Nargin Haruvex

Cycada's page

Organized Play Member. 92 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Ridiculon wrote:

I don't think you read that right, the ability says "If you're a telekineticist, you instead transfer the power of your kinetic blast to any object held in one hand", so you don't have to be holding a weapon at all. It could be like a twig, or a leaf, or a very small rock. Because of that i'd say that the weapons stats and your proficiency with it don't affect Kinetic Blade whatsoever, you just need to be able to hold the object in one hand.

And it would also be a good idea to select an object that you don't care too much about, because the force of your TK blasts does equal damage to whatever you're channeling it through. 10 damage with kinetic blade to an enemy, 10 damage with kinetic blade to the object you hit them with.

Fernn wrote:

Where is this found?

A book that I don't believe is allowed to be discussed yet (I could be wrong), Arcane Anthology.

Morphic Savant Unchained Summoner is exactly what you want.

Essentially a spellcaster who harnesses chaos-infused summoned beings that change form on a whim. The personal trauma of doing stuff like this (as represented by the insanity-related stuff of the Alienist in 3.5) will have to be left up to traits/flaws and general roleplay. I feel this is the closest you'll get to something that thematic, though.

Emo Duck wrote:

While the spellslinger itself doesn't fire bullets along with his spells, there is another class that can: The magus.

I'm currently playing a spellslinger 1/magus 13 in a long-standing campaign, focusing on blasting via bullets with spell riders. As a bit of homebrew, the GM agreed to give me the myrmidarch's Ranged Spellstrike ability on a standard magus in exchange for certain character flaws, but this was before the Eldritch Archer archetype for the magus was released, which I think can do exactly what you're after.

One of the few advantages of the spellslinger archetype is that all of its relevant abilities are front-loaded, so just taking the first level of the class will allow you to use them with magus spells.

Beefing up your gun with both the spellslinger's Mage Bullets and the magus' Arcane Pool can make it pretty ridiculous, even if all you have is a masterwork weapon. Add an intensified snowball or scorching ray spell, depending on whether you're single-shooting or full attacking, and it's off to the races.

EDIT: And speaking of metamagic rods, if someone does have an idea on how to use one with a gun in one hand and no tail, I'd love to hear suggestions. :V

Check out the eldritch archer archetype for all your gun use needs.

Party strife debate aside, angelskin armor (+1000g) will last you until 10th level. You can even have it at lvl 1 by spending a trait.

At 10th, you can switch to Deceiving armor rather easily (+5,000g), which will protect you in a lot of situations without eating up an item slot or giving off an enchantment aura.

I would also like to suggest the Pathfinder Unchained book as well. For those who like to customize how their game plays in drastic ways, it has a lot of good options.

Few examples:

1. The base class rogue, barbarian, monk, and summoner got reworked to fix some flaws in the power, playstyle, or balance/clarity of each class. Definitely suggest using these classes as a straight up replacement of the like-named ones found in the PHB or hte Advanced Player's Guide.

2. Alternative rules that remove the Big 6 magic items from the game in exchange for static bonuses that grow as your characters do. This helps mitigate the feeling of magic item oversaturation. (And it opens up slots, like shoulder, to be used with otherwise never-purchased items!)

3. Repeat of 1, but if anyone in your group intends on playing a rogue, I highly HIGHLY suggest you use the Unchained Rogue instead. It solidifies the class as a dexterity based trickster that can both inflict damage and give all kinds of 'status conditions' every round.

Good luck with that new group, sounds like you have your work cut out for you, haha.

RaizielDragon wrote:
Bodyguard and tricking out Aid Another is pretty good. It kind of sucks that the AC bonus is only against the next attack as opposed to all attacks for 1 round or something like that. I'd rather find a way to try and grant a longer term AC bonus or attack penalty, though I would keep the Bodyguard stuff in mind to maybe also fit it in as well.

This teamwork feat is what you are looking for.

Combat Reflexes can also help, since usually your Dex bonus will be higher than the number of attacks made if you work towards that kind of build.

Edit: Also, something I meant to mention is there are a couple really optimal ways of making yourself the only valid target for rolled targetting.

Helpful halfling Bodyguard optimization of aid another, mixed with some optimizing of fighting defensively plus draconic defender feat can lead to some really silly high ac values for your allies....but that's pretty much all you'll be able to do.

