carterjray |
Beware, Spoilers below!
So I just received my subscription copy today and while I have yet to tackle the first scenario I have had had a chance to flip through some of the cards. I am just blown away by how awesome this deck is, it takes the bar set with Sword of Valor and jumps over it by a country mile.
Arueshalae?! New character?!?! A freaking playable demon?!?! Stats seem very interesting, she's a ranged weapon user with ok base stats and a huge charisma. Her powers look interesting, she has Enora's shield built in and the potential to use corrupted cards freely is awesome.
Rod of Viper, can be used as a normal weapon or plant it in the ground before you explore and have it attack all your banes the rest of your turns? It makes me think about some sort of Harry Dresden type shenanigans.
Sawtooth Saber?!??! Designed to make multi tear enemies easier! "If you succeed at your first check to defeat a bane that requires sequential checks to defeat, the difficulty of checks to defeat during this encounter is decreased by 5." Unbelievable!
Create Spiked Pit- finally the banes feel the pain of traps. A non attack damage spell, perfect for Balazar. Can be discarded and used as an evade or used during your combat check for big damage.
Hellmouth Lash is another beast! You can use the 2d6+1 with arcane, isn't OR melee! This spell came out of Crowe's wildest dreams. Fail the attack roll? No, you get to auto evade the bane.
I could keep going about pretty much every boon, this set really ramps up your decks, which is good because yard trash like the road demon are a 28?! To defeat. Can't wait to really dig into this set!

Dave Riley |

Turning over the pack and seeing a character staring out at me was an even bigger shock than Bikendi Otongu. We played our first scenario and got some great luck, my wife going crazy when we turned over a Pegasus, her favorite of all mythical ponies. We threw all our Wisdom blessings at it and Kyra is now riding in style. Later, we secured two ranged weapons for Adowyn (including a veteran spear that seems better than most loot weapons I end up using?), a new 3d6 Divine spell for Kyra, and we saw plenty of other stuff: magic arrows, two copies of the same spiked armor, a helmet you recharge for combat checks. Given the proportion of current-AP cards to old junk we encountered in this scenario, I feel like the universe is paying us back for all our years of suffering with bad card draws.
I'm loving Adowyn too much to swap over to Arueshalae, and there's no way my wife is giving up Kyra, but I loved finding a fully functional character just sitting there in the box waiting for me. There's nothing saying we can't bring her, and her Owner: Arueshalae loot cards with us on another adventure~

Parody |

You are! The Worldwound is the name of the area of Golarion controlled by the demons, not just the thing letting them in.
It shouldn't be too much of a surprise that the demons have many non-demonic servants, especially while you're still on Golarion. Don't worry, though; there's plenty of AP left to fight demons. You may recall a card that came in the base set that's still waiting for you.

Joshua Birk 898 |

I'm playing WotR Kyra and I'm very disappointed that only 2 henchmen are undead or demons (if you count the servitor demon). This must be part of the AP, which I don't know, but I thought we were entering the Worldwound?
Its true that the new henchman don't tend to be demons, but Wights and Derakinis are both reused, so you will have plenty of opportunities to use your power.

carterjray |
Note that Tower of the Fourth Sphere says "a player," not "a player who is already playing another character." So this is an excellent time to invite a friend to join you.
More on this subject when Paul's blog goes live on Tuesday.
I didn't think of that! Looks like my party is expanding to 5!

pluvia33 |

Just got my deck in today! Arueshalae is pretty cool. I hope she can be unlockable in OP, probably with the Rogue deck. She seems balanced enough to me compared to other characters.
But I did have a question for everyone: Is anyone missing Arueshalae's character card and the Arueshalae's Gift cohort card? I had two in my deck. They seem to be extras since I counted my cards and had 112 cards total.

Throknor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Quick question for subscribers - did you receive the non-Ekkie promo card? I have not even though it is listed in the order history. And yes, I dug through this months supply of foam peanuts.
Obvious follow-up question, where do I report order problems? There's nothing on the order page to report 'Problem with this order' or the like.

Dave Riley |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Quick question for subscribers - did you receive the non-Ekkie promo card? I have not even though it is listed in the order history. And yes, I dug through this months supply of foam peanuts.
My least favorite part of any Paizo order is having to touch the packing peanuts--one of my weird, irrational dislikes. Can't stand the texture of 'em.
We did get our promo card, though. It was tucked into the box like it usually is.

