Ultimate Ethermagic (PFRPG) PDF

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PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER! ...itty bitty power pool!

A trio of "warlocks" for the Pathfinder generation!

It can be rather unsettling to learn that our infinite universe is but one of many, a miniscule dot on the roadmap of creation. These universes follow vastly different laws of physics and are prone to annihilating each other if they should ever touch. Though these events do happen, they are quite rare thanks to a weightless and almost completely elastic extrauniversal fluid known as the ether.

There are some puny and insignificant organic creatures who find themselves attuned to this background noise of the multiverse, this infinite source of energy that surrounds them and suffuses the void beyond the edge of everything. Finding they have the ability to communicate with the extrauniversal fluid and to draw from its raw, shapeless energy to do as they will, these ethermancers tend to fall into two camps. Some believe that the universe chose them to carry its greatest gift and use it to protect this tiny speck of creation. Others feel it is a perfect excuse to lord it over everyone. Given humanoid nature, the latter tends to be far more common.

Ultimate Ethermagic is part of Strange Magic, an upcoming hardcover book that will contain three newly-expanded magic systems: ethermagic, musical composition, and truename magic.

Ultimate Ethermagic takes equal parts Douglas Adams and H. P. Lovecraft to produce an “all day long” system of magic with a cosmic flavor. Spiritual successors to the warlock base class of the 3.5 days, the ethermagus, ethermancer, and etherslinger base classes seek to have improved playability by offering the ability to mix and match spell effects to make custom evocations on the fly. Whereas the warlock simply blasted, the ethermagician can ask, “How hard?”, and can even choose to be an interesting hybrid class rather than a pure-blooded caster.

Thanks to the advent of a rapidly-regenerating spell point pool, players must choose whether or not to spend more than they will regenerate next turn. Incredibly potent effects are indeed possible, but firing them off without a care in the world will reduce the player to single-target ranged touch attacks in a hurry!

Product Features:

  • Three base classes, the full-caster ethermancer, the melee ethermagus, and the cosmic firearms etherslinger
  • Eight archetypes, three of which, the healing etherfuser, the insane mad evangelist, and the stealthy void stalker, are complex enough to be new classes in their own right!
  • Favored Class options for all common races, as well as most featured races
  • Innovative spell point system allows for a spellcaster balanced like a martial class with the ability to “burst” like a classic spellcaster
  • Rules for detecting ethermagic, countering ethermagic, and qualifying for classic arcane spellcaster prestige classes as an ethermancer
  • 225+ spells, or “manifestations”, in six schools, or “etherhearts” spanning a 45-page spellbook
    • lesser blast – low cost, moderate damage evocation
    • greater blast – high cost, high damage evocation
    • alteration – defensive spells for self only
    • bestow – defensive and offensive spells for anyone but the caster
    • genesis – permanent creation of objects from pure energy
    • voidmeld - on-the-fly weapon enhancement
  • Greater manifestations system allows an ethermagician to retard lateral growth in exchange for massive once-per-day effects, including one spell so modular that it takes up three full pages all on its own (and is supported by 3 of the book's 39 feats)!
  • 39 feats
  • Complete nested bookmarking, including all sidebars and tables

*While supplies last.
**You may purchase one item for each Ultimate Ethermagic (PFRPG) PDF ordered.

Note: You must have purchased one The Ethermancer: An Eldritch Reboot (PFRPG) PDF~ before for each Ultimate Ethermagic (PFRPG) PDF you wish to purchase.

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I love this book of cosmic power!


I supported the Strange Magic kickstarter a while ago, when I saw that it was going to include Ethermagic. I always enjoy 3rd party content for Pathfinder RPG. This was no different. When I saw the updates about the pdfs being finished for each section and that the supporters can go and download them, I was intrigued. I downloaded just Ultimate Ethermagic just to see what I was getting in this new book when it comes out.

I was not disappointed at all. It is 94 pages long! Holy crap! That is 47 double sided printed pages. I am glad that the inside of the document is only black and white, with a color cover, because this would be hard to print out if it was all in color. I understand color is awesome, but I was not disappointed in the black and white art inside.

I read the entire thing, and WOW, this supplement (which is only 1/3 of the entire book) is amazing!

I don’t intend on going into as much details at Endzeitgeist did in his review (a very comprehensive review), but I will give you what I thought was really fantastic, and what could have been a little better.

Ethermagic is a renewable unlimited source of cosmic power that these three new classes can manipulate for their own benefits.

The 3 classes are:

1. Ethermagus (an adventurer who uses voidmeld Ethermagic to create melee weapons)

2. Ethermancer (an adventurer who can utilize Ethermagic in the largest of variety of ways to best assist them. They mostly utilize Ethermagic to support their unique form of spellcasting)

3. Etherslinger (an adventurer who uses Ethermagic in conjunction with enhanced firearms to become one bad ass ranged weapon specialist)

There are archetypes for the Ethermagus and the Ethermancer, but no archetypes for the Etherslinger. BOO. After reading all the cool archetypes for both of the other classes, I was a little disappointed not even to see one for the etherslinger.

After all 3 classes and archetypes, came a section on feats for all 3 classes. I kept saying to myself, reading the classes, I bet the feats are going to be good, and they are. I liked that all 3 classes got feats that support them.

Next came up manifestations and greater manifestations. Manifestations are things that alter the effect that the class is trying to utilize. Think of the manifestations like the condiments to any sandwich. They just make the sandwich much better. I guess I never got into the mechanics of the classes (again, because Endzeitgeist describes this much better), but each class gets a number of points to support their abilities. These points regenerate each turn. These Ether points also are needed to add on the manifestations.

Lastly the Greater manifestations are AMAZING. I would only allow them for the Ethermancer. They are super powerful and I love them. The Ethermancer has to give up an ability that he gets multiple times during the 20th level progression to get one of these. Clockwork Universe is so cool. It is unique, and different and I would love to see it utilized in play. I think it provokes such cool imagery.