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Well, that depends. For example...the War Domain flat out grants an extra attack UNDER THE attack option at first level. It even specifies the attack action.

In fact, that's just at first level. Read the PHB, multiple classes get extra attacks at higher levels just with the attack option.

Though it does seem that it may specify only up to two attacks specifically as the attack OPTION...multiple items add bonus actions that are used as attacks (for example, the Path of the Berserker).

Monks are the oddity in that their extra attacks are defined as the attack option, but are an optional bonus due to spending Ki.

Even without min/max it's rather easy to get 3 attacks a round, even for the casual player as class features will simply let many classes get up to that, no min/max, work arounds, or other things needed.

War Domain grants an attack as a bonus action, just like many other class abilities (as I mentioned in my edit). 5e is very careful with it's mechanical expectations, or so it would seem. The only "ability" that interacts with the Attack action directly is Extra Attack, and the Pact Blade Warlock's variant of Extra Attack.

Even the monk's FoB is still a bonus action.

I know it's easy to get 3 attacks per turn, but the original question was in regards to the attack action specifically, since the fighter's abilities were brought up.

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Jiggy wrote:
Is there a free reference anywhere, like the PRD/SRD?

Nope. One of my biggest complaints with 5e is that it doesn't make its core system available as a reference document. The book itself is poorly formatted (imho) and I would much rather be able to sort things by a document search.

Granted, there is only one splat book so far, so they might be trying to make more money off Core than they did for 3.X

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GreyWolfLord wrote:

In 5e the 'Extra Attack' modifier for the 'Attack action' only provides one additional attack for every class except for the Fighter. There are other ways to get additional attacks as other classes, but they will use a bonus action to do (in most cases). Fighter's defining feature is that it gets more attacks for the 'Attack action'.

There's no hard limit that says that other classes can't make more attacks than two in a turn, it's specifically the 'Attack action' that cannot result in more than two attacks for classes other than Fighter.

I'm AFB or I'd post page numbers. I'll edit this post with them if I manage to find them sooner.

Edit: Ninja'd kinda. Other ways of getting multiple iterative attacks outside of the specific Attack action: Warlock's Eldritch Blast (gains iterative rays like Scorching Ray in PF) and Pact Blade, Bard/Ranger 4th level spell that can make 2 ranged attacks as a bonus action, Monk's Flurry of Blows, multiple feats, class abilities, and spells that grant a "swing a weapon as a bonus action" type ability.

RAW Dazzling Display cannot be used with Rays/Touches/Spells because you do not wield these things. Wielding a weapon is a rules-important thing within Pathfinder, and is really only applicable to physical (or magically summoned) weapons.

It's something that limits Kineticists too, as it keeps them from using some pretty nifty combos (by design).

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To the OP, if you are seriously considering going with a Core only Pathfinder experience, might I suggest at least allowing ACG and Unchained? Both of those supplements add quite a bit of variety to the main playing experience, including classes that aren't powerful, but still bring a lot of flavor to the game.

For example, Unchained especially makes Rogues playable. Not particularly powerful, but they can actually do what they were designed to do without taking mandatory feat tax for dex-to-hit, for example.

Assumptions of what I've done aren't relevant. Obviously, I don't think that your example is a useful one. That is why I am questioning it; It's not that I'm unaware you carry that opinion.

So if I am understanding you correctly, you are arguing that the semantics of the AoMF is what is at fault here.

The difference between the words "gains", "apply", and "grants" is the only issue you can find with applying the AoMF to the weapon.

If not, then I'm sorry but I am definitely confused. The wording on an Ascetic Style modified AoMF, and Deliquescent Gloves would be nearly identical.

Rynjin wrote:
Cycada wrote:
If the commoner's attacks are dealing acid and electricity damage, there is no reason that the monk's attacks shouldn't be dealing fire and electricity damage. If you think otherwise, please tell me why.

Because the Commoner isn't wielding two different weapons and trying to benefit from both.

He's wielding a weapon.

And then he's using Deliquescent Gloves, which add some acid damage to a weapon.

The Monk is wielding what is effectively a weapon, and then using another weapon, and trying to combine them into one super weapon.

What two weapons is the monk wielding? And how are the two situations different, mechanically?

Could you please elaborate so I can understand your objection?

To try and help, I have included the text of Deliquescent Gloves in the spoiler below. The bolded text is the relevant portion:

Deliquescent Gloves:
These heavy leather gloves ripple and flows at the wearer’s command, reshaping to fit any hand, claw, tentacle, or alien limb.

