Psionics
Xp 2,400
Blue cartomancer 7
LE small male humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +1; Senses darkvision; Perception +12
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+1 size, +1 dex, +6 armor, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
Hp 37 (7d6+7)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +8
Speed 30 feet
Melee mwk morningstar +5 (1d6)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +6 (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks Tell Fortune 7/day
Fate Pool 9
Power Points 2
Portents prepared (CL 7th; concentration +11 ) DC 17
Greater - Hope
Lesser - The Dampening, The Klutz, The Poles, The Shock (DC 17)
Least - The Charmed, The Expert, Guilt (DC 17), The Hero, The Maiden, The Necromancer, The Needles (DC 17), The Pox, The Spark (DC 17), The Whispers (DC 17)
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 18
Base Atk +3, CMB +2, CMD 13
Feats Wild Talent, Always Another Option, Student of the Loom, Lucky Dealer, Shaper of the Present
Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, Perception +12, Ride +10, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +14; +1 to charisma based skills when dealing with goblinoids, -1 when dealing with other races
Languages Common, Goblin
Sq Seals (Seal of the Cups, Seal of the Swords)
Combat gear potion of cure moderate wounds x4; Other gear Headband of alluring charisma +2, Ioun Stone (incandescent blue sphere), +2 leather lamellar, mwk light crossbow, mwk morningstar, amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +1, Cloak of resistance +1, Riding Gecko, 147 gp

Repletion (Su)
Spend 1 power point to go without food or drink for 24 hours.

To do cartomancy you need either a regular deck of cards, or a tarot deck or to print the cards in the Cartomancer book.

At the beginning of the day, pick all the cards correspondent to your chosen portents (see below), and shuffle them. These are your “active deck”, the leftover ones are the “collection”. Keep the active deck turned down, so you can’t see what card is coming. Next, deal 4 cards from the top - these are your “hand”. Cards on your hand may be “played”, which casts the portent contained in the card.

Cards played as swift or immediate actions do not provoke attacks of opportunity; the ones played as move or standard actions do.

After a card is played it goes to your “discard pile”. If you played a greater portent, all your discarded lesser portents get shuffled back into the active deck; if you played a lesser portent, all the least portents get shuffled back into the active deck; if you played a least portent, it does nothing else.

You can replenish your hand by “drawing” one card from the top of your active deck as a move action - but you can’t have more than 4 cards in the hand at this point.

These are spell-like abilities of divine nature. They can be counterspelled by spells of the same school with the following equivalent level: 1st level spells for least portents, 2nd level spells for lesser portents, 4th level spells for greater portents. If the portent is countered, the effects of playing the card still work (the shuffling of discarded cards back into the active deck). They all have verbal and somatic components (telling a story while playing a card).

These are only 15 of the 54 portents of the cartomancer class. All of them are available to Lyvk already, but if you’d like to change anything you gotta buy the book!

- Least Portents

- The Charmed (Five of Hearts): necromancy school, swift action. The next time a creature attacks the cartomancer, it rolls twice and take the worst result. Lasts for 7 rounds or until used once.

- The Expert (Eight of Hearts): evocation, standard. One ally within 30 feet can request, as an immediate action, a +1 competence bonus to an attack roll or skill check, only if it has failed already. In case the bonus would change the result, it does so. Lasts for 7 rounds or until used once.

- Guilt (Ten of Hearts): necromancy, standard. A creature within 30 feet takes force damage equal to the base damage of his weapon whenever he attacks the cartomancer, with a Will save (DC 17) to negate. Lasts for 7 rounds.

- The Hero (Queen of Hearts): divination, swift. Targets one creature within 30 feet; the next time it attacks, it must roll twice and take the better result. Lasts for 7 rounds or until used once.

- The Maiden (King of Hearts): transmutation, standard. One target within 30 feet gains a 10 feet aura that grants a +1 luck bonus to AC to all its allies. Lasts for 3 rounds.

- The Necromancer (Four of Diamonds): necromancy, immediate. Grants 10 temporary hit points to a target within 30 feet that suffered damage in the previous round. They last for 7 rounds. If used on the cartomancer himself, it grants 14 temporary hit points instead.

- The Needles (Five of Diamonds): conjuration, standard. One target within 30 feet loses 5 feet of speed each time it moves, with a Reflex save (DC 17) to negate. If its speed is reduced to 0, it becomes helpless. Lasts for 7 rounds or until the subject is helpless for 1 round.