Throknor |
Throknor wrote:Quick question for subscribers - did you receive the non-Ekkie promo card? I have not even though it is listed in the order history. And yes, I dug through this months supply of foam peanuts.My least favorite part of any Paizo order is having to touch the packing peanuts--one of my weird, irrational dislikes. Can't stand the texture of 'em.
We did get our promo card, though. It was tucked into the box like it usually is.
OK, that tells me it's an individual issue. Now to report it somewhere.

Troymk1 |

The Skull Bomb cracks me up. I may build a goblin just so to use it and not lose it.
My party freed Arue the other night, spent last night cobbling together a deck for her to replace Adowyn. It's going to be tough going without a healing scout until I can unlock her redeemed role powers.
Remember she's not meant to be a replacement. Although it's your campaign and you can do as you wish :)

Hawkmoon269 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah. I love how they figured out how to word it so as to leave it ambiguous enough to let you apply it how you wish in any of the situations I mentioned. When they say they don't adjudicate social contracts, and they even went so far as to set this card up for multiple different social contracts. It is a thing of beauty.

Keith Richmond Pathfinder ACG Developer |

So what you do is you buy a 2nd copy of the game, second table, and another chair. Then you play the same scenarios next to each other with a group of 3 and a group of 4 (shifting who is where scenario to scenario if need be), and a lot of chatter across to each other "Oh, no, Arboreal Blight!" "Aw, so sad I chose the _right_ table today."

Longshot11 |

I stand corrected! Now rules for adding a 7th please :)
I ... actually second that, without the joking part. I'm playing two parties of six so as to try each character at least once, and with everything else on my plate I'm certainly not replaying WotR a third time.
Not to mention the bad taste the succubus 'reward' must leave in any party of six' mouth, as they must either forfeit her or abandon a character they've poured their blood and sweat into bringing up to this point.
So, I'm seriously considering adding a seventh character to the party, and adding another location to compensate.
I'd like it if a dev chimes in on this option, but I'd also like to hear your thoughts, guys. Is it too hard? - no henchman/villain -will be subbed by a blessing- means an entire location that can't be closed prematurely, but you also never know which location that is until you empty it. Are there any other repercussions I should take into consideration? Any ideas how the 9th location should be chosen to balance things out?

Keith Richmond Pathfinder ACG Developer |

This question has come up before.
If you do some experiments and it works well, do post them to the homebrew area of the forums though. Be happy to hear about it.

Frencois |

So what you do is you buy a 2nd copy of the game, second table, and another chair. Then you play the same scenarios next to each other with a group of 3 and a group of 4 (shifting who is where scenario to scenario if need be), and a lot of chatter across to each other "Oh, no, Arboreal Blight!" "Aw, so sad I chose the _right_ table today."
Cheater Keith! wotR is way simpler in small groups! ... Just kidding....

Throknor |
In many scenarios, unless you're buying a second set, you will not have enough of the appropriate henchmen to put in your extra location.
That's the easiest to get around. Keep a copy of the appropriate henchman out and put an unused henchman in. When you find the inappropriate one treat it as the card you set aside.
The bigger question is time - with seven characters you are down to only two having five turns, the other five only getting four. Adding a ninth location would make that even worse for how much would need done in a turn. Maybe bump the blessings to 35 to at least get it back to 5 turns each would work, but who knows.

Dafydd ap Ioseph |

We're just getting ready to play Wintersun in Demon's Heresy, and I was confused and/or worried about the location "Woundwyrm's Lair." Just how many times does one need to encounter the bloody beasty? If the card is taken at face value, one could have to encounter it 8+ times!
It says to summon and encounter it if you acquire a boon there (up to 6 times, depending on one's luck or lack thereof - talk about a disincentive for acquiring boons!), then do the same to close the location, THEN, once it's closed, when you reset your hand, encounter an item and meet the wyrm again. If one ends up needing to temporarily close the location at some point(s), tack on additional encounters. Fortunately, our party includes Adowyn, who can evade summoned banes (and let others do so), and just added Arueshelae who can also evade encounters - but still.
The thing is, I can't come up with any other interpretation of the card's instructions. Am I understanding the card correctly?

zeroth_hour |

In addition, you can automatically fail to acquire a boon if you wish.
Rulebook, p.8:
"When you explore, flip over the top card of your current location deck. If it’s a boon, you may attempt to acquire it; if you don’t attempt that, banish it."
And if it's not good enough to acquire if you have to face the Woundwyrm, then don't do it.
There are going to be inevitably some people who will look at me funny when I say that.