Ethereal Gears |

Hiya folks.
So, for an upcoming campaign I am GM-ing I require (for reasons we need not go into here) an NPC that is a level 20 commoner. I want to make this character as versatile and powerful as possible within the confines of the commoner class. The NPC can be of any PC race; she cannot have templates or racial HD. She gains 2 traits at character creation like a PC and has PC WBL. I'm basically soliciting suggestions from people for optimized level 20 commoner builds. If the build also functions somewhat at levels 5, 10 and 15, that would be a great bonus, but the focus is on level 20. Any and all ideas welcome, with the one caveat that I am sadly not going to be able to utilize any suggestions involving this character possessing levels in any class except commoner. This is the one utterly non-negotiable aspect of this concept, so I feel it's just as well to clarify this firmly at the onset. Otherwise, I'll be utterly thrilled with any advice I get!
- Gears

GM Runescarred Dragon |

Eldritch Heritage for an animal companion can also provide a boost.
Human Commoner 20 (CR 18)
HP: 310
Stats(25 point buy): Str 8, Dex 10, Con 34(tome, level & belt), Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 22 (Headband)
Feats: Iron Will, Obtain Familiar, Leadership, Evolved Familiar*9
Traits: +1 to UMD & Class Skill, ?Reactionary?
Skills: Use Magic
He's not as powerful as a summoner, obviously.
Goat mauler familiar (Black goat of the forrest with a thousand young.)
AC 31
Attack: 2 Claws +17 1d4+7, Bite +17 1d6+7, Gore +17 1d6+7, 2 Tentacles +15 1d4+3
Evolutions: Improved Natural Armor*4, Pounce, Claws, Bite, Tentacle*2
Feats: Multiattack
Str 24, BAB +10

Ethereal Gears |

Thanks for all the cool suggestions, guys! Keep 'em coming, this is great! :)
I didn't specify it in the OP, and that's my bad, but I have to say that Leadership is out. It's so standard-issue within my group to never allow that feat under any circumstances that I sadly keep forgetting it even exists. Other than that, though, all of these are really neat ideas.
@scary harpy: I'm familiar with the Adequate Commoner, and while I won't rule it out, it just strikes me as more fun to try to build this character up using feats, equipment and interesting racial options. Thanks anyway, though!
@Trigger Loaded: Potentially, this character could actually end up filling all of the campaign roles you just described. Depending on the actions of the PCs and how the campaign in general rolls out, they might end up having this girl tag along as a cohort, become someone they have to fight and defeat, someone antagonistic to them but more remotely (behind the scenes, as you put it) or someone with whom they will want to negotiate for aid or a temporary alliance. In essence, this means the character needs to be as well-rounded as possible, in my book. My hunch is the best way to build it would be as if to build an actual PC.
I'm really liking the wacky Siege Engineer idea. I wonder if it would somehow be possibly to assemble enough companions/familiars without using leadership to assemble a proper crew for one? Otherwise, I hadn't actually thought of UMD at all, oddly enough. That should probably go into any build if room can be made!
- Gears

Mellok |

Another idea would be to have a silver tongue human with skill focus Linguistics and orator as a politician who could work as a mastermind behind the scenes. UMD is a very interesting idea as gear is at least 50% of a pcs power.
In addition weapon focus dagger, Weapon Finesse, and slashing grace dagger turns you into Brutus. The skill focus from human will give you sf umd and sf sense motive.
You are still very limited by the commoner class but a party face character makes a good villain if not a dangerous arch enemy.

TempusAvatar |

The biggest problem I see is how NPC classes are identified and classified as a concept.
If you make an NPC that focuses on one area of expertise, that's not a commoner anymore. That's an expert. That's what the expert class is for. It goes against the concept of the system to make an uncommon commoner.
Everything described by everyone previously posting has described an expert, both by the definitions of the core rulebook and by the contexts of roleplay. If you're awesome enough to gain 20 levels of experience and dump your skill ranks in one or two skills, you should have achieved a level of notoriety for that skill.
Commoners don't achieve notoriety in anything. That's why they're commoners. In theory, a 20th level commoner should be an old man who never gained any credible talent in any one specific field; meandering through life from one odd job to the next. He can help out with many different tasks, but he's not someone you would call to do an outstanding job. You'd call an expert for that.

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Str 14 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 15 Wis 14 Cha 13
H: Fast Learner
1- Improvisation
3- Improved Improvisation
5- Toughness
7- Dodge
9- Defiant Luck
11- Inexplicable Luck
13- Skill Focus [Professional Skill]
15- Improved Initiative
17- Bestow Luck
19- Surge Of Success
Very much a lucky Commoner that has a knack for doing a little of everything but master of one Profession of which they make their lives on (likely because a Commoner, I suspect Profession: Innkeeper to meet the PC's and make sure they get a tab going that they have to pay him back for with interesting quests, like saving his daughter that just happened to have been snatched by a dragon, along with a princess, but his daughter of course is more important)