Template Fu |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey peeps
It may be interesting, it may not, but I will post here periodic voting stats as I work through all these delectable submissions
Ummm, *hides template points meal bones behind back*
So, as a sanity type check in, after 10 pairs:
Total Unique Items Seen : 19
Pairs seen: 10
Votes cast: 10
Armor, 4 items, 21% of submissions seen
Weapon, 4 items, 21% of submissions seen
Wondrous Items, 11, 58% of submissions seen
Template Failures (2 or more basic template mistakes)
- 8, 42% of submissions seen
Which means that template wise, currently 58% are good to awesome!
I will see how the next 40 votes changes the landscape and post an update tomorrow when I get there (I'm going quite slow at the start of voting to give each entry a proper consideration)

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |
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*I* find this interesting, even if no-one else does. :)
Nope, I find it interesting as well! :)
Template Fu, would you mind terribly if I post my stats here for comparison purposes?

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:*I* find this interesting, even if no-one else does. :)Nope, I find it interesting as well! :)
Template Fu, would you mind terribly if I post my stats here for comparison purposes?
Help yourself... early voting means things fluctuate a bit until I get a good selection built up, and as I am taking things slower this year, my stats will take longer to build up. I currently have these stats now...
Total Unique Items Seen : 38
Items seen once : 36
Items seen twice : 2
Pairs seen: 20
Votes cast: 20 (no equal votes from me :P)
Armor, 8 items, 21% of submissions seen
Weapon, 5 items, 13% of submissions seen
Wondrous Items, 25, 66% of submissions seen
Template Failures (2 or more basic template mistakes)
- 23, 61% of submissions seen (I hit a bad run >.<)
Most common failures are Capitals used in the Aura and not putting spell names in lowercase italics.
Which means that template wise, currently 39% are good to awesome!

Kiel Howell RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka theheadkase |

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Anthony Adam wrote:not putting spell names in lowercase italics.Note that, this year, using italics or normal fount for spell names are both OK ;-)
I know, but Template Fu doesn't :P - He want's them properly formatted 'cos he's a meanie.
The next most common faults are not sorting the spells alphabetically joint with not putting commas as the thousand separators in the price and cost numbers.
Almost at 50 items now, so currently I have...
Total Unique Items Seen : 49
Items seen once : 46
Items seen twice : 3
Pairs seen: 26
Votes cast: 26 (no equal votes from me :P)
Armor, 9 items, 18% of submissions seen
Weapon, 9 items, 18% of submissions seen
Wondrous Items, 31, 64% of submissions seen
Template Failures (2 or more basic template mistakes)
- 30, 61% of submissions seen (ooh no % change!)

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Cthulhu_DMs wrote:Keeping track AFAIKYou would think that people would pay more attention to the formatting.
Do you have to keep track of how many times you have voted or is there a counter somewhere?
Unfortunately yes -
I have a excel sheet with formulae to count/add numbers in columns.
So for example, I might have a line like this... with these column titles.
Item Name Type Seen Ups Template Use Opinion / Summary
Ubah Munchkin Slayer Weapon 2 0 Fail <private>
So I can countif not zero the seen column to get the number of items.
I can countif the seen column for 1, 2, 3, 4 etc to get count of items seen that many times
I can countif the fail/pass on the template column
I can countif armor, weapon, wondrous on the type to get count of items of that type
And then I do sums, divisions, averages and percentages.
So all my stats are updating as I add to my private list of items seen.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Lunchbreak over...
Total Unique Items Seen : 75
Items seen once : 70
Items seen twice : 5
Pairs seen: 40
Votes cast: 40 (no equal votes from me :P)
Armor, 12 items, 16% of submissions seen
Weapon, 18 items, 24% of submissions seen
Wondrous, 45 items, 60% of submissions seen
Template Failures (2 or more basic template mistakes)
- 44 items, 59% of submissions seen
The fluctuations are starting to bottom out.
Another stat to help the general paranoia ;)
The 5 items I have seen more than once have all failed to gain an up vote from me so far (not because they were bad themselves, more the paired item was better).

