Marvel's Jessica Jones


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Sovereign Court

Thomas Seitz wrote:
I think we'd all hope for that. But I figured if we need to get a good villain for Moon Knight it would be the Punisher. Unless you think Bushmaster would be a better choice of villain.

I want to see Moon Knight as well. But as you can see from the Daredevil and JJ show, a good f$#~ing villain is what makes a show and defines a hero. If you give me a Moon Knight show with Punisher or other not so evil anti-hero as the villain, it will be lukewarm garbage IMO.

Sovereign Court

Rynjin wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Then where's our Black Widow movie?

I wouldn't be super interested in a Black Widow movie. Nor would I be in a Hawkeye movie, for that matter.

Neither are interesting enough (in their MCU incarnations at least) to carry a movie IMO.

They could salvage Hawkeye with a Marvel Netflix format if they follow the recent Hawkeye comics tone (i.e. him vs. Russian mafia; I also think his apartment is in Hell's Kitchen or another similar NY dilapidated neighbourhood as the Russians are trying to kick out his apartment's residents for re-development...)

Dark Archive

Rynjin wrote:
I actually can't think of a whole ton of Marvel female superheroes I like. I just tried to think of examples I'd totally watch but then realized they're all DC (Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Zatanna).

Marvel kind of got shot in the foot by having some of their most iconic female heroes, Sue Richards/Invisible Woman, Ororo Monroe/Storm and Jean Grey/Phoenix, unavailable to them due to Sony or Fox having the movie rights to them.

Which left them with the Scarlet Witch, which they chose to hold off on, and the Wasp, who was trapped in non-existence due to the much-delayed Ant-Man project, of their original leading ladies, and stuck using Black Widow, who showed up *10 years* later as a 'founding' Avenger.

I'd be up for a hero with something more visually interesting as a power, such as Monica Rambeau (turns into energy) or even Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman (flight and energy blasts).

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Completely out of the loop here.

How much would I have to pay Netflix to see this series?

Sovereign Court

Heroes with more visually interesting powers are less relatable as characters when done live action (i.e. great for comics/animated, but totally blows the suspension of disbelief to smithereens in live action... one of the reasons Hulk is never really gonna be on par with other heroes for the big screens... at least it would help if they'd make him talk)

Sovereign Court

Zero dollars (first month free unless they changed their business model)

thejeff wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Then where's our Black Widow movie?

I wouldn't be super interested in a Black Widow movie. Nor would I be in a Hawkeye movie, for that matter.

Neither are interesting enough (in their MCU incarnations at least) to carry a movie IMO.

I actually can't think of a whole ton of Marvel female superheroes I like. I just tried to think of examples I'd totally watch but then realized they're all DC (Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Zatanna).

The female Captain Marvel is from Marvel, unless DC's switched up something in the Shazam franchise I've missed.

Ah. For some reason I thought they had done away with the "Shazam family" idea and settled on making Ms. Marvel the new Captain Marvel or something.

Characters with the same name are confusing.

The Exchange

Set wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
I actually can't think of a whole ton of Marvel female superheroes I like. I just tried to think of examples I'd totally watch but then realized they're all DC (Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Zatanna).

Marvel kind of got shot in the foot by having some of their most iconic female heroes, Sue Richards/Invisible Woman, Ororo Monroe/Storm and Jean Grey/Phoenix, unavailable to them due to Sony or Fox having the movie rights to them.

Which left them with the Scarlet Witch, which they chose to hold off on, and the Wasp, who was trapped in non-existence due to the much-delayed Ant-Man project, of their original leading ladies, and stuck using Black Widow, who showed up *10 years* later as a 'founding' Avenger.

I'd be up for a hero with something more visually interesting as a power, such as Monica Rambeau (turns into energy) or even Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman (flight and energy blasts).

Dude. Scarlet Johansson pulling athletic ninja moves in a tight leather suit is about as visually interesting as it gets. And yes "simultanously too kickass and too hot to be true" IS a superpower.

Besides, as I said earlier, she's one of their best characters so long as they don't ruin her with a solo movie.

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I think we'd all hope for that. But I figured if we need to get a good villain for Moon Knight it would be the Punisher. Unless you think Bushmaster would be a better choice of villain.
I want to see Moon Knight as well. But as you can see from the Daredevil and JJ show, a good f#!!ing villain is what makes a show and defines a hero. If you give me a Moon Knight show with Punisher or other not so evil anti-hero as the villain, it will be lukewarm garbage IMO.

