Need Advice on a Class (Part 1)


Ok so my group we roll for stats, my DM does not mind digital version so long as we provide proof of our roll and no editing done.

That was done a few minutes ago, with one of my fellow players confirming that I did not edit the numbers just cropped out the tabs.

With those stats, what would be best to play really. If you had those rolls what class would you pick and why?

Grand Lodge

Anything you want to.

I'd find out what the lowest roll goes with so they can take the SAD classes.

But I'll be honest a monk or druid would be very nice with those stats. Very nice indeed.

Yeah I know I can do anything with stats this good.
16 being the lowest can go anywhere. I honestly considered doing Elan shenanigans to get a +3 to all mental stats to get 20s to all mental stats. But I am not sure what to do beyond that.

A reincarnated Druid might be fun given the 16 base stats.

I also considered Arcanist putting the 17s in Int, Cha, and Dex and the 16s into the rest.

The shaman is very stat hungry. With those stats you can really abuse the lore spirit shenanigans.

Tell me more, I know little to nothing of the Shaman

Incase the link stopped I rolled 16,16,16,17,17,17

The Heavens Oracle can use a massive charisma score to knock out whole patches of enemies with their special Color Spray, but has to go front-line to do it.

With stats like those, you could build a Heavens Oracle who would have no problem surviving on the frontlines, blasting foes with metamagic-buffed, Awesome-Display-charged Coma-Cones and then bashing the leftovers into pulp with a weapon. You can even use the Oracle's special talent for Barbarian multiclassing to add one level of Barbarian, pick up and Extra Rage, and practice what's pretty much just ritual murder with a scythe whether or not the target is out cold.

Going Angel-Blooded Aasimar Heavens Oracle is just too perfect both for theme and stats as far as race goes.

A rogue just because how often do you get a chance to make it great.
Edit: better yet be a double weapon wielding half elf paladin. tons of health, smites, and all the nice things in life of TWF.

With those stats weird choices start coming online. I'm now tempted to see if that kitsune barbarian build relying on rage in fox shape would be viable with those rolls. I'd even be tempted to lower a few just for the sake of not looking ubercheesy to the other players, especially if they were in traditional dump stats (unless you really need your kitsune barbarian to have 18 Charisma).

That said? Fighter. You know you want to. Just to piss off everyone who has bemoaned needing high stats for a MAD concept.

Or, as mentioned, you can make more awkward concepts like a stock rogue or a monk doable, I guess.

I second the Shaman. It's a strong full caster, and has hexes like the Witch and has spirits which act like the oracle's mysteries.

It's big problem is being MAD. To take advantage of all the amazing possibilities of the Lore spirit's special hex to get extra spells from the wizard list, you need all 3 mental stats high. However normally doing so means your physical stats suck, so you can't do anything except be a caster.

With your stats, you can do a combat capable shaman.
As long as the class appeals to you after you read it, otherwise go with whichever class you think you'll enjoy playing the most.

Qaianna wrote:
Or, as mentioned, you can make more awkward concepts like a stock rogue or a monk doable, I guess.

There are already a few ways to make a very effective Monk, so a well-made Monk with those stats would be glorious.

I will look into the Shaman, I do like Witch hexes so that might be really fun.

You can play anything, no matter how MAD. As said before, you can be a MAD monk with no problems. Another rather weak class that *might* benefit from having way too many stat points is Investigator, though it'll probably still be weaker than an Unchained monk.

MAD classes to consider:
Unchained Monk

Weaker classes to consider
Unchained Rogue
Warrior (For laughs?)

MADer builds to consider:
Channeling cleric (CON, WIS, CHA)
Melee alchemist (STR, DEX, CON, INT)
Sensei monk (STR, DEX, CON, WIS, CHA)
Kensai magus (STR, DEX, CON, INT)
Crossblooded bloodrager (STR, DEX, CON, WIS, CHA)
Any melee caster

Really, it depends on the rest of your party. You can be anything, so be anything. I'd personally play a fullcaster who mixes with melee, though a monk would be awesome too. Also, Roy from OOTS would be amazing.

A really cool thing about the shaman is a feat that allows you to use your level instead of BAB for attacks with spiritual weapon and spiritual ally.

The Grand Vizier wrote:
I will look into the Shaman, I do like Witch hexes so that might be really fun.

One rather interesting Shaman concept would be Martial Artist Monk 1/ Speaker for the Past Shaman X (with Spirit Talker so you still get hexes from two spirits).

Offensively, you use the human favored class bonus to grab Divine Favor, take the Fate's Favored trait, use the Speaker for the Past Archetype to grab Heroism, and then use Flurry of Blows to power attack with a temple sword in two hands with deadly accuracy. You pick up the Hex Strike feat so that once per round in between your sword-strikes you can use your wisdom to deliver a high DC Hex through an unarmed strike, along with a high DC Stunning Fist a few times a day (Mantis Style for more-bigger Fist). Tossing in Cornugon Smash adds free intimidate. All-in-all, your attacks can inflict hexes, the shaken and stunned conditions, and potentially nauseated if you grab Instrument of Agony. Speaker for the Past also gets Temporal Celerity, so your initiative is stacked.

Defensively, you use the Monk's Wisdom AC with your wisdom and dexterity to have a huge unarmored AC, and then grab either Speaker for the Past's Spirit Shield Revelation or the Wind Spirit's Air Barrier Hex for a magic 'armor' that stacks on top of both. Lore Spirit can get you Mirror Image on top of your ridiculous AC.

You can also just sit back and throw spells and Hexes while being almost impossible to hit, but that's arguably significantly less fun than rushing in with a flurry of stunning hex-punches and sword strikes.

and allowing the first level Martial Artist Monk?

BadBird wrote:

You can also just sit back and throw spells and Hexes while being almost impossible to hit, but that's arguably significantly less fun than rushing in with a flurry of stunning hex-punches and sword strikes.

the list of spells Shaman have Vine strike, which adds fun

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