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Halls filled with darkness and unsettling sounds. Corridors that stench of rotten flesh and blood. A maze with dead ends and undead walkers. A desperate warrior, slowly but surely losing sanity, running in these areas, escaping. A hungry hollowed, long ago lost its mind, chasing the warrior like a madman he is. Once slain, the warrior fades to ashes and dust, leaving behind naught but his broken axe, rusty shield and that which everyone and everything desire: souls.
What cruel design built this maze is unknown to the denizens of the Labyrinth. Frankly, not many care. What they do care is the one thing that keeps them sane: the thought of getting out of this cursed place.
The answer to everything lies in the Souls.
This is the second recruitment thread for Labyrinth Souls, a homebrewed Pathfinder campaign that draws inspiration from Dark Souls games, with emphasis on brutal-but-fair difficulty and setting a creepy, horror-like atmosphere. And lots of dungeon crawling.
The initial recruitment started on June 24 and the game began on July 2 and we've been active ever since. Unfortunately the player cast has dwindled from the initial 8 down to 4, when some players leave without explanation.
I just want to express my love for the item descriptions. Beautiful touch.
I seriously love this game.
All five of us are Dark Souls fans, and occasionally exchange off-topic banter in the discussion thread. Dark Souls fans should feel themselves welcome.
- Woke up in a dark dungeon with no memories
- Met a dying, crestfallen man who told of organizations called Hellfire and Explorers' Guild
- Met an alchemist who told more of these two organizations
- Slayed the Brave-Faced Scorpion
- Met a Hellfire corporal, an encounter which returned some memories
- Saw a closed gate with a cryptic message
Here's what you'll need to know if you're interested:
In addition, this campaing uses Automatic Bonus Progression (from Pathfinder Unchained).
Ability scores: 15-point buy, or 3d6 times six in any order (if RNG doesn't favor you, you can switch to 15-point buy)
Races: All core races, all featured races (including aasimar, drow and thiefling; no variant heritages; no drow noble) as well as kitsune, nagaji and wayang.
Classes: All core classes except paladin, all base classes except gunslinger, all hybrid classes, all alternate classes except antipaladin, all unchained classes, all occult classes. Summoners must be Unchained (I may allow some summoner archetypes that would be incompatible with Unchained Summoner). No 3PP.
Archetypes: Case-by-case basis (there are too many!): ask before using any (I'm fine with almost any of them). Synthesist Summoner and anything that gives a gun are banned though.
Alignment: Any. Yes, you can play as an evil character. Do note that you must still be able to work with your group. So even your CE cleric has to work with a LG cleric, and vice versa. If you are playing as an evil character, find a way to make it work with others. No PvP unless all players are genuinely OK with it. To summarize: don't be a jerk.
Deities: If you wish to play a class that requires the worship of a deity, reply to this thread with a concept of your deity (a brief description) and I'll cook something up. There is currently one known deity: the god of sun, Auorink.
Hit points: Max at first HD, average rounded up at level-up (just like in PFS)
Traits: Two traits. No region, campaign or religion traits. You may take a drawback for RP purposes (remember the no-jerk rule) but doing so will not earn you a third trait.
Backstory: Your character has awoken in the Labyrinth and doesn't know how he/she/elf got there. Whether your character has amnesia or remembers past events clearly is up to you, but they don't know how they got in the Labyrinth. A good backstory would include a motivation for the character to get out of the Labyrinth. Your character has been roaming the Labyrinth alone for a few days (which is why you're 2nd-level with a few items). A good length for a backstory is 100-200 words.
Gear: Wizards, alchemists and magi begin play with a spellbook (formulabook for alchemists) and divine casters that require divine focuses begin play with a wooden holy/unholy symbol. Expensive free items (like a wizard's arcane bond item) are to be replaced with appropriate, cheaper versions (a wizard must have a familiar as an arcane bond etc).
You have a budget of 50 souls (=500 gp). You can spend this amount on any items available from merchants (see here). Any souls left over are lost.
In addition, every character begins play with a "gift" of their choice (see below).
- Relic of War: Any single non-exotic weapon of your choice that costs 30 gp or less. 10 ammunation included for ranged weapons.
- Master Key: A brass key that has strange letters inscribed on it. Said to open any lock.
- Pyromaniac's Collection: Two bottles of alchemist's fire. With great firepower comes great insanity.
- Mask of the Lost: A wooden mask, colored with crimson and and ash paint. Said to be cursed, but may grant protection of some kind.
- Seer's Mirror: A small shard of a mirror. The more shards one collects, clearer things become.
- Soul of a Forgotten Gambler: A clustering of golden light, containing a random number of souls. A deal with the devil isn't always in your favor.
- Pendant: An old pendant made of fool's gold, given to you by someone special. Absolutely worthless.
- Labyrinthika: An old grimoire, meant to guide seekers in the Labyrinth. Some say it's a hoax, but hope is blinding.
- Last Resort: A potion of cure moderate wounds. Sadly, if you'll ever need it, it's probably already too late.
Barbarians, fighters, rangers, cavaliers, inquisitors, bloodragers, slayers, swashbucklers, warpriests and mediums automatically gain "Relic of War" gift and can select another gift.
Rogues and ninjas automatically gain "Master Key" gift and can select another gift.
As title says, we are looking two new players.