So...who would you suggest Moon Knight have as a villain then?

Sovereign Court

Thomas Seitz wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I think we'd all hope for that. But I figured if we need to get a good villain for Moon Knight it would be the Punisher. Unless you think Bushmaster would be a better choice of villain.
I want to see Moon Knight as well. But as you can see from the Daredevil and JJ show, a good f#!!ing villain is what makes a show and defines a hero. If you give me a Moon Knight show with Punisher or other not so evil anti-hero as the villain, it will be lukewarm garbage IMO.
So...who would you suggest Moon Knight have as a villain then?


You either go dark, or not. :)

...Yeah my problem is many of the TV villains so far haven't been actual gods.

I mean I get it. But I don't know if you want to go that route with Moon Knight who is still pretty mortal.

Sovereign Court

That's what's happening in the comics now, so yeah, I do want! the comic always leaves the reader unsure if it's an actual god messing with his mind or if he's bat s$~% crazy. If Netflix Moonknight goes that route they'll get my two thumbs way up.

Okay! If you want that, I'll support it. I just want a more decent Moon Knight than say, an average Defenders.

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:
How much would I have to pay Netflix to see this series?
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Zero dollars (first month free)

From one Grognard to another.

Join us Chris.

One of us. One of us.

Shadow Lodge

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

Quite good so far. Better than Daredevil mostly because Jessica is actually interesting to watch, unlike Murdock (who was flat and lifeless).

They did a great job of setting up how creepy and scary Kilgrave was but, oddly, I feel the image of power and fear is lessened when we he's actually on screen. Guess I'm just not a big fan of Tennant.
I agree with all of this, except for the "better than Daredevil" part. I think Daredevil is slightly better, but very close. But I agree they are doing a GREAT job with making Kilgrave super spooky. I mean superpowered folks are s&$*ting their pants in fear of him. That's awesome.

I think trying to figure out whether JJ or DD is better than the other is kind of moot. They are both very good shows trying to do very different things. If you like something with well shot fight choreography and traditional crime drama than you'll probably like Daredevil, if you are into deep dive character pieces and neo-noir than you'll likely dig Jessica more.

Also wait until you see the later episodes. F~+!ing Kilgrave, f&%@ing Jeri, f!~&ing Malcolm. So much s~!@ in this show, it's like it's pulling your heart out slowly with fishing twine.

Dark Archive

Minor spoiler from Episode one.

Very important contention, New York Soho House would never allow a strip club owner to become a member. (Miami Soho House maybe, but we don't talk about the Miami Soho House.)

They don't like "finance or money guys," they are snobby in the extreme and they go for the rich and powerful from other mediums like non profits, fashion and art.

How does the old Groucho Marx saying go?

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."

[sarcasm]Yeah I only use their rooftop pool in the summer or when they have a movie premier weeks ahead of the movie release. The glamorous life can be grinding.[sarcasm]


Liberty's Edge

Rynjin wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Then where's our Black Widow movie?

I wouldn't be super interested in a Black Widow movie. Nor would I be in a Hawkeye movie, for that matter.

Neither are interesting enough (in their MCU incarnations at least) to carry a movie IMO.

I actually can't think of a whole ton of Marvel female superheroes I like. I just tried to think of examples I'd totally watch but then realized they're all DC (Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Zatanna).

If you mean the Carol Danvers Captain Marvel, that's Marvel, not DC. DCs Captain Marvel has never been a woman.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Dark Archive

One of my favorite quotes from this series or any series for that matter,

"I can only fight one Big Bad at a time."


Stan Lee cameo. You can catch Stan Lee on the wall at the police precinct if you squint.

Dark Archive

Possible Avengers tie in

In the flashbacks leading to the death of Jessica's family and the accident that may have given or led to her superpowers, Jessica mentions that her family is going on vacation.

In the comics, her father worked for Tony Stark and the vacation was a gift from him. Now, it's possible that the timeline has shifted and the Stark in question may very well have been Howard Stark (or a very young Tony Stark), but that would still be an MCU connection.

So I finished watching it and I thought it was very good. Besides the mention of The Incident...I did not catch many Easter Eggs to the other Marvel movies/ TV shows. Which surprised me as I thought they would have put something in to link it to Dare Devil...

Besides that one character at the end

Dark Archive

John Kretzer wrote:
I did not catch many Easter Eggs to the other Marvel movies/ TV shows.

There is at least one Easter egg per episode to the comic books themselves, if not the MCU, not huge but they are there.


