Rampaging through Fallout New Vegas with Captain Yesterday

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Scarab Sages

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

For the first time I read the entire story of the survivor in Zion.

That's...it's just so beautiful. It would make a gorgeous movie. Well done, Obsidian. Well done.

It was just staggeringly beautiful. And somehow made even more effective by the way that you inevitably found the logs out of order, so the narrative got filled in bit by bit.

It's also yet another reason that crushing the White Legs is always the correct choice.


Well - when I allied with the legion, I just killed Joshua and Daniel, but I mean, you make whatever choices you want...

Pro-Legion playthroughs don't count.;)

What the f++@ is the point with siding with the NCR rather than Yes Man if I'm still going to have to do the same b$#+%$$@ I'd have to do for Yes Man.

I'm thinking of just wiping out the Khans, they're just going to fade away anyhow, and it's not like they can stand up to the awesomeness of Megashot Red Glare+

I don't know, maybe I'll help them, on the other hand it's been a while since I rampaged...

NCR has different metrics than Yes Man, and the battle plays out a bit differently.

And Caesar makes you do a lot of the same crap too. Those are just the power players in the area, and they don't change just because you picked a different side....

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Bah! I was hoping for different missions, like some covert black ops, let's assassinate the legion. But no, everyone's reverted to the "let's stand in a line and shoot at each other" battlefield b$$$$+@~ that worked so well throughout the history of advanced firearms.

It's all good though, I have more then enough ammunition to share, on account of no cabs to forget my gun bag inside of.

Maximum effort!

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Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:
Bah! I was hoping for different missions, like some covert black ops, let's assassinate the legion. But no, everyone's reverted to the "let's stand in a line and shoot at each other" battlefield b@*%#&@~ that worked so well throughout the history of advanced firearms.

And this is why tabletop is just plain always better than videogames. You can do anything you can think of, instead of one of about four to five pre-scripted choices...

...well, when you can get a whole group together, that is.

Yeah, I've taken a more diplomatic path this time around, and I guess it's wearing on me.

Rex, grab the Fatman and Big Kids, it's time to remake the west...

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Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

Yeah, I've taken a more diplomatic path this time around, and I guess it's wearing on me.

Rex, grab the Fatman and Big Kids, it's time to remake the west...

Diplomatic? ~looks at the body count~ I guess that is ONE way of putting it. Shotgun (or Fatman) Diplomacy? Works for me!

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I think I might start a new playthrough of Fallout - New Vegas.


It is either that, Skyrim, or XCOM. I am not sure which I am in the mood for.

Join the Fist of Rawr! The most cantankerous coed order of monks in the new west.

I don't know. I kind of like my sniper / trader / Legion assassin character. I think that selling repaired weapons donated to me by Caesar is a good way to get rich.

Next time I'm totally jacking up stealth, I'd really like to try stealing people's armor without them realizing it.

I don't think you can take anything that is equipped.

You can, however, pickpocket someone and put explosives on them and then laugh your ass off at the result.

So, no switching people's Painstrike Armor with Sexy Sleepwear...

I played nice with the Khans after all, lucky them, Karl kept sending goon squads after me, so that sated my thirst for carnage.

Bill the Legion Recruit "Hey let's go up to this chick wearing a Deathclaw hand on her fist and an entourage and announce we're there to kill her"

Frank the Legion Recruit "Dude! That's the perfect plan!"

Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

Bill the Legion Recruit "Hey let's go up to this chick wearing a Deathclaw hand on her fist and an entourage and announce we're there to kill her"

Frank the Legion Recruit "Dude! That's the perfect plan!"

Faction hit squads are hilariously stupid.

"Say, this person we're after... they've got a quadruple-digit body count with handheld weapons [Note: Or sometimes their bare hands!], they stacked up the last five squads like cordwood... maybe we should try a different approach?"

"Nah, walk up and say hello!"

"Could we at least bring more guys?"


Honestly, I don't even think they're smart enough to realize they're out gunned.

My favorite part was, the second goon squad attacked me ten feet away from the where the first goon squad attacked me. So they can literally see their dismembered compatriots drawing flies as they announce they're there to kill me.

Sure buddy, you try that.