GM Runescarred Dragon |

Aww, what the hell. This looks like fun. I never played dark souls, but I have friends who did, and I loved Bloodborne to bits, so I think I'll see what I can cook up.
Does spending or otherwise losing a soul take it away from you for xp purposes?
3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 3) = 11
3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3) = 5
3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 3) = 7
3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) = 6
3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4) = 7
3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2) = 13
Yeah. That's how that usually goes.
Question time!
What does your party look like? Is there anything in particular that players have been aching to have with them? Is there a particular type of foe that we'll be fighting a lot? I'm imagining that Undead might be prevalent, but you never know.


Does spending or otherwise losing a soul take it away from you for xp purposes?
I'll clarify the souls rules:
The party has a collective "wallet" of souls. Whenever anyone gains souls, they transfer to the wallet (no individual soul wallets). Souls are used to purchase items from merchants (1s = 10gp) and for leveling up (1s = 10 XP). Leveling-up can only be done after a boss battle, thus the party saves souls and then fights bosses.So to answer your question: yes. Any soul spent on an items is, more or less, away from the "XP". Most of the gear comes from loot found in the Labyrinth, anyway.
Question time!
What does your party look like? Is there anything in particular that players have been aching to have with them? Is there a particular type of foe that we'll be fighting a lot? I'm imagining that Undead might be prevalent, but you never know.
We have:
Elyna: gnome pyrokineticist.Kekkle Smoughbon: ifrit mindblade magus.
Lightning Pahleg: aasimar cleric of aforementioned sun god.
Ulrich of Ravensmount: human fighter, sword and board.
and a fetchling rogue who's been afk for a month and is about to be retired.
Pretty diverse group. So diverse they haven't encountered any shortcomings, as far as I can tell.
Humanoids have been common, but that might chance in the next areas, depending on where the party heads from here.

DekoTheBarbarian |

I got a couple ideas for a character. Gonna go for a point-buy because the dice gods don't really like me that much.
Going to go for either a Brawler or maybe an Arcanist. If I go for a brawler, then I'm gonna be a straight Brawler, no archetypes. If I go for an Arcanist, then I want the Unlettered Arcanist archetype, which changes the spell list from sorcerer/wizard to witch and replaces the spellbook with a familiar, and perhaps the Occultist archetype with gives it all the planar ally spells and a spontaneous summon monster ability for arcane points.
Actually, the arcanist sounds the most fun. Let me know what you think and I'll whip the character up.

Edward Sobel |

ok lets see what the dice gods shall deal to me.
3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2) = 8
3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1) = 5
3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 4) = 8
3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6) = 13
wow looks like 15 point buy for me I don't even think you can calculate that as a point buy. I think if it is extrapolated out it comes to a -4 point buy.
EDIT punched it into the ability calculator and if you make the 5 a 7 that equates to a -2 point buy


Anything that would allow an unlettered arcanist to add spells to her spellbook allows her to add spells to her familiar instead.
An arcanist begins play with a spellbook containing all 0-level wizard/sorcerer spells plus three 1st-level spells of her choice. The arcanist also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to her Intelligence modifier to add to the spellbook. At each new arcanist level, she gains two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new arcanist level) for her spellbook. At any time, an arcanist can also add spells found in wizards' or other arcanists' spellbooks to her own.
Seems like it's just the regular amount for any arcanist, spellbook or familiar makes no difference.
So all cantrips, 5+Int 1st level spells.

