Megferra the Rose |
So I just learned that the Amateur Swashbuckler feat's Opportune Parry and Riposte deed option is no longer legal. I have to rebuild this feat on my 8th level Dervish Dance paladin for Pathfinder Society play. Here are my options:
1. Keep Amateur Swashbuckler, and switch the deed to Derring-Do (nope) or Dodging Panache (...maybe?)
2. Replace it with a feat that has NO prerequisites.
3. Ultimate Campaign retraining? I need to look into what I can do with this in PFS.
My build is on this profile, but for quick reference here are stats and feats:
Str 13 Dex 22 Con 14
Int 7 Wis 7 Cha 18
Weapon Finesse, Power Attack, Dervish Dance, Extra Lay on Hands, Amateur Swashbuckler (Opportune Parry & Riposte)
I'm not sure what the best options are here. Any recommendations?
Megferra the Rose |
To narrow it down, since this is a pretty open ended question, here are some options I'm looking at:
No prerequisites:
Blind Fight
Antagonize (I would be using Diplomacy instead of Intimidate)
Retraining options:
Reactive Healing
Death or Glory
Greater Mercy
Radiant Charge
Any of these stand out as particularly good to pick up?
mechaPoet RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
Depending on your trait selection, Extra Traits could be strong. If you don't already have Fate's Favored and/or Magical Knack (or traits from the same categories) they'd be a boon to your spellcasting.
Hmm, definitely an option worth considering. I'll take a look at my spell list and see if there are any spells that could really benefit from this. Divine Favor certainly seems like the obvious beneficiary to these traits. Any other ones that immediately stand out?
Lemmy |
Ah, I see... I thought you were starting a new game (or bringing in a new character) at 8th level. Anyway, I really like Combat Reflexes, specially for Dex builds. It's a pretty cool feat.
But I'd suggest Cornugon Smash and then Hurtful. It's a really freaking good combination.
Oh, and Improved Critical, of course.
Megferra the Rose |
Do you think it's possible/advisable to get my Charisma from 18 to the requisite 19 for that feat, though? I already used my level 8 attribute increase, so I think the easiest way would be to upgrade my headband to +4. I'll check on the price difference...
Actually, checking the retraining rules, it's WAY cheaper than I thought to change the feat, and I didn't realize I could retrain the ability score increase as well. Might just do that...