Tricks for increasing static damaged w / dagger



I'm looking to build a Slayer that fights with just a single dagger and I was wondering if anyone has any ways of increasing static damage output, feats, builds, dips, etc.

Weapon Focus, Weapon Finesse, Slashing Grace. 3 (pretty good) feats to get Dex to hit and damage. And Piranha Strike, which is power attack for light weapons. Just my thoughts.

Getting bigger increases your strength and damage die. A potion of enlarge person is a quick and easy way to do so.

The divine favor spell and fate's favored trait combine well for +2 attack and damage. Possible via wand or dip.

You're getting the additional sneak attack feat, right? Slayers love it. Piranha strike is also on your to-do list.

Halflings may choose to get smaller instead (potion of reduce person maybe) and take the risky striker feat. Going that way slashing grace may be necessary too.

Scarab Sages

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River Rat Trait - +1 damage
Deific Obedience Pharasma - +2 to hit.

And from weapon master's handbook (released today)
Startoss Style - Up to +6 damage with all three feats - no shield.
Weapon and Shield weapon trick - Great options for feinting and moving through threatened spaces, great for enabling sneak attack.

two-weapon fighting build. double slice. try to get the knifemaster archtype (might have to take 1 level of rogue

Thanks all

Grand Lodge

Plenty of good advise already listed but here is a few more:

Master Craftsman

Crafting your Weapon at 50% off is a great boon allowing you to make a better dagger sooner.

Later levels Improved Critical- Dagger

Opportunist Rogue Talent- Getting in more attacks does mean more damage.

3 levels of weapon master fighter will get you the weapon training class feature which can be further improved by Gloves of Dueling. One more level would qualify you for weapon specialization.

Sovereign Court

The brawler fighter archetype gets +1 to hit and +3 damage with the close quarter weapon group at 3rd. level. At 4th. level you qualify for specialization for another +2 damage.

Scarab Sages

Daggers are not in the close weapon group though. You could use a punching dagger, but not an actual dagger.

Sovereign Court

Medium 1 channeling Champion with Spirit Focus feat? +2 (-1 from 0 bab) to hit, +4 to damage?
Can also add 1d6 to a couple attack rolls or fort saves a day. And +2 will save.
Medium 2, and you give the rest of your party +2 to non spell damage rolls.

Not a damage bonus but deific obedience Pharasma for +2 to hit with daggers.

Warpriest gets sacred weapon right from level 1. While not technically a static increase, you do get larger scaling damage dice.

If you're campaign allows Unchained weapons, there is a dagger in there that has an 18-20 crit range. You could use that and end up with a pretty scary crit machine.

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