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RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Star Voter Season 9

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Marathon! I couldn't have done it without the Items Seen List crowd to keep me company. I'd say "keep me sane", but, er...

are any of us really sane?

Star Voter Season 9

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Point taken.

Hey, could someone add these items to the list? The doc has been weird for me.

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks. [/QUOTE

I was adding them, but my laptop died on me. Keep posting them and I'll check them when I get my computer charged and add them if they haven't been added yet

Star Voter Season 9

chaoseffect wrote:
Rabbitball wrote:
I've had the honor of seeing my item come up twice, and it was listed before I could put it up there, which means it has been seen at least three times.
I can't even lie; one of the reasons I've been voting all day is the vague hope that I will come across my item and see if I can objectively say it beats out its random competitor. I haven't found it yet, but hey, at least others have as it is on the list.

Me too. I've seen two that are similar to mine, but not mine. It's not on the list either.

Star Voter Season 9

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Blade of Many Forms


Funnily, I've gotten this several times now, so I was surprised to see it wasn't listed.

I had several that kept coming up for me all day and weren't on the list when I found it. Thats why I'm trying to add everything I can.

Star Voter Season 9

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Would it be alright for me to post the items/name informations here for someone else to enter into the document? I'll make sure to check and see if it's on the doc first, of course.

Go for it I'll put it in there :) I'm still hoping to see mine. It still hasnt made the list :(