In the "AKA it's Called Whiskey" episode, Jessica buys a bottle of bourbon (Wild Turkey), the same brand that the Punisher 2004 (and people with no discerning taste buds) drinks.

In the mainstream Marvel comic-book continuity, Patsy (Trish in Jessica Jones) Walker was originally a light-hearted Archie-like character, who was later ret-conned into a superhero named Hellcat.

The original, romance comic version of Patsy also exists inside the Marvel universe - as a strip that was written by her mother.

So those Patsy Walker comic book we caught a glimpse of during Episode 3 -

[mindblown] That's a comic book based on a fictional television character, who was played by an actual television character, who was based on a comic book character, who was herself the inspiration for a comic book character ... who was originally actually her.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anyone else catch in episode two. One of the Doctor's on the phone in the background was talking of a patient named Wade Wilson if you have subtitles on. Deadpool Easter Egg.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

[mindblown] That's a comic book based on a fictional television character, who was played by an actual television character, who was based on a comic-book character, who was herself the inspiration for a comic-book character ... who was originally actually her.


This is the meme equivalent of Xzibit multiplied by Kirk Lazarus.

Dark Archive

Another Easter egg easily missed.

Jessica recommends an Angela Del Toro as an alternative P.I.

In the comic books, however, Del Toro is better known as (Daredevil supporting character) White Tiger.

Liberty's Edge

I was kind of suprised how close Tennant's portayal of Kilgrave was to his portrayl of the Doctor.

It also makes me think.

Assume you have Kilgrave's power. Assume you've had it since you were a child. Also assume it follows the usual trope of kids not having full, conscious control of their powers. That all you'd have to do to use them is just tell someone to do anything.

Obviously you'll be pegged as a villain, but as far as you know people just like you and do what you ask them. That's just as scary as the idea that someone could make you do whatever they want just by asking. I'm left wondering what such a person would be like as an adult.

Clearly Kilgrave has more conscious and knowledgeable control of his power and he is a cruel, vindictive, child about how he uses it, but it's still sort of a sobering thought.

On an unrelated note, I love Mike Colter's Luke Cage and especially how casually he handles normal folks in fights.

Dark Archive

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Speaking of (people with no discerning taste buds)

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Thomas Seitz wrote:

So...who would you suggest Moon Knight have as a villain then?

Well, originally he fought against Werewolf by Night, but I think either Black Spectre or The Hood could work. Actually, they could introduce The Hood in Moon Knight series, and then bring him to Defenders series as the main villain with his supervillain gang.

That would be cool.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere


Simpson is...NUKE? I did not now that! How cool is that?

I have to wake up in 6 am in the morning so I can catch bus to university, but I'm too stoked to watch this so no sleep tonight, I see.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maybe mark spoilers by episode? With these sorts of shows people like to discuss as they watch it "ongoing", so unmarked spoilers are a bigger deal here than other threads on TV shows (which generally discuss mostly the most recent).

Then we can all cross discuss depending on completion.

So, Netflix films the entire season and deploys it en masse? If so, neato.


That makes the freebie month worthwhile. Can whattatheycallitthesedays ... hole watch ... couch surf ... stay up all night and pretend to go to work ... I no 'members ...

Binge Watch? Marathon It?

Yep. Watch Daredevil while you're at it.

Sitting at episode 11, I think I can make a solid judgment that I like Daredevil more. I'm a sucker for a good fight scene, and Jessica couldn't fight her way out of a paper bag without her super strength.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

That's actually sort of the point, Rynjin.

Krensky wrote:
That's actually sort of the point, Rynjin.

Yeah, and it seemed a deliberate theme. Because she has had her strength and enhanced healing from her teenage years, Jessica's never needed to learn to be as skilled and tactical a fighter as her fit-but-still-human-strength sister Trish. This also seemed to parallel

what is revealed of Kilgrave's emotional and social development from a child to present. When a child can make everyone comply with his every immediate whim and request, why would he ever need to learn normal social skills? Why would he even think of people as anything other than things? This seemed to be the point of the couple scenes where Kilgrave tries to get people to do things for him without his powers, and he really has to work at it. Maybe his obsession with Jessica (the thing he cannot have) is similar to his being a passionate sports fan, because he can't control the outcome of the game?

Also, Trish's mom was played by Rebecca DeMornay?!

Krensky wrote:
That's actually sort of the point, Rynjin.

Which doesn't change my opinion, really.

@ Ryn tin tin: I agree. If I want fighting I'll go re-watch Daredevil. It had good camera work, it had "the hallway" and it really showed how DD in the end is just the boxer too punch drunk to know when to go down.

