Spiritualist Guide?


Any guides on spiritualists?

If not, any suggestions on which emotional focus to take?

Emotional Conduit and Distant Delivery seem like no-brainers for feats.

I havent seen a guide for this yet.

I tried making these, for now im still far from one i would consider ... great.

I really want to try one with a fear phantom using dazzling display , since it should stack with the level 7 aura.

I also got a look on the new phantoms , i think lust has potential also.

Grand Lodge

I went with the Anger focus for mine, which had really decent damage output in Ectoplasmic form. Aura of Fury is worthless, though, as it doesn't specify whether it affects allies/enemies. It just affects everyone within a 20' radius.

The biggest downside to the Spiritualist, IMO, is the lack of any Summon Eidolon type spell. You really have no means to bring your Phantom out quicker than the one minute ritual. Phantoms aren't too roleplay friendly, i.e. you're not likely to be walking around town with your ghost buddy. That means there's going to be lots of times you're caught without your Phantom, which is pretty much your main class feature.

That said, the Spiritualist's spell list is surprisingly good with quite a few lil' gems. There's some good tricks too: have your Phantom deliver your Ghoul Touch as an immediate action, then follow up immediately with a CDG. Boom!

Nox Aeterna wrote:

I havent seen a guide for this yet.

I tried making these, for now im still far from one i would consider ... great.

I really want to try one with a fear phantom using dazzling display , since it should stack with the level 7 aura.

I also got a look on the new phantoms , i think lust has potential also.

Lust??!!?? I like the sound of it already. Where is that?

Well it wont work with all of them , but usually i manage to keep mine near me in incorporeal form , since they can remain inside the ground for example.

Ofc they may come out for many reasons , but overall the DMs i saw dont have issues with it.

darth_borehd wrote:
Nox Aeterna wrote:

I havent seen a guide for this yet.

I tried making these, for now im still far from one i would consider ... great.

I really want to try one with a fear phantom using dazzling display , since it should stack with the level 7 aura.

I also got a look on the new phantoms , i think lust has potential also.

Lust??!!?? I like the sound of it already. Where is that?

Lust/Greed/Pride are the new ones you can find in the Occult Realms book.

I was toying with one that was a debuffer since the damage was meh.

The spirit would debuff using cornugan smash and an amulet of cruel. The spiritualist using dirty tricks.

The spell list + the free touch attack of the spirit is really nice. Chill touch seems really strong early on.

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I'm actually in the progress of writing a spiritualist guide. It still needs a few weeks worth of work, but is a good start.


Needs a lot of work on feats, spells and archetypes. Taking suggestions and opinions.

@Mighty Glacier

On debuffing, use a long spear and get the tandem trip teamwork feat for both and you're not terrible at tripping. Add toppling spell with spiritual weapon and you're actually pretty good at it.

TWF w/kukris + cbt expertise/butterfly's sting and a thundering or rusting amulet of mighty fists on an angry phantom makes TWF doable. Not sure I'd rate it better than orange, but red isn't right.

The ectoplasmatist is a magus variant rather than a spiritualist, right. That doesn't make it terrible (red), though in most cases I'd rather play an actual magus the TWF with reach and wis-based psychic casting sounds like it's different enough to have a niche somewhere. Note that the lashes can also be used to wield a weapon or two if you're so inclined, though not as part of its spell combat.

I looked at spiritualist when I was looking at occult classes and was disappointed to see there was no guide. It looks like a versatile class with a lot of build potential, but I would bet that some of the Emotional Focuses are not worthwhile, making a guide essential.

Improved Natural Attack could be good on phantoms as soon as they can get it, I think.

What about Weapon Focus (Slam)?

darth_borehd wrote:
What about Weapon Focus (Slam)?

I think you need more value out of your feats then most other classes.That is just my opinion though.

I think Teamwork feats between you and your Spirit may be a strong way to go, specifically outflank.