I loved Ultimate Ethermagic. Three unique classes, with a variety of ways that they can be played. I do wish the Etherslinger got at least 1 or 2 archetypes, but that is a minor detail. The only other thing that I can criticize is that these classes are complex in the details. I am not sure that a novice player could understand all of the multifaceted things that these classes can do. I kept thinking, as I read these, that if any of my players wanted to try one of the classes, I would suggest to them to have different color notecards that they can write their main abilities on, and plain white ones to write their manifestations on. This would simplify the need to keep going back to reference the pdf and see what the ability does, and trying to minimize slowing down the game.

Side note: I am getting the Giant slayer adventure path and I was wondering how a party of adventurers using Ethermagic and other 3rd party classes would fare Against the Giants?

I rate Ultimate Ethermagic 5 out of 5 stars.

An Endzeitgeist.com review


This massive book clocks in at 94 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial/ToC, 1 page SRD, leaving us with a massive 91 pages of content, so let's...wait. First, here's my

DISCLAIMER: I have a history with ethermagic. When Bradley Crouch first made the ethermancer, I was skeptical - another warlock-style "blast all day"-class? Urgh. In my experience, they boiled down to inflexible blasters that at the same time made logic for the very existence of bows et al. tenuous at best, were utterly OP OR resulted in plain boring gameplay. Upon diving into the class, I realized two things - a), it is a complex class indeed and b), I'd have to playtest it to properly judge it. And oh boy, did it playtest well! One of my players fell totally in love with the class and wrote an optimization guide for it. The only reason I did not completely gush about it was the existence of quite a few options that did not make much sense for the ethermancer. Fast forward to the Strange Magic Kickstarter, of which this is the first release. At this point, I had seen half a year of ethermancer in action in my main campaign and started tinkering with the system to expand it. When Bradley asked me to join the KS as a guest author alongside Jason Linker, I jumped the chance. I feel obliged to mention that I was compensated for my work on this book. However, there are significant bunches of content I had no hand in whatsoever. Additionally, I have before criticized products I contributed to and thus, will do my best to analyze, break, etc. this system, just like in all my other reviews. I felt obliged to mention this and should you consider my involvement a conflict of interest, feel free to tell me so - I am confident, however, that analysis of this book will suffice to prove the validity of the points I make in this review.

All right, that out of the way, let's dive in! If you are familiar with the basic ethermancer, you'll be surprised to see that the first class herein is NOT the old one, but rather Jason Linker's Ethermagus. But before I jump into the meat of the 3 classes, let me explain how ethermagic works, all right?

Ethermagic can be explained as pricking a whole into the fabric of reality, channeling the very stuff that separates planes and realities in a unique manner - the ability to channel this power is measured in etherpoints, or EP - so far, so common. However, unlike many similar resources, EP regenerate each round, depending on the formula of the respective base class. The EP regeneration rate is also featured for convenience's sake in the respective class-feature-tables. Ethermagic is generally treated as evocation magic and tight rules for counterspelling ethermagic are provided - though regular caster should be advised not to try to outcast an ethercaster. Additionally, much like spells, manifestations are grouped by level - the higher your level, the higher the level of manifestation you may learn. Wait, what? Manifestations? Well, yes. Etherspells have two components - the etherheart and the manifestations applied to it. Etherhearts are gained at specific levels in the class progression and allow the respective class to do different things - think about them as a chassis, to which manifestations can be applied. To use a manifestation, an ether-using class needs to have at least a cha of 10+manifestation-level and the save DC is 10+highest manifestation level used + charisma modifier, analogue to spells. However, not all etherhearts become available to all classes. Let me give you a run-down:

The most basic of etherhearts would be the lesser blasts - these have a close range and constitute touch attack rays that deal 1d3+cha-mod bludgeoning damage, +1d3 for every caster level beyond 1st for the ethermancer. Ethermagi and etherslingers have significantly less scaling at 1/2 and 1/4 class level respectively. Up to 3 manifestations can be applied to them and there is no minimum number of manifestations.

Greater blasts, exclusively available to the ethermancer, have the same range, but deal 1d10+cha-mod damage, +1d10 for every 2 caster levels beyond the first. Like its lesser brother, a total of 3 manifestations can be added and there is no minimum number of manifestations.

A further, pretty basic etherheart available to all ethermagic users would be the alteration etherheart - this can be considered the utility/defense etherheart with a range of personal and a duration of 1 min/level. Duration deserves special mention here - with the exception of one etherheart, etherspells cannot be dismissed. Additionally, alterations can be modified by exactly one manifestation and only one alteration can be in effect at a given time.

The Bestow etherheart would in effect be similar to the alteration etherheart in that it sports a duration, requires exactly one manifestation to be added to it, but unlike alteration, bestow etherhearts in effect reduce the maximum EP-pool for as long they persist - essentially, the EP used in maintaining the etherspell are only regenerated once the etherspell has run its course. Unlike alteration etherspells, those cast via the bestow etherheart need to be delivered via a touch attack and cannot be targeted at the ethermagic-using class.

The Genesis etherheart, available for ethermancer and etherslinger, conjures objects out of thin ether - once again, exactly one manifestation can be added to the etherheart. The effect is permanent, as long as the object remains within close proximity of its creator, however, like bestow effects, EP remain reduced for as long as the genesis etherspell exists. Unlike any other etherheart, a genesis etherspell can be dismissed at any given time.

The ethermagus' exclusive etherheart, Voidmeld, also has a personal range and applies to the void blade of the ethermagus (more on that later). It also reduces the ethermagus' maximum EP analogue to Bestow for as long as it persists, but unlike it, voidmeld etherspells can be dismissed by dismissing the void blade upon which they're cast. Unlike all other etherhearts, voidmeld etherspells have a base casting time of only a swift action, as opposed to the default standard action. (Which can be superseded by manifestations applied - only the highest casting duration counts.) Another peculiarity of the voidmeld etherheart would be the fact that one may apply as many manifestations as one likes, provided the total of their combined levels remains below the highest manifestation level the ethermagus knows. Once again, only one voidmeld can be in effect at a given time.

You may have noticed that obviously, etherspells seem to scale with levels and this is reflected in their cost - to cast an alteration etherspell, for example, one has to pay the base cost of the etherheart, plus the EP-cost of the manifestation applied. The base EP-costs of the etherhearts scale with levels - in the case of alteration, the base cost would be 1+ 1/4 caster level, rounded down. There is one more restriction imposed on ethermagic - you cannot learn more manifestations for a given etherheart than you have at a lower level - if you for example know 2 3rd level blast manifestations, you can't learn another manifestation unless you have at least 3 2nd level blast manifestations - think of it as a pyramid rule for each etherheart.