But that's not why I'm watching Jessica Jones.

I'm only 4 episodes in so far but after every one I feel like taking a shower. And I feel that, while I'm in that shower, I want to drink a 5th of whiskey and cry. Afterwards I want to scrub my brain.

In short, I watch JJ for the more emotional piece.

Last night I caught the episode where

the dude in the "Kilgraive Support Group" shares that he was the villain's chauffer. That was tough to watch being a dad. He was having a tough morning in traffic with his kid and suddenly a madman gets in his car. Without another thought he takes his baby out of the car and drives off, staring at the child in the rear view as he speeds off.

That's brutal.

I've read comics off and on since I was a little kid. There was always a mind control thing happening, like Dr Faustus or Mastermind or whoever. But those were comics; they made Phoenix be mean or they tried to get Spider Man to rob a museum. You didn't SEE the really dark crap it could really do.

Nowadays sure, comics are a bit more gritty but they're still a bit limited. In JJ you are watching it, experiencing it with all the shame, horror and degradation it invokes. What's more you come to understand that what you're feeling on an empathetic level the person being controlled either IS feeling that or WILL feel that if they survive.

It reminds me of the possessed folks on Supernatural. A demon gets inside them and they are just passengers, watching themselves do horrifying things to other human beings. In that show they do most of the horror off-screen or in narration.

In JJ you're in it with the controlled victims.

Finally in Daredevil you have a hero trapped in a mortal man. Murdock sets out from the very beginning to do something good. He's not always successful nor is he always doing it the right way, but he's trying.

Jones played the hero once and failed. By the time we pick her up in the series she's broken, defeated and unwilling to try again. She wants to run and hide at first. Even when she decides to act she's brutal, reactionary; she's scared.

Murdock is the "man without fear" while Jones is terrified of everything. Not surprisingly, even though both shows are gritty, Daredevil's world is always tinged with a bit of hope while JJ just keeps slowly sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire.

But... I'm only up to episode 5 having watched 1-4. Who knows; maybe this is where it all turns around and her costume comes out of mothballs and the whole show gets its hero on. Maybe this is when the light comes in!


I need another shower and another bottle.

Liberty's Edge

Mark Hoover wrote:
But... I'm only up to episode 5 having watched 1-4. Who knows; maybe this is where it all turns around and her costume comes out of mothballs and the whole show gets its hero on. Maybe this is when the light comes in!


So far as I'm concerned, the most heroic thing JJ did the entire season was walking in to a hotel room in episode 1.

Sovereign Court

So Kilgrave: Sense Motive +17, Bluff +23, Diplomacy +23, Coax Information Rogue Talent, and "Do what I say (Ex)"

Do What I Say (Ex): At will, as a swift action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, Kilgrave can instruct anyone within 60 feet to do what he says. Line of sight is not required, and the effect can work around corners up to the total distance of 60 feet, similar to how the message spell can work around barriers (therefore Kilgrave can use this ability on an invisible target within that range, and can use it on a target behind a stone wall if the wall has air openings that create an uninterrupted path to the target). This effect works like the following spells: suggestion, mass suggestion or dominate person (caster level 12). The effect can last a maximum of 12 hours with no save allowed, and the target is not immune to the command even if it would be harmful to the target. This is a sonic, disease effect (targets that are deaf or immune to diseases are immune to this effect). This effect can be suppressed by a silence spell and remove disease (DC 23 for the purposes of remove disease only). If a target under this effect is administered an antiplague, the target can attempt a Fort save (without the +5 bonus from antiplague) against a DC of 23. Similarly, if a target affected by this ability already ingested an antiplague within the last hour, it can attempt a Fort save (without the +5 bonus from antiplague) against a DC of 23.

Dark Archive

Turin the Mad wrote:
So, Netflix films the entire season and deploys it en masse? If so, neato.

Welcome to the brave new world.

Cheese will be served.

Dark Archive

Rathendar wrote:
Binge Watch? Marathon It?

I watched the first 12 episodes in the first two days, in fact the first 8 on the first day, skipped sleep and headed to work.

Yep no rest for the Imperial.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Also, Trish's mom was played by Rebecca DeMornay?!

Sweet Christmas, I knew she looked familiar!

Dark Archive

Minor episode 13 Easter eggs

Killgrave waxes whimsical about what he would do with his heightened powers. If he could dominate Jessica Jones again he would make her want him and torment her by not reciprocating affection. This is what he did in the comic, he never raped her in the comic rather he made him want her while he had sex with others.