- The Pox (Seven of Diamonds): necromancy, standard. One target within 30 feet suffers 1 point of bleed damage whenever it takes damage, up to a maximum of 3 points of bleed. Lasts for 7 rounds, but bleeding can be stopped with a DC 15 Heal check or by any magical healing. Doesn’t work on creatures immune to critical hits or diseases.

- The Spark (Nine of Diamonds): evocation, standard. One target within 30 feet suffers 7d4 points of fire damage, with a Fortitude save (DC 17) for half. If the save fails, the target is also fatigued for 1d4 rounds. If the cartomancer casts a greater portent in the same round, the damage is 7d6 instead.

- The Whispers (Queen of Diamonds): enchantment, standard. One target within 30 feet is confused, with a Will save (DC 17) to negate. It may try a new save each round to end the effect, which otherwise lasts for 3 rounds.

- Lesser Portents

- The Dampening (Five of Clubs): abjuration school, standard action. The cartomancer chooses one school of magic when casting this portent; when a target within 30 feet would be affected by a spell of that school, it is instead countered. Lasts for 7 rounds.

- The Klutz (Eight of Clubs): transmutation, standard. One creature within 30 feet suffers damage equal to the base damage of its weapons whenever it misses an attack. Lasts for 7 rounds or until it lands a critical hit.

- The Poles (Nine of Clubs): divination, standard. When a target within 30 feet makes his next d20 roll, treat any odd number as a natural 1 and any even number as a natural 20. Lasts for 2 rounds.

- The Shock (Jack of Clubs): evocation, standard. One target within 30 feet suffers 7d4+7 points of force damage, with a Reflex save (DC 17) for half. If it dies due to this portent, all creatures within 10 feet take 7 points of damage.

- Greater Portent

- Hope (Ten of Spades): conjuration school, immediate action. A target within 30 feet that is below 0 hit points but still alive is healed for 7d8+7 points of damage.

Tell Fortune (Su)
The cartomancer may give a bonus or penalty to one target via his Tell Fortune ability, a process that requires one willingly participant (called a “mark”), including himself, any divination tool and 1 minute of time. Then he rolls a d20 and checks the result in the Tell Fortune Outcomes table .

The benefits or penalties (decided before the roll) last for 70 minutes. The cartomancer can use this ability 7/day, and a mark can only be affected by it once every 24 hours. When telling a fortune, the cartomancer may spend 2 uses of the ability and give the mark both results.

Fatespinning (Su)
The cartomancer has a pool of 9 fate points that can be used on their own or to power Seals (see below). Whenever he spends a fate point, he must roll on the Tell Fortune Outcomes table and apply the results on himself. Benefits last for 7 minutes, while penalties only 7 rounds.

The cartomancer can spend 1 fate point to do one of the following:

- play a card with a least portent as a move action, if he uses a lesser or greater portent in the same round;

- play a card with a lesser portent as a move action, if he uses a greater portent in the same round;

- draw a card as a swift action instead of a move action;

- reveal the top 3 cards of the active deck and put them back on top in any order he wants, as a standard action;

- when casting a least portent that targets one creature, have it affect one second target within 10 feet of the primary target.

Seals (Su)
Seals require the cartomancer spends fate points and discard one card, with results depending on the type of the portent it contained. This means a card goes from the hand to the discard pile, without casting a portent nor activating the typical shuffle of weaker cards.

If the cartomancer has 4 cards in his hand, the fate point cost of the seals is increased in 1.

- Seal of the Cups (1 fate point): swift action, the cartomancer gains temporary hit points for 1 round. Least: 8 temporary hit points; Lesser: 12 temporary hit points; Greater: 26 temporary hit points.

- Seal of the Swords (2 fate points): standard action, causes slashing damage to one creature within 30 feet, with a Reflex save (DC 16) for half. Least: 4d6 damage; Lesser: 7d6 damage; Greater: 42 points of damage.


Lyvk felt his consciousness returning as he was being dragged through the dirt, amidst the sounds of the dying massacre of his village.

- That’s just far enough, leave him there.

He opened his eyes to find the dreadful kitsune that lead the attack standing over him, examining his deck of cards, the exquisite pieces of art he had commissioned all those years ago. She seemed fascinated.

- I can’t sense any magic from these… but I saw you using them to strike down some of my mercenaries. Are they just a focus?

- They are a door… for the divine to manifest - he murmured, barely able to concentrate - they are attuned to myself.

Just a week before she had visited the village, with a small group of scary looking freaks, offering to purchase their most sacred relic, an ancient dogslicer used by a warlord who had supposedly slayed a demon. They had been turned down, insulted and attacked, but she left with a smile. Now he knew why.