While all of this may sound complex (and the math behind it *is* complex, believe me...), it's really easy to understand once you wrap your head around it - whether by a manabar or pool or by cooldown timers, the ways to visualize the system are plentiful.

Okay, before I go into the basics of manifestations, let's take a look at all the classes and goodies herein, all right?

The ethermagus comes with a 3/4 BAB-progression, good fort and will-saves, d8, 4+Int skills per level, proficiency with simple weapons and light armor (and no spell failure chance in light armor), a maximum manifestation level of 5 and an ether regeneration rate that scales up from 1 EP per round to 7 at 20th level. An ethermagus has access to the voidmeld etherheart at 1st level, learns the lesser blast etherheart at 2nd level and the alteration etherheart at 5th level. Ethermagi learn up to 12 voidmeld manifestations, 13 lesser blast manifestations and 9 alteration manifestations over the course of their 20-level progression. At 10th level, lesser blasts executed by the ethermagus receive a damage-bonus equal to 1/2 class level.

Additionally, starting at 1st level, ethermagi can manifest void blades drawn from the ether - these can be either light or medium one-handed weapons that deal either slashing or piercing damage, chosen upon the manifestation of the blade. The entry also features information on hardness and hit points. Starting at 4th level, all void blades receive a +1 enhancement bonus, +1 every 4 levels thereafter and at 11th and 20th level, their damage dice increase by one step. At 7th level, the void blade receives the defending quality and at 9th level, the ethermagus may expend 3 EP to temporarily entangle targets hit by your blade.

At 2nd level, ethermagi may execute so-called etherstrikes, delivering lesser blast etherspells with their void blade analogue to spellstrike - and yes, the wording gets it right. At 3rd level, the ethermagus can regain 1 EP whenever he reduces a target creature of at least 1/2 class level HD to 0 HP or below via an attack with the void blade or a lesser blast etherspell. Particularly interesting, at 11th level, the improved ether surge allows for the addition of one non-stacking additional non-shape manifestation to the next lesser blast he executes.

At 5th level, the thoroughly solid ether variant of spellcombat (sans concentration penalty-ambiguity!) is gained. At higher levels, the ethermagus additionally receives a bonus to concentration checks made in ether combat and at high levels, double the opted penalty is received as a bonus instead.

Continuous exposure to ether hardens the ethermagus' musculature and thus, the class receives a +2 bonus to one physical attribute at 13th level, another +2 to a score not chosen at 13th level at 17th and at 15th level, the ethermagus may 1/day knock a foe prone and pin the foe; +1/day at 20th level, where this can also be executed with blasts. A decompressing shock can be used with EP to end this prone condition/pinning, but deal nasty damage. The capstone, beyond aforementioned effects, can now also be shaped and create/dismiss the void blade as a swift action.

The class comes with excessive FCOs for core races, plane-touched races, puddlings, orcs, hobgoblins, drow, kobolds, vishkanya, kitsune and vanara.

Kickstarter backer Mathew Duckwitz has sponsored the Mad Evangelst archetype, who replaces spellcombat and its follow-up abilities with a metamorphosis pool of class level + cha-mod. Upon slaying targets, the mad evangelist may expend metamorphosis points equal to the slain creature's HD to revive it as a zombie under the control of the evangelist after creature's HD rounds. To maintain the revived creature, the evangelist has to spend the points again upon their regeneration, essentially making this a kind of minion pool. At 3rd level, these revived creatures may be modified at metamorphosis pool cost via an array of so-called "Aspects of the Master" - an array of options that becomes expanded at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter by +1 aspect. Some of these aspects have the [variant] descriptor, denoting that only one such piece can be applied to a given zombie - somewhat akin to tinker designs.

From touchy cilia to flanking prevention sores, applying various templates (aforementioned variants) and similar tricks, the aspects allow for some damn cool modifications...and they have rather cool synergy with the base class - think of it as a cooler version of the Battlefield Defiler archetype for the magus, with truly unique, customizable zombies.

Instead of aberrant musculature and bonus feats, the evangelist also may choose from an array of gifts from beyond - from developing a vast plethora of eyes, to fast healing and even an ether powered gaze attack, these gifts are pretty damn awesome - mostly due to simply not being boring - want an example? Well, fast healing sounds bland, right? Well, this kind of fast healing can be activated reflexively to e.g. survive the effects of being vorpal'd as a severed head - if the head is healed to max HP within one minute, it regrows the body and is fine; Otherwise it dies - now come on, is that a unique, cool last-second save mechanism or what? Or what about a whippy tentacle that can be used to deliver voidmeld manifestations as an exception to the void blade only rule? Yeah, pretty awesome! Also rather interesting from a mechanical standpoint - at 14th level, the mad evangelist becomes immune to either fear, disease or poison - but at the cost of susceptibility to the other two!

The second archetype would be the Void Stalker, essentially a more roguish ethermagus with increases skills per level. In addition to light and medium weapons, these guys may select double weapons as void blades and receives sneak attack at 2nd level, +1d6 every 3 levels thereafter, but pay for these tricks with the lesser blast ether heart, etherstrike and ethercombat. Rather cool - they can dim the lights (at the cost of 1 EP per round and no ether regeneration), greatly boosting stealth and even providing a miss chance at higher levels instead of ethersurge. The void stalker also receives a rogue talent at 4th level (advanced talents at 13th level) and every 3 levels thereafter, but may not choose the same talent twice and cannot select ninja tricks, but pays for this flexibility with the alteration etherheart - which is good, since the combo-potential would have been pretty insane - but don't fret: The iconic ultraviolet shift is gained at 10th level (in a unique modification with reduced costs, analogue to the stealth-enhancer mentioned above) and uncanny dodge, evasion etc. should help get over the absence of this etherheart. The vorpal capstone is also nice.