Carlitos "s!@~ is gonna go sideways, so recruit some help"

Looks at inventory, Rex, and Veronica

"We're good"

I'm starting to feel like an a~##$+*, killing Mr. House so much, now the NCR is insisting he's gotta go.

Maybe, there's another way.

Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

I'm starting to feel like an a#$+~+*, killing Mr. House so much, now the NCR is insisting he's gotta go.

Maybe, there's another way.

The only way is to work for him. Everyone else wants him dead. There is no compromise for any of them.

You can leave him alive but unplugged. Really, not much nicer, though.

Yeah, that's pretty f&#%ed up, even for me.

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Saul Gallows wrote:
You can leave him alive but unplugged. Really, not much nicer, though.

It is far nicer to just kill him.

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But so much messier. He seems incapable of just taking a bullet and dying without flying into a million pieces.

This may be because I always take bloody mess. Always.

What? 5% is 5%!

I don't take Bloody Mess, I just make sure I leave a bloody mess.

I like cooking House with his own sterilization protocols whenever possible.

Using his own technology against him and all that.

Why hate House? He's so much less of a dick than Caesar, and even the NCR. Colonel Cassandra Moore is a f&*!ing heartless b*@#%, for example. So nobody gets a vote. Oh, boo hoo, cry me a river. His vision, his planning, his intelligence...to be honest, IRL, if it were me running around picking factions, and not a character I was roleplaying, I'd get on House's team every time.

You can't trust the people to make the right decisions. That's how the Great War started in the first place!

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Why hate House?

'Coz he's a prat.

(In all seriousness, he's better than Caesar by leaps and bounds, but every bit as screwed-up and limited as the NCR in his way. Also, his decision to trust first Benny and then the Courier with essentially all of the marbles indicates a man who sucks eggs at judging people.)

I like Mister House, last time I even let him run things. :-)

He's definitely the lesser of all evils. Not that I think he's evil.

I just meant I left bloody messes in general. :-)

I didn't hate House until the end of my first game. I sided with House, but had the Kings ease off of the NCR. He destroyed the Kings for their "disloyalty".

When I did my pro house play through I had spent most of the game f%%*ing up the NCR and the Legion equally, so I never ran into that issue.

I tend to take pity on the NCR's rank and file- I save the bear-killin' for their officer corps whenever possible.

Oh, and I take Hanlon at his word and don't hold back with the Rangers. They're willing to die for the NCR, I'm happy to oblige.

Damn, I spent so long at Big MT and the Sierra Madre I don't even remember who Hanlon is.

Dead Money f!%*s me over yet again!

Got a conundrum, I can either ditch Veronica and devastate the Brotherhood (what the General thinks I should do) or I can try to play both sides, try to save the Brotherhood and help Veronica (my preference)

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If the Brotherhood could ever change and help out, I would save them. Sadly, they will not change so they must go. Just finish up all of Veronica's and the Brotherhood quests first

Eh, f$*# it, I've helped the Brotherhood enough times, best to ditch Veronica and see what Boone can do, besides scowl like an a@!##!#.

Oh, it is worth doing their quests before I take Tabitha down there and eliminate them all. Getting the power armor training is worth the wait. Plus, I LIKE Veronica.

Yeah, I was just going to say I was gonna play them, help out Veronica then take Boone and Rex for some good old fashioned rampaging.

..: You can totally get the Brotherhood to side with the NCR.

You get NCR infamy for it because Moore's a hateful excuse for a human being, but it works out fine- but you either need to have not toppled the same elder, or you need a monumentally good rep with crazypants hardliner McGee.

"Take care of the Van Graffs" says stick up the ass Hardin.

First plan, hit front gate guard with Annabelle, wait for reinforcements, repeat.

First plan did not work, as no one came outside.

New plan...

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Walks out casually, twenty minutes later, whistling, covered in blood (not his own) with Plasma Rifles and laser pistols poking obviously out of every pocket and jammed up every sleeve, armor none the worse for wear.

The best way to take care of the Van Graffs is to work for them...

I gotta disagree, the best way is the Fist of Rawr!

Although I don't know if you've seen the episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Mcpoyle vs Ponderosa: Trial of the Century.

When I wear the Fist of Rawr! I kinda feel like Charlie's uncle in that episode.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've never seen a single episode of that show, so...

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