TheWorg |

Thinking a Dwarven Warpeiest of...
The god of battle Ebech takes the form of a young man. He is very muscular and broad,and is generally portrayed as tall. His brown eyes are rarely seen behind his helmet. He carries a multitude of weapons,and is always wearing his suit of shining full plate armor,made in the forge of gods,crafted of the metal found the the Old Gods core when defeated. He often comes down to the mortal world,taking the form of a general or champion.
Does that work for you? I'm using a God I created for a book,but it's your game,so any changes are of course welcome.
What domains/war priest powers would be open to me with him as my deity?


Thinking a Dwarven Warpeiest of...
The god of battle Ebech takes the form of a young man. He is very muscular and broad,and is generally portrayed as tall. His brown eyes are rarely seen behind his helmet. He carries a multitude of weapons,and is always wearing his suit of shining full plate armor,made in the forge of gods,crafted of the metal found the the Old Gods core when defeated. He often comes down to the mortal world,taking the form of a general or champion.
Does that work for you? I'm using a God I created for a book,but it's your game,so any changes are of course welcome.
What domains/war priest powers would be open to me with him as my deity?
Mostly I'm asking for things like Alignment and portfolio. Sounds like CN (CG? N? NG? CE?) god of battle and war, what else?


Ah yes, the items from merchant lists purposely lack descriptions (it's a game design aspect).
The list of purchasable items purposely lacks item descriptions. So far there is no indication on what's the function of estus flasks nor what's the difference between lesser estus flask and estus flask. It's a feature, not a bug! You could ask IC but there's no guarantee they'll answer, or answer truthfully.
When asked, the skeleton merchant answer something like:
Ring of Madness: "Found from a scary place! Makes you hear voices. I think it fun, so I own!"
Summoner's Wand: "Hear it is magic. I cannot magic, so I don't know."

DekoTheBarbarian |

Here is Xarouk and her thrush familiar Moktou.
Two days. Two days Xarouk and Moktou wandered this strange place, having to fight for their lives several times. If it wasn't for her arcane abilities, and the strange merchants they encountered, they would have perished quickly. Everything seemed to revolve around souls in this place, as though it was under the dominion of some daemonic god. Fortunately, she had stumbled upon a small cache of the little white orbs, allowing her to outfit herself, as well as purchase a strange ring by the even stranger skeletal seller.
Now she wondered if she was the only one trying to find their way out of this place. As she walked along a corridor, she heard the sounds of combat in the distance. Figuring that was as good a clue as any, they moved forward to see what they'd find.

TheWorg |

TheWorg wrote:Mostly I'm asking for things like Alignment and portfolio. Sounds like CN (CG? N? NG? CE?) god of battle and war, what else?Thinking a Dwarven Warpeiest of...
The god of battle Ebech takes the form of a young man. He is very muscular and broad,and is generally portrayed as tall. His brown eyes are rarely seen behind his helmet. He carries a multitude of weapons,and is always wearing his suit of shining full plate armor,made in the forge of gods,crafted of the metal found the the Old Gods core when defeated. He often comes down to the mortal world,taking the form of a general or champion.
Does that work for you? I'm using a God I created for a book,but it's your game,so any changes are of course welcome.
What domains/war priest powers would be open to me with him as my deity?
I was thinking honor,heroics,and light(illumination). Or any one of the three honestly.
CG was my thought on him. He is much more of a good than evil,but of course,battle is chaotic.
Loup Blanc |

Ooh, interesting. I finally picked up Dark Souls II last week and I've been enjoying it. Let's see at least what the dice have to say...
3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) = 15
3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1) = 7
3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3) = 8
3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 3) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2) = 12
Hmm. Looks like the 15 buy for me if I make anything up.