The wearer’s melee touch attacks with that hand deal 1d6 points of acid damage. If the wearer uses that hand to wield a weapon or make an attack with an unarmed strike or natural weapon, that attack gains the corrosive weapon special ability.

The wearer’s gloved hand is protected from the acid ability of oozes, allowing him to use that hand to attack oozes with unarmed strike or natural attack without risk of harm from contact with the ooze. These unarmed strikes and natural attacks never cause an ooze to split.

I'm a month late to the party, but I was recently looking for Ascetic Style stuff and stumbled upon this. I really love the Weapon Master's Guide for all the new stuff it lets martials do, and this is one of the cooler concepts (both thematically and for builds).

I want to throw my hat into the conversation to hopefully clear some stuff up:

1.) @Imbicatus Ascetic Style works with weapons in the (monk) weapon group. Crusader's Flurry unfortunately would not allow extra weapons in this case.

2.) @Aelryinth Nothing in this allows characters to break the hard +10 equiv. cap. I don't know what happens when an effect puts you over, but that is an edge case that isn't going to come up in a real game without really trying.

3.) Let us please work with one objection at a time to keep from muddying the waters. Is this an argument about special ability stacking, the legality of Ascetic Style's application to item effects, or some weird confusion on whether a monk with an AoMF and magic fang on his fists needs to choose between the AoMF or the +1 from the spell.

Let's try to break this down with the following:

Hypothetical character is a

12th level Monk
Feats: Ascetic Style, Weapon Focus (cestus), IUS,
Items: AoMF (+2 flaming), +1 shocking cestus

AoMF grants an enhancement bonus and/or melee-valid special abilities on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons. This would give you a +2 enhancement bonus on unarmed strike attacks, and the flaming property when you hit them.

Because of Ascetic Style, the text on the Amulet essentially reads "grants a +2 enhancement bonus and the flaming special ability on attack and damage rolls with a cestus.

So when you swing at someone with your +1 shocking cestus, you get the normal effect of attacking (+1 enhancement bonus and the shocking special property), as well as the AoMF bonus (+2 enhancement bonus, flaming special property). Enhancement bonuses don't stack, so the +2 takes priority. The special properties are not the same property, so they both function.

If you don't think this is correct, let's replace the situation with a similar, but removed example to isolate just what problem people have with this.

Hypothetical character is a

12th level commoner
Feats: none
Items: +1 shocking cestus, Deliquescent Gloves
Active Spell Effect: Greater Magic Weapon (cestus) (8th level, +2)

D. Gloves grant the corrosive weapon property to a held weapon, unarmed strikes, or a natural attack.

Attacking with the cestus should result in an attack with a +2 enhancement bonus (GMW overrides the +1 on the weapon) that also is shocking and corrosive.

If the commoner's attacks are dealing acid and electricity damage, there is no reason that the monk's attacks shouldn't be dealing fire and electricity damage. If you think otherwise, please tell me why.

Bottom line, I don't understand why this is an alien concept when applying new special abilities is something many classes can do (see: magus, occultist, paladin, wizard w/ archetype, etc) Not all of these have stacking language, but this doesn't mean that they don't stack.

This kind of thing isn't any more "broken" than the above class examples, though it does provide more of an advantage when it comes to two weapon fighting or shuriken (shuriken are ranged weapons BUT the wording of Ascetic Style's special section specifies "all monk weapons" instead of "all melee monk weapons"

GM Hands of Fate wrote:
GM Hands of Fate wrote:
Theta Thief wrote:
our bard did dump four skill points into Disable device but her Dex mod is only +3 so 3+4+20(taking 20)+2(MWK Tools)=29 not good enough for those 30 DC Locks.

+3 for Class Skill

Really? Hmm... How about

+2 Inspire Confidence

While it may be useful for helping ensure the Aid Another checks, it unfortunately doesn't help the bard himself.

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Imbicatus wrote:
You are losing BAB. If you don't mind waiting a bit for the fused styles, the Weapon Style Mastery feat allows two styles at once without needing the dip.

Use Unchained Monk (MomS) to keep from losing the BaB. MoMS replaces Flurry, bonus feats, and Perfect Self; all things that Unchained Monk has and can give up.