Outflank could be good, but if you are playing the spiritualist from level 1, you could have a little problem. The phantom qualifies for outflank at level 6 and the spiritualist at level 7. So for a level the phantom has a totally useless feat, if no other party member has it.

Mighty Glacier wrote:

I'm actually in the progress of writing a spiritualist guide. It still needs a few weeks worth of work, but is a good start.


Needs a lot of work on feats, spells and archetypes. Taking suggestions and opinions.

Reading this now. By the way, the Greed, Lust, and Pride emotions are now available in the www.d20pfsrd.com entry for Spiritualist. Also, I would rate Ectoplasmatist a bit higher -- since you get Reach without needing to spend feats on weapon proficiency or having to go Two-Handed (or Whip + a ton of feats), AND you have some debuff and battlefield control spells that the Magus DOESN'T have, this is not too shabby a way to be a battlefield controller. With this archetype, investing in Combat Maneuvers that you can squeeze into regular attacks (usually Trip) could actually be worthwhile. This archetype would get worse if Magus had an archetype that worked well with two-handed weapons (for Reach) AND had a better choice of battlefield control/debuffing spells than the standard Magus -- Hexcrafter Magus does part of the second, but not the first.

Neither this guide nor the CTP/Nova guide (Phantom of the OP-era)(*) seem to have a discussion thread yet -- anyone, let us know if either of them already have discussion threads; otherwise, I guess this one can be it.

(*)Just cannot beat that title . . . .

Grand Lodge

i've been interested in building a spiritualist myself, and playing it more like a Druid.
Thematically, i was planning on taking the Dedication focus.

i wouldn't mind looking over a guide for each focus.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
Mighty Glacier wrote:

I'm actually in the progress of writing a spiritualist guide. It still needs a few weeks worth of work, but is a good start.


Needs a lot of work on feats, spells and archetypes. Taking suggestions and opinions.

Reading this now. By the way, the Greed, Lust, and Pride emotions are now available in the www.d20pfsrd.com entry for Spiritualist. Also, I would rate Ectoplasmatist a bit higher -- since you get Reach without needing to spend feats on weapon proficiency or having to go Two-Handed (or Whip + a ton of feats), AND you have some debuff and battlefield control spells that the Magus DOESN'T have, this is not too shabby a way to be a battlefield controller. With this archetype, investing in Combat Maneuvers that you can squeeze into regular attacks (usually Trip) could actually be worthwhile. This archetype would get worse if Magus had an archetype that worked well with two-handed weapons (for Reach) AND had a better choice of battlefield control/debuffing spells than the standard Magus -- Hexcrafter Magus does part of the second, but not the first.

Neither this guide nor the CTP/Nova guide (Phantom of the OP-era)(*) seem to have a discussion thread yet -- anyone, let us know if either of them already have discussion threads; otherwise, I guess this one can be it.

(*)Just cannot beat that title . . . .

A bit late reply from my part, but here we go.

Thanks for the heads-up on Greed/Lust/Pride. I was waiting for Nethys to add stuff from OR and didn't realize pfsrd was faster. I've now added ratings for them. Once again the guide is not finished, but so far I've been happy about my ratings with the emotions.

I'll look into the ectoplasmatist more. Looking at your comment and Phantom of the OP-era, yeah, I could see it being green. And I'll be sure to include many caveats about how it's not a "traditional" archetype and invalidates a big portion of the guide(s).

I tried to look for the discussion thread for Phantom of the OP-era, but couldn't find any. I got the link from N. Jolly from this post. As for Eternal Servitude, well, I was thinking of making a thread once I finish it, but this thread will suffice.

Like everyone else, I'm quite interested in a Spiritualist guide. I have a question though: if you activate Bonded Manifestation Ectoplasmic, and do a full attack action, can you use a swift action to attack with 2 slams and get your iterative weapon attacks as well?

Good work on keep updating. Thank you.

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