Loup Blanc |

Gah, just missed the edit deadline with another thought: the Reanimated Medium archetype (for the Medium class)? Seems very thematic, what with the whole Undead thing from Dark Souls, and the idea of a spirit who just won't give up trying to make it out of the Labyrinth seems fitting.
On that note, I know you said no variant heritages above, but would there be any way you would consider allowing me to use the nosferatu-born dhampir stats for the character, to further represent the whole coming back from death thing? If not that's fine, just thought it seemed appropriate.
EDIT: Went back on my thought about the nosferatu. If I decide to use dhampir stats for the whole undeath-type thing, I can work the normal dhampir easily enough.


Here is Xarouk and her thrush familiar Moktou.
** spoiler omitted **
Quickly skimmed, looking good. Just a note that, while Mythweavers is handy, please remember to also include the character sheet in the alias profile.
was reading the "gift" portion. the "Master key" (i believe that it was described before as Masterwork thieves tools.) should I just add them in as such and no need to spend 10 souls on them?
Yes, free gifts are free. Write down "master key" or "master key (mwk thieves' tools)" or just "masterwork thieves tools" - the small excitement from discovering what the gifts do precisely is now diluted anyway.
I was thinking honor,heroics,and light(illumination). Or any one of the three honestly.
CG was my thought on him. He is much more of a good than evil,but of course,battle is chaotic.
Hmhm, gimme a few minutes, I'll PM you the deity info.
Question: Would the Armored Hulk archetype for the Barbarian, or the Unbreakable archetype for the Fighter, be allowed? Thinking of building a heavy armor type.
Both get the green light.
Gah, just missed the edit deadline with another thought: the Reanimated Medium archetype (for the Medium class)? Seems very thematic, what with the whole Undead thing from Dark Souls, and the idea of a spirit who just won't give up trying to make it out of the Labyrinth seems fitting.
Reanimated medium also gets a green light.

Otm-Shank |

Post a day has been the target, but I must admit that ever since Fallout 4 came out it's been a struggle to meet that expectation.
To be expected really. Luckily, that's a (moderately) short term situation. Post a day works for me.
As a big fan of dark souls ever since Bloodborne sucked me into the wonderful world of From games. Been working my way through the souls games ever since.
I'd love to submit a character for this. Looks like a great deal of fun. I'll take a look at all the house rules and available sources and be back!

Araden the Wanderer |

Alright, Loup Blanc has his submission finished in terms of mechanics, I believe, although I'll be doing a little more in terms of personality and backstory (to the extent of what he remembers). As a note for preference, I think it would be interesting to have Araden look somewhat undead, but if you'd rather I didn't go that far with the reanimation thing, that's fine. Just let me know what you think so far!


ok here is my submission.
Thanks GM for all your help. I again apologize for all the PM's.
I think I got things hashed out as we discussed.
all in the profile
Everything seems to be in order, though the backstory might not fit into the 100-200 word limit...
Alright, Loup Blanc has his submission finished in terms of mechanics, I believe, although I'll be doing a little more in terms of personality and backstory (to the extent of what he remembers). As a note for preference, I think it would be interesting to have Araden look somewhat undead, but if you'd rather I didn't go that far with the reanimation thing, that's fine. Just let me know what you think so far!
Looking good, except you seem to be one gift short? Mediums were among the ones who get Relic of War for free.
Undead-looking or not, either could work thematically.
Araden the Wanderer |

Looking good, except you seem to be one gift short? Mediums were among the ones who get Relic of War for free.
I'll be honest, I totally missed that somehow. I think thematically I'd love to have something akin to the Pendant, but I was thinking something more along the lines of a letter in his pocket, clearly from a loved one wondering when he'll be returning home, but he doesn't recognize the name. So that becomes the driving factor in his desire to get out of the Labyrinth. If you'd prefer it stick with a pendant, though, that's cool. I like the flavor either way.
Undead-looking or not, either could work thematically.
Awesome. He's gonna look kinda zombie-ish then. He keeps his helmet on most of the time regardless, even sleeps in his armor (and uses Heart of the Fields to ignore the fatigue). Just figured it'd be an interesting flavor thing.

Kayla - Black scorpion |

Kayla - Black scorpion wrote:Everything seems to be in order, though the backstory might not fit into the 100-200 word limit...ok here is my submission.
Thanks GM for all your help. I again apologize for all the PM's.
I think I got things hashed out as we discussed.
all in the profile
well I guess I can cut things out, there are parts I didn't really need in there.