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sick today, so I might as well vote. Here are the stats I've collated:
Total Unique Items Seen : 387
Armors: 35
Shields: 8
Weapons: 94
Wondrous items 248
Rings (DQ): 2
TOTAL: 387
Breastplate 3
Chain Shirt 3
Chainmail 3
Full Plate 9
Hide 5
Lamellar 1
Leather 3
Padded 3
Scale mail 4
Studded Leather 1
Buckler 1
Heavy, steel/metal 1
Light, steel/metal 1
Light, wooden/hide 1
Madu 1
Tower 3
Axe, Hand 1
Bastard sword 3
Battleaxe 1
Brass Knuckles 1
Bolt 1
Chakram 1
Club 2
Crossbow, Heavy 1
Dagger 11
Double-Sword 1
Earthbreaker 1
Fighting Fan 1
Firearm, Pistol 1
Firearm, Rifle 1
Flail, undefined 1
Garrote 1
Gauntlet 2
Glaive 1
Greataxe 2
Greatclub 2
Greatsword 3
Halberd 1
Hammer, Light 1
Kerambit 1
Lance 2
Longbow, Composite 3
Longspear 1
Longsword 9
Lucerne Hammer 1
Mace, Heavy 1
Mace, Light 1
Net 1
Quartersatff 4
Rapier 4
Sap 1
Scimitar 4
Scythe 1
Short Sword 5
Spiked Chain 1
Spear 4
Tetsubo 1
Trident 2
Warhammer 1
Whip 3
Undefined 1
Unique 1
Wondrous Items:
Belt 7
Body 2
Chest 2
Eyes 8
Feet 5
Hands 14
Head 30
Headband 1
Neck 28
No Slot 126
Shoulders 11
Wrist 13
TOTAL: 248
I have more data, but that covers the basic overview for now.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |
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Hey, Template Fu, you see this in the FAQ:
Voters should keep in mind that the official template presented with the Open Call rules didn't provide the BBCode tags to have spells listed as prerequisites be italicized. Since the proper format for such items as presented in the Core Rulebook (referenced by the Open Call rules) is to italicize spell names, voters shouldn't penalize contestants who did so. Since the formatted entry offered in the open call rules lacked this, voters also shouldn't penalize contestants who didn't italicize spell names in the prerequisites section.
I need to retract some of my votes, I've voted in contradiction to this new instruction.

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Jacob W. Michaels RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey, Template Fu, you see this in the FAQ:
FAQ wrote:Voters should keep in mind that the official template presented with the Open Call rules didn't provide the BBCode tags to have spells listed as prerequisites be italicized. Since the proper format for such items as presented in the Core Rulebook (referenced by the Open Call rules) is to italicize spell names, voters shouldn't penalize contestants who did so. Since the formatted entry offered in the open call rules lacked this, voters also shouldn't penalize contestants who didn't italicize spell names in the prerequisites section.I need to retract some of my votes, I've voted in contradiction to this new instruction.
Honestly, I'm ignoring that advice.
The template has NEVER given the BBCode tags to italicize spells, but people were still expected to know to do so. There are plenty of threads that indicate as such on the forums, and people offering template guidance before submission.
Part of being a good freelancer is knowing the style of the company you're writing for (I know that's part of why I've gotten work, and Adam Daigle last year specifically noted Mikko's proper use of en-dashes is part of why he continues to hire him). The template also doesn't tell you to use italics for the name of your item in the body of the description, but that's also something we're expected to know and do.
(Now, all that said, it's rare that the italics or lack thereof is the deciding factor between two items, but if they were otherwise completely equal, I'd absolutely pick the one that follows proper style.)

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Here is my Problem with the Format..
Paizo set the Format..They Provided the Format...They did not Match their own Standards...
An Entry that Follows the Posted Format should not be penalized..People who changed the Format to match the Companies published Standards should not be rewarded or penalized. If Someone can not Cut and Paste and Follow the Posted Format then they need DQ'd.
The rules were to use the format provided. Either you did or you did not follow the rules. Round one is about following the Rules...
I saw some that use don't match the Corebook Creation rules in that they Scale Magic as the PC's Advance, those are not from the Corebook.
I wonder how many people Voted for those items?

Template Fu |

Hey, Template Fu, you see this in the FAQ:
FAQ wrote:Voters should keep in mind that the official template presented with the Open Call rules didn't provide the BBCode tags to have spells listed as prerequisites be italicized. Since the proper format for such items as presented in the Core Rulebook (referenced by the Open Call rules) is to italicize spell names, voters shouldn't penalize contestants who did so. Since the formatted entry offered in the open call rules lacked this, voters also shouldn't penalize contestants who didn't italicize spell names in the prerequisites section.I need to retract some of my votes, I've voted in contradiction to this new instruction.
Yeah, the template has never had those italics in the template, the same way as it doesn't tell you to italicize your item name if used in your description text. I'm too old and too Superstar trained to change my ways now.
To be honest, template issues at that level haven't swayed any of my votes yet and are unlikely too I think.
But, I will nail anyone in the feedbacks on the Top 32 if they haven't used italics in the right places :P It's what I do :D
Edit - yeah - what Jacob said, if you win, you will be expected to use italics when writing that module and putting items into it ;)

