Kestoglyr Mantiel

Araden the Wanderer's page

243 posts. Alias of Loup Blanc.

Full Name





Medium (Reincarnated) | HP 35/35 | AC 20, touch 11, FF 19 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +1, Perception +6 | Lamb, Order of the Sheep




Medium (6'1", 180 lb.)



Special Abilities



Neutral Good



Strength 17
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Araden the Wanderer

Araden the Wanderer
Male human medium (reanimated medium) 4
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Initiative +1 (-1 at 3 or more influence; currently -1); Senses Perception +7
- - - - -
- - - - -

Armor Class 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (Dex +1, armor +7, enhancement +1)

Hit Points 35/35 (4d8+8+4)
Nonlethal Damage 0
Condition Normal
Influence Champion 3

Fortitude +4, Reflex +3, Will +5
- - - - -
- - - - -

Speed 20 feet (30 feet base)

Melee Champion Bardiche +10 (1d10+10/19-20)
Melee Morningstar +6 (1d8+3)
Melee Cestus/Dagger +6 (1d4+3/19-20)

Ranged Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20/10 ft)
- - - - -
- - - - -

Strength 17, Dexterity 12, Constitution 14, Intelligence 8, Wisdom 10, Charisma 14

Base Attack Bonus +3
Combat Maneuver Bonus +6
Combat Maneuver Defense 17

Feats Heavy Armor Proficiency, Power Attack, Spirit Focus (Champion)

Traits Reincarnated, Steel Skin
Drawback Umbral Unmasking

Trained Skills
Diplomacy +9 (4 ranks+3 class+2 Cha)
Intimidate +9 (4 ranks+3 class+2 Cha) (+2 with helmet)
Perception +7 (4 ranks+3 class)

Languages Common

Bardiche (Relic of War)
Cestuses, 2 (2 souls)
Dagger (1 soul)
Morningstar (1 soul)

Banded mail (25 souls)
Osch plate armor (150 souls)

Other Gear
Lesser Estus flask (5 souls)
Letter from a Loved One (Gift)
Ring of Madness (11 souls)

Automatic Bonus Progression:
Armor Attunement: Banded mail +1
Resistance: +1
Weapon Attunement: Bardiche +1

[spoiler=Spells]0-Level Spells
grave words

1st-Level Spells (2/day)
object reading
psychic reading

Short Backstory:
Araden doesn't remember how he came to the Labyrinth. He doesn't remember what he did before. He only "knows" his name because it's the name listed as the recipient of a letter he found in one of his pockets. He doesn't even know what he did in the Labyrinth before he died, only what he's done since coming back.

Araden woke up lying facedown in a bare room, a stain of long-dried blood around him. His only possessions were a suit of battered armor, a worn but functional axe of tremendous size, and an aching desire to discover more. His journey began without questions of why or what or how. It began as every great adventure does: one step at a time, each foot carrying you further into the dark.

As he traveled, over these past few days since he awoke, he discovered more about himself and his surroundings. He ran into monsters and enemies, each dispatched more for survival than any tangible goal. He learned more about his own capabilities, channeling the echoes of lost spirits throughout the Labyrinth and creating his own minor magical effects. He discovered his own name and nature, and met a skeleton from whom he purchased more equipment.

Now, Araden wanders the Labyrinth, seeking a way out to find out who he is. He barely knows why he's searching, but he knows he won't give up. Not even death can hold him from his chosen purpose.

Item Descriptions:
Bardiche wrote:

Long poleaxe. Unlike a halberd, bardiche has neither a hook nor a spear point, emphasizing its axe.

Standard bardiche. Worth 1 souls.

A common weapon for the Raetian military, especially for noble house guards. Elsewhere it's treated as an somewhat exotic waraxe.

Cestus wrote:

A tough glove that covers the wielder's knuckles, used for brawls.

Standard cestus. Worth 1 soul.

Only a fool would engage in a brawl with the horrors of the Labyrinth. Then again, gritty brawlers may find strength in foolhardiness.

Dagger wrote:

A dagger that has a blade 1 foot long.

Standard dagger. Worth 1 soul.

The backstabber's perfect tool. Most dangers in the Labyrinth come head-on, but the most vicious ones may be caused by betrayal.

Morningstar wrote:

A spiked mace.

Standard morningstar. Worth 1 soul.

Weapons like these rely on the strength of its wielder, but can work effectively in weaker hands if used against the right enemy.

Banded Mail wrote:

A suit of armor made up of overlapping strips of metal, fastened to a leather backing.

Standard banded mail. Worth 25 souls.

More protective than most armor, cheaper than a full-plate. Commonly used by knights of lower wealth, and mercenaries of greater wealth.

Lesser Estus Flask wrote:

A green glass bottle filled with strange liquid.

Potion of cure light wounds (CL 1). Worth 5 souls.

Drinking estus fills the roamer in the Labyrinth with a gentle sense of warmth, energy and hope.

Letter from a Loved One wrote:

A hand-written letter from someone dear. As it is not written by a royalty, the only value this piece of paper has is sentimental.

Weighs - lbs. Worth 0 souls.

This letter was sent to you by someone special, so perhaps it offers some mental comfort. Absolutely worthless otherwise.

Ring of Madness wrote:

A ring made of black metal.

Aura faint divination; CL 2nd; Slot ring; Price 11 souls; Weight -

The wearer of this ring can understand the communication of the hollows. Hollows do not speak, but can communicate with one another voicelessly. The ring intercepts these signals, and translates them to the wearer. To anyone unaware of this effect, it may seem as though the words were caused by madness.

They say that insanity brings voices to one's head. But could it be that sanity simply silences the real voices?

Osch Plate Armor wrote:

A suit of armor from Osch, a duchy impoverished by pillaging crusaders. The plates are folded in untraditional ways; the armor is made mainly for duels.

Standard full plate. Worth 150 souls.

While a lowly soldier or squire would happily don this suit, knights would frown on it, seeing where it came from. Wearing Osch armor is a usually sign that one is either an honorless crusader, or a Cold Osch Knight.