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I've got the bones of a Fighter I want to put together: Sensate archetype plus VMC: Wizard for the Teleportation subschool. Probably pick up the feat to use Psychic Skill Unlocks for some flavor. The elevator pitch being "I know what you will do before you do, and you don't even know what direction I'm coming at you from."
Problem is I'm still figuring out where I want to go after that, mechanically speaking: weapon selection, familiar and fighting style, mostly, but as an extension of how I wan the character to "feel". I'll have to start in on the Dimensional Agility chain at level 8, but before then I have a few feats to play with (even with VMC eating a couple).
So I was hoping some of you fine folks could throw some inspiration at my while I flip through all my books for some of my own.
Some rough guidelines to what I'm looking for:
I like everything to mesh pretty well, tonally, so dipping into some extremely niche corner in order to gain a superior mechanical benefit isn't really my thing.
I am also, in general, not looking for the "best" choices mechanically. Like, I know a monkey familiar is cool because it can use wands, but does it disrupt the feel of my character?
While my character will definitely have a decent Dex score, as we're looking at a quick, swifty type here, I'm currently leaning towards Strength as my combat stat.
But ultimately I'm open to most ideas. I feel like there's a very specific thing I want, but I haven't found out what that is yet... :P

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You could repackage neraf charge, possibly as blink charge.
Appearing on each side blinking would be self flanking. May need a less confusing name.Oooooooooh! Teleram! The teleporter tries to teleport into an enemy's space doing the full damage to both participants. Both can save vs stunning DC16
While I appreciate the response, I can't find either of the things you suggested on the SRD.

Scott Wilhelm |
You could be a teleporting Fighter via 3 levels in Horizon Walker. You need to be a level 6 character before you can take your 1st level in HW, so you would get it by level 9. Then you can take Dimensional Agility at level 9, Dimensional Assault at 11, and Dimensional Dervish at level 13.
Getting there as a Monk takes even longer: Abundant Step comes at Level 12.
A Synthesist Summoner can get DimDor at level 6. That might be the way to go, but you said you didn't want to be a Caster but rather a Martial.
But you mentioned taking levels in Wizard, so what, 1 level in Fighter, 5 levels in Wizard, then 4 levels in Eldritch Knight, and you get DimDor as a Level 4 Wizard Spell?

Goth Guru |

Goth Guru wrote:While I appreciate the response, I can't find either of the things you suggested on the SRD.You could repackage neraf charge, possibly as blink charge.
Appearing on each side blinking would be self flanking. May need a less confusing name.Oooooooooh! Teleram! The teleporter tries to teleport into an enemy's space doing the full damage to both participants. Both can save vs stunning DC16
Sorry. I don't know the correct spelling for the charge(the target doesn't see you getting closer and doesn't get an attack of opportunity.)
I just came up with self flanking and didn't like the name. There is no name for blinking back and forth on either side of a target.

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You could be a teleporting Fighter via 3 levels in Horizon Walker. You need to be a level 6 character before you can take your 1st level in HW, so you would get it by level 9. Then you can take Dimensional Agility at level 9, Dimensional Assault at 11, and Dimensional Dervish at level 13.
Getting there as a Monk takes even longer: Abundant Step comes at Level 12.
A Synthesist Summoner can get DimDor at level 6. That might be the way to go, but you said you didn't want to be a Caster but rather a Martial.
But you mentioned taking levels in Wizard, so what, 1 level in Fighter, 5 levels in Wizard, then 4 levels in Eldritch Knight, and you get DimDor as a Level 4 Wizard Spell?
Nope, all 20 levels of Fighter (Sensate). I'm using the Variant Multiclassing (VMC for short) option from Pathfinder Unchained. The short of it is I'm giving up some feats for Wizard class abilities: specifically for this build, the Teleportation subschool, giving me a modified version of Dimension Door as a class ability.
I was not overly specific in my first post, so allow me to clarify: 20 levels of Fighter (Sensate) with VMC Wizard are locked in, that's the core of my concept.
What I am looking for are ideas of what to spend my feats on before I hit level 8 and start taking the Dimensional Agility chain.

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A familiar with the protector archetype seems appropriate. It's all part of knowing what's coming.
Given the 'you don't know what direction I'm coming from' I'd think some use of either trip or feint would fit.
That's a good point: Even after paying for VMC, I could flesh out a decent trip build with the feats I have available before lvl8. That could be pretty nasty, too.
I definitely like the Bodyguard part of protector, and now that I'm looking at it Decoy looks like a pretty good option as well. Familiar archetypes had slipped my mind, thank you for pointing them out!

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Well, you have the problem of not qualifying for Dimensional Agility feat this way. Teleportation subschool gives you a Su ability to teleport that functions as dimension door. But the pre-requisites for the dimensional agility feat are: abundant step class feature, or the ability to cast dimension door. You won't have either of these.
So first thing I'd do is make sure the GMs cool with you taking dimensional agility with a similar ability to the pre-requisites.