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Another hour found...
And I have now seen
Total Unique Items Seen : 100
Items seen once : 94
Items seen twice : 5
Items seen thrice : 1
Pairs seen: 54
Votes cast: 54 (no equal votes from me :P)
Armor, 15 items, 15% of submissions seen
Weapon, 25 items, 25% of submissions seen
Wondrous, 60 items, 60% of submissions seen
Template Failures (2 or more basic template mistakes)
- 57 items, 57% of submissions seen
The fluctuations are starting to bottom out with only a 2% swing on template failures with this update.
Speaking of italics or not - how about putting capitalized spells in ;) - they shouldn't be you know
e.g. magic missile - OK, magic missile - also OK
Magic Missile - NOT OK, Magic Missile - NOT OK
Weirdly 98% of items that didn't italicize also capitalized and/or didn't order the spells in alphabetical order... so don't worry, italics is the least of the template issues that might cause vote loss.

Kiel Howell RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka theheadkase |

Papasteve08 Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |

italics is the least of the template issues that might cause vote loss.
However if Italics causes anxiety, paranoia, or capitalization lasting more than 4 hours, see your doctor right away...
These side affects of Italics are rare, be sure to discuss with your doctor before beginning an italics regimen.

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |

michael patrick RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka michaeljpatrick |

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Here is my Problem with the Format..
Paizo set the Format..They Provided the Format...They did not Match their own Standards...An Entry that Follows the Posted Format should not be penalized..People who changed the Format to match the Companies published Standards should not be rewarded or penalized. If Someone can not Cut and Paste and Follow the Posted Format then they need DQ'd.
The rules were to use the format provided. Either you did or you did not follow the rules. Round one is about following the Rules...
Not following the template correctly has never been grounds for DQ. I don't think it should be either. Where exactly do you draw the line? "Sorry your item was amazing and innovative, but you italicized a comma between two spell names, so you are out!"
Round one is not just about following the rules, it is about finding potential game designers.

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |

OK, Time for a 500 vote + Stat update:
Total Unique Items Seen : 533
Armors: 50
Shields: 12
Weapons: 140
Wondrous items: 329
Rings (DQ): 2
TOTAL: 533
Breastplate 6
Chain Shirt 4
Chainmail 4
Full Plate 13
Hide 7
Lamellar 1
Leather 5
Padded 3
Scale mail 5
Studded Leather 2
Buckler 2
Heavy, steel/metal 2
Heavy, wooden/hide 2
Light, steel/metal 1
Light, wooden/hide 1
Madu 1
Tower 3
Atlatl 1
Axe, Hand 1
Bastard sword 4
Battleaxe 2
Brass Knuckles 1
Bolas 1
Bolt 2
Cestus 2
Chakram 1
Club 2
Crossbow, Heavy 2
Crossbow, Heavy Rep. 1
Crossbow, Light 2
Dagger 14
Double-Sword 1
Earthbreaker 2
Falchion 1
Fighting Fan 1
Firearm, Pistol 1
Firearm, Revolver 1
Firearm, Rifle 1
Flail, heavy 1
Flail, undefined 1
Garrote 1
Gauntlet 2
Glaive 1
Greataxe 3
Greatclub 2
Greatsword 5
Halberd 1
Hammer, Light 1
Katana 1
Kerambit 1
Khopesh 1
Lance 2
Longbow 3
Longbow, Composite 3
Longspear 2
Longsword 14
Lucerne Hammer 1
Mace, Heavy 1
Mace, Light 2
Mancatcher 1
Naginata 2
Net 1
Quarterstaff 5
Ranseur 1
Rapier 5
Sap 1
Scimitar 5
Scythe 2
Short Sword 8
Spiked Chain 1
Spear 4
Tetsubo 1
Trident 2
Warhammer 1
Whip 4
Undefined 1
Unique 2
TOTAL: 140
Wondrous Items:
Belt 8
Body 2
Chest 4
Eyes 11
Feet 7
Hands 21
Head 38
Headband 2
Neck 34
No Slot 168
Shoulders 17
Wrist 17
TOTAL: 329
I should note that a number of the entries screwed up slots. Many were given to Head that should have gone to Eyes or Headband. I put them in to the one given by the author, or to the closest approximation if they didn't slot it at all or even remotely correct.