Araden the Wanderer |

Short backstory finished!
Araden woke up lying facedown in a bare room, a stain of long-dried blood around him. His only possessions were a suit of battered armor, a worn but functional axe of tremendous size, and an aching desire to discover more. His journey began without questions of why or what or how. It began as every great adventure does: one step at a time, each foot carrying you further into the dark.
As he traveled, over these past few days since he awoke, he discovered more about himself and his surroundings. He ran into monsters and enemies, each dispatched more for survival than any tangible goal. He learned more about his own capabilities, channeling the echoes of lost spirits throughout the Labyrinth and creating his own minor magical effects. He discovered his own name and nature, and met a skeleton from whom he purchased more equipment.
Now, Araden wanders the Labyrinth, seeking a way out to find out who he is. He barely knows why he's searching, but he knows he won't give up. Not even death can hold him from his chosen purpose.

Lin Zi |

Name: Lin Zi
Class: Oracle
Mystery: Lunar
Race: Female Aasimar
Alignment: CG
Backstory Summary: Sent on pilgrimage from the forest-villages of her foreign country, the moon shamness Lin Zi seeks revelation, wisdom and magic in this desolate land. Trapped in a labyrinth, she seeks to escape these cloying walls and return to her open fields and forests. Her only ally in this endeavour is her beloved white tiger Lyle, a gift from the moon goddess when she came of age and it was clear her crippled legs were a sign of the goddess' favor.
Personality: Proud, claustrophobic, distrusting, kind and loyal eventually.

Gilthanis |

Also have a couple other class/archetype combinations?
Tetori Monk + Quinggong Monk?
Flowing Monk?
Maneuver Master Monk?
Do I (we?) know what the shards/flasks do?
Is crafting mundane gear (swords/armor/arrows) going to be allowed or feasible? I would invest in craft for use only, not for resale if that matters in your decision.


Don't worry, if I get picked, my alias will have the Mythweavers link on it. Not a big fan of making aliases before I know I'm in the game.
No, I mean having a readable character sheet in the alias profile, not just a link to Mythweavers. My mobile does not handle Mythweavers at all. It's fine not making an alias at this point, I'm just pointing this out for you and everyone else.
Gunslinger is banned which is fine, but is the Bolt Ace archetype allowed?
Also have a couple other class/archetype combinations?
Tetori Monk + Quinggong Monk?
Flowing Monk?
Maneuver Master Monk?
All of those are fine.
Do I (we?) know what the shards/flasks do?
Shards no (but a healthy dose of meta knowledge may help), flask yes. Check gameplay page 7.
Is crafting mundane gear (swords/armor/arrows) going to be allowed or feasible? I would invest in craft for use only, not for resale if that matters in your decision.
Haven't thought about it. So far no one else has paid much mind to crafting. Time is probably the biggest reason why it wouldn't be feasible, even if materials were not an issue (eg. we could handwave it as using souls themselves as materials).

Johnnycat93 |

Should be, GM will probably post in a few hours. In the meantime...
Wouldn't mind some feedback on my application.
Remember that at some point you'll need to have a statblock put-together in the alias itself.
Currently an Exotic Military Saddle, Heavy Mace, and Hide Armor cannot be purchased. Masterwork Studded Leather cannot be purchased for your companion, the normal Studded Leather can. I'd also point out that your companion lacks proficiency feats for the armor they have been given.
Finally, it seems your Companion is listed as 3rd level. I don't understand how that is possible so I'm going to assume it was an error.

Lin Zi |

-Happy to turn it into an in-alias statblock later.
-Did the equipment then realized the custom equipment list; hoped to talk with the GM about things, since surely a saddle is something I could have.
-While it lacks proficiency feats, making Studded Leather Masterwork brings the AC penalty down to 0, so it does not need the feat.
-Aasimar have a favored class bonus allowing them to be treated as a higher level for the purposes of one revelation's effects. It was approved by dev errata, it's all pukka.

Johnnycat93 |

-Did the equipment then realized the custom equipment list; hoped to talk with the GM about things, since surely a saddle is something I could have.
You'd be surprised; we didn't even start with clothes.
-While it lacks proficiency feats, making Studded Leather Masterwork brings the AC penalty down to 0, so it does not need the feat.
Alright, but remember that mwk studded leather is not available right at character creation unless you are crafting or something,