- I see. They are worthless for everybody except you, I suppose - she said, tossing the deck on his chest, some cards hitting his face.

Then she grabbed the dogslicer from her belt, which he hadn’t noticed was there, and proceeded to stab him in the chest with it.

- If I move this relic another inch, I’ll pierce your heart. Now, I want you to stop me. Choose one of your “divine” cards, just one, and stop me before I kill you. Show me how powerful they can be.

They didn’t work like that. He couldn’t just grab any card and use it, there was a whole preparation before he could choose them... but she didn’t know that, and it might just save him. He picked the cards closer to his hand, chose one and made his bet.

He held out a card depicting two goblins connected by a chain.

- This is The Link. It connects life, it connects death. Where one goes, the other follows - he told her.

- This is your answer? Our fates are connected, if I kill you I’ll die as well? You think I wouldn’t dare.

She stared at him for a moment longer and removed the blade.

- GrAHaHAHahahaHAAHahahaHAHAa

He saw everything in her eyes at that moment: the insanity, the lust for power, the determination, the cruelness and the practicality. This monster would become a truly powerful force in the future, a menace to be feared and admired.

- Your kin slayed my previous aid earlier today. I want you to take his place as my personal servant. And I know you will.

- Yes, my lady - he declared, preparing himself for the inevitable chaos.

She seemed to focus elsewhere for a bit and he felt his wounds closing.

- Stay there until my talisman runs out of power, then grab your belongings. We have much to do yet.

Lyvk likes to even out his portents between support and damage dealing, and in battle he focus on protecting Motoko or any of her closer companions. If by himself, he’ll always have a small party of mercenaries as fodder and will only bother to deal damage and take care of himself.

He’d only face death to save his lady, hoping some of his allies would eventually raise him back. He’s the most likely member of the group to be found alongside another of them, and is actually the glue that keeps them together, acting as emissary and head planner for the more mundane aspects of the organization.

Cartomancer character sheet for free!

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I said I’d get here sooner or later. We’ve got another rebuilt Carrion Crown(-ish) NPC this time, utilizing the initiating ranger archetype from the new Path of War: Expanded.

Against my six players, straightforward combat types never last long, so I wanted to give him some initiating and an animal companion to boot! Though he’s part of my campaign, the Sheriff here (name & job changed to keep spoiler-safe) actually comes from Legendary Game’s excellent adventure, Feasting at Lanterngeist, which is intended to serve as a smoother transition from Broken Moon to Wake of the Watcher. If you’re planning on running the Carrion Crown AP, I must recommend the Gothic Campaign Compendium, which on top of this adventure, also contains new player options, monsters, expanded sanity rules as well as rules for surgeries, pregens, and a few other adventures to boot!

Character on Google Docs (Here There Be Spoilers)

101 Magical Weapon Properties
Core Rulebook
Feasting at Lanterngeist OR Gothic Campaign Compendium
Path of War
Path of War Expanded

Sheriff Rill Anders__________________________
XP 3,200
Human ranger (ambush hunter) 8
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +13
19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 68 (8d10+24)
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +4
30 ft.
Melee +1 keen selective scimitar +13/+8 (1d6+7/15-20) or
mwk handaxe +13/+8 (1d6+4/×3) or
+1 keen selective scimitar +11/+6 (1d6+5/15-20) and mwk handaxe +11/+6 (1d6+4/×3)
Ranged +1 composite longbow +12/+7 (1d8+5/×3)
Special Attacks ambush tactics, combat style (two-weapon combat)
Maneuvers Readied (IL 8th)
| | 3rd - raging hunter pounce
| | 2nd - flick of the wrist, sun dips low
| | 1st - pride movement
Stances Known (IL 8th)
| | 3rd - battle dragon’s stance
| | 1st - running hunter’s stance
18, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +8; CMB +12; CMD 25
Feats Double Slice, Endurance, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Point-Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Toughness, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills Acrobatics +12, Climb +15, Handle Animal +10, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (geography) +11, Knowledge (local) +8, Perception +13 (+18 in swamp terrains), Stealth +12 (+17 in swamp terrains), Survival +13, Swim +11
Languages Common
SQ favored terrains (swamp +4, water +2), martial companion (dog named Sourmane), pack savagery, swift tracker, track +4, wild empathy, woodland stride

Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds (2), potion of shield of faith +5; Other Gear stalking armor (swamp), +1 composite longbow (+4 Str), +1 keen selective scimitar, elf slaying arrow, human slaying arrow (2), monstrous humanoids slaying arrow, orc slaying arrow (2), arrows (10), masterwork handaxe, amulet of natural armor +1

Ambush Tactics (Ex) Whenever Rill or Sourmane attacks an enemy that’s flat-footed or flanked by each of them, that attacker gains +2 attack & damage to his strikes. Additionally, Rill and Sourmane both successfully attack the same creature in a round, he recovers one maneuver.