Or you can do what Imbicatus suggested and wait till level 6 fighter to be able to combine the two. I personally think that's a little late in the level progression for your main schtick though.

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On your current Disable Device situation: Take 20 + 4 (ranks) + 3 (ability) + 2 (tools). Aid Another = +2, Guidance = +1 (your witch should have this). That's a 32 with one person helping. If a 32 doesn't open a level 3-4 device, it wasn't meant to be opened.

On fighting things: ghost salt (a 20g item) w/ 10 ammunitions of your choice OR having your paladin cast Bless Weapon will help you out in lieu of magical weapons.

On metagaming: Reading spoilers for the campaign you are a player for, in my opinion, is more 'metagame-y' than trying to put together a party that works. I don't know your player group dynamics, but I doubt the GM is actively working against your in-game enjoyment, at least intentionally. They are a 'player' in this game called Pathfinder too, and happy players tend to make for a fun game for the GM. For situations where you feel as though you are being slighted, it's always best to discuss it out-of-game with them. I see so many posts on this forum where the problem is just a lack of communication.

On putting together a party: I understand that it feels contrived to have a constructed party for an opening like CC has, but you have to set aside your suspension of disbelief for a moment to ensure that everyone has fun. Character decisions last throughout the entire campaign, which could take a year to finish. If two people are constantly attempting to fill the same role in the party, it can cause a loss of interest or just plain-'ol party conflict.

Obviously there's no one true way to play, but in my opinion creating a party that works together (though understanding *not* every role needs to be filled) is an important step in the game.

Session 0, where everyone gets around the table to discuss potential character story, character roles, campaign goals, house rules, and more, has led to many a successful game for me. YYMV, but the 'metagame feel' is justified by creating a more enjoyable play experience for the individual throughout the entire campaign.

Edit: Partially ninja'd. Damn you work phone calls! I'm trying to forum crawl because there are people who are wrong on the internet! :fistshake:

Tekko-Kagi are the closest things to bladed gauntlets you'll find in Pathfinder, from what I'm aware. They're pretty much 'historical' Wolverine claws, but you use them with a punching motion.

What sort of help are you looking for? Item Suggestions, class suggestions, etc? Thematic? Optimization?

Help us help you and let us in to your thought process! (A link to the PrC details helps too)

1.) Ectoplasmic Bonded Manifestation only grants what it says it grants, which is:

a. +4 shield bonus to AC; applies to incorp touch.

b. Standard or swift action, once per turn: attack or manipulate any combination of targets or objects <=2. Attack bonus and damage dice based on manifested phantom. (These are not listed as natural attacks, nor can they be used in combination with other types of attack-related actions, such as AoOs. Think of them more like you are directing your phantom to attack as part of your turn)

c. +6 armor bonus to AC

d. Effective whirlwind attack with tendrils as a full-round action, though rolling two dice, take best.

2.) Improved Natural Attack stacks with Powerful Strike, but a spell like Strong Jaw would not. INA is a dice modifier, PS is an effective size modifier. These benefits apply to the tendril attacks because the damage is based on the phantasm's damage.

3.) Read the second sentence of EBM. It specifically lists that it applies to incorp touch attacks.

4.) The wording is different, intent is the same. The feat is temporary, just like granting a feat from an ioun stone, so if your phantasm is manifest, you lose the benefit of all feats using Iron Will as a prereq.

Wood banded together by iron/metal. Take a look at any fantasy movie/game/artwork and you'll find that to be the standard.

It's also used in the real world the same way. Anecdotally, I had a old fashion steamer trunk for my toys as a kid, which for all purposes I can tell is just a lighter version of a proper chest.

If you're campaign allows Unchained weapons, there is a dagger in there that has an 18-20 crit range. You could use that and end up with a pretty scary crit machine.

Thank you for the in-depth explanation of the process, Diego. I was less worried about you guys holding up your end of the 'deal', and moreso worried that USPS marked the delivery as 'arrived' before it was here.

Thanks again for the great customer service, and great products!

I am a first-time subscriber, so I apologize if posting here comes off as impatient, but I had a question about this month's order:

On the "My Orders" page, it shows that this order has been Completed, which usually suggests it's been shipped, but under the tracking info it says both "Not Yet Shipped" and "Items have been shipped" so I am thoroughly confused!

If someone could help me figure this all out, I'll be able to rest easier knowing that USPS didn't lose my order or something similar.