Next up hereafter would be the voidstar - instead of a voidblade, 3+1/2 class level void star shuriken constitute the targets of the voidmelds of this archetype and receives an increased limit of voidmeld manifestations to apply to these shurikens, scaling up to +3 at 13th level. Instead of etherstrike, 5th level grants the ability to treat said stars as either silver, cold iron or adamantine for the purpose of bypassing DR and instead of void shield, this one receives keen shuriken - while this looks nasty on paper, the math checks out - nice, kind of ninja-ish/halfling-ish throwing specialist.

Ethermancers are the full casters of the bunch and since I have already written a more than excessive review on them AND already explained the basics of ethermagic, I will refrain from going through this guy in detail - though it should be noted that the previously somewhat uneven multiuniversal philosophies (the taking of which also determines the capstone!) have been streamlined and expanded - limited x/day reduction of EP-costs for bestow etherspells, increased raw damage output for less- or unmodified greater blasts, resistance reduction - these class features have been upgraded from "well, that exists, too" to cool enhancers that can be used to increase the effectiveness of various playstyles - increased hit points, limited instant EP-regeneration equal to cha-mod etc. - so much choices and by now, they're actually pretty hard and diverse, eliminating one of my gripes with the original iteration of the class. A fortification-like scaling effect and a 1 immune, 2 susceptible choice is still in the ring. The FCOs are more diverse than before as well!

Part II of the epic review ca be found as post #7 in the product discussion. See you there!

Webstore Gninja Minion

Now available!

Thanks a bunch!

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


So anyone have a chance to take a look at it? How much new stuff do we get? How neat is it? Can I create an ethermagic formed monstrosity that violates the laws of man and gods?

Sure, let me break that down for you, Gharlane.

New content


Ethermagus base class by Jason Linker
Etherslinger base class by Endzeitgeist


Mad evangelist - think "melee pale master"; kill living creatures and raise them with a point pool with tentacles and other mutations as your "congregation"
Void stalker - think "assassin with a customizable magic sword"
Voidstar - Summon customizable throwing stars

Etherfuser - Healer archetype with over a dozen abilities that follow the "lay on hands" and "mercy" logic. Spend points on abilities, then dump more points to add cool modifiers. Very proud of this one.
Herald of Creation - Alteration and genesis specialist
Herald of Madness - Bestow and mutations specialist
Herald of the Void - Greater manifestations specialist
Interstitial Philosopher - Bonus feats, but inability to stack multiuniversal philosophies


Close to half the feat list is new content.


Revamp to existing manifestations.
Alteration and blast have had modest, but strategic, additions.
Bestow and genesis have each been nearly doubled in count. Bestow now has a number of heavy offensive tools, while genesis has had a bunch of "in-combat support" abilities added.
New ethermagus-exclusive Voidmeld etherheart introduces around 40 manifestations.

Greater Manifestations:

About half a dozen new greater manifestations, including cool summoning effects and 50% more content for the ever-excessive clockwork universe greater manifestation. Clockwork universe all on its own is 3 pages of solid text!


Ethermancer - 34 pages
Ultimate Ethermagic 94 pages

gharlane wrote:
So anyone have a chance to take a look at it? How much new stuff do we get? How neat is it? Can I create an ethermagic formed monstrosity that violates the laws of man and gods?

And as for the last question, there are three good ways to make your monstrosity. Good luck discovering them all!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Part II of my review:

Kickstarter backer Alexander W. Corrin has granted us the etherfuser, a class that can generate a fusion pool by reducing the maximum EP available on a point by point basis, allowing you to essentially trade the regenerating EP for the non-regenerating FP in the form of ether jelly. This gooey stuff can be used to create etherfusions that are treated as etherspells of the highest manifestation level known with a range of 30 ft., etc., but unlike etherspells, they scale with levels in an additional way - they unlock modifiers over the levels. The fusion that nets temporary hit points on a round by round basis can thus e.g. be increased to provide more every round and/or also net minor DR. What about curing ability damage and freely diving the points cured among damaged attributes? Defense buffs? Setting targets on fire?

Well, things get better - the archetype receives a unique, FP-enhancing philosophy (accessible only via a feat, alas - the general class feature is not gained!) AND learns a variant of lay on hands powered by ether jelly AND even the option to learn mercies (and duplicate the effects of cruelties via an etherfusion...), modifying even extra mercy et al. to properly work with this unique new take on healing. Essentially, these guys are ethermancers that can spontaneously reduce their pool to provide healing for their allies - damn cool concept and glorious execution!

Next up would be the Herald of Creation, essentially a specialist of alteration and genesis etherhearts, complete with increased EP-regeneration while under the effects of alterations, 2 unique multiuniversal philosophies (one of which allows for alteration-blankets at increased costs a limited amount of times per day) and thus also two new capstones - essentially the first of what I'd call specialist-archetypes. The second would be the Herald of Madness, who receives access to gifts from beyond, with some overlap with aforementioned mad evangelist, but also quite an array of exclusive gifts that help the different playstyle - hanging on walls, better touch attacks - rather cool options, including a +2d4 initiative boost, which may see you staggered on a roll of twice the same number - rather nice gamble! The archetype receives an exclusive philosophy for more gifts, the option to lace his bestow etherspells with confusion effects, but also makes the spell mind-affecting. Then again, bestowing is so much easier with a handy tentacle growing from your body... Oh, and the capstone has a confusion-causing aura as well as an aberration apotheosis. The final Herald would be the Herald of the Void, who is a specialist of greater manifestations -but more on that system later. The interstitial philosopher then would be an ethermancer who forgoes greater blasts, aberrant physiology and aberrant form in favor of more multiuniversal philosophies and feats for massive flexibility.

The third base-class in the book would be mine, the Etherslinger, so let me explain to you the basics of the class - essentially, I noticed that gunslingers don't play particularly versatile or interesting. I love a bunch of the design decisions of the class to death, but especially in low powered campaigns and low levels, the action economy penalty, the costly ammunition, the inability to use guns with stealth - all these conspired to make the class less interesting than it should be. On a design perspective, at high levels full BAB touch at close range makes hitting ridiculously easy and the auto-granted deeds, while cool, do not allow for much customization - per default rules, there's not much variety between gunslingers. This class is designed to get rid of all of that and more. The class thus receives d8, 3/4 BAB-progression, 4+Int skills, proficiency with simple weapons and firearms and light armors and bucklers, the latter sans spell failure. Etherslingers receive class level + cha-mod EP and EP-regeneration equal to 1/3 class level, rounded up. The etherslinger's caster level is equal to 3/4 her class level. Her blasts only scale up every 4 levels, but has no etherheart at 1st level - so what does she do with the EP? Well, the class receives a linear set of base abilities called etherslinging that improves in a linear way over the levels - up to cha-mod EP can be spent per round in etherslinging abilities. These allow the etherslinger to expend EP for skill-bonuses, bonuses to her next attack...and more importantly, make the use of firearms more versatile. How?

