A stupid thing you've noticed

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Counterfeit money is more expensive than real money. Even when it is only plain disk and clearly identified as false by anyone at distance of 5 ft.

Sleep (spell or hex) doesn't cause unconsciousness (the condition).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hellfire can't melt adamantine beams.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The equipment book lists mithral frying pans and mithril waffle irons; the mithral coating, apparently, makes your pots into nonstick cooking surfaces. Because mithral overcomes DR as if it's silver, you can potentially kill a werewolf with nonstick kitchen implements.

Shadow Lodge

Crafting potions happens faster than crafting acid. A low-level potion can be cranked out in 2 hours, while if you take 10 and have a +15 Craft(Alchemy), and add 10 to the difficulty to speed up the process, it takes you more than one day's work for a single flask of acid.

@pennywit - If you take the Rough and Ready trait you could get a +1 to hit while killing werewolves with waffle irons. The trouble usually starts of you start asking the DM about enchanting improvised weapons (though a Magus or certain archetypes could presumably enchant them on the fly)

Devilkiller wrote:
@pennywit - If you take the Rough and Ready trait you could get a +1 to hit while killing werewolves with waffle irons. The trouble usually starts of you start asking the DM about enchanting improvised weapons (though a Magus or certain archetypes could presumably enchant them on the fly)

The key is to pick up Two-Weapon Fighting.

Water does weigh as much as it should. The waterskin is 4 pounds full and 2 pounds empty, and according to Ultimate Equipment, hold 1/2 a gallon of water.

Water weighs a little over 8 pounds per gallon, as a half gallon should weigh 4 pounds.

If you close your eyes, you can't be intimidated... But you can feint someone miles away who doesn't even know you exist and never will.

If you're Nauseated, you're too sick to drop your weapon.

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