I apologize for the necro post, but as an avid fan of NobodysHome's work and a happy consumer of all things Pathfinder, I was curious if this campaign had come around from it's hiatus status?

And while I'm here, I might as well say:

NobodysHome, your write-up on this and RotRL have truly inspired me to better my game. That and it's been a motivating factor in trying to get my gaming group to get more invested in the campaigns we play, and their character's own heads.

Ego properly stroked, I look forward to any updates on this or other campaigns in your (and your players') future!

I would imagine Roll20 could fit the exact description of what you want, or if you want a manual way of doing it: flip your projector (safely) so that it is facing down at a table surface and just use mini's on the projected map.

100% a witch. I'm sure I or someone else will be able to provide a bit more of an example build if you offer more restrictions on what you are looking for, but thematically a dreamweaver (archetype) witch fits 100% what you want.

The whip won't be an effective melee tool, but for thematic reasons you could still have one.

Throw in some hot siccatite. Cold siccatite can freeze a cubic foot of water near instantly, so hot siccatite should be able to boil it without much of a problem.

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If you are going to consider Kineticist, you have a few choices on paths, but none of them allow you to be effective with both lightning and cold at the same time.

1. Overwhelming Soul, while nice because it uses charisma, lacks the stopping power that a standard kineticist has. Their end stats and other goodies are toned down to avoid burning themselves.

2. If you want to focus on cold (as you said above), you can always start out as a hydrokineticist with the cold simple blast, expand into air at level 7 for air (and blizzard!), and get your freeze on. This gives you pretty good defenses at low levels and access to unlimited fly down the road, all while maintaining your theme.

Not the highest of damage, but you are blasting things with potentially staggering, entangling, etc blasts. In some ways, this is better than just an extra 10 damage you would get from other combinations.

3. If you want to remain a blaster, but go into something 'thematically appropriate' for a dhampir, really embrace that heritage, you could go for a blood kineticist. They're basically hydrokineticists but with specific, non-elemental blasts that revolve around controlling blood; whether that blood be in someone, or just conjured from....the Plane of Blood? I don't know, but it's fitting.

4. If you want to really fit with your background vibe, I would suggest being a chaokineticist. It's a new element released with the Occult Origins book (out today!), that focuses on the Plane of Shadow and Void energy.

It can drain energy like the enervate spell, create black holes, heal undead (including dhampirs!), uses negative energy, and has ways of creating darkness with their blasts.

I would go with this for a thematic blaster, maybe mix in some aether at 7 or 15 if you want some rogue elements (invisibility, ranged legerdemain, etc). I don't know all of what you want to be able to do.

Just don't expect to be effective if all you fight in your campaign are undead and Plane of Shadows creatures.


Thaago wrote:
Sphynx wrote:
Thaago wrote:
Ah, but you forgot the static bonuses from Con and from overflow. Those close the gap. As you showed, for every 2d6 +2 base the difference between empower and maximize it .5 damage. So if for every 2d6 you have +1 from Con and Overflow then Empower is better, which I believe is true at all levels.
Doesn't matter, the only time I've used Maximize on the spreadsheet is for the Aether (where the algorithm showed that Maximize was doing better than Empower, unless my algorithm is wrong), and for combining with Empower at 19th and 20th levels.

I believe it must be wrong. By the math, if you have +1 from con/overflow for each (2d6 + 2) from the blast, then empower is better. Which is always the case.

Its not a huge difference in damage to be honest, but it does show that maximize is only good to further boost an empowered effect.

Pure aether doesn't get a 2d6+2 composite. They get a (+1) to damage, and a force effect that does the same amount of damage as a simple energy blast. Once you get up to level 15 this changes, but still holds true till then.

The equation still might be wrong, I haven't done the math, but I just wanted to point this out.

If you're looking for lethal way to keep from adding to the endless war, you could see if your GM would allow you to reverse engineer this into a different, cheaper magic weapon.

I don't know that I'd go with the fluff of Galt, but it's a weapon that accomplishes your task. Without the (+8) bonuses you're looking at an effect cost of 12,000g for the trapping effect.

Blakmane wrote:
Cycada wrote:
Could also be an attempt for mechanical advantage -> ie. mount move (not charge) as free action w/ knees, full attack with two swords. I might be looking too much into it, but that's always a possibility.