Well, first of all, the etherslinger can repair her starting gun with ether clear as an EP-costing standard action - no more "damn, I botched, now my gun is done for the battle"-crap. (Oh, and it can be further hastened by also expending grit - more on that later!) Additionally, the etherslinger may stabilize the gun to decrease misfire rates. Now at 3rd level, the etherslinger may directly generate etherbullets and propellant in her gun - these do not cost anything! No more annoyed eye-rolling at the slinger for the expensive ammunition and bullets. These ephemeral bullets, though, at least at low levels, dissipate beyond the second range increment, thus not invalidating regular bullets. At 9th level, they increase their range and at 17th level, proper sniping with these bullets becomes possible. Better yet, the action-type required to reload them can be lessened by the expenditure of EP and grit and at higher levels, free action reloads can be executed. Have I mentioned the ability to select damage types at higher levels, including elemental damage-types starting 13th level? Additionally, the etherslinging allows you to treat your guns as if they had an increased capacity for etherbullets - capacity +1 at 5th level, +2 at 15th level.

An etherslinger also receives a grit pool of up to wis-mod points of grit that follow the usual rules, but do not apply to deeds - instead, the etherslinger, beyond the ways to expend grit via etherslinging, has several unique tricks that require at least one grit or that require the expenditure of grit. Speaking of which - while the etherslinger needs guns to cast etherspells (now that's gun-obsession for you...), the class can also gaze 1/day as an immediate action at her gun to regain 1 grit, +1/day at 10th and 20th level. So, instead of grit, etherslingers receive etherslinger talents - one at 2nd level, +1 for every 2 class level after the 2nd. These talents range from passive gains of abilities while she has a minimum amount of grit available to special, active tricks that let her combine the casting (or duration-extension) of an alteration manifestation with a ranged firearm attack. What about shooting targets with the firearm and transporting the otherwise woefully short-ranged bestow etherspells to the target? Beyond that, there are quite a few unique things this class can do: What about shooting haunts and determining their destruction conditions? Making your guns water-proof and functional for that underwater adventure you've been dreading? Wrapping allies in bestow effects while you put bullet holes into the opposition and spontaneous doppler dodges? Etherslingers can also cushion their own fall by shooting at the ground, cause misfires of opponents? I also made a couple of Lucky Luke-talents that allow the etherslinger especially fast draws of the weapon, particularly compelling for those planning a lot of ambushes.

Slightly increased damage output for blasts, using grit to temporarily boost your EP-regeneration rate provide a distinct array of options and builds. A pet-peeve of mine can also be eliminated - know how a firearm-user on board wrecks any infiltration? Well, talents for the etherslinger allow them to actually participate in scenarios like that, silencing their bullets - yes, these guys can go full-blown hitman with magical silencer! Like those movies or books, where special ammunition is prepared? Well, etherslingers can do just that - against creature types and even specific creatures, with increased damage output. The cost for stabilizing guns can also be permanently reduced by talents and causing flashes of light, ricochets and the like do sound like fun don't they? Indeed, the class can also learn to treat the target of the firearm as the origin of an etherspell (relevant for shaped blasts). But, as you may have noticed, the class is not primarily about damage output - it's about terrain control, versatility and non-crippling firearm use and both the blasts as well as the talents support that - but I have failed to mention so far the exceedingly cool option to shoot bullets into unoccupied squares, creating essentially Schrödinger's bullets - as soon as a hapless fool steps in the square, the bullet is unleashed, allowing you to generate either short-lived traps or, if you choose to select a couple of talents, energy-damage dealing minefields. In playtest, mining dungeon corridors for escape or for holding positions proved to be ample fun indeed, not to speak of the nasty ambushes you can make with these short-lived pocket-dimension bullet-mines. High-level etherslingers may also destabilize their guns, increasing misfire and critical threat range and yes, making ether facsimiles of her gun is not beyond the capacities of the etherslinger - nasty surprise for those bandits that caught and disarmed all of you...

Oh, and then there are the capstone talents...what about e.g. the one that lets the etherslinger know when an intelligent creature willingly utters here name and means her, allowing her to teleport to the target? Yeah, there are quite a few of tricks like that here...have I mentioned that the class receives access to all non-class-exclusive etherhearts? Now I know this may look very powerful on paper, but MAD, small power pool, etc. result in a balanced overall contribution - most importantly, though, one that is versatile and fun. I am extremely proud of this class and I guarantee it's playing style is much more rewarding if you prefer variety over repetition and a certain level of complexity and tinkering.

One final note for the WuXia-aficionados - yes, there is a feat in here that grants you a grit-powered ki-pool (and the option to spend that ki on spontaneous bonuses to AC), opening quite an avenue of even further tricks if you want to use books like "Heroes of the Jade Oath", "Dragon Tiger Ox", etc.

(Feel free to tell me about your etherslinger's exploits via endzeitgeist.com's contact tab - I'd love to hear how my baby is doing out there! One last piece of advice - stay out of melee...)

We also receive a whole slew of new feats, which have since the original ethermancer-pdf's inception been redesigned and vastly expanded - from vastly improved base-feats to glorious feats that allow etherslingers to gain a small time-manipulation genesis manifestation to changing voidblade damage to your etherstrike etehrspell's energy type, the vast array of feats allows for some damn cool combinations indeed - including casting a limited array of alterations as spell-like abilities a couple of times per day!

Now the manifestations - oh boy! Not only are there * a lot*, they also are exceedingly flexible, from temporary EP to energy-damage buffers to reflexive damage and even tricks to convert energy damage into ether - the amount of fine-tuned and expanded alterations is awesome to see, especially since the choices that before were sub-par for the ethermancer now definitely work well for the ethermagus and etherslinger!

