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We're giving up our social lives, our responsibilities, and our sanity for the sake of voting hundreds, or sometimes thousands, of times on a random-pairing vote system for Pathfinder magical items. For most of us, bragging rights and experience will be the most substantive things we'll be getting from this.
So here's the place to show off - and to start...
WOHOO, STAR VOTER! I'm coming for you, Champion title! Take that loved one's who are concerned about where I've been the whole day!
P.S. Let's all remember it's far more important to thoroughly examine the items that are presented and make as informed a choice as possible when selecting the best of the pair. Numbers come second... but second place is still silver :)
Making Champion is not for the weak of heart. I think there are only like 3-4 per year.
I'm content to make Marathon again, and that's my goal.
Yep, Marathon will be enough for me, even if it might be tough this time of year!
Assuming you vote once every minute, it will still take over 83 hours to become a Champion voter.
These people would scare me, if they were not benevolent presences on the forums.
Petty Alchemy wrote: Assuming you vote once every minute, it will still take over 83 hours to become a Champion voter.
These people would scare me, if they were not benevolent presences on the forums.
be very afraid
I've been lulled into a (false??) sense of security.
Petty Alchemy wrote: Assuming you vote once every minute, it will still take over 83 hours to become a Champion voter.
These people would scare me, if they were not benevolent presences on the forums.
So it can be done then!
But i'm mostly joking, I am no such superhuman and responsibilities can only wait so long.
I also save almost all of the items like a crazy hoarder, even the terrible ones
Petty Alchemy wrote: Assuming you vote once every minute, it will still take over 83 hours to become a Champion voter.
These people would scare me, if they were not benevolent presences on the forums.
No one has ever called me benevolent before, bene violentio is another story...
I've been trying to mosey my way through voting, instead of sprinting like years past. I'll hit Dedicated, but I'm not sure about Marathon.
GM_Solspiral wrote: I also save almost all of the items like a crazy hoarder, even the terrible ones I've been C/Ping a few myself for use in homegames. Some of them are just too fun to not use, even if i'll need to do some changes on pricing and other minutia.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I'd like to try to get as far as I did in 2014. I barely voted at all in the last one...
Marathon! I couldn't have done it without the Items Seen List crowd to keep me company. I'd say "keep me sane", but, er...
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Marathon! I couldn't have done it without the Items Seen List crowd to keep me company. I'd say "keep me sane", but, er... are any of us really sane?
I thought about going for champion just for the natural progression it would give my tags, but I doubt that is possible this time of year. Also it took me twelve hours to make one vote, what with the crashes, RL, and all.
And I just reached Star 1!
Curaigh wrote:
And I just reached Star 1!
I have been too busy commenting on things here to make it past Star as of now (though I do expect to hit Dedicated or maybe Marathon by the end).
Can someone remind me of the tiers?
Star - 100
Dedicated - 500
Marathon - 1000
Champion - 5 bazillion?
Or is it 50/100/500/1000?
Oceanshieldwolf wrote: Can someone remind me of the tiers?
Star - 100
Dedicated - 500
Marathon - 1000
Champion - 5 bazillion?
Or is it 50/100/500/1000?
Champion is 5000 the others are correct.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
So far, so good.
I sit here at my computer all day/night anyway - I can click over every couple of minutes. ^_^
4 people marked this as a favorite.
I dedicate this title to my complete lack of a life right now... :P
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Might try to get to Dedicated this year, I gotta work so much this time of year.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Good news: On route to Dedicated!
Bad news: Far too many projects this week plus PAX, so no Marathon for me.
Worse news: Still haven't seen my item, though I know others have. But I need to KNOW.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Only Star so far, will probably aim for dedicated, but doubt I'll hit marathon this time.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Marathon will be sometime tonight. Champion is still within possibility, but family and work are going to conspire to battle me for it. Never has Champion been a more appropriate title...
Here's hoping to Star :-)
The black raven wrote: Here's hoping to Star :-) Congrats! (It's showing under your main Berod alias.)
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: The black raven wrote: Here's hoping to Star :-) Congrats! (It's showing under your main Berod alias.) Thanks a lot AS. Too bad that I have not used that alias for years ;-P
The black raven wrote: Ambrosia Slaad wrote: The black raven wrote: Here's hoping to Star :-) Congrats! (It's showing under your main Berod alias.) Thanks a lot AS. Too bad that I have not used that alias for years ;-P A while back, I was in the same situation. I notified Paizo CS, and they turned my Ambrosia alias into my main one.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Oh hey, dedicated. If I get marathon before Sunday, tell me to get back to work on that Powerpoint.
Dedicated. For the horde.
I join my brothers and sisters in dedication to the cause.
one of us, one of us, one of us
GM_Solspiral wrote: one of us, one of us, one of us I will never join- oh wait. nvm...
Entirely too much procrastination finally paid off. Time to take a break until the next cull :)
Can I reach Marathon without ever seeing my own item...
Thrawn007 wrote: Can I reach Marathon without ever seeing my own item... Possible but unlikely.
JJ Jordan wrote: Thrawn007 wrote: Can I reach Marathon without ever seeing my own item... Possible but unlikely. I've heard some people say they haven't seen their item late into marathon status. Which is incredible, honestly.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Flanwaw wrote: JJ Jordan wrote: Thrawn007 wrote: Can I reach Marathon without ever seeing my own item... Possible but unlikely. I've heard some people say they haven't seen their item late into marathon status. Which is incredible, honestly. I will confirm this. Both last season and the year before, I hit Marathon status before seeing my own item.
Last year and first year of voting, I didn't my item until after hitting Marathon as well. This year, I have seen it a couple times before marathon.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
About half way to dedicated at time of posting.
Some very interesting items this year, that top 100 is going to be very, very tight.
Made it to dedicated. This is fun--there are some fantastic items out there.
Besides above your name on a tread, how can you look at your titles?
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
omicloudd wrote: Besides above your name on a tread, how can you look at your titles? They get listed on your profile page and only appear in your posts while the contest is on or when posting in the RPGSS threads.
How many votes for dedicated and marathon status?
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
500 for Dedicated, 1000 for Marathon.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
This time through, I saw my own item 5, maybe 6 times on the way to marathon.