My level 9 Wizard recently purchased a rod of lesser maximize. To that end, I'm planning to perform some rather dirty shenanigans with Explosive Runes.
My plan is thus:
Step 1: Create multiple pieces of paper with maximized Explosive Runes during downtime.
Step 2: In the dungeon, cast Summon Monster III, maximized to summon 3 small air elementals from the Summon Monster II list.
Step 3: Give each air elemental a piece of paper and tell them to fly over next to the enemy and read it for 36 force damage each, no save. Optionally instruct them to shout 'Banzai!' when doing so.
My question: What sort of action is it to read the paper with the explosive runes? Is it a standard action similar to reading a scroll, or an immediate action as per the effect of a trap?

Claxon |

Reading them is not a specified action. Also, handing them to the elementals will probably result in them reading them and setting them off. And you probably can't set them to not explode for creatures who don't exist when they're made.
The only instruction I see is that it apparently requires you to be adjacent to the page to read it.
Anyone next to the explosive runes (close enough to read them) takes the full damage with no saving throw
This implies in the same square as the page I think.
For what it's worth, most smart GMs aren't going to allow you to stockpile Explosive Rune bombs in the way you want. Most people recognize that this is an abusive tactic. Although most people use the simpler method of setting them off by failing the dispel check to destroy (which sets them off).

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You could fold the paper in half before giving it to the elemental.
I'd argue that being close enough to read them means within 5 ft. (you wouldn't have to enter the square of a shelf of books to read the titles on the spine). Unfortunately I suppose this is up to DM interpretation without any other explanation given.
As for stockpiling bombs, I don't see how it wouldn't be a legal and logical tactic for a spellcaster with the ability to perform it.
Honestly I don't like the failed dispel check strategy for a variety of reasons, mostly because it's single target only and you are supposed to automatically succeed on checks to dispel your own spells. I much prefer the summon suicide bomber method myself.

QuidEst |

As for stockpiling bombs, I don't see how it wouldn't be a legal and logical tactic for a spellcaster with the ability to perform it.
Legal and logical, yes. Something I'd permit as a GM? No. A world in which this is allowed is not a pleasant one to adventure in, and the PCs are going to be a lot happier if there's some reason that it isn't possible and/or feasible.

dragonhunterq |

I remind my players that super effective tactics can and will be adopted by others. If they persist I would let them enjoy their bombs for a little while and then one day surround them with air elementals carrying slips of paper.
I've never had to go beyond the first sentence. My players are smarter than they look.

Claxon |

I remind my players that super effective tactics can and will be adopted by others. If they persist I would let them enjoy their bombs for a little while and then one day surround them with air elementals carrying slips of paper.
I've never had to go beyond the first sentence. My players are smarter than they look.
Ah yes, the [i]Gentleman's Agreement[i]™. I remind my players of this all the time, mostly along the lines of, "Oh, so you're stock piling Explosive Runes? Okay. Well, you open the door of your room in the inn your staying at. The walls have been wallpapered with Explosive Runes during the night. Everyone roll new characters."
Of course, I've never actually gotten beyond "Oh, so you're stock piling explosive runes?" because players know how that will play out.

Claxon |

As long as the players aren't opening the can of worms the Gentleman's agreement tacitly implies no one is capable of doing the thing for reasons. I actually implemented a rule change to enforce this for Explosive Runes, which is that it uses up a spell slot until the rune is exploded or until you choose not to maintain the spell's existence by giving up that spell slot each day, and that you can have 1 page of explosive runes that does not count against you spell renewal each day.
In any event, if the players open the can of worms my NPC would do it to each as well as the players. Of course, this usually results in PC death and players learning not to do abusive things.

Kaouse |

I remind my players that super effective tactics can and will be adopted by others. If they persist I would let them enjoy their bombs for a little while and then one day surround them with air elementals carrying slips of paper.
I've never had to go beyond the first sentence. My players are smarter than they look.
Emergency Force Sphere. Contingent Teleport. Spell Immunity: Explosive Notes.
Wizards have the least to fear from this spell. It's everyone else who should be afraid.