It should also be noted that especially alteration and bestow have received quite an array of damn cool options, many of which could be considered exceedingly interesting - what about e.g. making the target a conduit for madness - potentially spreading confusion to those nearby? Or what about trapping a target creature in dream combat with a deadly shadow of the subject's mind's own making? What about becoming a haste-like hyperspace beacon that can extend its benefits to the closest ally? What about linking two creatures with quantum indeterminacy, allowing them to swap places? Ever wanted to enable your allies to blast foes as with batteries of comets? Yup, now you can! Or what about making your allies into laser batteries that pummel foes with potentially blinding rays of light? The heretofore rather underrepresented greater blasts by now have a whole array of unique manifestations that can only be added to them. What about e.g. bouncing blasts? Yeah - damn cool. Speaking of which - genesis has also seen quite an array of new, cool options. Take e.g. the option to generate an anti-gravity (or gravity) well or making a blade with a stored blast etherspell inside? (And yes, the well allows you to use the rope of teh well to pull buckets of gravity from it...I laughed so hard when I read that...) Or perhaps you fancy a sand-filled hourglass wristband that allows you to increase your actions, but have time take its toll thereafter - pretty cool! Speaking of which - making ephemeral copies of objects can be quite helpful when playing investigation-heavy scenarios. Or how about making a book of ether that stores your knowledge-skill for you, allowing others to benefit from it, but at the cost of not having the knowledge available for yourself? What about a short-range beacon to which to teleport back to?

The voidmeld etherheart, completely new, has a vast array of new tricks at your disposal - from fishing crits to power lesser blasts to breaking the +5 enchantment limit (and yes, the math checks out and is NOT broken) and receiving a non-kitten-able hit-healing trick are part of the deal. And you know you always wanted to hit something with the force of a black hole's event horizon...right?

Now I mentioned Greater Manifestations - these are an optional system you may elect to ignore, but in my opinion shouldn't - two options are provided: 1) An ethermancer may lose a manifestation and a multiuniversal philosophy slot to learn one of these. Option 2) opens them for all classes, including ethermagus/slinger via a feat - whether you allow limited access, full access or none - all left in your hands -and that is awesome. Greater manifestations can be cast 1/day and essentially constitute the true "OMG, did you see that?" hard insta-death, crowd-control etc. tricks - 5 feats can be taken to enhance them/learn them and yes, the aforementioned multiuniversal philosophy also comes with an apotheosis. And greater manifestations are damn powerful -reducing the next etherspell's cost to 0? Yep. Black Hole? Check. But the very cake is taken the new and advanced Clockwork Universe: You choose a sun and planets that provide varying passive and active effects as you craft a miniature galaxy - and yes, inhabited planets in this galaxy may send forth motherships to destroy your enemies whenever one other satellite in your clockwork universe is destroyed or consumed by throwing it at your foes. Oh, and, of course, desert planets (one of the various additions to this already brilliant manifestation) have especially high capacities for mother ships...Have I mentioned moon bases and their capacity to fire teeny-tiny-planet-cracker missiles at your foes? This massive greater manifestation was a beauty before - now it is just one gigantic, splendid piece of awesomeness. Insta-kills, maximized numeric effects - don't get me wrong, I love the other manifestations, but this one is just too cool. What about erasing all energy-affinity from a creature? Speaking of which: HAMSTER BALL OF DEATH. Okay, It's called Firmament, is made of crystal and protects you from just about every damage, but it also allows for particularly devastating charges, hamsterball style. I *love* it! And yes, +3 manifestations for utterly massive blasts can also be chosen, as well as granting allies a taste of ether magic and a small, temporary pool. Oh, and yes, one may even resurrect creatures thanks to the powers of white holes!


Editing and formatting were top-notch even before I went over it and by now, all potentially game-glitch issues are gone and wording should be fitting- at least I found none. Layout adheres to a damn cool, unique, 2-column b/w-standard with original b/w-character artworks and thematically-fitting stock-art. The pdf is rather printer-friendly and excessively bookmarked with nested bookmarks for your convenience.

Even before, ethermagic was awesome - but it suffered from being the playing ground of just one class and not all options being made for it. Then this book came. Jason Linker's Ethermagus' concept of godblades and lead designer Bradley Crouch's new and *vastly* improved ethermancer, with all their awesome ideas and tricks, their combos, their glorious fluff and crunch - these two alone would have carried this book. Well, I am admittedly biased towards my own etherslinger class - however, I have received quite a lot feedback - from both my players AND complete strangers how much they love this class. So there has got to be something going for it, right? ;)

Kidding aside - this system makes resource-management fun. It lets you blast or magic-slice...or shoot ALL DAY LONG without breaking the game. Each and every class and archetype herein is unique and has something to offer - this is literally an all killer, no filler crunch book of awesomeness and ever since I have it in my hands, it has become a permanent fixture in my games - as indispensable as psionics or pact magic. Have I mentioned that its system could easily be used for the representation of the force or similar scifi-themed power-sources by just changing fluff? Yeah. For me, this is an EZG Essential, a candidate for my top ten of 2014 and deserves a final verdict of 5 stars + seal of approval. This is, even without anything I added, the best crunch-book I've seen in ages - innovative, fun, complex and yet, pretty easy to grasp. (And if you need explanations/advice or just want to tell me about your experiences with this book, don't hesitate to contact me via my hp's contact tab.)

Reviewed first on endzeitgeist.com, then submitted to Nertrek, Lou Agresta's RPGaggression and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS and d20pfsrd.com's shop.

Endzeitgeist out.

What the heckie does this mean, exactly?:

"Note: You must have purchased one The Ethermancer: An Eldritch Reboot (PFRPG) PDF before Oct 31, 2014, 10:15 PM for each Ultimate Ethermagic (PFRPG) PDF you wish to purchase."

Do I have to actually buy the Ethermancer Reboot and then I can buy Ultimate Ethermagic?

Nope, I think that was a note of Bradley giving a discount to customers of the original Ethermancer-pdf; Anyone can purchase Ultimate Ethermagic.