In a brief car scene with Jessica and Trish, Jessica says that Trish has iron will, which alludes to her psychic powers in the comic books.

Claire Temple is Everywhere!

She may be Netflix's Agent Coulson/Nick Fury. All Claire needs to do now is to hang out with Iron Fist, and she'll have a clean sweep of all of Netflix's Defenders.

Grand Lodge

After watching Jessica Jones in its entirety, I gotta say that I enjoyed it as much as Daredevil. It didn't have the same elements but the portrayal of JJ was definitely the way I imagined it ... same with Daredevil. She's not a hero. She knows she's not a hero. She knows she doesn't want to be the hero. But she has a heart. The way she looks out for people. The way she'll put herself in harm's way to protect people. And her story is much more tragic than Murdock's.

Only one part of the story that I didn't much like and I'm sure that will get explained more in the next season.

Tennant's portrayal of Killgrave was great. As you weave through the episodes, you see how twisted and evil he is. Not the portrayal of Kingpin. But evil without remorse. What happens when you're never taught to be good. Never really taught right from wrong. When you experience that the ends justify the means. (None of this are spoilers cause you gotta watch to understand.)

Krysten's portrayal of JJ was spot on. I didn't see her as any of her previous characters. She owned Jones. You felt for her. You saw her pain and tragedy. I liked the changes the writers made for her backstory and Walker's.

You could also see that for Cage. These were all damaged people. Jessica, Patsy, Luke, Killgrave. All damaged people that interwove their stories. And they did it well for 13 episodes. I love the writing and storytelling they've done on the Netflix shows. I am enjoying Agents of SHIELD. I like that everything is integrated and related.

Liberty's Edge

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Krensky wrote:
That's actually sort of the point, Rynjin.
Yeah, and it seemed a deliberate theme. Because she has had her strength and enhanced healing from her teenage years, Jessica's never needed to learn to be as skilled and tactical a fighter as her fit-but-still-human-strength sister Trish.

Well, no, it's more that Jessica is largely speaking a regular person given powers.

Daredevil is an expert martial artist, Luke Cage was a Warriors-esk street gang member, Banner studied martial arts to keep control of the big guy, Cap, Falcon, War Machine, Bucky, etc are all top shelf soldiers, etc.

Basically every other 'hero' else in the MCU has some training about how to fight, usually a lot of it. Even Daisy and Deathlok. Heck, even pre-Hellcat Patsy.

Jessica's thing was (that got changed a lot out of necessity in the show) was she put on a costume and went out to be a hero, runs into the Purple Man, and winds up his slave for... 18 months if I remember right, and NO ONE notices she's gone. Not even her High school friend Peter Parker. No one remembers who she is when Kilgrave gets annoyed and sends her to go commit suicide by Avengers either. She would have succeeded too if Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) hadn't saved her life. Danvers plays a lot the role that Patsy does in the comics along with teaching her some tricks, with Jean Grey giving her immunity against Kilgrave.

Jessica can't fight until later in her life after lots of training with Carol, SHIELD, Luke, Danny (Iron Fist), etc because she was a child who lept into the world of costumed adventuring without any sense of what she was doing.

A lot like Patsy seems to be doing with Nuke's pills. Which is sorta sad, since Nuke's pills in the comics are placebos to keep him under control. I guess they need some excuse for it other than a mystical costume.

Dark Archive

We got to see a fair amount of Luke Cage in this outing, so I wonder if Luke's series will have an equal amount of Jessica Jones in it as well.

Love all the interconnectivity with the rest of the MCU, even if it was kept off-screen (offhand references to the Hulk and Captain America, similar to the mentions of Thor and Iron Man in Daredevil, emotional fallout / consequences from 'the battle of New York,' etc.).

The actors all impressed me, since I was unfamiliar with them and didn't have anything really to go on. I'm not a fan of Jessica Jones, but Ritter did her justice, and Colter was an excellent Luke Cage. Ditto Rachael Taylor as 'Patsy' Walker, who was much more engaging to me than the comic book Hellcat ever was.

The overall arc perhaps fit the tone, but it ended up in a pretty dark place.

Liberty's Edge

Set wrote:
We got to see a fair amount of Luke Cage in this outing, so I wonder if Luke's series will have an equal amount of Jessica Jones in it as well.

I'm more interested in seeing if they still hire Doreen Green as their nanny.

Would have liked to have seen one reference to Scott Lang though.

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