You need to read the mounted combat section more carefully. From that section:

"If your mount moves more than 5 feet, you can only make a single melee attack. Essentially, you have to wait until the mount gets to your enemy before attacking, so you can't make a full attack"

Thanks for pointing that mistake out (though you could have phrased it a little more politely). I never play with mounts, so was just going by what I had thought I remembered.

Could also be an attempt for mechanical advantage -> ie. mount move (not charge) as free action w/ knees, full attack with two swords. I might be looking too much into it, but that's always a possibility.

CraziFuzzy wrote:
Kurald Galain wrote:
Hm, that's a good point; it's basically adding a damage spell on top of the already high archery damage. And it's pretty easy to add to other archer classes by just dipping a bit.
Hit accuracy is quite a bit lower for the eldritch archer than it is for a true fighter based archer. That 3/4 bab and lower feat count can offset the added damage, depending on the level. I really don't think it warrants a pfs ban - but I don't pfs anyway.

Pistol (Rapid Reload, Alchemical Cartridges). Reach out and touch people :)

It's not archery, but it's still useable with Eldritch Archer from what I can tell.

Warpriest Sacred Weapon:
At 1st level, weapons wielded by a warpriest are charged with the power of his faith. In addition to the favored weapon of his deity, the warpriest can designate a weapon as a sacred weapon by selecting that weapon with the Weapon Focus feat; if he has multiple Weapon Focus feats, this ability applies to all of them....

A kinetic blast cannot be wielded, so I'm not sure that you can apply Sacred Weapon to it based on the wording. :(

If I were to rule on this, I would 100% just reflavor the barbazu beard.

Exotic proficiency, worse-than-dagger stats, provokes on attack, counts as touching creatures. All of these things 'balance' it just fine. It already works within the rules, since you can't swing more than two weapons (see: spiked armor with another weapon), and it requires no changes to the system beyond the name and appearance of the (already ridiculous sounding) weapon.

If you want to make it more usable, you could always make them spend a trait on negating the 'provokes on use' part of the counts-as dagger-in-mouth-face-beard-rules-weapon.

Ravingdork wrote:

Calling it an area of effect attack is misleading I think (unintentionally I'm sure). It doesn't fill an area and doesn't require a saving throw.

It's simply a multitarget attack, similar to scorching ray, whirlwind attack, or chain lightning.

The cyclone form infusion, on the other hand, would qualify as an area of effect attack.

I'm using area-of-effect attack in the MMO/game sense of 'effecting multiple targets above 2'. Just like I'd call an effect that hits one person then bounces to a single nearby target a 'cleave' effect. Just a poor choice of phrasing when those two terms are defined in the ruleset, I suppose.

I personally find attack rolls preferable to saves in most situations just because I have control over attack rolls. In that same line of thought, I find chain blast or impale to be better than the actual, templated aoe infusions, because of their ease-of-use/positioning and relative success chance against higher level enemies. That's my opinion, however, as it's the difference between guaranteed 1/2 (or 1/4 in some cases) damage on a true templated attack.

All this is neither here nor there, though, as it still your only real option for affecting more than one enemy per round, barring melee.

Tels wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
he's adding the damage together. because that's how much damage you're doing in a round, but not damage to 1 target in a round.
Heh... by that logic, Wizards/Sorcerers are far and above the best DPS characters in the game.

I showed all my work for how I got the damage per round against two targets. You can extract the amount of damage-per-hit for one electric blast from that work

I'm not trying to mislead anyone. The 'logic' that I was using is that electric blast isnt useless. It's the only aoe option for Ravingdork's character as presented. I will give that I messed up the math a little, and the total dpr should be 2-3 points lower (I forgot to remove a d6 for the chain).

Most combat situations won't just be all the party vs. 1 guy. It's in these situations that an attack roll based, infinite use, chain lightning spell is incredibly useful.

I added my caveats, math, and justification in my last post, so see there for the setup.

Edit: I also think that Kineticist gives sorc/wiz a run for it's money on aoe blaster dps, but I don't have the time at the moment to back that up. Not an aerokineticist, mind you, but definitely a kineticist. I'll work on that point later. :D

Could you just cast this spell?

Elicoor wrote:

And what about the Human FCB ?

1. I can take that FCB from level 1 on, getting Extra Wild talent at level 6.
2. I have to wait until I can take the Extra Wild Talent feat.

Second question :

Can I take the Defense wild talent for my expanded element ? If so, how, as it's not an utility talent, nor an infusion, and the specific text of Extra Wild Talent prevents me to do so ?