Monkeygod wrote:

What the heckie does this mean, exactly?:

"Note: You must have purchased one The Ethermancer: An Eldritch Reboot (PFRPG) PDF before Oct 31, 2014, 10:15 PM for each Ultimate Ethermagic (PFRPG) PDF you wish to purchase."

Do I have to actually buy the Ethermancer Reboot and then I can buy Ultimate Ethermagic?

Endzeitgeist is correct. 1/3 off for purchasers of the original. For the others in the series, given the sheer amount of new material in Composition and the fact that Truenaming is bigger, yet cheaper, the courtesy won't be extended to those, as well.

Thanks for the review, Chris! Re the ES - there *may* be archetypes coming into the final book...or not. Can't promise you anything right now. But as for why this class has none (yet) - I almost drove Bradley insane with this one, and its math is ridiculously complex. It was the last class to be completed, hence the absence of archetypes...for now.

At this point, it all depends on my personal situation. I have started working on something, though... ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Aye, I had the front half of the etherslinger finished in layout, then spent, what, two days either gutting the old talents, directing Thilo's frantic attempts at saving some of his harder-to-fix items to other uses within the class, and working with him to build a new combo engine to replace the one that didn't work right.

I tell ya, I developed the entire edgewalker in less time than it took to edit that class, and I'm never going to admit to how much time we spent debating the class feature spacing of the first three levels of the etherslinger :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Endzeitgeist wrote:

Thanks for the review, Chris! Re the ES - there *may* be archetypes coming into the final book...or not. Can't promise you anything right now. But as for why this class has none (yet) - I almost drove Bradley insane with this one, and its math is ridiculously complex. It was the last class to be completed, hence the absence of archetypes...for now.

At this point, it all depends on my personal situation. I have started working on something, though... ;)

The people with an opinion are willing to wait, Thilo. Take your time, within reason :)

Keep the tabs on all your ethermagic with the Ethermancer character sheet, available on PDF and JPG!

I'm no fan of wizard types, but Interjection Games convinced me to play not one but two spell slinging classes. I've got an Etherfuser character ready to go when/if my Onmyoji croaks!

Interjection Games wrote:
Endzeitgeist wrote:

Thanks for the review, Chris! Re the ES - there *may* be archetypes coming into the final book...or not. Can't promise you anything right now. But as for why this class has none (yet) - I almost drove Bradley insane with this one, and its math is ridiculously complex. It was the last class to be completed, hence the absence of archetypes...for now.

At this point, it all depends on my personal situation. I have started working on something, though... ;)

The people with an opinion are willing to wait, Thilo. Take your time, within reason :)

By the way, the book has indeed archetypes for the Etherslinger, but you haven't updated the description nor mentioned it here.

Indeed, The Ragi - when people asked, I listened and polished my homebrew etherbomber, streamlined math etc. - and Brad and Jason also created downright awesome concepts - all added since then. :)

The Ragi wrote:
Interjection Games wrote:
Endzeitgeist wrote:

Thanks for the review, Chris! Re the ES - there *may* be archetypes coming into the final book...or not. Can't promise you anything right now. But as for why this class has none (yet) - I almost drove Bradley insane with this one, and its math is ridiculously complex. It was the last class to be completed, hence the absence of archetypes...for now.

At this point, it all depends on my personal situation. I have started working on something, though... ;)

The people with an opinion are willing to wait, Thilo. Take your time, within reason :)
By the way, the book has indeed archetypes for the Etherslinger, but you haven't updated the description nor mentioned it here.

Very true, though with the wall to edit descriptions here and at the SRD store, I just don't do it unless it's really important. Difficulty to benefit ratio just ain't doing it for me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I didn't expect to need this one so soon, but due to my onmyoji passing, an etherfuser will come into play, probably this weekend.

So, here's the Etherfuser character sheet I'll be using, in PDF and JPG!

My first archetype sheet, actually. Not as easy a conversion as I thought - like the ad above states, it's pretty much "complex enough to be new classes in their own right!".

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And since I didn't make any sheets last week, here are two to make up for it:

Ethermagus: PDF and JPG.

Etherslinger: PDF and JPG.

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My second archetype, and wrapping up the sheets for this great book, it's time for the Mad Evangelist: PDF and JPG.

Thanks again, Ragi! I really didn't expect you to hit *both* of the transformative archetypes.

Well, the etherfuser one I'm actually already using, so it was a given.

And nothing like a good sheet to keep a tally of all your zombies.

How're you liking the etherfuser, by the way? I admit to eyeballing the balance there; etherfuser's made to be flexible, but weaker on an absolute scale, so all the hardcore balancing goes to the parent class and the archetype just gets thrown into the wild because "yeah, okay".

Interjection Games wrote:
How're you liking the etherfuser, by the way? I admit to eyeballing the balance there; etherfuser's made to be flexible, but weaker on an absolute scale, so all the hardcore balancing goes to the parent class and the archetype just gets thrown into the wild because "yeah, okay".

I kinda ran out of healing after a long day, just before the last boss.

The adventure was a vertical dungeon, so no stopping to replenish any resources - I had to sacrifice a lot of EP to keep my fusion pool going, leaving it at the bare minimum to activate my etherhearts, but still ended up having to use CLW wands during the last battle. We had 6 or 7 encounters before, and the tank gets hit a lot.

The etherfusions are great buffs, but the fear of running out of healing allowed me to use only one of them, and one time only. Having lay on hands and the etherfusions attached to the same source of power made me very worried about wasting points. I wish the fusion pool had a little bit of a regeneration aspect, even if it was way longer than a standard ether pool, maybe by means of a feat or something. It probably would've worked fine if it was a more regular adventure, but this particular one had me running dry.

And now she's retired, for the moment. But let me explain.

Our marksman got wasted by the ethermancer herald of madness last boss, which killed this character, dropped other two and had the tank at one digit hit points. I actually threw in a curve ball, attacking him with a bestow instead of just frying him up with one more blast - I told him I was being nice, but it was only this one round. It missed and the boss managed to be killed. The marksman was so impressed/pissed off he decided to roll one ethermancer himself, and is pretty much copying my build.

Now, the near-tpk was no way fault of my etherfuser, she is pretty great (just not so much during long periods of time, at least at level 4) - my herald of madness was just that amazing, in choice of powers and strategy. It was a single level 5 boss (with a tiny giant spider, which got wasted on first round) against 4 level 4 PCs - they were pretty mangled from previous battles, sure, but, man, it just destroyed them pretty great.

