Unholy Ice Weapon of Lamashtu

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

Well,the question is if the spell "Unholy ice weapon" and "waters of lamashtu" can work together so the weapon can apply the debuffs of the cursed water.
In the description of the waters says that "The liquid functions in all the same ways as unholy water"

Sounds like pretty good combo.

Targutai Minyatur wrote:

Well,the question is if the spell "Unholy ice weapon" and "waters of lamashtu" can work together so the weapon can apply the debuffs of the cursed water.

In the description of the waters says that "The liquid functions in all the same ways as unholy water"

Sounds like pretty good combo.

Except for the fact that the waters are the profane (read sacred) rite waters of Lamashtu. So anyone getting hit by such a blade would actually be getting a *blessing* (albeit a truly *twisted* one) from Lamashtu, right?

Sovereign Court

Sory, but i dont understand you :/
Can you explain it?

Do you mean this spell? The PFSRD is not allowed to recognize any Golarion-specific deities.

You could certainly create an unholy ice weapon out of the waters from the other spell, but it would gain no extra bonuses since you would need to either be anointed or drink the water to be effected. I suppose if you make them eat the weapon...

Lamashtu is the Mother of Monsters

Her special blend of 'unholy water' turns people into monsters.

Hitting someone with a blade that produced this effect in a way is showing her 'favor' to them.

Sovereign Court

Ok, thanks both for the answers!

I think I see the inspiration for a metal album cover here. And a pretty memorable midlevel bossfight to boot

"The priestess snaps her wrist, pronouncing vile phrases, as the tarry sludge inside the vial rapidly flows downward, solidifying into a black and slimy shard of ice about a foot long. screaming Abyssal curses, she charged swiping outward with the disgusting blade. He was fast, but not fast enough, as the blade sliced into his right shoulder, eliciting a wince of pain from him, and a maniacal cackle of satisfaction from his assailant.

As the woman dodged back from his counterattack his vision blurred and his stomach turned. He started coughing into his free hand, waving his sword around in an attempt to hold her at bay. Almost at once the feeling of wrongness faded. He glanced down at his hand to see black sludge coating his palm. That alone was not enough to hold his attention, however. What held his gaze was the small white object stuck in it's center. A quick scan of the inside of his mouth confirmed it. That was most definitely a missing molar on the left side of his jaw, and wriggling on his palm was a molar all right, but a molar sprouting tentacles all over one side. He didn't realize until he felt the piercing sensation below his ribs that now was not the best time to let his guard down..."

Scarab Sages

Waters of lamashtu function as unholy water, except if you drink it or have it poured on you in a ritual you have to save or take the ability damage. Since unholy ice weapon only uses the unholy water function, you would not gain any extra benefit from using the waters of lamshtu unless they were to eat the ice of the weapon.

Imbicatus wrote:
Waters of lamashtu function as unholy water, except if you drink it or have it poured on you in a ritual you have to save or take the ability damage. Since unholy ice weapon only uses the unholy water function, you would not gain any extra benefit from using the waters of lamshtu unless they were to eat the ice of the weapon.

It could be a great response to swallow whole though.

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