fearcypher |

5d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 6, 3) = 17 14
5d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 3, 1) = 14 11
5d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 3, 1) = 16 12
5d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 3, 6) = 23 16
5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 6, 1) = 14 12
5d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3, 4, 3) = 15 11
Full BAB 6
D12 hit die 6
All good saves 5
6+int mod skill points per level 3
Monk physical package 5
Finished up my class.
He is going to mirror a monk early on, but I am going to branch out as time goes on.
Would I be able to pick up stuff from unchained for my character?

fearcypher |

Well the unchained monk has the mechanical aspects I want from the monk but I feel the core monk has more of the graceful monk flavour. So I'm going to see if I can get what I want mechanically from unchained and pick up the cool abilities from core. I generally don't like to use 3pp stuff because i don't feel like learning it and if i find something that combos well together it just feels like I'm cheating.
I'm probably going to try and get dex to damage on my unarmed strikes, hopefully through the unchained rogue ability, if it works with this system.

rungok |

I have been having this idea swirl around in my head quite a bit. Using several amines as a basis for starting a new homebrew, such as the following:
'Sword Art Online'
'Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?'
'Log Horizon'The idea can be trapped players though I was hoping for more of an open world for people to explore and do what you want. We can develop some of the world first such as major quests and landmarks.
Any want to help start building it with me?
Anyone interested in just jumping in the world?I have a large section already created but I can make adjustments as needed!
My time is very limited but I am devoting an hour each day to PbP, so a few posts from me each night is likely the most I can devote at this time.
I know this isn't exactly on topic, but I'm actually developing a tabletop system called 'Lost Server' that's made for the purpose of emulating this kind of basis. It's not a conversion of Pathfinder though. I'm almost in beta phase so if you're interested I can chat with you about trying it out.

Edinoiz |

Well, Fearcypher, you can get Dex to damage rather easily in this game, you just need to take a 3pp feat from an allowed source (in this case it's the Deadly Agility feat), but looking at how the UC Rogue's mechanics are I'd put the point cost at roughly 2-3 for Weapon Finesse + Dex to Dmg for 1 weapon?

GM Wolf |

2nd, @GM Wolf, was there ever a decision on situations like this: a person takes Weapon Training for 5 points and Armor Training for 3 points but swaps out Armor Training for the 1-weapon-specific-Weapon Training that the fighter's Weapon Master archetype can access. Would the different "Weapon Trainings" stack together (WM picks, say, longsword at lvl 3 and then continues by choosing Heavy Blades for normal fighter Weapon training at lvl 5) for something like +2 hit & +2 dmg for 1 specific weapon with other weapons in its weapon group land at +1 hit & +1 dmg (assuming a 5th lvl character)?
I would be fine with such selection. The different "Weapon Trainings" would stack together but I would limit it to only one '1-weapon-specific-Weapon Training'.
Would I be able to pick up stuff from unchained for my character?
Please give me a link or more of a reference to unchained.
Rungok, feel free to PM me and we can discuss about your Lost System.
fearcypher, technically you won't level up, though you will be gaining abilities rather quickly. Check out the campaign info tab.
It looks like we got Edinoiz, fearcypher, Master Han Del of the Web, Vrog Skyreaver, and Mighty Glacier with interest still. Any avatars made yet?

fearcypher |

ShadeKyubi |

Don't worry about it Shade, you will become powerful quickly.
I was mostly worried about my secondary attribute ending up too low but it looks like Elf gives me what I wanted [keep forgetting to check the differences between stuff that's similar to how it was in DnD 3],
I'm building an Alchemist; he should be done sometime today [it's past midnight here; so sunday]
GM Wolf |