Decided not to have two characters playing the same class, I placed her on hold and rolled a puddling cantor, which so far is very hilarious.

Aye, like anyone with a static pool, the etherfuser has issues with resource management at low levels. If you pick her back up later, I recommend you pick up some of the feats that give you floating daily uses of Lay on Hands. They're just about the best investment you can make if you're somehow roped into being a primary healer, and the fact that you *struggled* as the primary healer is exactly what I want to hear. I was aiming for secondary healer with them, as ethermagic and healing really is quite weird.

As for the cantor, it's really quite an elegant class. Best new class in the book, and it wasn't my work. :P

Was your ethermancer boss rolling with wide arc to punish good party tactics? It's always fun to be a dick like that :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Interjection Games wrote:

Aye, like anyone with a static pool, the etherfuser has issues with resource management at low levels. If you pick her back up later, I recommend you pick up some of the feats that give you floating daily uses of Lay on Hands. They're just about the best investment you can make if you're somehow roped into being a primary healer, and the fact that you *struggled* as the primary healer is exactly what I want to hear. I was aiming for secondary healer with them, as ethermagic and healing really is quite weird.

As for the cantor, it's really quite an elegant class. Best new class in the book, and it wasn't my work. :P

Was your ethermancer boss rolling with wide arc to punish good party tactics? It's always fun to be a dick like that :)

I had philosophical dilettante: multiuniversal fuser x2 to beef up the fusion pool, but I regretted it a bit when the points started to vanish... extra lay on hands was on my list for 5th level.

Ack, on paper I thought she would be a top notch healer, but all things considered, she'd probably done a better work bestowing more often instead of healing, due to the endless resource pool (kinda).

The cantor spell list makes my wand buying so easy.

The boss actually was placed in a very tiny room, I believe 5 x 6 squares, with a narrow entrance. Since she knew they were coming from the sounds of battle outside, I placed a scale model of the galaxy at the door to keep them from rushing in, and started conical shaping blasting the whole group, once or twice with energetic leavings to really soak in the hurting - once she started to run low on EP, it was straight blasts against the two that were still up, with eventually a celestial sphere to really make a scene. Etherheart focus + greater focus made the saves pretty interesting.

I had a bad feeling about having a long ranged boss in such a narrow space, but the original version was a stronger version of the adept, so, what the hell. Once I started building her, though, the strategies just started rolling in. I really went to town on that battle... so many d6s (d3s) every round.

She had a torso tentacle gift from beyong, refluffed to a giant spider leg sticking from her back, which I used only once to try and apply Great Red Spotlet, instead of delivering the final blast. It missed, and she was done for, once the edgeblade got close enough.

Tiny question to help out my ethermancer player who is getting his ass handed to him by monsters with spell resistance:

Can you use Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration feats for ethermagic as well?

Spell Penetration
Your spells break through spell resistance more easily than most.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature's spell resistance.

I suppose metamagic feats are off the table? Piercing Spell would be dynamite:

Piercing Spell (Metamagic)
Your studies have helped you develop methods to overcome spell resistance.
Benefit: When you cast a piercing spell against a target with spell resistance, it treats the spell resistance of the target as 5 lower than its actual SR. A piercing spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.

Perhaps a Piercing Metamagic Rod, since it doesn't interfere with the mechanics?

Piercing Metamagic Rod
Price Varies; Aura strong (no school); CL 17th; Weight 5 lbs.
Lesser piercing metamagic rod 3,000 gp; Piercing metamagic rod 11,000 gp; Greater piercing metamagic rod 24,500 gp
The wielder can cast up to three spells per day that overcome the spell resistance of a target as though use the Piercing Spell feat.

And does the "all of its resistances" in the following philosophy include spell resistance as well? Not that it would help the ethermancer himself, with only 1 round of duration... unless it lasts until the end of his next round, instead of the start.

Multiuniversal Equalizer (Ex): Whenever a creature takes damage from a blast etherspell cast by an ethermancer with this philosophy, all of its resistances are reduced by -3 for 1 round for each time the multiuniversal equalizer philosophy has been selected.

Metamagic feats were specifically removed for reasons of balance. There are a couple of Ethermagic options that help you with Spell Resistance (most notably Pseudoconjuration and Clockwork Model), but for what it's worth, as a GM I'd allow you to take the Spell Penetration line. That's completely fair.

As for Multiuniversal Equalizer, I'd again say yes. I would assume anything named [Blank] Resistance applies, so... XD

Spell Penetration et al are game, yes. Metamagic, however, is not (spell-level). The rod, however, is game.

Re equalizer: Yes, this one applies to ALL resistances, including Spell Resistance and Power resistance if you're playing with psionics; it's the reason the ability's not referring specifically to energy resistances.

Other than that, as GM Rednal has correctly observed, pseudoconjuration and clockwork model's the way to go if your GM's spamming the SR-beasties. ^^

Thanks for the answers, they turned out better than I hoped for.

I had found those two powers (pseudoconjuration is mispelled in the book, btw, pg 79), but they only kick in at level 10 and 13 - even later for ethermagus and etherslinger, while the character is still at level 6 going 7.

Ah, and the gnome favored class bonus too, but, this particular character is a catfolk.

Ethermagus has his own manifestation and etherslinger can just shoot SR-foes with guns for great justice....at least that's what my etherslingers do. ;)

A general tip, mayhaps - take some terrain-control tricks, add UMD etc. One of the ethermancers in my game is a halfling-infiltrator who is RIDICULOUSLY stealthy and capable of truly astounding tricks; with terrain control, utility tricks and UMD/alchemical items/rods, he's one of the most flexible characters in my group and rarely has issues when foes have SR cranked up.

Just stumbled upon Blast Mastery and Blast Mastery, Greater - two blast manifestations that give an insight bonus to caster level. Useful against SR (and more!), and also stacks with the untyped bonus from Spell Penetration feats.

And a quick update: he bought the Lesser Piercing Metamagic Rod.

...It's a bastardization of what I wanted to present, but, hey, if it makes your table happy, that's all that matters. Sorry I missed the conversation!

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