1. You can take the FCB for humans from level 1 because it does not modify a class feature you don't have. It grants a benefit after six levels.

2. You can take the Expanded Defense wild talent for your expanded element wild talent choice, or for the Extra Wild Talent feat. You just can't select the (defense) wild talent or blast wild talents directly.

The difference is that Expanded Defense is a (utility) wild talent that gives you access to a second (defense) wild talent after/at Level 7.

Ravingdork wrote:
Azten wrote:
Paizo has errated the old FCBs so you hae to actually have the ability the FCB applies to, and added that wording to Occult book. So you can't start buffering the buffer until you actually have it...

Can you post a quote and source link please?

Hazrond wrote:
You could retrain once you gain the ability right?
Sadly, I do not see an option to retrain favored class bonuses anywhere.

Here's the post

John Compton wrote:

....Related Point: Can I apply the aasimar or elf oracle's favored class bonus to a revelation I do not yet have? Can I do so for the aasimar bard’s favored class bonus?

No, when choosing which class feature’s effective level to increase, you can only select a feature that you already have. For example, an aasimar flame oracle cannot choose to improve the wings of fire revelation with her favored class bonus until she actually gains the revelation at 7th level or beyond; she could not start augmenting it at 1st level.

This isn’t actually a new rule. It’s just a clarification that I confirmed with the design team because it seemed that some folks were assuming otherwise......

Ravingdork wrote:

With my current build, it looks like my best "at-will" damage will be using a move action supercharge to unleash a heavily infused thunderstorm blast.

12d6 + 1d8 + 26 = 72.5 damage on average
If I'm not mistaken, I can pretty much apply any one of my listed infusions to it, chaining it, snaking it, extreme sniping it, or swinging it in melee. Except for chaining it, I can also add the thundering substance infusion on top of that, pretty much for free.

Contrast that to the following:
Empowered air blast - 69.75 damage on average
Maximized air blast - 65 damage
Standard air blast - 46.5 damage on average

The damage only goes downhill from there with other options. Probably should never make an electric blast unless hitting the AC becomes an issue.

Chain only works on electricity blast, so the number one circumstance you'll be using your electricity for will be aoe situations.

Even with just two opponents, an empowered electricity chain blast will deal 101.175 dpr on average, and will be your best option unless resistances are in play, you have a party member capable of one-shotting things, or you are trying to eliminate a single target quickly.

I'm not that good at math, so let's see if I did this right:

Show Your Work:
A = probability of A hitting
B = probability of B hitting
A*B = Probability of both hitting independently
P(A*B)/P(A) = Probablity of both hitting, dependent on A hitting
A and B = 95%, given touch attack of +20 against monster with Touch AC less than 22
P(.95*.95)/P(.95) = .95
Average damage of A+B = 106.5 (2*(1.5*(7*3.5+11)))
Adj. Average damage = 101.175

Either way, DR is more common than Electricity Resistance (or so it would seem), so you have to take that into account for the damage comparisons as well. Electricity might not be higher on paper, but given it's better chance to hit against most enemies and damage type, it can end up being better.

Concept: Humanoid fungus with ties to the negative energy plane. Hauntingly beautiful, but obviously alien mindset. Civilization uses corpses of other species as workers. Spores of race carry the influence of the negative plane; reanimating corpses and defiling surrounding areas. Neutral disposition (plants), though have trouble grasping importance of individual lives

Plant Type: 10 RP
Small Size: 0 RP
Slow Speed: -1 RP
Mixed Weakness ASMQ (-4 str, +2 dex, -2 wis, +2 cha): -2 RP
Animate Dead, at-will: 6 RP
Desecrate, at-will: 4 RP
Fell Magic: 3 RP
Negative Energy Affinity: -1 RP
Carrion Sense: 1 RP

Divine source for SLAs. Build focused on charisma class that can take advantage of desecrate and animate dead. Make an army, be a great leader :D

Your GM is awesome btw.

I'm currently playing an Aerokineticist 13(pure element) in a home pathfinder campaign. I have competitive dps with the rest of my group, though not the absolute highest.