Martial Companion (Ex) As hunter’s bond with an animal companion, except Sourmane gains maneuvers. Sourmane doesn’t ready maneuvers, but initiates them by expending one of Rill’s readied maneuvers.

Pack Savagery (Ex) When Rill or Sourmane use a boost from Primal Fury or Golden Lion, they both gain the benefits. This occurs 1/round at maximum.

Selective This +2000 gp weapon enhancement, when using a critical hit or fumble deck or similar system, allows Rill to draw twice and choose one of the results with this weapon.

Rill knows seven maneuvers, but only has four readied. He always starts combats with all 4 of them available, and can recover them in three ways:

  • He may recover one maneuver as a standard action.
  • He may recover one maneuver through Ambush Tactics (see above).
  • As a full-round action, Rill grants himself and Sourmane Hide in Plain Sight for 1 round, they both make Stealth checks, and then each may move up to their speed without Stealth penalties. When finished, Rill regains 2 maneuvers.
There is no concentration needed when using maneuvers.
  • Flick of the wrist (Strike: Full-round action) Make two attacks at full BAB+2. If both successful, target is disarmed of their primary weapon. Thrashing Dragon discipline
  • Pride movement (Boost: Swift) Grant a move action to an ally, allowing them to move up to their base speed. Golden Lion discipline - Pack Savagery applies
  • Raging hunter pounce (Strike: Full-round action) Charge and make a full attack. All attack are against the same target, even if the target falls unconscious or dies. Primal Fury discipline
  • Sun dips low (Counter: Immediate) Oppose an enemy’s attack roll with an Acrobatics check - if successful, you evade the attack. Thrashing Dragon discipline.
Rill also knows the hunting party, offensive roll, and warning roar maneuvers.

Rill’s stances are activated as a swift action, and are always available. They last until a new stance is activated or a swift action is taken to end them.

  • Battle dragon’s stance: Reduce your two-weapon fighting penalties by two. +4 initiative, and +1d6+2 damage to attacks you make while two-weapon fighting.
  • Running hunter’s stance: Gain +10 enhancement bonus to land speed, and scent.

XP 3,200
Dog animal companion
N Medium animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 43 (5d8+20)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2
40 ft.
Melee bite +8 (1d6+6)
Special Attacks ambush tactics
Maneuvers Known (IL 8th)
| | 3rd - disparity blow
| | 2nd - bloody riposte, crippling strike
Stances Known (IL 8th)
| | 1st - stance of aggression
18, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 20 (24 vs. trip)
Feats Improved Natural Armor, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Acrobatics +3 (+11 to jump), Perception +5 Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Survival when tracking by scent
SQ pack savagery

Sourmane activates maneuvers by expending one of Rill’s, as detailed above. He only has access to the Primal Fury discipline.

  • Bloody riposte (Counter: Immediate) When struck in combat, make an counter attack that deals +2d6 damage.
  • Crippling strike (Strike: Standard) Single melee attack deals +2d6 damage and 1d3 bleed. DC 15 heal or a cure effect ends the bleed.
  • Disparity blow (Strike: Standard) Single melee attack deals +2d6 damage and, if successful, allows a free trip attack with a +4 circumstance bonus. This trip doesn’t provoke an AoO.
Sourmane’s stances work the same way as Rill’s.
  • Stance of aggression: -2 AC, +2d6 damage
**Spoiler:** BACKGROUND:
Byron, his real name, starts out as an ally of the PCs as they try to track down Sheriff Anders’s murderer, at the request of Illmarsh’s Mayor Greedle. However, Byron is indeed that killer, driven to madness by the slugspawn within him. As he compulsively kills his way to the local church to seek aid, the PCs catch up to him. He opens up with an appropriate slaying arrow before getting inside, drinks his potion of shield of faith, and he then coordinates maneuvers with Sourmane to keep melee combatants disarmed and spellcasters harried, flexing their mobility in doing so. Upon his death, his head explodes as he becomes a spawning canker - should Sourmane be conscious at this point, he flees and plays no part in the rest of the combat.

PS: Ragi, for your compilation PDF, you're welcome to include my statblocks if you desire. If not, well that works too. :-)

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