Shade, your link doesn't work correctly. Understand the class you create is merely a guideline. At creation you can get all your special abilities by sacrificing light armor proficiency.
Warpfiend, create an avatar for this game and then add information according to spoilers following:
A brief paragraph of who you were before becoming trapped in the video game (Likely your own little bio). A description of your PC and at least a paragraph of background for your created character. The understanding that classes give us direction but each 'player/adventurer' would have their own build and slowly developing their skills. After a while special secret skills would start appearing.
Each player will be able to use their meta game knowledge, just as the players in Log Horizon. The world is based on a game but it is still growing you never know what might happen. I need from each player to give me two quests and one special event that they remember about the game. You don't have to do this but then you forfeit the right to remember any thing about what the events and quests used to be like.
If you want to help start developing the world send me a PM.
There will be multiple tiers of characters, From a meta standpoint. There can be some alpha and beta players, add it to your pre-game background. I don't think I will have any players being admin, unless they will just be that role which is possible, but think of them as helpers rather than GMs. It is possible an admin, meaning someone helping make the game or upkeep it has become locked into the game as well making them a normal player with more meta knowledge. Though if we had a player as such they would be helping me create a bunch of the world.
Basic character creation starts with rolling 5d6, six times. Drop the two lowest rolls for each attribute. So 5d6 = 4, 3, 6, 2, 1, 4 which equals 4+6+4. The ability score is then 14.
Select your race that does not have a level adjustment. No special racial subspecies like a moon or sun elf, unless you want to write out a history for the subdivision. Basically you can have your elf look the way you want but it is still just an elf. Same goes for the rest of the basic races. Humans will be the most prevalent race. But if you want to create a race see the next spoiler.
Then you start with (10 + Con Modifier) hit points.
Select four class skills of your choice.
You start with (2 + Int Modifier) skill points.
Saving throws starts with a +0 Modifier.
Base Attack Bonus starts with a +0 Modifier.
You start with proficiency in one weapon (not exotic).
You start with one feat and two traits.
You start with three class specials.
You may start with light armor proficiency or have another class special.
You may use all four class specials at the creation to become a full caster (either sorcerer, wizard, cleric or druid). Otherwise you can gain a spell to be cast three times per day per class special.
The nice thing about my plan you won't need to keep them balanced, unless you want to. You just keep thinking about what you want, the more focused on something the stronger it will get or you can diversify with it. Or you keep adding other abilities that you like, they will be weaker but you will be more diversified. Each level you would gain on your development since the last level up.
You will never level up within this game, though as you defeat creatures, events, or challenges you will find crystals. These crystals are the secondary currency of the world. Skill Vendors or Class Masters will accept these crystals in exchange for a potion or training. These potions give you permanent increases to your hit points (either random 1d6 or static +3, your choice when you buy), saving throws (+1), skill points, Base Attack Bonus, Ability Scores, bonus attack (+1d6 to a specific roll) and other like mechanics. Training allows you to learn proficiency (either individual weapons (focus is cheaper), dual focus, weapon types, or generalities), feats, special abilities, spells, and such.

fearcypher |

Sorry that I haven't been back here in a while. I've been caught up in many different things.
Is it ok if I get my backstory and stuff written up and just kinda learn the system as we go? It's pretty confusing to me.
Is a class special like the primary ability of a class or any of a classes abilities?

GM Wolf |

Don't worry the system will be pretty straight forward when you see it in game, I hope, we will find out. ;)
Thanks for the check in gearcypher, it looks like a lot of people are busy.
The game is made for you to learn the system. Go ahead and get your backgrounds written and the basics written out.
Class special is just that, a 'special' of a class. For a 1st level fighter his special is a bonus feat. At second level his two specials are a bonus feat and bravery +1. A class special is any special ability or bonus not under BAB, saves, or spells.
I will have a few examples up in a bit. I am waiting for a few people to commit to the game and create their basic avatars. If you want to build your projected class that is fine.

Bastion The Flaming Juggernaut |

Warpfiend, create an avatar for this game and then add information according to spoilers following:
** spoiler omitted **** spoiler omitted **...
(This is Warpfiend)
This is one of the most interesting RPG systems I've seen, I love the flexibility and the old school roleplay feel where "secret skills will start to appear", gives it a fantastic adventure feel! Give me about 24 hours and I'll have this guy fleshed out properly.

Bastion The Flaming Juggernaut |

Ok perhaps it's best to describe to you a bit what I'm trying to make out of my class. I'm trying to make the MMO "tank". So I'm looking at trying to combine:
Tower Shield Specialist & Unbreakable (Uses an extraordinarily large shield, keeps 'aggro' off other PCs & Hard to kill)
Shielded Fighter (Shield becomes more powerful, is used offensively and has more 'effects', like how in MMOs a shield buffet silences a caster)
Divine Defender (Group defence effects and even more powerful armor)
If we could add something to this idea, such as using a mace or hammer in the main hand, which can stun, shake, slow others. Preferably also something to help keep groups off the other PCs.
I'll go on with the rolls for now and perhaps you can help me organize a bit.
Assuming I'll be stealing the Lay on Hands from Paladin and the extra effect it can grant from Divine Defender I think I'm looking at:
one: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 4, 2, 4) = 16 12 Cha
two: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 5, 3) = 18 14 Con
three: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 6, 6) = 25 18 Str
four: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 4, 2, 3) = 15 11 Dex
five: 5d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 1, 1) = 12 10 Int
six: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 5, 3) = 12 10 Wis
I'll continue in about 12 hours (kinda need your help though @GM Wolf with the structure and what is considered "special" from a class)

GM Wolf |

Look at a class chart, one of the columns is labeled special. Most special abilities are 'special'.
Using 4 classes as your base might be stretching you out but I am sure you will be able to make your priorities.
Anyone else out there? Otherwise it is just the two of us until I make a new recruitment tab.