To-hit is sitting at +22 (BaB 9 +6(dex) +1(wep. focus) +5(overflow) +1(competence))

Damage is:

Air: 9d6+7 +10(overflow) +10(con); 36-81, avg. 58 (emp. 54-121, avg. 87)
Electricity: 9d6 +10(overflow) +5(con); 24-69, avg. 46.5 (emp. 36-103, avg. 69)
Storm: 16d6+14 +10(overflow) +10(con); 50-130, avg. 90 (emp. 75-195, avg. 135)

Each can be empowered every round while supercharging, except for Storm which costs 1 pt of burn. Each is ranged, and from at least 60ft away.

Electricity, while lower damage, can be chained to up to 7 other enemies for aoe or used against high-armored foes (and also either empowered or magnetized to give all my party's melee a +4 to hit)

Don't forget that this class has a ridiculous amount of utility outside of the damage it can do. Believe me, I can respect the point of this thread to the extent that maximizing damage is important, but you have to make sure to take into account the rest that Kineticist has to offer.

Magnetizing, haste on everyone, at-will flying, long-range assaults, control wind at-will, etc. It's all rather useful.

If you're looking for optimized dps with no utility, you'll have to turn to annihilators or kinetic whip builds.

My thoughts.

So could one use a kinetic blade or devastating infusion while under the effects of a rage spell? It's not a spell-like technically cast, since it's part of another action.


If you have access to it, check out the Unchained book for alternate wealth options. There are really cool ideas akin to Vow of Poverty in 3.5 DnD (basically takes big 6 items completely out in exchange for passive bonuses).

This'd allow you to use magic items with actual impact, or let them craft items that they'll find useful.

DiscOH wrote:
Snowblind wrote:
Ahh...Goblin Skull Bombs actually need to kill the creature. Not drop below 0. Kill. What's the average Con of an NPC creature? 12-14 or so? Far higher for monsters? The goblin bomb deals about 18 damage. Against a 14 Con creature, that means that the creature has to be at 4 or less HP to get a kill, on average. That's about a 50/50 chance, so in reality the creature should be a bit lower HP than that. The Catching Fire bit makes it a little more likely, but the DC is so low that most creatures are going to pass. If Deathwatch doesn't return "Fragile", you probably shouldn't be using the bomb anyway if you want to get a new one.

Oh wow, I totally missed this. I play a lot of 4th edition where enemies die at 0 unless you call out that you're trying not to kill them. I guess I could... vital strike with the thrown goblin bomb?

Either way, back to the drawing board. Thanks guys!

If you can convince your DM it's a splash weapon, there's always Int to damage from alchemist or underground chemist rogues. Just a thought.

Breakfateschain wrote:
Since for the purposes of feats, Kinetic Blasts count as a weapon, couldn't you get and extra attack by using Rapid Shot, since that feat refers to Ranged Weapons, not arrows?

You cannot make a full-attack action with a kinetic blast (ranged), therefore the feat cannot be applied. :(

Aurelio 90 wrote:

Well... after a mid-month, I am here again to update the situation.

So, what's happened? After discussing several times with Bob (and the other players), it seemed that the situation was restored. The party has been exploring the dungeon, facing various encounters until the BEG and his servants. This was a hard fight (a CR 8 encounter againts an APL 5 party!) but after various imprecations, rains of dice, a druid's animal companion died and terrible critical hits they have managed to win. This is mainly due to Shoanti for addressing the situation very well, not complaining as he did earlier and facing three enemies alone.

Then, this morning, we found that Bob cheated.

He was of the view that Strength's bonus to wield a two-handed weapon would apply not only to damages but also to attack rolls. His "rule" has applied since the beginning of RotR. That is, we talk about six months of gaming. And we found out only this morning 'cause Bob told us about her "doubts" to the two-handed weapons....(snip)

While I understand that there were other factors that went into this whole thing, I do think this could have been an honest mistake.

I've considered myself a fairly competent optimizer for the past 10 years of my life, through 3.x and pf both. During this time I've played a total of 1 two-handed weapon user, so my knowledge of that area had always been sketchy. Fast forward to a few recent games when this very rule was brought to my attention. I had thought, for ten years, that str x 1.5 was for both to-hit and damage, so this guy's 6 months isn't super terrible, haha.

I mean, if you were looking for a reason to remove him from the group, that's fine; I understand the whole 'straw that broke the camel's back,' but sometimes honest mistakes are just that. Even from people that are otherwise knowledgeable about the game. Though if he was aware of it after, say, two months of the game and didn't change it. Yeah, that's a definite GTFO moment. :)

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