Will there be PSACG play at PAX East?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Will Paizo be at PAX East, running PSACG?

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Good question. I know that several of the Lone Shark folks will be there, and time willing I'd happily play a game with you, but I'll defer to Tanis and Vic for actual official presence answering.

Tanis is at BGG Con this week, so that answer might take a bit.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

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We are looking at PFS activities at PAX East - both RPG and ACG. I will follow up with our local coordinators and post back here when I have more information!


1/5 *

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

For some historical information, I've run demos of PACG the last two PAX Easts. Although as you might remember, i was somewhat occupied last year. We have not yet run PFSACG scenarios at a PAX East.

What we can do is driven by how much space and how many volunteer badges we get to the show; with our limited resorces the Boston Lodge has typically chosen to run demos and RPG Quests (one-hour adventures using pregenerated characters) to get new people in the fold rather than run full-length 4 hour RPG adventures and PFSACG scenarios for established players. But of course this is subject to change. What I can say is that Sarah and I will be at the show, and at the very least I'm sure we could find some time to play a pickup PACG game there. :)

Also historically (for the past two years), Mike has had a panel where he's talked about some aspect of game design at PAX East, and said panels have had the PACG convention promos. I can't speak to future events, but do hope that trend can continue. Even if he has to drive due east from Montreal to get here. It is, after all, PAX East.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

First World Bard wrote:

For some historical information, I've run demos of PACG the last two PAX Easts. **snipped**

Also historically (for the past two years), Mike has had a panel where he's talked about some aspect of game design at PAX East, and said panels have had the PACG convention promos. I can't speak to future events, but do hope that trend can continue. Even if he has to drive due east from Montreal to get here. It is, after all, PAX East.

Thanks for the background info and the efforts you have put in on behalf of PACG. We are waiting on the news of space/badges, as you mentioned above. Once we have that, we can start planning.

Not having been at a Pax East before, which Mike are you talking about? I've got a few too choose from :P

1/5 *

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tonya Woldridge wrote:

Not having been at a Pax East before, which Mike are you talking about? I've got a few too choose from :P

Sorry, that would be Mike Selinker.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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I expect, pending positive returns on Tonya's data requests, that there will be vigorous Season of the Runelords play, particularly given the hometown of one Keith Richmond.

As I understand it, PAX Prime is very similar to PAX East in that we've always been very happy with just doing a crapton of demos given the sheer number of people that wander through the halls; is PAX East going to be different in that regard next year? Or are we going to do the same thing for PAX Prime as well, given the similarity between the two?

Adventure Card Game Designer

PAX East is actually much more of a "play games" show than PAX Prime.

Tanis O'Connor wrote:
PAX East is actually much more of a "play games" show than PAX Prime.

which is fan-tastic!

Adventure Card Game Designer

First World Bard wrote:
Even if he has to drive due east from Montreal to get here. It is, after all, PAX East.

This was a joke at Ben Carson's graphic designer's expense, of which I approve wholeheartedly.

Mike Selinker wrote:
First World Bard wrote:
Even if he has to drive due east from Montreal to get here. It is, after all, PAX East.
This was a joke at Ben Carson's graphic designer's expense, of which I approve wholeheartedly.

That might explain last winter here in Boston.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

It sure might. It was a bad enough winter that I'm still surprised I live here ;)

Keith Richmond wrote:
It sure might. It was a bad enough winter that I'm still surprised I live here ;)

I can't move: no one would understand me with my accent...

Pathfinder ACG Developer

cosined wrote:
I can't move: no one would understand me with my accent...

I'm largely safe, except when I try to use the accent, or I hang around with someone from Dawchesta too long.

1/5 *

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Keith Richmond wrote:
I'm largely safe, except when I try to use the accent, or I hang around with someone from Dawchesta too long.

Oh, Matt's accent isn't *that* bad.

Any developments on this front? Just 100 days out.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

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I received word this week that Pathfinder Society will be at PAX East. Earl Gendron and Lucas Servideo are co-leads for the show. You can contact them for specifics. I also asked them drop drop a line here on their plans for the show.

Contact information for them is here: Regional Coordinator List

Earl is the Connecticut - Manchester VL.

Lucas is the Massachussettes - North Shore VC.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

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At this moment we are still waiting on details for location, tables and badges our first year we had 2 dedicated tables to PACG running demos(2014), we had demos upon request at 2015 due to a smaller space. We also offered pick-up games.

This year we are discussing what to do as we just got notified we were invited back. Details will come hopefully in the next few weeks.

Thank you

Pathfinder ACG Developer

You want to look at the upper right of that graph.

On topic, looking forward to seeing folks and playing some PACG at PAX EAST :)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

Update I just got official word we will have the same location as we had last year. I am just waiting to find out how many GMs I am going to have to see what I will be dedicating to PACG and RPG.

I will be keeping the thread updated as we get closer.

Sczarni 4/5

See here for the most up to date information. as far as the card game goes, at this point we hope to have 1-2 tables of the demos deck missions going all weekend. We are still determining resources and what volunteers know the card game so that we can make sure everyone has a few breaks to rest their voices and see the show, so we are uncertain, but may have more things available. Lucas and I are getting our ducks in a row as quickly as we can now that we are only a month out.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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So everyone I just got these back from the printer there may be some available for Prizes.

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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Update to PAX East 2016 Events

We will have 8-10 face cut-out standups for you to take your picture as one of the Pathfinder Iconics.

The PAX East 2016 PAX Port for you to play to earn Boons and Prizes.

PACG Events
Demos of Wrath of the Righteous & Skull and Shackles
Season of the Shackles: Adventure #0-1 Lost at Sea and #0-2 A Pirate's Life

PFS RPG Events
PFS Quests: Silverhex Chronicles and Phantom Phenomena(Chronicle Sheet Events)

As well as a series of quests put together by the PFS PAX East Team "Winding Path" dealing with a Mysterious cult causing mayhem across Golarion.

Stay tuned to this thread for Updates on Events.

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Lucas Servideo wrote:
So everyone I just got these back from the printer there may be some available for Prizes.

I saw your entry in the contest, and since that thread has been overwhelmed by a non-PACG contest related discussion, I figured posting here about it would be more reasonable.

That mat looks awesome. What is it printed on?

Sczarni 4/5 5/55/5 ****

They are printed on a water resistance vinyl so if something gets spilled on it, it is also flexible so it can be rolled up or folded for travel. It also will not tear.

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