Bastion The Flaming Juggernaut |

Can't find a "Warder" in any of the books I've got.
@GM Wolf: Can't we just cherry-pick from any classes specials we like? fx:
starting:"tough as nails" from Unbreakable, "Bastion of good" from Sacred Shield,
Since we don't have any armor prof. from our "class" I'd need to use my free feat to buy: "Medium armor proficiency" and last "special" as a feat to buy: "Shield proficiency"
Then as I advance I could buy the following specials as we advance:
Lay on hands (Paladin)
Shared Defence Divine Defender
Tower Shield Training Tower Shield Specialist
Divine Bond Sacred Shield
Holy Shield Sacred Shield
Divine Bond Divine Defender
Shield Buffet Shielded Fighter
I'd mostly use paladin specials, some fighters'. Could I do Divine Bond from Sacred Shield and Divine Defender? Buffing my armor and shield? How do you deal with things that grow with level? (Lay on Hands and Smite Evil?)

Bastion The Flaming Juggernaut |

Ok still working on the avatar, I've updated his player's history and most game mechanics (not skills yet).
I was wondering if you'd allow me to make his race Ifrit with the alternate racial trait "Fire in the blood"? He'd look really cool with bronze skin and small horns

GM Wolf |

I am fine with you having big horns, we will have helms be adjustable as needed.
I know it may be a bit redundant but I would also like you to add to your character sheet the following:
What Alignment would you put to your character, more of your opinion and how you would play.
Init +x; Perception +x
Fortitude Save: +x
Reflex Save: +x
Will Save: +x
AC: XX, touch XX, flat-footed XX (armor +x, dex +x, natural +x, etc.)
You will get to start off with a suit of medium armor, any of your choice.
[dice=warhammer]1d20+4[dice] [dice=damage]1d8+4[dice]
You can add the '/' before the second [dice] for both in your character sheet to have the macro.
You also have 2 skill points to use. Please follow the spoiler for standard skill macro:
Skills: CS=class skill
Acrobatics +10 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +3 Wis, +2 racial, +1 trait) (0 ACP)
Climb +3, (0 ranks, str +1, +2 racial ) (0 ACP)
Craft +2, (0 rank, +2 Int)
Diplomacy +9, (1 rank, +3 CS, +5 Cha)
Heal +11, (2 ranks, +3 CS, +3 Wis, +1 trait, +2 Kit)
Intimidate, +9, (1 rank, +3 CS, +5 Cha)
K (arcane) +6, (1 ranks, +3 CS, +2 Int)
K (history) +6, (1 ranks, +3 CS, +2 Int)
K (nature) +6, (1 ranks, +3 CS, +2 Int)
K (religion) +6, (1 ranks, +3 CS, +2 Int)
Linguistics +6, (1 ranks, +3 CS, +2 Int)
Perception +6 (1 ranks, +3 Wis, +2 racial)
Profession (Cook) +10, (2 rank, +3 CS, +5 Cha)
Ride +4 (1 ranks, +3 Dex)(0 ACP)
Sense Motive +7, (1 ranks, +3 CS, +3 Wis)
Stealth +5, (0 ranks, +3 Dex, +2 racial) (0 ACP)
Survival +6, (1 ranks ,+3 Wis, +2 racial)
Spellcraft +7, (2 ranks, +3 CS, Int +2)
Swim +1, (0 ranks, +1 str) (0 ACP)
Please link your specials to the class that they are found.
I will have a few NPCs made tonight and we will start tomorrow. If you can think of any friends that might be interested give them and invite, otherwise it looks like it will be just you and NPCs at the beginning.

Bastion The Flaming Juggernaut |

Sure thing, I'll add this stuff to my character sheet today.
I'll also contact a few guys I'm playing with in other games that might be interested in this campaign.
I don't mind playing with NPCs, it will just speed things along since we've just got the 2 of us posting, I work at my computer so I can post every day.
...and you know I'm gonna have big horns since I can :D
Look forward to things kicking off!

Bastion The Flaming Juggernaut |

It might be an idea to make a new campaign thread for this as the recruitment thread has become rather long and confusing. A discussion about how to structure this and people making their own class in the class builder etc.
This system is actually quite simple, in the new thread you could use me as a sample of how to make a character, and make a spellcaster sample as well, then make examples of what we plan on taking for our next few advancements. That way people would quickly understand this.

Bastion The Flaming Juggernaut |

Working on my description
I'll roll for age since I doubt the player could choose when he made the avatar, but can I choose my height/weight? As you would in an MMOs character creation?
Age: 60 + 6d6 ⇒ 60 + (4, 4, 1, 1, 5, 1) = 76 so young, still 74 years till middle age (human 35 :D)
Height 6'6
Weight 190 lbs
BTW I took a warhammer and heavy spiked metal shield (in addition to the medium armor), is that ok? Do we get starting gold?

GM Wolf |

Lol, warlock abilities would mean anti-christ!!! Think wood working and all those magical items that are made of wood.
You can choose the characteristics of your character.
You don't get starting gold, you get the basic equipment stated in character creation and any additional items based on your character build. You should have the weapon you are proficient in and a shield, heavy spiked metal shield is fine.